I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Vol 2 Chapter 99: Someone who left without saying goodbye

   "In China, what do you gain?"

   In the silence, Fury's words, like a sudden arrow, hit Natasha, who was standing at the desk with her hands behind her back.

   I don't know if it's because of the air-conditioning in the office or the plain tone. Natasha always feels that there is a hint of chill in the other party's question.

She cheered up a little and replied: "Although we know that he fled to a certain city in China, our search has become extremely difficult in China. Even though Clint and I followed the clues left by each other and came A remote mountainous area in western China."

   "However, the clue is still broken..."

   Natasha's answer, obviously, was not what Ferry, who was sitting in the office chair, wanted.

   However, he did not express any dissatisfaction. Instead, he touched his chin and leaned on the seat with an unpredictable expression: "This way..."

   Looking at the other person, she seemed to be lost in thought, Natasha was about to say goodbye: "If there is nothing else, I will first..."


  Fry interrupted her aloud: "Let's let the matter go, anyway, the military is still looking for him. And I call you back this time because there is a new task to be given to you."

   "New mission?" Natasha moved back after just moving.

   "According to our observers in Stark Industries, Stark's recent situation is not very optimistic."

   Natasha listened quietly, waiting for Fury's text.

   "He started drinking more than 80 ounces of chlorophyll juice every day to eliminate the symptoms of palladium poisoning in his body. It seems that the palladium in his body is pulling him into the abyss of poisoning and death..."

Fry paused, took out a document from the drawer and put it on the desk, "This is your new identity. I need you to enter Stark Industries, undercover, and monitor Stark at close range. "

   "As soon as his condition changes, report to me immediately!"


   Then, Natasha took the file and left the office.

   Soon after Natasha left, Fury’s deputy, Hill, walked into the office with a stack of documents.

   Seeing his right-hand man, Fury raised his brows and asked: "Is there no news from him yet?"

   Hill knew who the "he" Frey said was, and then shook his head, "No. All we know now is that the last time he appeared in public was in Shigatse, Tibet."

   "After that, he seemed to disappear from the air all of a sudden. Even using military satellites to search around the world, he couldn't find a trace of him."

   "Hmm..." Fury rolled his eyes, smiled, and muttered: "A big living person, just disappeared like this, this is a new thing..."

   "Where is Coleson? Don't you know where he is now?"

   "He doesn't know." Hill shook his head and continued: "A month ago, he just sent a text message to Coleson, saying that he has a private matter, and he wants to do it. I don't know when he will be back."

   "Besides, we have not received any news or intelligence about him..."

   "Private matter..." Fury lowered his head and pondered for a moment, and finally waved his hand and said, "If this is the case, then let him go."

   "Just leave him on vacation..."

   Halfway through, Fury seemed to think of something, and then smiled with a prank and successful smile: "By the way, when he comes back, you can tell him that he will be on holiday next year, don't even think about it!"

  Hearing Ferry's words, Hill's iceberg-like face couldn't help but show a slight smile: "Okay."

   "I think when he hears this news, the expression on his face should be very funny..."

   "I think so too..."

  . . . . . .

   At the same time, Lyon, who was staying in another dimension, didn't know that due to his leaving without saying goodbye, his next year's vacation would be lost.

   At this time, he is immersed in the life of "training martial arts makes me happy"...

   In the beginning, in order to understand Lyon's martial arts skills, so as to achieve the effect of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, Lei Gong specially had a discussion with Lyon.

   However, when he was rubbed on the ground by Leon using various fighting methods without using the "qi" in his body, he knew that the strength of the young man in front of him had already reached the peak of mankind!

Especially when he discovered that external energy was useless to Leon, and only the use of "qi" could cause damage to Leon's body through the skin, he was completely rude and directly regarded Lyon as the sharpening stone (sandbag) of his disciple. , While teaching him various martial arts, while using him to enhance the actual combat ability of his disciples.

   Anyway, no matter how you hit him, you won’t get hurt.

   Leon has no opinion on this.

   After all, actual combat is the only criterion to test whether the level of martial arts has improved...

   is exactly like this. In the day after day of duel practice, Lyon and Lei Gongmen's three apprentices, Danny, Davos, and Zheng Qi, have all become good friends.

  In the first month of staying in Kunlun~www.readwn.com~ Apart from adapting to Kunlun’s lifestyle, Lyon is basically the same life as the three disciples under Lei Gongmen, Danny, Davos, and Zheng Qi.

   Practice boxing in the morning, leg exercises in the afternoon, catch opposites at night, and review the homework for the day.

   In a sense, Lyon and Danny can be regarded as brothers in the same school.

   It’s just that the oldest one is the youngest brother among the four who started the latest...

   As for the savvy in martial arts, Lyon even blasted the other three.

  Thanks to the enhancement of physical fitness by various fighting (skills), in just one month, Leon has learned all the three sets of boxing and two sets of kicks taught by Lei Gong, and integrated them into his own fighting system!

   Gradually, one-on-one practice, becoming Lyon one-to-three.

   Even then, the three of Danny still couldn’t survive Leon’s attack for twenty seconds...

   However, the actual combat experience of the three people has slowly accumulated during the (being) training (abuse).

  The days in Kunlun were very pure.

   Except that the food is not very good, the people and scenery here are so beautiful.

   However, Leon did not forget the original purpose of his trip.

   After feeling that his fists and kicks were enough, Leon asked Lei Gong to learn swordsmanship and swordsmanship.

Originally, Lei Gong wanted to persuade Lyon to say, "External force is a foreign object after all. Only when he is strong can he be truly powerful." However, when Leon took out his indestructible Tang knife, he was speechless. .

   After all, such a powerful external force, if not fully utilized, is simply violent!

   Therefore, starting from the second month, Leon has learned Kunlun swordsmanship...

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