I have a hundred clones

106 increased bounty

Because Ivankov was mentioned in Kerla's story, Sabo was curious and asked:

"Why are they here? They are also helping the Whitebeard Pirates... Logically speaking, they should be advancing into the city. 520 official website


Cao Ya laughed when he heard this.

Kella also pursed her lips and smiled, but Sabo was the only one who was confused.

Long had an indifferent expression on his face.

Kella replied softly:

"Because Monkey D. Luffy is the son of a dragon, Ivankov misunderstood, so he followed Luffy to the battlefield."

Sabo was dumbfounded.

Straw Hat Luffy...that pirate is the son of a dragon? Isn't that the grandson of the naval hero Garp... Wait, doesn't that mean...

Sabo suddenly turned his head and looked at the calm dragon with extremely surprised eyes.

Long said calmly:

"Although Luffy is my son, he has his own way."

It was confirmed positively. I didn't say it before because I didn't want to injure my family, but now that the Navy has announced it, it doesn't matter.

He believed that his father and Luffy could protect himself and nothing would happen.

On the eve of Big Bear being completely transformed, I had a special conversation with him about the Straw Hat Pirates.

Cao Ya's eyes moved slightly, because Ace was not dead and had not suffered this major impact. Sabo's memory had not awakened, and he could not remember that Luffy was his brother.

If they think of this, I'm afraid Long, Kerla and the others will be surprised.

Sabo was still a little confused.

Dragon's father is Garp, a naval hero and legendary lieutenant general, and his son is Straw Hat Luffy, one of the pirate supernovas... What kind of family is this?

"Don't look like this. There will be many surprises for you in the future." Cao Ya said lazily.

Long coughed:

"Kerra, inform Ivankov to let them return to the Kingdom of Kamabaka and take charge of the work of the Grand Line Army."

"The war is about to begin!"

Long pressed his hands on the deck railing, his tone became sad and then became determined.

For the new era, the revolutionary army is not afraid of death!

Sabo, Kerra and other Revolutionary Army soldiers were all solemn and cautious, but also excited.

After so many years of lying dormant and accumulating strength, I finally...declared war on the corrupt world government!

Cao Ya also became serious. This was a real war, an endless war that would only stop if one side dies.

The war on top pales into insignificance compared to this war.

The world of [One Piece] in the future will not be peaceful.

But before that, they had to safely send away the slaves on the ship. Those who were willing to stay and join the revolutionary army were certainly welcome.



The next day, Newsbirds flew around the world with newspapers.

"Shocked! The revolutionary army made a riot in the Holy Land of Mariejoia! The slaves were liberated!"

"The times are running rampant! Whitebeard died in battle, the navy failed, and Blackbeard took advantage of the chaos to rise!"

This is not one page of headlines, but two pages of headlines.

Cao Ya and the others made a big fuss at Mariejoia, the Holy Land of the World Government, and freed thousands of slaves, which was reported by the newspapers. Cao Ya read it and found that although there was some embarrassment, there was generally no big problem.

It's just that it was omitted from the newspaper.

"Hey, Morgans is still a bit brave and didn't report the king." Cao Ya curled his lips.

Sabo smiled and said:

"I think the president of World Economic News, 'Big News' Morgans, was not at the scene, so he didn't know that the King of Heaven had launched it, right?"

Cao Ya shook his head and said:

"Impossible! The last movement was so big that with the power of the World Economic News Agency, it is impossible not to detect it."

But he also understood Morgans' concerns. The King of Heaven was an ancient weapon. If the report got out, would he still want to live?

As for Lord Im, Cao Ya was not sure whether Morgans knew about it.

After all, the one who activates the Heavenly King may also be the Five Old Stars.

On the surface, the Five Old Stars are the supreme power controllers of the world government.

"'Fire Fist' Ace..." Sabo rubbed Ace's bounty portrait on the newspaper and frowned slightly.

For some reason, when he looks at "Fire Fist" Ace's avatar, he always has some special emotions in his heart.

This made him very distressed, and he couldn't figure out the reason.

In addition to "Fire Fist" Ace, there is also Straw Hat Luffy, who also gives him a special feeling.

Kerla turned to the second page and was surprised for a moment:

"Ah, look, our bounties have all increased, especially for the leader... let me count them..."

Turning to the second page of the report about the Revolutionary Army, Cao Ya couldn't help but smile.

"The world's most vicious criminal" and commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey D. Long, has a bounty of 10.1 billion Baileys!

Cao Ya, a revolutionary army cadre and captain of the Donglin Pirates, has a bounty of 5.3 billion beli!

Bello Betty, a revolutionary army cadre and commander of the Eastern Army, has a bounty of four billion!

What was listed in the newspaper was the reward order that had been multiplied several times for Long, Cao Ya and Bello Betty.

Fortunately for Long, although the bounty was outrageous, the highest in the world, his previous bounty was extremely high, more than five billion, and now it has only doubled.

But Cao Ya and Bello Betty’s prices increased dozens of times.

Kerra is quite worried. The substantial increase in bounties for Revolutionary Army soldiers will inevitably affect the greed of pirates and bounty hunters.

This may have some negative impact on the actions of the revolutionary army.

"What's so funny? Cao Ya, aren't you worried?" Sabo asked.

Cao Ya smiled and said:

"What are you afraid of? Roger is dead, Whitebeard is dead. Besides dragons, my bounty is the second in the world. Kaido, Big Mom, and Red Hair are all inferior to me."

"..." Sabo was speechless. It turns out you are proud of this thing.

Kella exclaimed:

"Before this, Pirate King Roger's bounty of 5.5 billion was the highest bounty in the world. Now, it has been broken by Dragon's 10.1 billion."

As she said this, she felt very incredible:

"What do those guys from the World Government think? 10.1 billion... can they afford it?"

Sabo rolled his eyes:

"What are you talking about? Will the dragon be killed?"

Kella stuck out her tongue and smiled sheepishly.

Cao Ya touched his chin and said thoughtfully:

"Dragon has broken tens of billions, and my bounty has to catch up with him. There is no hope."

He said and scratched his head in distress.

"..." Sabo, Kerra.

Long said dumbly:

"Stop joking, think carefully about the follow-up actions, various plans, etc. War... is not a joke."

"Yes." Cao Ya's expression was serious. The revolutionary army must fight well in the first battle, which will greatly boost morale.

This newspaper spread all over the world with news birds.

Therefore, the revolutionary army grabbed the limelight of the war.

In fact, there is no winner on either side of the war. It is a lose-lose situation, and the winner is Blackbeard.

The Navy's intention is also to suppress it and reduce relevant reports.

Moreover, compared with the World Government Headquarters and the Holy Land Marie Joa, the Navy Headquarters Marinefando is indeed not impressive enough.

After all, only the fishman Fisher Tiger had caused trouble in Mary Joa before.

This is the second time.

Such a big move... The revolutionary army, which has avoided the World Government and the Navy for so many years... is it going to go to war with the World Government?

Everyone is eager to see more coverage of the Revolutionary Army.

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