I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 50: One more general

   Hearing the other party directly calling out his real name, Luke Cage's heart slammed.

   He knew that he still exposed...

   The young man in front of him is not like those of the Italian Mafia of "Dalito". The site and main activity area are mainly concentrated in the local city.

  He is an agent.

   can fly all over the world, in order to investigate the case, desperate agents!

   This also means that he and the organization behind him know who they are, and the past that he tries hard to hide.

   In this way, even if I board this ship leaving Los Angeles, I cannot escape this man who already knows his identity and existence...

   Thinking of this, Luke Cage's expression slowly became serious.

   I saw him staring at Leon closely and asking: "Since you know my identity, then, what are you going to do?"

   Along with this question, he secretly tightened his muscles to deal with the upcoming battle.

   However, Leon’s answer was beyond his expectation.

   "I just want to talk to you."

   "Talk? What are you talking about? I don't even know you, and I don't even know what the organization of the National Land Strategy Bureau you mentioned is a real department..."

   Luke Cage's tone was a little bit uneasy.

   Sometimes, the other person knows you well, but you don’t know anything about the other person. It’s very bad...

Hearing Luke Cage’s words, Leon, who was leaning on the bench, turned his gaze forward from the sparkling Los Angeles river to Luke Cage’s face, and said, “Yes, trust. They belong to each other."

   While talking, Leon took out his S.H.I.E.L.D. agent ID from the inner layer of the windbreaker and handed it to Luke Cage, "This is my identification."

   Luke Cage took a look. In addition to the unusually eye-catching eagle on the black ID, there were also Leon’s ID photo, name, number and other information.

   "Let’s get to know once again..." Leon stretched out his right hand to him, smiled and said: "Lyon Colson, an agent of the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau."

  Looking at Leon’s hand and the gentle smile on his face, Luke Cage hesitated for a while, still reached out and held the opponent’s hand, and introduced himself: "Carl Lucas."

   Through this handshake, the two exchanged names, and at the same time they narrowed the distance a little bit closer.

   Feeling the other's tight body, Leon, who is slightly relaxed, also secretly said in his heart: This is a good sign!

   The two were sitting on the benches, and they were talking while feeling the breeze blowing on the river in Los Angeles.

   "Carl...may I call you Karl?"

   Luke Cage just glanced at Leon and answered silently.

   Lyon, when he acquiesced, he said, "I said Carl, are you going to run away like this for a lifetime?"

   Before Luke Cage could answer, Leon continued to say to himself: "I just came from your apartment. Those guys lying on the ground should be members of the local gang..."

   "Although you are curious why you put them like that, I don't think that is important. You have your own reasons, and I have no right to interfere."

   "But, is your life really what you want?"

   Luke Cage remained silent.

   However, from his expression that gradually fell into contemplation, Leon knew that his mouth was working.

Seeing the effect, Lyon hurriedly hit the railroad while it was hot: "Although we have not been in contact for a long time. However, I think you are not a person who likes to solve problems with his fists. Maybe you will only use yours when you have to. Special ability..."

Perhaps it was Lyon’s openness and the affinity that he exudes that made Luke Cage feel his sincerity. Luke Cage, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke: "They want me to fight fake punches, if not If you agree, let me taste their power..."

   Leon suddenly realized, "Oh! It turned out to be like this, then they should have learned how good you are now..."

   At this time, Luke Cage said again: "Since you know my name, you must know it too. Why did I serve in Haimen?"

   Leon nodded, "Hidden drugs, manslaughter...", then immediately added: "However, I don't think you are a person who kills for drugs."

   Luke Cage took a deep look at Leon and said, "How do you know?"

   "Intuition!" Leon nodded his head with a finger and smiled.

   "Intuition...?" Luke Cage muttered in a low voice, and asked Leon again: "Don't talk about me, talk about you."

   "You appeared in front of me, definitely not to take me as a fugitive back to prison and continue to serve. If that is the case, you will not be alone when you come this time."

   "So, what do you want from me?"

   After finishing speaking, Luke Cage stared at Leon closely with those eyes full of exploration, trying to get all the answers from him.

   Lyon, who had an early draft, also faced the gaze of the other party~www.readwn.com~ slowly put forward his own proposal:

   "I still have my organization, I can give you a chance."

   "A chance to start again!"

"Your ability can provide us with great help. As long as you join us, your case and everything that happened in the past will no longer be questioned. You can restore your original identity, or stand in the world with integrity. before."

   "Even if you want to find out the truth about why you went to jail, we can also provide all the resources you need."

   Lyon’s proposal is very attractive. Especially for Luke Cage, a fugitive who hides his true identity and hides everywhere, this is an excellent opportunity.

   A good opportunity to put my life back on track...

   After his wife passed away in a car accident, he thought that in this world, there is nothing more worthy of him to do.

   However, Leon's words rekindled hope for the future in his heart.

   Besides, he hasn't found out the truth of being framed back then, so how can he just let it go? !

   After a long period of contemplation, Luke Cage finally accepted Leon’s proposal.

   and persuaded Luke Cage, in case Leon is dreamy at night, he immediately took out his mobile phone and pressed a series of familiar numbers.

   The phone rang a few times before being connected: "Hey, Leon, what's the matter?"

   On the other side of the phone, there was a gentle magnetic male voice.

   "Uncle Phil? I have someone here. I think it is very suitable to join our bureau and make a contribution to world peace. What do you think?"


   Coleson, who is far away in Washington, when he heard these words, he suddenly looked dazed...

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