I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Vol 2 Chapter 81: Stark VS Obedia

   While Leon took a helicopter to leave Romania, on the other side of the ocean tens of thousands of miles away, at the Stark Energy Center in Los Angeles, it turned into a mess...



With a shout in the air, Pepper Poz looked at Tony Stark with horror on his face, wearing a steel battle suit, and Tony Stark flying from a distance, Yuya wearing a huge silver-white steel battle suit, Obedia, who was about to shoot her, crashed into the ground together!


   The huge impact force caused a big hole to be smashed out of the entire ground.

   The two iron cans tumbling together, and finally hit a large truck driving on the highway, and then stopped.

   However, due to the sudden appearance of these two uninvited guests, many vehicles slammed on their sole brakes, causing several cars to collide in series.

   The scene looked very chaotic.

   It was not the smaller Stark who got up first from the ground, but Obedia, who was several times his size!

   I saw the silver-white Iron Bawang, and directly lifted an SUV parked in front of him with both hands!

   This powerful ability also made Obedia, who controls this huge steel suit, excited: "I love this armor!"

   "Let them down!"

   "This is a collateral price, Tony!"

   After finishing talking, Iron Bawang directly carried the SUV and walked over to Iron Man.

   However, facing Obedia who was about to walk over, Stark gathered energy directly on the energy core of the chest of the suit, and used a powerful beam cannon to directly blast Obedia!

   Stark, wearing a steel suit, easily caught the SUV carrying the frightened family.

   However, in the face of these two tin cans, people’s first thought is the same: no matter what they are, stay away from them!

   So, Stark, who had just rescued the SUV family, was immediately propped under the car and had an intimate friction trip with the asphalt road...

Before he got up completely, Obedia jumped and jumped in front of him with the help of a jet device, and grabbed a passing motorcycle, just like playing tennis, and swept Stark away. Go out!

   "Bang!" Stark smashed a black Audi severely.

   This offensive is not over yet, Obedia didn't give the opponent a chance to breathe, and just keep up with him.

   Stark, who was hit again, heard Jarvis’s timely reminder: "The power dropped to 17%..."

"I know…"

   Before he could take the time to talk to Jarvis, Obedia used his heavy and strong steel armor to catch Stark from the ground, lift it over his head, and smash it down!

   "For thirty years, I have held up a sky for you!"

   "I started from scratch and established this company!"

  Obeidia stepped on Stark with his feet, while venting his anger and unwillingness to his heart's content.

   "Nothing can stop me!"

   Then, he once again grabbed Stark with one hand, and threw it to the tourist bus on the side!


   Stark was completely overwhelmed by the broken parts of the bus.

"Especially you!"

  As soon as the voice fell, Obedia’s right shoulder suddenly jumped out of a mini missile system, and shot a very destructive missile at the bus that had become a wreck!


   The entire bus, accompanied by an explosion, instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

   However, with the rising flames, Stark, wearing a steel suit, uses the turbojets on both hands and legs to fall from the sky!

   "Very good, you upgraded your armor!"

   "However, I also do some upgrades to my own!"

   After finishing speaking, Obedia's huge steel body also slowly rose into the air with the help of the rocket ejector on the soles of his feet.

   Seeing this scene, Stark under the steel mask is also shocked.

   "Sir, his armor seems to be able to fly" Jarvis is always so timely.

   "That's right, take me to the highest height!"

   "With only 15% power left, flying to that height, will..."

   Seeing Obedia was about to fly in front of him, before Jarvis could finish his calm analysis, Stark interrupted it loudly:

   "I can count, Justdoit!"

   On the other side, Coleson, who had just survived from Obedia, came to Pepper Poz with a gun, and said with concern: "Miss Poz, are you okay?"

   "I'm okay, but Tony is..." Pepper Poz pointed to the two shining bright spots in the sky, and his tone was full of worry and anxiety.

   "I understand, I will fix it."

   After comforting Pepper Poz for a while, Coleson turned around, took out the S.H.I.E.L.D. communications device, and called the nearby S.H.I.E.L.D.L.A. branch.

   "This is Phil Coleson, the agent number is... I need air support. Please send a Quinn to the Stark Energy Center as soon as possible."

   "Confirm the request! It will arrive in five minutes!"

   This side has just called for support. Stark, who is in the sky, starting a chasing battle with Obedia, heard Jarvis’ tireless reminder again: "13% motivation~www.readwn.com~ sir..."

   "Climb up!"


   "Go on flying!"

   As the lift-off height gets higher and higher, the air becomes thinner and thinner, and the temperature is getting colder and colder, but Obedia did not realize that the surface of his steel armor began to slowly condense frost.

   At the same time, Stark received bad news again:

   "7% motivation..."

   "Just show it on the screen, don't always say it!"

   However, at this moment!


   Stark, who flew ahead, was still lacking in power, so Obedia used that steel giant arm to slam his right leg!

   Then, pulling it in front of you is a blow to the old punch.

   Obedia, who was holding Stark’s neck with both hands above 10,000 meters, taunted again:

   "You have a good idea, Tony, but my armor is more advanced in every way..."

   "How did you solve the icing problem?"

   "Is it a problem with freezing?"

   "You still think about how to solve it!"

   Before Obedia could understand, the steel armor of the frozen energy system, accompanied by Stark's light tap, suddenly lost the energy to maintain flight and all functions, and began to fall down!

   temporarily hindered Obedia's continued pursuit, Stark activated the backup energy and landed on the top floor of the Stark Energy Center.


   "Oh my God! Tony, how are you doing?"

   "I'm almost out of motivation, I have to take off this thing quickly, I'll go right there!" After speaking, Stark, who had just lifted the steel mask, heard a sentence from behind:


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