I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Vol 2 Chapter 442: Modified Extremis Virus

"Yes, Hank, we finally made it..."

As soon as he finished speaking, standing beside Hank Pim, Leon, with brown hair and black clothes, couldn't help but smile.

At this moment, he waited for three full years...

. . . . . .

Time goes back to an hour ago.

Just returning from Washington to Lyon, New York, before I had time to rest, I received a call from Hank Pym.

On the phone, Hank Pym told him the good news, that is:

The improvement of Extremis Virus is finally completed!

The reason why Hank Pim called was to ask him to come to the R&D department to watch the clinical trials of the improved version of Extremis Virus.

Upon receiving the news, Leon immediately left the manor and drove all the way north.

As for why Hank Pym was in the R&D department of Nirvana Group, and it seems that he has become the project leader of Extremis Virus?

This is a long story...

Since obtaining samples of Extremis Virus, Lyon has been thinking of ways to solve the huge hidden danger of Extremis Virus which is easy to explode.

In his opinion, this is a very promising and valuable super potion, second only to the abnormal potion of super soldier serum.

The effect of limb weight growth alone is enough to be called an epoch-making medical achievement!

However, scientific research is easy in theory, but it is not the same in actual operation.

Fortunately, although Lyon is not a scientific genius like Tony Stark, he can easily come up with a set of chemical formulas to solve the problem of the Extremis Virus.

However, there is a scientist with an IQ no less than Stark around him, that is the first generation of Ant-Man, Mr. Hank Pym!

What's more, he is still a traverser who has read the script!

Lyon soon thought of a way to not only retain the powerful recovery effect of the Extremis Virus, but also to solve the hidden danger of explosion.

And the most critical link is that he personally recruited and entered the "fire control ability person" in the super power list-Chen Haoran!

He remembered that the reason why Chen Haoran, a "fire-controlling ability person" was not burned by his own flame, was because he had a special fire-resistant platelet in his blood.

And this kind of platelet can be used as a stabilizer to neutralize the spontaneous combustion factor in the Extremis virus, so as to achieve a balanced state.

Of course, Lyon would not drain his blood as Hydra did to him, then extract the platelets and then proliferate.

That's not S.H.I.E.L.D.'s style of acting, nor is it his style of acting.

Artificial platelets can be artificially proliferated using advanced science and technology.

With the help of Hank Pim, a big researcher, enough fire-resistant platelets were quickly put into clinical trials.

In order to appreciate Chen Haoran's dedication, Lyon also specially arranged for him a high-paying idle job in the Nirvana Group, so that he does not need to go to the street to perform art, and he can also live without worry.

After a long period of repeated experiments, the research team led by Hank Pim finally solved the huge flaw of the Extremis virus that “easy to get out of control and even explode”, turning it into a more stable one that can quickly repair damage. Cells, and even medicine for rebirth from severed limbs.

As for the efficacy of the medicine, the astonishing scene that happened just now suffices to explain everything.

"Unfortunately, the preparation steps of the medicine are relatively cumbersome and expensive, so mass production is not possible for the time being."

Hearing a little regret in Old Pim's tone, Leon couldn't help but ask:

"Oh? How much does a potion cost?"

"About one million dollars."

Hearing this, Leon raised his sword eyebrows, and the smile on his face constricted a little unconsciously.

This price, even for Lyon, who treats money as a number, is very scary.

"What's more, in addition to the cost, there is another problem, and that is time. If the drug is to be perfectly integrated with the cells, it must be injected for a long time, so that the cells will gradually become familiar with the role of the drug..."

"And the dose of medicine required for an adult man is about five..."

In other words, if you want an adult man with a physical disability to be reborn with a severed limb, you will have to pay at least five million U.S. dollars!

Five million U.S. dollars, such a high price, even if it is a well-trained and well-trained special forces king, it is not worth the price.

Rather than using a few desperate potions to save a special soldier who retired due to injury, it would be better to retrain a new soldier. The cost is much cheaper.

However, Lyon did not care too much about the high cost of the medicine.

You get what you pay for, and there is a reason why you are expensive.

What's more, the value of this medicine is destined to be reflected in certain people...

After lowering his head and pondering for a while, Leon suddenly asked:

"What if it's an underage girl? What is the amount of medicine needed?"

Although I don't know what Leon meant by suddenly asking. However, Hank Pim did a quick calculation in his mind, and then replied: "Two, enough."

Leon, who got the answer, nodded involuntarily.

When the two were talking, a detailed physical report was quickly sent to Leon and Pim. People delivered a gratifying news:

The improved version of Extremis Virus not only allowed the experimenter's severed limbs to grow, but also strengthened his body's functions to a certain extent!

Although it doesn't have the powerful effect of Super Soldier Serum. But according to data speculation, when the entire experimental process is over and the effect of the drug in the body is stabilized, the physical stamina of this ordinary adult man will change and reach the level of a special soldier!

"I think it's better not to put this medicine on the market."

Although he probably knew the meaning behind Hank Pym's words, Leon asked very cooperatively:


Pushing the golden glasses on the bridge of his nose, Hank Pym, in a white coat, explained:

"First, the cost of this medicine is expensive, and the market is destined to not be too big; second, the effect of this medicine is too powerful, but it will cause unnecessary peeks. Just like my Pim particles back then..."

Having said this, the old man stopped abruptly, a flash of nostalgia in his eyes, as if he was reminiscing about the past.

After a pause, Hank Pim continued:

"...So, as a person over here, I would like to advise you: Don't think about hiding yourself alone. It's better to cooperate with the government in the form of military contracts. In this way, you can save a lot of trouble at the same time. Let you get some good impressions in front of the White House and the military. This will be helpful for you to take charge of SHIELD in the future..."

Looking at Leon's thoughtful face, Hank Pym raised the corner of his mouth and suddenly said in a very seductive tone:

"Don't you think about becoming the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

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