Holy Land, Marijoa.

"Why, there is still no news about Aokiji?"

"How many days have passed? He was asked to catch a pirate, but he couldn't catch one?"

"Could it be that this guy has already caught Luo Feng, but Luo Feng used the fruit to seduce Aokiji, causing him to defect?"

"Hmph, impossible, Aokiji is already a capable person, it is impossible for him to covet the fruit..."

"It is also possible that Aokiji wants to give the fruit to his relatives or friends. Who knows."

The five elders talked one after another.

Obviously a little impatient.

At the same time, there was a hint of uncertainty.

Is Aokiji, this admiral, reliable?

If reliable, why is there still no news after so long?

According to the speed of the navy warship, it is more than enough to go to the East China Sea.

Moreover, according to the intelligence, Luo Feng had already entered the Grand Line and even passed several islands.

"Bulu Bulu Bulu..."

Just then.

The Den Den Mushi rang.


The Five Elders learned a good news.

Luo Feng arrived in Alabasta!

And Aokiji was also in Alabasta at this time!

"Very good! Very good! Next, capture Luo Feng alive, lock him with seastone, and then bring him back. With the general's escort, there will be no problem."

"The more low-key this matter is, the better. Aokiji chose to wait alone, which seems to be a clear choice."

"Humph, this Luo Feng is too arrogant and lawless. He despises the status of the Celestial Dragons so much. He deserves to die! If he is caught, he must not be let off easily. Let him taste the various tortures that the Celestial Dragons have studied for 800 years!"

At this time, someone looked at Saturn Satan Saint.

"Satan, Vegapunk, have you arrived at the Holy Land?"

In order to prevent Luo Feng from eating the mysterious fruit, the Five Elders decided to let Vegapunk come to the Holy Land after discussion.

If Luo Feng really didn't know what was going on and ate the fruit.

Then they had to let Vegapunk take the fruit out.

"This matter has been arranged long ago. He is waiting outside the hall now."

Satan Saint said, and snapped his fingers directly.

With a snap, a person came in from outside the door.

This person looked like Luo Feng's previous life's Ai Weng, the genius who invented the theory of relativity.

"Meet the Five Elders."

Even though Vegapunk was a genius, he had to pay his respects to the five old men who stood at the pinnacle of world power.

"Well, get up."

Satan Saint said lightly. He was the God of Science and Martial Arts, and Vegapunk was his subordinate, so naturally he had to take care of him.

The blond Five Elders asked: "Vegapunk, if it is an animal-type fruit, and its host is killed in the Holy Land, will its fruit power be reborn in the lower world?"

"You should know that animal-type devil fruits have their own will, and this fruit is particularly special and powerful! Its will should be even stronger."

"So I doubt that even if we bring the person who eats this fruit to the Holy Land and kill him, the power of this fruit will not choose to be reborn in the Holy Land in order to escape our hands, but will be reborn in the lower world."

Before coming, Vegapunk had already heard Satan's general description of the situation in the Den Den Mushi.

At this moment, he said without thinking: "It's really hard to say. If the fruit really has a very strong will, then there is a chance that it will be reborn in the underworld... but..."

"But what?"

"But... if an airtight cage is built with seastone, the devil in the fruit can be confined in the cage with 500% certainty."

"Even if it doesn't reborn, it has to be reborn. The only question is what kind of fruit this fruit likes."

"I need all kinds of fruits in the world, and they must be absolutely fresh, at least ten of each!"

"Good! Very good! Very good!"

"We can meet all your requirements. If this succeeds, you will be credited with a great achievement!"

The Five Elders were overjoyed when they saw that things were feasible.

Vegapunk also showed a happy expression.

"Then I want to increase the research funding, okay?"



Navy Headquarters.

Marshal's Office.

Sengoku walked around the room anxiously.

Crunch, crunch, crunch...

On the sofa, Garp kept chewing senbei.

"Can you stop for a moment?"

Zhan Guo yelled at Garp in annoyance.

"Tsk, I'm anxious too."

Garp snorted in dissatisfaction and continued chewing senbei in big mouthfuls, as if to retaliate against Zhan Guo."Bulu Bulu Bulu..."

At this time, the Den Den Mushi on the table suddenly rang.

Zhan Guo suddenly took action at lightning speed and picked up the call.

"Hello, department A, department B, is this Aokiji? What's the situation at the scene? Did Luo Feng catch him?"

The Den Den Mushi quickly changed to Aokiji's expression and said:

"Ah... Luo Feng, he hasn't caught him yet. I'm just about to catch him, so notify..."

He didn't finish his words.

Zhan Guo roared.

"Then what are you talking about? Go and catch him for me! You are so leisurely about such a major matter. Aren't you afraid of missing the opportunity?"

"If you fail this time, let alone the Five Elders."

"I'll take away your position as the general first!"


Aokiji was so scared that he hung up the Den Den Mushi directly.

On the sofa.

Garp was also stunned, and even chewed the senbei carefully.


Nico Robin sat on the back of the banana crocodile, looking at the figure in the distance with a telescope.

After putting down the telescope.

Her mature and intellectual beautiful face was already full of fear.

"Admiral Aokiji, how could he appear here?"

"Why are you panicking? He is not looking for us. Now I am a Shichibukai, so even if I openly go to the Navy Headquarters, there is no problem."

"Sand Crocodile" Crocodile standing on the side said lightly with a cigar in his mouth.

However, he didn't know.

The reason why Robin was so afraid of Aokiji.

It was because Aokiji was one of the people who participated in the demon-killing order against her hometown Ohara.

And Aokiji once let her go.

But at the end, he said that if he saw her again, he would not let her go.

The identity of the admiral, the suffering of the hometown.

Under the buff of this double disaster, Robin almost had a ptsd reaction to Aokiji.

Subconsciously, he thought that Aokiji had discovered his whereabouts and came to hunt him down.

However, Crocodile's next words completely dispelled Robin's concerns.

"A general-level existence like Aokiji will not go out for small characters like you and me. According to my intelligence, the madman from the East China Sea seems to be about to reach us."

"Oh, no, he has already arrived."

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