I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Vol 2 Chapter 94: Crane City and the Monks

   When the muzzle of the Colt M2000 in Leon's hand was aimed at his forehead, Mrs. Gao, who had lived for more than four hundred years, also felt a little chill from deep in his heart.

   When one's own life is in the hands of others, no matter who it is, there is no escape from fear and anxiety.

   What's more, Mrs. Gao, a traitor who betrayed Kunlun for immortality? !

   Death is always the most feared thing for a person who is afraid of death...

  In desperation, Madam Gao hurriedly reached out and stopped and said: "Wait! If you kill me, you will never get a way to enter Kunlun!"

   I wanted to scare Madam Gao, and then forced her to tell how to enter Kunlun's Lyon. Unexpectedly, under the gun, Madam Gao first asked for mercy.

   In this matchup, Leon seems to be slightly better.

Leon deliberately held the gun, took a step closer, and said in a cold and merciless tone: "As I said, I know about Kunlun and Shouhehui. I also know that besides you, there are other four people. exist…"

   "Even if you don't tell me, I can go to other people, treat them in the same way, and see if they are the same as you, so spineless!"

   After finishing speaking, Leon moved his finger slightly, as if he was about to pull the trigger.

   Madam Gao, who saw this scene, did not no longer be superior, and hurriedly raised her hands: "I said! I said!"

   Seeing this, Leon also slowly put down the pistol, and the corner of his mouth twitched, drawing a perfect arc.

   "This way, won't you save so much trouble..."

  . . .

   Half an hour later, when Leon walked out of this French restaurant, he already had an extra in his hand, a token from Mrs. Gao.

   That is a jade crane carved to life.

   Although the identities and backgrounds of the five leaders of the opponent Hehui, I have some understanding. However, Leon never expected that Mrs. Gao turned out to be one of the seven cities of Kunlun Crane City, one of the many daughters of Crane Mother!

   Crane mother will give birth to a daughter every ten years, and a son every three hundred years. For the crane mother, the daughter is naturally less precious than the son.

   The son of Crane Mother is exactly Crane Champion, Crane City’s immortal weapon.

   I learned from Mrs. Gao that the relationship between Kunlun and Crane City has not been very good in the past few hundred years.

   That's because, hundreds of years ago, a certain iron fist beat the crane champion of Crane Mother to death in the big match.

   Therefore, Crane City has lost contact with Kunlun since then.

   However, as one of the seven cities, Crane City still retains a passage to Kunlun.

   Therefore, Mrs. Gao gave her crane mother token to Lyon, and then asked him to go to Xigaze, Tibet, to find a crane city man named "Chen Zhen".

  He can take Leon into Kunlun.

   Of course, Leon also considered the possibility of Mrs. Gao lying.

   However, he also believes that doing so will not benefit Mrs. Gao and Shouhe at all.

   After a head-to-head fight, Mrs. Gao has already learned about Lyon’s powerful fighting power, and will not risk being chased by Lyon and trick him into traveling to Tibet...

   Therefore, two days later, Lyon packed up his luggage, carrying a big backpack in the wild, and the black Tang Dao "Dark Moon", and boarded the plane to the Heavenly Demon Capital.

   It is worth mentioning that the "dark moon" mixed with unknown metals can be used under the metal detector without any response at all!

   In other words, Lyon can pass the detection of any detector in the world as long as it is put in a backpack, and will not be regarded as a terrorist.

   This is also a good thing for Leon.

  From New York to the magic capital, and then from the magic capital to Lhasa...

   When Leon came to Shigatse, at the foot of the highest peak in the world, he was blinded by the sun's rays.

   In this place in Xigaze, time seems to be blurred. No matter when, it is so sunny here.

   However, the lower temperature made Lyon still have to change into a down jacket.

   Although a foreigner with brown hair and blue eyes speaks very fluent Mandarin and asks about "Chen Zhen" everywhere, it is a bit weird.

   However, the Tibetan people are very enthusiastic and give Lyon some tips.

   After more than a day of inquiries, Leon finally found this man with the same name as a certain Chinese martial arts master in an unknown teachers college located under the Himalayas.

   It was a middle-aged man in a yellow monk robe sitting on a futon meditating. His face full of weather and frost is full of calmness.

   My eyes are slightly closed, as if communicating with the Buddha in my heart all the time.

   "Hello, Mrs. Gao asked me to come. This is my token..."

   When the other party saw the Yuhe that Leon handed over, his eyes suddenly opened, flashing a light, and he immediately got up from the futon.

   After confirming the token, he looked at Leon carefully before asking, "What do you want?"

   "Mrs. Gao said, you can take me into Kunlun."

   The other party was silent for a long time. Just when Leon wondered if he was asleep, he suddenly said, "Follow me!"

   Following this monk who is not like a master of martial arts, Leon left the monastery, followed the mountain road, and gradually walked into the mountainous Himalayas...

  Along the way~www.readwn.com~ This Chen Zhen brother, cherish the words like gold. He would only answer briefly when Leon spoke to him.

  For example: "How far is it from Crane City?"

   "Not far."

   "How many people are there in Kunlun now?"

   "Not much."

  . . .

   When the two of them passed through the towering coniferous forest and stepped into the steep snow section, Leon finally couldn't help but took out all the gloves and woolen hats from the backpack.

   As the altitude gets higher and higher, the air gradually becomes thinner, and every breath that comes out of the mouth turns into a gas visible to the naked eye.

   The surrounding temperature has already reached below zero.

   However, Leon found that Chen Zhen, who was walking in front, was wearing only a thin robe, but he didn't seem to feel the cold, and his upward steps were still steady.

   On a steep mountain trail, two people who were climbing, they met a "monk" who was walking down, wearing a shabby yellow robe and a hood covering his face.

   I saw Chen Zhen put his hands together, bend over and salute the other party, and then pass by.

   And Lyon did a good job and paid a salute to the other party.

   It's just that, at the moment when his body staggered, Leon glanced at the opponent's face, which seemed to be wearing a steel mask.

   This weird dress made Leon stop.

  He stood in place, turned his head and stared at the distant figure, muttering to himself: "That person..."

   At this time, Chen Zhen, who was walking in the front, also found that Leon had not followed up, and turned around and asked, "What's the matter?"

   Looking at the figure, disappearing at the end of the mountain road, Leon turned around and replied: "Nothing, go ahead..."

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