I have a hundred clones

1007 explanation (please subscribe for the big chapter!)

A series of thoughts emerged, but Klein remained calm and nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Cao Ya smiled secretly.

It must be said that Klein captured the essence of pretending to be the boss of the mysterious world.

To put it simply, it’s just that it’s awesome!

The actions of the two were seen by the members and they all paid attention.

"Redemption Rose? Ha, I happen to know a little bit about this organization." Cao Ya smiled.

A group of people were surprised.

At the same time, his expression was quite strange.

Mr. Cao Ya, how come you know everything? ?

Is this a big shot in the mysterious world?

So scary!

"Hermit" Cattleya felt that when she returned to reality, she would be able to completely digest the magic potion of the Sequence Four "mysticist".

For extraordinary people on the "Hermit" path, the more they know, the easier it is to improve.

Of course, many times the pursuit of occult knowledge is accompanied by the risk of fatality, contamination, and corruption.

Cattleya once suffered from it, but thanks to the blessing of "The Fool", she was relieved a lot and could take the initiative to control it.

"So much knowledge, and it involves the past, it is an existence above the sequence... What the 'Hidden Sage' knows, in terms of height, is probably only this level?!"

“The depth and breadth are not there yet.”

Cattleya thought about what she had gained this time, not to mention the Sequence Four "mystics", even the Sequence Three "Prophecy Masters", the Sequence Two "Sages", and even the Sequence One "Emperor of Knowledge". What's the problem?

The only concern is whether she can master these powers, and the "hidden sage" will not pay attention to her, but will come to occupy the body and replace her.

Well, obtaining magic potions and promotion rituals are also crucial.

"Just ask the queen..." Cattleya thought with a hint of joy.

I have another legitimate reason to go meet the Queen.

Although her thoughts were diverging, Cattleya was not too distracted.

The secret of "Redemption Rose", which Extraordinary who knew its members wouldn't want to have a deeper understanding? !

Of the seven great righteous gods today, five are among them.

Even after joining the Tarot Society, the members felt that they had become well-informed, and they all had an eye-opening and unbelievable feeling, let alone other people.

Although, it is impossible for the members to spread the message of "Redemption Rose" wantonly.

In fact, I don’t dare.

If you offend the true God...

That's no joke!

"'Redemption Rose' is said to be against the ancient sun god, but it is not." Cao Ya said with a smile, "The ancient sun god is the pinnacle of this world. He is half a pillar of the past and has almost exceeded the boundaries of a true god."

"In the Age of Ancient Gods in the Second Age, the Phoenix Ancestor, the Elf King, the Dragon of Imagination, and the Giant King, these true gods all died violently at the hands of the ancient Sun God, and their authority was taken back."

"Such a person would know nothing about the 'Rose of Redemption' right under his nose?"

"Furthermore, the existence of the Dark Angel originated from the ancient Sun God and was transformed by part of his personality. Otherwise, how could he become the 'Vice-King of Heaven' among the true gods and kings of angels?"

Cao Ya's words shocked everyone into confusion.

"The four ancient gods all died at the hands of the ancient sun god? How could he be so powerful??" Alger, Emlyn, and Leonard all stared.

Derrick, on the other hand, raised his head slightly and was very proud.

The creator that Silver City believes in is this ancient sun god.

Compared with the original Creator, of course, it is still much inferior.

But it's already very scary.

Almost like the old days!

Forsi, Xio, Cattleya, and Audrey, these four ladies were also quite surprised.

At the same time, they noticed an important point.

"The Dark Angel is actually a part of the personality of the ancient Sun God? No wonder, he is the deputy king of heaven and the head of the eight kings of angels!"

Everyone suddenly realized.

The doubts I had before are now suddenly clear.

After all, although the Dark Angel is strong and can surpass the King of Angels, but to say that he can defeat the True God...

It would belittle the goddess of the night, the mother goddess of the earth, and the god of the dead!

Klein was also very shocked, but he had to let the large "Fool" show a calm look to confirm the guess of the ancient god.

The trumpet "World" doesn't have so many scruples.

"So, the establishment of 'Redemption Rose' was approved by the ancient sun god?" Shijie spoke, his voice low, awakening everyone.


New confusion arose among the members.

Why did the ancient Sun God acquiesce to his clone, unite with the Goddess of the Night, summon his powerful men, establish a secret organization, and plot to overthrow his rule?

Judging from the final results of the Third Age, "Redemption Rose" clearly killed the ancient Sun God!

Because all the powerful forces had their own agendas, the situation went astray and went against the expectations of the ancient Sun God?

"The Pure White Angel, the Wind Angel, and the Cherubian Angel shared the ancient Sun God and were promoted to Sequence Zero, which is now the Eternal Fierce Sun, the Lord of Storms, and the God of Knowledge and Wisdom."

"The eight kings of angels, probably except for the dark angels, all have a heart to become a god!"

"Sequence One is not the limit of their desires."

The members have long known the death scene of the ancient Sun God, and they also know the secrets of the final promotion of the three great gods.

Now that I think about it, everything makes sense.

The only question that remains is that the ancient sun god acquiesced to the establishment of the "Redemption Rose". What was his purpose?

"For what? Of course it's to kill the 'Ancient Sun God'!" Cao Ya said with a smile.

Hearing this, a group of people were even more confused than before.

The ancient sun god acquiesced to the powerful people of "Redemption Rose" to find ways to assassinate him? !

Mr. Cao Ya, is he really not joking? !


Although it is very disrespectful and seems to be blasphemous to the gods, everyone still wants to ask, the ancient sun god, is he... brain-broken? ?

Klein's mind was spinning, and his pupils suddenly shrank.


"The Fool" suddenly spoke with a desolate tone.

Although he didn't go into details, this sentence was enough to wake everyone up.

"Could it be that the original creator began to revive in the body of the ancient sun god? That's why he wanted to let his strong men plot to kill him..."

A group of people suddenly became enlightened.

"The ancient sun god was very strong, half the old one, but..."

"In the beginning, it was a figure that even the old people feared."

"Perhaps the reason why the ancient sun god didn't end his life in person was because he was worried that Yuanchu would be aware of it and launch an attack in advance?"

"In the end, the ancient sun god's plan both failed and succeeded."

"He was not resurrected in the beginning, but he was really dead."

Everyone speculates that your words and my words are inferring the truth about the war between gods in the Third Age.

Cao Ya looked around and found a group of members who were very excited, and there was a hint of tremor in his voice.

This kind of secret, in reality, let alone discuss, would not even dare to think about!

Only under the watchful eye of Mr. Fool can one dare to have wanton and heated discussions without fear of offending any god.

"Well, what Klein said is actually correct."

"There is indeed an initial threat to the ancient Sun God, although the biggest one is the crisis of God's resurrection."

"However, there is still the original shadow on God."

Cao Ya pondered in his heart.

He glanced at Klein - he was looking at the "world", not the "Fool".

There was no intention to reveal Klein's identity.

The Source Castle is too valuable for Klein to hold on to. With his identity as "The Fool", he can avoid many risks.

Less than Sequence Zero, for Klein, Source Castle is a hot potato.

In fact, after 1368, the old day descended from the starry sky, and by that time, sequence zero was not enough to see.

In the old days, the first level was an outer god at the beginning and a pillar at the peak.

The pillar of the past is the strongest existence in Yunei after the initial death!

Likewise, it is also the vehicle most likely to cause the initial resurrection.

The two pillars of the past, God and Heaven, had too much power and could not control their instinct to gather, and a war broke out.

In the end, the two great beings fell together.

In fact, there are a lot of tricks here.

After all, Pillar of the Old is really hard to die.

But the initial threat made God and Heavenly Lord feel as if they were facing a formidable enemy and dare not slack off.

It is a better solution to die to wash away the pollution, wait for the opportunity, and return again.

For the two pillars at that time, as long as you are alive, you will inevitably have the initial consciousness, arising from the body and taking over everything.

Must die once!

The Sea of ​​Chaos, one of the nine sources of matter, and the ancient Sun God are one of God's back-up men.

As for the Origin Castle, this source of matter, once belonged to the Heavenly Lord, such as the Goddess of the Night, Emperor Russell, and now Klein. Behind his "travelling", the handwriting of the Heavenly Lord was looming.

"[Lord of Mysteries] The strong men of the universe are not dead, they have many backup plans, and they all have hope of resurrection and return... and they all replaced others..."

"It's so sinister and cold! Full of weird and desperate atmosphere!"

Cao Ya complained in his heart.

When he first crossed over and didn't enter the system space, he was always on tenterhooks and scared.

"Mom, if you die, you should die well!"

"One by one, don't even think about coming back!"

"I will block every path to resurrection for you!"

Cao Ya thought angrily.

Decided to take revenge for who I was.

By the way, it will solve a major hidden danger for all sentient beings in this world.

After a heated discussion, Klein manipulated the "world" to open its mouth and provide mushroom food for Silver City, where Little Sun belonged.

Those mushrooms that have been modified in various ways are all the work of Frank, the first mate of the Star Pirates.

The effect is magical and quite eerie.

The members originally listened to the story as an interesting story, but when they got to the end, they couldn't help but shrank back, leaning against the backs of their chairs, and became extremely silent.

Cattleya was as motionless as a sculpture.

She is the captain of the Star Pirates.

"After we go back, we must have a good talk with Frank." Ms. Hermit thought to herself. She was really afraid that one day she would encounter something big. When the Star Pirates held a crew vote, there were a lot of mushrooms casting a solemn vote.

"Then Frank, he is an interesting guy." Cao Ya touched his chin. Extraordinaries with such research and development capabilities should be focused on training.

However, after looking at Ms. Hermit, he gave up the idea of ​​poaching someone.

We are both members of the Tarot Society, and our combat power is far superior. In this case, we have to poach people...

It seems a bit too unkind!

And soon, this Tarot session was coming to an end.

The members looked at Cao Ya with questioning eyes.

At the beginning, Cao Ya said something big was going on.

Even during the process, Cao Ya told many important figures and events in the mysterious world, but those... have nothing to do with Cao Ya, right?

"Be prepared for some time to come, something big is going to happen in the whole world!"

Cao Ya opened his mouth and said slowly:

"Don't take it for granted! In this war, the True God and the King of Angels are planning it, and they will personally end it at some point."

"By the way, I plan to do it too."

"It's time to do some things."

Cao Ya's eyes were dark.

Now, he finally has enough strength. Even if God and Tianzun are resurrected, he is not afraid at all. The only one who is more worried is the original creator!

His ultimate goal is also the original one!


The members took a breath.

They looked at each other.

In the war between the Loen Kingdom and the Feysac Empire, will the True God end up participating in the war?

Although I expected that the story behind this war was not that simple and that there must be deep secrets, I was still shocked and unbelievable when I heard the relevant news.

When they were about to leave above the gray fog, everyone's minds were in a daze.

It wasn't until the world spoke up and asked Miss Justice to use "hypnosis" to help him forget some of his memories that a group of members suddenly woke up and were filled with fear.

Here, under the protection of Mr. Fool, I don’t have to worry that the secret I just learned will attract the attention of the gods.

But back to reality...

Can you still ask Mr. Fool to protect you at all times?

A certain Klein said that this can really be done!

"Any leakage is enough to make us die without a burial place." Alger said, and asked Miss Justice to help him forget some of his memories, so that he can only remember them when he is touched.

"No problem~" Audrey smiled, not only helping Alger, Leonard, Emlyn, Derrick, Cattleya, Xio, Forsi, "The World" Gehrman Sparrow and the others For one thing, she also used "hypnosis" to forget some of the specific content of the conversation just now.

After looking at Cao Ya, she found that Mr. Cao Ya had no such intention.

"Ah, yes, Mr. Cao Ya has known these secrets for a long time. His status is guaranteed to be a sequence two earthly angel. He is qualified to understand the past and the gods. Unlike us, in reality, just thinking about it , are dangerous enough!”

Audrey understood.

As for Mr. Fool...

He is already an ancient god, so why does she need to add superfluous features to it?

Thinking of this, Audrey also relaxed, lightly lifted the hem of her skirt, said goodbye, and left Sefirah Castle.


One after another, figures, accompanied by deep red light, disappeared into Source Castle one after another, and a little spiritual body returned to the real body.

In the end, only Cao Ya, Klein the Fool, and the "world" were left.

"Mr. Cao Ya, there is something I think I have to tell you."

At this moment, the world spoke.

I have known Cao Ya for a long time as "World" Klein.

Even Leonard and Audrey knew that "the world" was Klein.

Forsi, Xiu and others are not completely ignorant.

However, what Klein wants to talk about now is another identity.

"Actually, 'The Fool' is also me." Klein said sheepishly.

"Oh." Cao Ya nodded.

"Aren't you surprised at all?" Seeing this, Klein was surprised.

"When you know the details of this palace, you will be calm about your existence like me." Cao Ya said with a smile.

Klein's heart moved.

In fact, he doesn't have a very deep understanding of Origin Castle.

Before reaching Sequence 2, you cannot take initial control of Source Castle.

Just some trivial applications.

The reason why he revealed his identity is because among many "big figures" in the mysterious world, his existence has long been no secret.

Including but not limited to the goddess of the night, "Angel of Dreams" Adam, "Angel of Time" Amon, Mr. Azik, "Ms. Messenger" Renette Tinichole, and Orange Hilarion.

In Klein's opinion, having one more Mr. Cao Ya doesn't matter.

What's more, Mr. Cao Ya is half of his teacher, and he respects him as much as Mr. Azik.

I didn't think about it well before.

"Mr. Cao Ya, who is the one from Origin Castle..." Klein said, hesitating for a moment and did not reveal the name of the Heavenly Lord.

He believed that Mr. Cao Ya, who was well-informed and knowledgeable, would definitely understand what he meant.

"Tianzun's things!" Cao Ya took over the words without looking forward or backward, and was very calm.

Klein scratched his head.

Would it be... too bold to talk about Tianzun in Origin Castle?

"It doesn't matter, even if Tianzun is resurrected, I will deal with it." Cao Ya said with a smile, with a hint of murderous intent, "None of the dead guys should come back!"

"Including the beginning!"

"In the world of the living, the dead should not interfere and always think of causing trouble."

"What an origin, what a god, what a deity, they shouldn't be resurrected after death!"


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