I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Vol 2 Chapter 63: Roxon Petroleum

   Lyon drove his motorcycle and came to the evacuation point on the Seine River to meet the support personnel of the mission.

   Parked the car, Leon saw from a distance, Sharon Carter, wearing a beige plush coat, sitting on the bench, pretending to read the newspaper.

   "It's pretty decent in disguise..." With a smile, Leon was playful, trying to tease this outstanding graduate who just came out of the Operation Department of SHIELD Academy.

   So, he didn't know where to change a pair of sunglasses. After putting them on, he put his hands into his trouser pockets, pretending to be madly pulling the sky, and walked slowly towards Sharon Carter.

   "Hey, beautiful lady, are you waiting for someone?"

   Hearing such a frivolous strike-up, Sharon Carter still focused on his newspaper and directly issued an expulsion order without raising his head: "If you don't want to cause trouble, stay away from me!"

   Someone who died, didn’t give up, and continued:

   "Oh, it's quite spicy, I like trouble, especially the trouble of beautiful women..."

   Maybe it was too deep into the play, and someone even stretched out his hand and tried to put it on Carter's shoulder.

Maybe it was the reluctance of the other party to strike up a conversation, which annoyed her; or someone kept not showing up, which made her feel a little irritable. Carter threw the newspaper aside and grabbed the hand drawn by the "smelly hooligan" with both hands, wanting Here is a catcher.

   came just right!

   Leon, who noticed Carter's actions, also shined, and wanted to take this opportunity to discuss with the future girlfriend of Captain America.

   He did not allow the opponent to easily use the grappling technique, but instead shook his shoulder and backed away, directly free from Carter's restraint.

   The opponent's move was unexpected by Carter.

   "Oh! How dare you fight back?!" Carter, who was thinking so in his heart, got up suddenly, as if he wanted to fight against this stinky gangster.

   But when she saw the handsome face under the sunglasses, she was shocked.


   "Hey, it's me..."

   Seeing a boring guy with a grin, Sharon Carter couldn't help but curl his lips, then rolled his eyes to him, righteously saying: "This is not funny!"

   "I just want to try your skills..."

   "Cut!" Carter rolled his eyes back to Leon's explanation.

   The two people who joined together did not stop for a while, but took the Kun-style fighter that came to meet them together and headed for the Hub...

   Flying smoothly all the way.

   If there is no accident, it should arrive at the destination in three hours.

   However, sitting on the seat in the fighter plane, looking at Sharon Carter sitting opposite, Leon suddenly remembered the last person sitting in that seat—Natasha.

   Speaking of it, he is also very curious. What kind of mission is that requires S.H.I.E.L.D. to send two elite agents, Hawkeye and Black Widow, at the same time?

  In this mission, Natasha was temporarily transferred to Hawkeye, which led to Lyon’s partner and temporarily became Sharon Carter.

   For this, Leon is not indispensable.

   After all, it was just a very simple sneak mission for him.

   Speaking of tasks...

   Leon seemed to think of something, and suddenly asked Sharon Carter who was sitting across from him: "By the way, Carter, how much do you know about this mission?"

  Sharon Carter frowned, "What do you mean?"

   "I mean, what do you think of this Roxon Oil Company?"

   S.H.I.E.L.D.'s hierarchical authority system determines the content of each mission. Except for the commander whose authority level reaches a certain level, he will know all the details, and other executors can only learn part of the information.

   Even Lyon, who has reached level 6 now, could not get all the information about this mission.

   All he knows is that the owner of this folder named "XR75", Eric Fields, is an executive of Roxon Oil.

   As for the contents of the folder, and why he did it, he had no idea.

   He was very curious about Roxon Oil Company.

   After all, this is the most innocent company in the entire Marvel, and it is also the most profitable company.

   They can ruin everything in order to make money. It is certainly not a good thing to have a relationship with this company.

   So, curious, he wanted to get some information from Sharon Carter.

"I only know that the origin of this company is very long, even before World War II. Their background is very mysterious, their funds are very strong, they have oil fields and many holding companies in many countries around the world, and even have the shadow of many governments behind them. !"

   "And the current president, Hugh Jones, has never appeared in front of others. It is simply synonymous with "mystery"..."

   "The company's business..."

   Listening to Sharon Carter’s popular science, Leon has also deepened his understanding of Roxon.

   "Then, do you know that this task is the file that the bureau asked us to copy, what is the content inside?"

   However, ~www.readwn.com~ Lyon did not expect that Sharon Carter, who was very friendly just now to Roxon, suddenly changed his tone:

   "I don't know, and I don't need to know. Besides, your level is now higher than mine. What you don't know, how would I know..."

   In Carter's words, Leon was very keen to hear a trace of "envious jealousy".

   Leon, who was a little puzzled, thought about it, and quickly understood Carter's transformation.

   This young lady seems to be a little bit worried about herself, a rookie who has only joined S.H.I.

   That is true, the two had met on the first day of registration.

   Benefited from the friendship that gave directions, the two have become friends since then.

   At that time, one of them was a fifth-level combat department, and had a promising future; the other was a fourth-level Aegis rookie, who didn't know anything.

  Who would have thought that after only half a year, Lyon surpassed her and became the most eye-catching Level 6 agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

   And she is still standing still.

   And, for this mission, she was also assigned to Lyon’s staff as a backup...

   The huge gap makes anyone feel a little uncomfortable.

   It's just that, in front of Leon, Sharon Carter concealed it well and didn't express it directly.

   "Friendship Degree: Enthusiasm"

  Looking at the affection level on Sharon Carter's head, Leon felt that at this moment, did he comfort the depressed young lady; or let her be alone?

   Just as he hesitated, Sharon Carter spoke first:

   "By the way, I have something, I want to ask you to help..."

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