I have a hundred clones

1011 The Awakening of the Old Pillar (Please subscribe for the big chapter!)

The divine power displayed by Cao Ya was unparalleled and shook the universe.

Almost all the old ones in the starry sky were severely damaged in an instant.

Only a few of the more rational old days restrained their urge to take action and were spared.

At the same time, the seven gods in the star world, the goddess of the night, the mother goddess of the earth, and others also witnessed Cao Ya's sword light sweeping across Yunei, and they all trembled.

"This kind of power... can't even be defeated by the outer gods!" The Lord of Storms was suddenly glad that he had been planning secretly because of the war, which took away his energy, so he did not send down divine punishment to punish this "strongest pirate" King of".

Otherwise, could he block Cao Ya's sword?

Even the external gods of the old days could not stop us, let alone the true God!

"Although I don't have the extraordinary ability within the sequence, I have noticed that Cao Ya seems to be an extraordinary person of my 'sun' path." Eternal Lieyang narrowed his eyes.

Cao Ya wouldn't want to kill him and replace him, right?

Eternal Blazing Sun's mood was a little heavy.

At the same time, the three great gods, the God of Steam and Machinery, the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, and the God of War, were standing in the Kingdom of God, and their eyes looking at the outside world were still full of shock.

There is also a hint of fear!

When did an existence at the level of an old pillar appear on the earth under their rule? !

There is no doubt that in their eyes, Cao Ya's performance is regarded as a pillar.

Only pillars can explain it.

After all, the [Lord of Mysteries] universe, above the Outer Gods, only has the Pillar and the first two levels.

No one would think that Cao Ya was the original.

It is indeed not the case.

Not even a pillar of the past!

"Dark Night..." The words of the Earth Mother Goddess, as gentle as a mother, spread, not reaching the other five gods' kingdoms, but only entering the kingdom of the goddess of the night - the Kingdom of Deep Darkness.

Within the Deep Dark Heaven, a figure emerged.

He was wearing a black classic dress with the moon as a pillow. The clothes were layered, but they did not give people a complicated and chaotic feeling. Instead, they were orderly and studded with stars, just like the late night sky.

His body is quite illusory, with signs of ripples emanating from it, like water or a dream.

The face of the goddess of the night is more like being wrapped in layers of gauze, hazy but unusually beautiful.

"Don't worry, Cao Ya is not the original or the resurrection of any pillar. I can confirm this." The goddess of the night replied calmly.

He looked at the human world, and there was something strange in his beautiful eyes.

Where does Cao Ya's power come from?

As for the confirmation of Cao Ya’s identity...

Before entering the system space, Cao Ya would occasionally pray to the goddess of the night, asking for the protection of this righteous god.

I can’t say that I’m a believer, but the relationship isn’t that bad.

Moreover, in addition to her own "dark" power, the Goddess of Night has already initially accommodated the power of the God of Death. She only needs the power of the "Twilight Giant" to completely gather the foundation of the pillars of the past, and then integrate the source of the river of eternal darkness, The city of disaster can become the fourth pillar of Yunei!

In the beginning, there were four pillar positions in the entire universe, three of which were already occupied by God, the Heavenly Lord, and the Fallen Mother Goddess.

Among them, the God and the Heavenly Lord both fell, and the fallen Mother Goddess also fell in rank due to part of her source material and pathways being torn apart, and was only the ordinary old one, that is, the first level of the Outer God.

In addition to the three, the River of Eternal Darkness and the City of Disaster, these two sources, can also be combined to form new pillars.

It is also the last pillar route!

The goddess of the night walks on this road.

Therefore, He is very clear that the candidates for the first three pillars have not changed, and they are still the same three famous beings.

And no one has ever climbed to the top of the hidden fourth pillar path that he belongs to.

Apart from the four pillars, what does Cao Ya rely on to possess such pillar-level divine power? !

The goddess of the night stared at the world, very curious.

"Cao Ya, what is your secret?"

On the other side, the Earth Mother Goddess, who received the answer from the Night Goddess, breathed a sigh of relief.

If there is a slight discrepancy between the plan between Him and the dark night, everything will be lost.

The goddess of the night longs for the "twilight giant" power of the God of War, and the mother goddess of the earth is also jealous of the "moon" power in the hands of the night.

Fortunately, the two have been aligned since the Second Era, and their relationship is strong and will not waver.

"If I remember correctly, that Cao Ya was once considered a demigod from the Church of the Night?" the Earth Mother Goddess "Lilith" thought thoughtfully.

In addition to the seven righteous gods, the true gods such as the Dark Side of the Universe, the Original Witch, and the True Creator were also surprised by Cao Ya's power.

As for the angels from all walks of life, there is no need to say more.

Very horrified!

The powerful people on the spot were even more shocked.

Even Adam and the Red Angel Evil Spirit, two very powerful beings, felt as if they were admiring the divine power Cao Ya was showing at this moment.

It's like...resurrection for the first time!

When this thought flashed through his mind, the Red Angel Evil Spirit secretly smiled and threw it away.

Only Adam, with his eyes slightly lowered, was watching carefully and thinking in his mind.

"Mr. Cao Ya...you just defeated the old foreign god, right?"

Klein couldn't help but ask. He looked at Cao Ya with a look of astonishment on his face.

After all, he is a Sequence Three saint, and he still has basic eyesight.

God! That was the rumored old days! The seven gods are as if they are facing powerful enemies!

The result is in the hands of Mr. Cao Ya...

Just like...as weak as a child!

Klein almost doubted his own eyes.

Bernadette, Reinette Tinicole, Hermes, Si'a and others were all shocked and stayed away from Cao Ya, not daring to get close.

If they interfere in the battle with the outer gods, they are seeking death!

It’s not even the King of Angels in Sequence One!

Cao Ya noticed these people's movements, but ignored them.

Because within his perception, there are two profound auras that are gradually awakening.

Moreover, it is located on the earth!

"God? Tianzun?" Cao Ya whispered.

He is not worried about these two people.

Even with the old pillar, Cao Ya is sure to surrender.

What worries him most is the existence of the original Creator!

The purpose of spreading spiritual thoughts across the universe is to observe signs of the original recovery.

But so far, nothing has been found.

Cao Ya changed his mind and swung the sword with his right hand, cutting off the barrier of the Land Abandoned by the Gods. In the ancient palace deep in the Giant King's Court, the "Deputy King of Heaven" and "Dark Angel" Sasril, who had been sleeping since the Third Age, was attacked. Excited to finally wake up.

"In your body, I smell Amanysis, Adam, Amon, Medici... No, not just that! There is also the Fallen Mother Goddess, the Mist of Uncertainty, the Mother Tree of Desire, the Original Hunger, the Ring of Fate, and the Super Star Dominator. , the endless babble, the declining king, the one who looks down from high dimensions..."

Saslier's calm voice suddenly became excited.

"who are you?"

Facing the dark angel's inquiry, Cao Ya smiled faintly.

"My name is Cao Ya, a person from the fifth era, Dark Angel, you won't know me." Cao Ya said, raising his eyebrows.

The man, who was as tall as a giant, was surprised to say the names of all the gods outside the stars, and then shouted "Ah", and his breath began to become silent.

At the same time, the real Creator somewhere in the land abandoned by God, as well as Adam in the outside world, all had terrible thoughts flashing in their minds.

A terrifying thought gradually revived.

Adam's expression changed slightly, but he quickly calmed down again, holding 0-08 in his hand and writing casually.

"Because of Cao Ya's threat, God awakened in the body of the already contaminated 'Dark Angel' Sasril. This is very reasonable..."

"And Adam and the True Creator completed the separation from Sasril as early as the Third Era. They should not have the same experience..."

I had just written two sentences when there was a click. 0-08, the magical pen of a level 0 sealed object, which contains the extraordinary characteristics of the "Writer" in the "Imaginary" pathway sequence, actually had cracks on the pen body. , seems to be about to collapse.

Adam felt the silence of consciousness in his body, and immediately stopped writing.

God’s authority goes far beyond the 0-08 level.

It is still too difficult to influence God in this way.

Even though God has not really come alive yet!

In the field, Adam's strange behavior did not escape everyone's eyes.

A group of people waiting, all showing signs of disgrace.

"God..." Hermes chanted.

"Ah!!" Suddenly, Klein screamed, Origin Castle trembled crazily, crimson light swelled, and an existence as terrifying as God seemed to emerge from his body.

Uh-huh! !

Si'a, the red angel evil spirits, and the others were far away in an instant.

Adam was also avoided.

One of these two people was chosen by God, and the other was chosen by Heaven. If you don't pay attention, they will also be in bad luck.

The Queen of Mystery, the Messenger Lady, and the "Secret Servant" Arianna hesitated for a moment and prepared to step forward to help Klein and suppress the awakening of the Heavenly Lord.

Only Hermes, as if the matter had nothing to do with him, continued to chant:

"Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun..."

Cao Ya swung the sword with his right hand and struck the Forsaken Land with his left index finger, hitting Klein's forehead.

Bo! !

With a slight sound, mystery surged, isolating the inside and outside, as if it had left independently and no longer belonged to this universe.

Immediately, Tianzun's consciousness was annihilated, and Klein was no longer in danger of being replaced.

"Thank you, Mr. Cao Ya." Klein was grateful.

Immediately, he thanked the Mysterious Queen and the others.

Although they didn't wait for them to take action, Mr. Cao Ya solved everything.

But the actions of the three women stepping forward still made Klein feel warm in his heart.

"It didn't work, there's no need for this." Bernadette waved her hand.

Reinette Tinichole and Arianna, on the other hand, were equally silent and reticent.

"Stay inside and don't come out." Cao Ya reminded.

The colorful radiance flows, containing unique mystery, covering Klein, like another world, blocking the influence of the old pillars from the outside world.


Cao Ya was more hands-on and included the Mysterious Queen, the Messenger Lady, and the Secret Servant.

Angels and above are all considered potential pillar carriers.

Therefore, the three women did not refuse.

Not to mention them, even if the true god came, they would not dare to intervene in this battle in the old days.

"But we can't favor one over the other."

Cao Ya suddenly smiled and formed a seal with his left hand. Colorful divine light floated and the whistling wind covered the entire earth in an instant.

Even some of the stars of life in the starry sky were shrouded.

Even the spiritual world was wrapped in Cao Yan's radiance filled with mysterious laws.

At this moment, the seven rays of pure light at the highest point in the spiritual world revealed the image of human beings who once traveled in the human world. They gathered together and gathered many spiritual world creatures to pay attention to the human world.

"New changes!" Indigo chanted.

"The awakening of the pillars is finally on the way!" Huang Guang said.

"Perhaps, this universe will be destroyed! It will be more serious than the original awakening in the earliest period of the First Age!" Ju Guang said with a worried look.

"We can't do anything about the collision above the old pillars. Wait patiently, and everything will eventually settle." Hong Guang said calmly.

In the spirit world, astral world, starry sky and other places, the eyes of countless powerful life forms are focused on the earth.

The qi of Cao Ya, Shen Shen and Tianzun were in fierce conflict.

Contrary to the expectations of all living beings, Cao Ya single-handedly suppressed the two pillars.

After realizing this, the life forms above two angels everywhere were greatly astonished.

"It's above the pillar, but it's not full at first?" In the Deep Dark Sky, the goddess of the night felt carefully.

The seven righteous gods were all in disbelief at Cao Ya's performance.

However, even a true god would not be able to intervene in a confrontation of that level.

Even the foreign gods would avoid him for fear of not being able to catch them.

The few who were driven by instinct were beaten to death as soon as they got close, their madness almost completely annihilating their reason.

Below the pillars, both the outer gods and the true gods are ants.

However, Cao Ya's power was not fully used.

"The pillar is not my goal, it is the beginning! My real trump card must be left to the original creator!" Cao Ya thought to himself.

He drives his divine power, contains mysteries, is completely different from this world, and is isolated from all kinds of pollution.

Uh-huh! ! !

The land abandoned by the gods, which had been dark for thousands of years, finally saw light again.

People in Silver City and Moon City walked out of their houses one after another, looking at the colorful radiance in the sky, and they all froze on the spot.

Then tears welled up in the corners of their eyes.

After thousands of years, light has finally arrived in the land abandoned by the gods!

The little sun "Derrick" in Silver City was very surprised.

Because he felt Mr. Cao Ya's undisguised aura from that divine light.

"Is this...Mr. Cao Ya's handiwork??" Little Sun glared.


Cao Ya's attention is half to be wary of the original, the other half to protect the people in Yunei, and the remaining part to fight against God and Tianzun.

In the palace deep in the King's Court of Giants, the dark angel Sasril completely lost himself and was replaced by a mysterious existence.

The aura was majestic and ancient, as if it originated from the beginning of heaven.

It is God!

At the same time, somewhere in the Land Abandoned by God, Kotar, the "Dark Demonic Wolf", has been hiding for many years. As the most sincere "Fool" path angel, the Dark Demonic Wolf knows how to restrain his greed.

It is precisely because of this that He survived one disaster after another and lived to this day.

Moreover, there is hope that in the future changes, we can truly leave the land abandoned by God and go to the living world outside.

However, the sudden divine light almost blinded the Dark Demon Wolf's eyes.

"What is this? The old days appear in the outside world?"

Before the Dark Demonic Wolf could recover from the shock, a weak but extremely strong consciousness resurrected from his body, grew rapidly, and took over everything about him.

"no, you can not……"

The dark demon wolf screamed.

He knew that it was Tianzun!

The angels and true gods on earth who have the three paths of "Fool", "Gate" and "Error" are the most feared existence.

More than God!

"Little Demon Wolf, I will fulfill your wish, let you return to the outside world, and ascend to the position of the 'Servant of Mysteries' in sequence one, even if you are the 'Fool' in sequence zero, or even the 'Lord of Mysteries' in sequence above, I will I can also satisfy you beyond the limit.”

"Go with peace of mind."

A cold voice responded to the Dark Demonic Wolf.

"No! You damn..."

The Dark Demonic Wolf cursed, and before he finished speaking, there was no sound.

In Kotal's place was a mysterious figure as ancient and as powerful as God.

Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun!

The Dark Demonic Wolf died completely, and all the back-up plans for the resurrection were wiped out by Tianzun.

No chance to do it again!

In the Land Abandoned by God, the new Dark Angel stepped out of the ancient palace and stood in the Giant King's Court. With eyes that seemed arrogant but also contained a trace of compassion, he crossed the void and looked directly at Cao Ya.

The new Dark Demonic Wolf also stood up and stood on the top of the mountain. He first took a look at the remaining Source Castle and discovered its new owner, Klein, and the protection of Cao Ya.

"Cao Ya, you can't protect them." Tianzun said indifferently.

"You can't protect the people I want to kill." God said coldly.

Klein, Adam, the True Creator, the Lord of Storms, the Eternal Blazing Sun, etc., including the Goddess of the Night, the Mother Goddess of the Earth, etc., at this moment, all felt that a catastrophe was approaching, they could not resist it, and they had nowhere to hide.

Even among the outer gods in the stars, no one dares to set foot on the earth.

The outer gods are also afraid of pillars.

The fallen mother goddess, who had only fallen down a rank, looked up to the sky and screamed, extremely angry.

Originally, He was also such a powerful existence!



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