I have a hundred clones

192 Cheating (Third update! Please subscribe! Please collect! Please recommend!)

"Don't die! Don't die!" Lu Mingfei whispered. Visibly to the naked eye, the unconscious classmate's face turned rosy, his breath like gossamer slowly became longer, his body temperature warmed up, and then he opened his eyes in a daze. .\\nCOM

"Lu Mingfei? Why are you holding my hand? You want to take advantage, hehe, I can give you a chance." The girl smiled.

But Lu Mingfei was stunned.

The eyes of the classmates beside him were even more dull, and they were all dumbfounded.

"What's wrong with you?" The girl stood up and was stunned for a moment when she saw the two extra pieces of clothing on her body. She immediately recognized that these were the clothes of Lu Mingfei and Fingel, because they were the only ones wearing short sleeves, and The girl remembers that at first everyone seemed to be wearing two-piece suits. In this environment, those wearing short sleeves were too conspicuous. They will never forget it if they see it.

More than 20 students woke up as if from a dream, pointing at her and trembling.


"Fake corpse?!"

A group of people exploded. It was clear that this classmate was about to die and almost died, but after Lu Mingfei said "Don't die" several times, he actually came back to life? Damn, what kind of spell is that? Is there such a spirit of speech?

Fingel's jaw almost dropped to the ground, his eyes were as wide as copper bells, he grabbed the collar of Lu Mingfei's clothes and wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't say a word.

Lu Mingfei was also confused. At this moment, he didn't even understand why he said the three words "don't die" at that time. It was like an ancient curse, waiting for him to recite it and spread it to the world. .

After the students' explanations, the girl also understood the cause and effect, and thanked Lu Mingfei.

Finally he smiled and said:

"I felt waves of heat, as if there was a furnace burning inside my body."

She took off the two outermost pieces of clothing and gave them back to Lu Mingfei and Fengel.

After Fingel took over the clothes, he hugged Lu Mingfei and said shyly:

"Fei Fei, I'll just hang out with you, don't abandon me."

Lu Mingfei felt a chill and pushed Fingel away from the paparazzi.

He looked around and saw only Zero, who remained expressionless.

Thank God someone else stayed calm...

Lu Mingfei almost looked up to the sky and screamed.

The next second, Lu Mingfei turned to stone.

"Lu Mingfei, when I die, will you say 'don't die' to me?" Ling looked directly into Lu Mingfei's eyes and asked seriously.

Lu Mingfei was dumbfounded. He wanted to reply, "This is nothing."

Seeing Zero's serious expression, I didn't know why, but I just didn't want to hurt Zero's feelings, so I nodded lightly.

Zero looked away, his expression still cold and without any emotional fluctuations.

Lu Mingfei stared at Ling seriously and carefully for a long time, but found nothing. He was very depressed. Why did Ling ask himself like that just now?

Fingel smiled evilly and bumped Lu Mingfei with his shoulder.

"Get lost!" Lu Mingfei said angrily.

This time, Lu Mingfei's leadership position was unshakable, and more than twenty students were all convinced.

outside world.

A sudden change occurred before Cao Ya's eyes. The multimedia classroom disappeared, endless flames burned, and Lu Mingze stepped on the fire. He was like a god, and even the soulless flames were convinced by him.

Lu Mingze stared at him:

"I didn't cheat Lu Mingfei, you are just messing around!"

Lu Mingze got angry when he mentioned this matter.

The situation in the illusion just now was completely controlled by Cao Ya secretly. Lu Mingfei said "don't die", which was indeed a blessing to the soul and had no impact. However, it was only an illusion. Death was also false. Living well in reality, Lu Mingze was crazy to waste this power.

Cao Ya took the opportunity to raise a hand to the female classmate, causing everyone to misunderstand.

He created that illusion. He wanted to cheat it. Wasn't it just something he could do at his fingertips?

"Lu Mingfei has that ability, but he just doesn't have the confidence." Cao Ya said calmly, "It's okay to help him increase his confidence, because Lu Mingfei really has this ability, and you don't want to see him decadent for the rest of his life, right?"

Lu Mingze snorted coldly.

"Don't mess around, otherwise I won't be done with you." With these harsh words, Lu Mingze disappeared.

Cao Ya returned to reality and pondered slightly.

He created an illusion and pulled all the students in, without intending to interfere randomly. However, when Lu Mingfei said the "don't die" spell and there was no response from Lu Mingze, Cao Ya had an idea. , decided to help Lu Mingfei.

Just like what he said to Lu Mingze, Lu Mingfei's potential was beyond imagination, but his temperament had always made Lu Mingfei happy to be a loser.

But when encountering danger, Lu Mingfei's potential will gradually be activated, which is enough power to kill the Dragon King!

Lu Mingfei, I have helped you in whatever way I can... My classmate, I really did not treat you badly...

Cao Ya paid close attention and saw that some students died and their consciousness returned, but this process was quite long, and the dead later caught up. Cao Ya wanted to revive them at the same time, which would be even more shocking.

In the realm of fantasy.

Because of Lu Mingfei's "don't die" mantra, none of the more than 20 students died. They were all in good spirits and full of energy.

The students admired Lu Mingfei very much.

"Lu Mingfei... no, I will be Nanny Lu from now on. Your milk supply is incredible!" A classmate gave a thumbs up. He was full of energy and was radiating heat from his body.

Lu Mingfei was about to say something modestly when his expression suddenly changed and he looked to the left.

Amidst the roar, a group of snow wolves appeared at a trot, their pupils were cold and glowing with bloodthirsty, and they surrounded the group of students.

Everyone's heart sank. A quick look at the group of snow wolves revealed that there were at least forty or fifty, which was more than their number. However, they did not carry any weapons, not even any cold weapons.

"This is a test, of course there are other things besides the weather." Cao Ya smiled lightly. He had already held back and didn't do anything particularly outrageous.

You know, Cao Ya in other worlds met guys that were much more outrageous than this.

Even the dragon king is not that fierce.

Just like the ancient Kunpeng nest that Cao Ya met in [Perfect World], it was called magical. It was revealed in the illusion and would definitely scare a large number of people.

In addition to Lu Mingfei, Fingel, and Ling, the other two teams suffered more serious casualties. After all, they did not have Lu Mingfei's "Don't Die" spirit to let Cao Ya help cheat.

In order to cultivate Lu Mingfei's confidence, Cao Ya really sacrificed his face.

When everyone came out, some stood up suddenly, with a murderous look, and were wary of their surroundings; some hid under the table in a flash, with smooth and natural movements; some gasped for air, touching their necks, as if they had lost their breath; some moved Pick up a book and want to use it as a shield?

But seeing the brightly lit large classroom and the principal sitting on the podium, all the students were stunned for a moment.

Cao Ya snorted and said dissatisfied:

"A group of mixed-races, undergoing various trainings, are really in danger, and few of them are reliable. Think about your performance. Is there anything worth bragging about? You still have to have a 'free day', and you have to have each other." You have the nerve to open your mouth even though you have such a privilege?"

As soon as these words came out, many people lowered their heads in shame. Even Caesar and Chu Zihang looked solemn and did not speak. They had indeed passed through the snowfield and reached the end, but there were too many people who died... In reality, it is basically equivalent to the group being wiped out.

The only exceptions are Lu Mingfei and Fingel.

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