I have a hundred clones

1084 [Mushen Ji] World, Xuandu War

Chapter 1083 [The Shepherd God] World, Xuandu War




Shadows of people shuttled back and forth, and the Spiritual Energy Bridge lit up. It was extremely busy and seemed prosperous.

"Today's Yankang can only survive with the gift of Heaven. As a result of Yankang's reform, the Ten Heavenly Lords have already had their souls reincarnated. They are both acquiring new knowledge and acting as a back-up. Heaven failed and they are in the new world." In this era, we can also change our status quo and continue to control the highest power."

Cao Ya walked through the Yankang Kingdom and saw clearly various places, towns, villages, and mountains. He also discovered too many reincarnations of gods and demons.

His eyes became cold.


Several figures suddenly flew over and were startled when they heard Cao Ya's words.

"There is nothing we can do about this. Heavenly Court is so powerful, how can we resist? We can only surrender temporarily and unite vertically and horizontally. There is always a chance to overthrow Heavenly Court." Granny Si said.

"Yankang has records of the reincarnations of these gods and demons. If they really can't be distinguished, they will be monitored. There will always be flaws." The village chief said.

A group of people landed in the forest and wandered on the ground of Yuanjie.

"What are you looking for me for?" Cao Ya asked.

Over the years, Cao Ya lived in Yankang in the Yuan Dynasty and was once a member of the Canlao Village. However, with the passage of time and the great changes in the world, the Canlao Village no longer existed and had long been integrated into the Yankang Kingdom.

Under the force of heaven, Yankang was forced to surrender.

Although Cao Ya's force value was already very strong before this, compared to the Ten Heavenly Lords in Heaven, it was only on par with him, and it was impossible to win.

Like him, the Heavenly Duke of Xuandu and the Tubo of Youdu all surrendered, let alone Cao Ya.

Qin Mu traveled around and only returned to Yankang occasionally.

However, the existence of Cao Ya still brought some confidence to Yankang. In the previous disaster, he protected Yankang and killed countless gods and demons from other heavens. The Ten Heavenly Lords in Heaven were furious. Huo Tianzun went forward and took the lead in asking for orders. But he was beaten back.

However, Qin Mu was wandering around the heaven, plus Wuyou Township and the Creator, as well as the existence of the God of Heaven, Tu Bo, Earth Mother Yuanjun, etc., and the Yankang Reform, which aroused the secret jealousy of the heroes of the heaven, so there was thunder and heavy rain. If it is smaller, Yankang will have more living space.

Cao Ya also saw this clearly and dared to take action brazenly.

Of course, you can't go too far. Heaven's patience has its limits.

At that time, Yankang was by no means an enemy of heaven.

Later, when the ancestral court was opened, Cao Ya did not go there. He knew the danger of the ancestral court and was always worried about it.

I only went there once after I gained five-star advanced combat power.

In the current timeline, Qin Mu mingled in the Heavenly Court for the sake of Yankang, working with Shitian Zunxu and Wei Snake. Even the Ancestral Court was opened for a long time, and Wuyou Township and the Creator were also revealed.

The new era is surging and will be far better than many eras in the past!

"Mu'er sent back the news that the Ten Heavenly Lords have decided to cut off the Tiangong and flatten the Xuandu City!" Granny Si said in a deep voice.

Cao Ya was not surprised, it was expected.

"Tiangong himself wanted to die. Xuandu's way of heaven fulfilled him, but it also restricted him." Cao Ya said.

After saying this, Cao Ya sneered and said: "The Heavenly Lord has the identity of the Ten Heavenly Lords in the heaven. Perhaps, in his opinion, it would be a better thing for me to die in exchange for the Ten Heavenly Lords to continue to dominate."

【The Shepherd God】The universe, all heavens and all realms are all ruled by the Heavenly Court, which is high and oppresses everything.

Originally the Heavenly Court of the Ancient God race, Hou Yun Tianzun and others resisted and planned to remove the Ancient God Heavenly Emperor, the Heavenly Alliance became powerful, and the Heavenly Court began to become dominated by the demigod race.

But no matter that time, the human race and other acquired races were not taken seriously by the heaven, and were only regarded as rations and sacrifices.

Yankang represents the acquired race and is determined to overthrow the corrupt and fallen heaven!

In order to increase the probability of success, the Tiangong of Xuandu and the Tubo of Youdu were both allies of Yankang.

Those two great beings were ancient gods, and they were originally the objects of the acquired race's hostility. However, after the demigods became powerful, the two reunited to fight against the demigods.

Cao Ya is a human being and a member of the acquired race, so he naturally stands in the Yankang camp.

Not only should the demigod race be overthrown, but the ancient gods should not be allowed to regain their dominance!

"Mu'er also knows this, but he has means to awaken God. If he really upholds God's way and is selfless, what does it matter if such a being saves him?" said the village chief.

"Cao Ya, what's your opinion?"

Granny Si, Master Ma, the lame man, the pharmacist, the mute, the butcher, the blind man, and the deaf man all looked at Cao Ya with expectation on their faces.

In the past, they were both members of the Disabled Old Village. They single-handedly raised Qin Mu and taught him a lot of knowledge. Cao Ya also revealed a lot of things beyond everyone's imagination. Coupled with Cao Ya's strength, he has been advancing by leaps and bounds and has never fallen behind. In that era, during the Yankang Tribulation, the Heavenly Lord who once fought against the Heavenly Court showed great power and was famous throughout the heavens and all the worlds.

Therefore, although Cao Ya does not hold any position in Yankang today, his name is very loud and respected by everyone.

His existence is the foundation for Yankang's stability.

From everyone's perspective, this kind of battle in Xuandu requires Cao Ya to take action. He alone can stop a Heavenly Lord!

Even win the battle!

"Rescue Xuandu?" Cao Ya whispered and smiled suddenly.

"You agree?" Granny Si's eyes lit up.

Everyone laughed, and the village chief said: "Let me just say, you are the strongest person in Yankang, how could you not come forward?"

"Cao Ya, how high is your sword skill?" The butcher said with high morale.

He is a heavenly sword, but just like the village chief who is a sword god, there is a high mountain above the sword path. He is the founder of Wuyou Township. All swordsman monks in the world feel that the mountain is too high and they are prone to despair. feeling.

And in the art of swordsmanship, Cao Ya's status is also at the top!

However, he has not branded the void, so the swordsmen are not as obvious as the swordsmen.

"Forget it, since you didn't tell me," the butcher snorted, "I'm going to the Ancestral Court. I'll join Mu'er and the three magic swordsmen Tian Shu, Luo Wushuang, and Zhehua Li to go to Xuandu to join the Heavenly Court's attack on Xuandu. Capital’s war!”

"If your lips are dead and your teeth are cold, Xuandu cannot be destroyed!"

Cao Ya rolled his eyes, this guy was reminding him in a roundabout way again.

Among all the heavens and realms, Xuandu represents the way of heaven, grazing the stars, and Youdu represents death, the destination of the soul.

If these two places fall into the hands of Heaven, the destruction of Yankang will only be a matter of time.

"Don't worry! It's just Xuandu. If God wants to die, let him die." Cao Ya said softly.

Everyone was startled.

What's the meaning?

Cao Ya stood on the earth of the Yuan Realm and raised his head. His gaze seemed to see through the void and saw the heaven that stood at the top of the sky and ruled with darkness, dominating all the heavens and worlds.

The Ten Heavenly Lords are aloof and pretentious, thinking that they are the masters of all spirits!

"It's time for Heaven to be destroyed..." Cao Ya's words were very soft, but they shocked a group of old people in Canlao Village. Their muscles and bones went weak. They were all masters of the God Realm, and they almost fell down.

Granny Si stammered: "Cao Ya, are you not crazy? Taking action against Heaven...How can Yankang have any strength now?"

"The dispatch of the Ten Heavenly Lords is completely enough to push back all realms!"

The pharmacist suddenly started dispensing medicine and muttered: "Another one is crazy."

"I'm not crazy!" Cao Ya said, "The Ten Heavenly Lords are very powerful, but they have not cultivated the Great Heavenly Palace, nor have they imprinted the Ultimate Void, or achieved the 36th level of the Tao Realm. To me... to me now, They’re just a bunch of chickens and dogs.”

"Have you mastered the art of swordsmanship? It is one step further than Kaihuang's sword art of the thirty-fifth heaven, imprinted with the ultimate void of the thirty-sixth heaven? Are you the same as the Tai Emperor?" the village chief said excitedly.

The bodies of the group of people were trembling. The pharmacist's hands were trembling, and half of the medicine he mixed was spilled on the ground.

[Mushen Ji] There are many cultivation systems in the universe, and the Divine Treasure System was developed by the Seven Heavenly Lords in the Longhan era. Because of Lingtianzun’s magical powers, Qin Mu and Kaihuang once traveled through the past, and also received the title of Tianzun.

That is the Longhan Jiutianzun, who has made great contributions to the world, and it is through contribution, not pure power.

Nowadays, most of the Ten Heavenly Lords in the Heavenly Court are people who have no contribution at all. However, they are definitely not worthy of the title of "Heavenly Lord".

The normal path, after the seven great gods, is the Tiangong, which is also the realm of gods. From Zunshen, Zhenshen, Yaochi, Zhanshentai, Yujing, to Lingxiao, and finally ascends to the throne of God, becoming a very powerful Tiangong god.

After that, you need to cultivate more heavenly palaces, preferably thirty-six heavenly palaces and seventy-two treasure palaces, in order to achieve the realm of the great heavenly palace and prove the Tao!

A single emperor's throne is four-star. If several heavenly palaces are built, it is five-star.

From the Eighteen Heavenly Palace upwards, it is the five-star medium level, and from the thirty-sixth Heavenly Palace, it is the five-star high level. This is the realm pursued by the Ten Heavenly Lords, but it is only an imperfect heavenly palace, and seventy-two treasure palaces are needed. That is the realm. The perfect realm of the Great Heaven corresponds to the five-star peak.

This is the magic power of cultivation, which comes from the environment in the ancestral court, not enlightenment.

There is also the Dao Realm system, which is based on pure understanding of Taoism. There are forty heavens in total. Generally, a person with more than twenty heavens can reach a five-star level, and a person with more than thirty heavens can be comparable to the Ten Heavenly Lords.

As for the thirty-sixth level of heaven, it corresponds to the realm of heaven. It can carve a mark in the ultimate void, plant Tao trees, produce Tao flowers, and bear Tao fruits. Finally, there are Tao palace levels, which correspond to the thirty-seven and thirty-eighth levels respectively. , thirty-nine, and forty heavens.

These are just the mainstream ones. There are many other spiritual paths that are not considered mainstream at present.

In [Mushen Ji], the universe and realms of cultivation are all created by man, so naturally there are many.

Thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight, and thirty-nine in the Dao realm system are all five-star high, and masters at the fortieth heaven and Tao palace level are five-star peaks.

It is very difficult to surpass the five-star rating. It requires reaching a level that is unprecedented and unprecedented in a certain aspect.

Cao Ya originally took both paths, but later his energy was limited, and because the shortcomings of the Tiangong Divine Realm came from the outside world rather than his own insights, he focused on practicing the Tao Realm system, but he did not imprint his own swordsmanship. In the void.

In fact, his attainments in the Dao of the Sword were enough to mark the Thirty-Sixth Heaven and plant a Dao tree in the ultimate void.

"Tai Di, you rely on the Creator's sacrifice, which is not pure enough." Cao Ya shook his head.

[Zhetian] Cao Ya alone has the power of a five-star high level. Adding other systems, not to mention directly reaching the five-star peak, but the combat power is comparable to the strongest five-star high level, there is still no problem. .

"Haha, good!" the village chief laughed, "With you, there are also Tiangong, Tubo, Kaihuang, Langfu Shenwang, You Tianzun, Yue Tianzun, etc. The Ten Heavenly Lords are indeed powerful, but Yankang, It’s not that there is no power to resist at all.”

"Ten Heavenly Lords are nothing." Cao Ya sighed. Ten Heavenly Lords can still be dealt with without enlightenment.

And this entire universe is threatened by prehistoric enlightened beings.

Those are countless enlightened ones!

I don’t know how many powerful people are above the 36th level of Dao Realm!

They are all eyeing the current universe with eager eyes.

Cao Ya guards Yankang of Yuanjie. In the eyes of outsiders, the combat power of Tianzun level makes Yuanjie look like Youdu or Xuandu.

Soon, Qin Mu returned from the ancestral court and visited Youdu. After meeting Tu Bo and You Tianzun, he went to see Yue Tianzun before coming to Yankang.

"The Ten Heavenly Lords of Heaven, Xiao Tianzun, who is the ancient god and Heavenly Emperor, was exiled by Yue Tianzun during the last battle with Tu Bo, You Tianzun and Yue Tianzun. He will not be able to come back within ten or twenty years."

"The remaining nine Heavenly Lords, Hong Tianzun, are the clones of God in Heaven. They have fallen and only have power in their eyes."

"There is also Concubine Yan Tian, ​​who is actually the Empress and Empress, as well as the Son of God, who longs to kill his father and masters the way of heaven in Xuandu, the Ancestral God King, and the daughter of Tu Bo, Xu Tianzun, as well as God Emperor Langxuan, Gong Tianzun, Huo Tianzun Tianzun, and Concubine Qiangtian who was the reincarnation of the Emperor."

"Of course, there is also the strongest Haotianzun!"

"Goddess Taisu and Ancient God Taiyin will also take action and stand on the side of heaven."

After Qin Mu finished his analysis, he was dejected and very desperate.

Even if Xiao Tianzun is temporarily banished, the remaining power of Tianting and the masters of Tianzun level still have an overwhelming advantage.

"Besides, I haven't mentioned yet that Mrs. Yuanmu is also in Heaven. She is Shi Qiluo who manages Cepheus Heavenly Palace. She is also a Heavenly Lord-level combatant."

"If you include Yu Tianzun, the artifact specially created by Heaven..."

Qin Mu counted on his fingers: "On our side, besides Grandpa Cao, there are Kaihuang and God King Langzhen - well, the God King must be careful not to let her meet Gong Tianzun. Gong Tianzun was once the creator of the ancient times. The God King may win over God King Langquan."

"There are also Yue Tianzun, You Tianzun, Tu Bo, well, God himself, there may be more than one Tianzun involved."

"But our numbers are still lagging behind, and we don't have the divine weapon Yu Tianzun."

"God King Shujun and Taishi are of no use either."

After listening to his analysis, not only Qin Mu himself felt a little self-destructive, but everyone else felt heavy-hearted.

Cao Yadao: "You try your best to do it. If you can't finish it, I will take action."

Qin Mu instantly regained his morale and said with a smile: "Grandpa Cao, can your sword skills really mark the ultimate void?"

He rubbed his palms, as if he couldn't wait to eat them.

"The Butcher, Tian Shu Tian Wang, Luo Wushuang Divine Sword, and Zhe Huali are not powerful enough. Together they can't stand up to the Founding Emperor. They are really embarrassing to us swordsmen."

After Qin Mu finished speaking, the faces of the four people darkened.

"Mu'er, here you go again." Granny Si was speechless.

Qin Mu traveled around, and occasionally went to Yankang, where he also learned various ways from his elders.

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