After walking for about ten minutes, Cao Ya stepped out of the passage. .\\nCOM

He actually couldn't take that long, but considering that the others weren't as fast as him, he lowered his speed.

At the end of the gap is a large number of rocks. After walking out, Cao Ya can be clearly seen even in the darkness.

This should be a relatively spacious place in the entire mountain crack. It is about the width of four or five minivans and about one and a half basketball courts long. The bottom is full of large and small gravels, which were created when this crack was formed. torn apart by geological activity.

Wu Xie, Fatty, and Menyou Ping also came out. Without Cao Ya's eyesight, Menyou Ping fired out several fluorescent sticks and threw them around. The warm yellow light illuminated the whole place.

The fat man expanded the aperture of the flashlight, looked around, and said, "It's strange, there are murals here. It seems that we are not the first people to come here."

Cao Ya scanned it and found that there were indeed large colorful murals on the cracked mountain wall. However, the preservation of the murals was very poor and the color was dim. The pattern on it could barely be distinguished as a scene similar to a goddess flying into the sky.

In addition to the murals, there are also several small hot springs among the gravel. They are all shallow, but the steam is steaming. In the eyes of the tired people, they are indescribably tempting.

Further inside, the gap gradually closed until it became a small gap two people wide, going deep into the rock. Hot wind blew out from the gap from time to time. Wu Xie was still shining a flashlight at that location.

Everyone exchanged opinions and thought that there was no need to go in anymore. This was already a good place to escape the snowstorm and spend the night.

The fat man tested it and found that there was no big problem with the air. He turned on the wind lamp for permanent lighting and the light seemed to be a little warm.

After a while, Monk Hua and Lang Feng arrived and approached Chen Piasi to discuss the words they had traced.

The atmosphere calmed down, and both Fatty and Ye Cheng took out their cigarettes, lit them and started smoking.

Cao Ya originally wanted to continue walking deeper, but when he saw that everyone looked tired, he felt better. After thinking about it, he sat down and was not in a hurry.

Anyway, Yunding Tiangong has been in this place for hundreds of years, so it won’t be short of this time and a half.

And the bronze door and the things behind it have a history of thousands of years.

Although there is still Aning's team, they obviously cannot enter the bronze gate.

It didn't matter if he went in, it didn't matter if Cao Ya went in from the front or behind, he decided to loot everything anyway.

If anything good.

Without any good things, everything is ruined.

Cao Ya has a destructive mentality when it comes to the plans of "it" and the Wang family.

In fact, when I read the book before, my impression was too bad.

Ye Cheng took out the compressed can, threw it into the hot spring water, heated it up and distributed it to everyone.

Everyone ate happily, with the wind and snow howling outside, and the warmth inside, as well as the cooked food. Suddenly, I felt that this was one of the great enjoyments in life.

Cao Ya took the can and finished it in several bites.

In fact, he doesn't need to eat anything, but it tastes good and eating some is considered enjoyable.

Once you have the strength, it's okay to act like an ascetic monk occasionally, but you can't treat yourself badly.

After eating and drinking, and resting for a while, everyone went to see the murals.

"This place is obviously naturally formed, and the space is narrow. Why should murals be painted here? What is the use?" Wu Xie asked.

No one could answer his question.

Cao Ya asked: "Leaving?"

"Then let's go back to the slope." The fat man said.

Cao Ya waved his hand: "No need to go to so much trouble, just hit in from here."

"What?" Fatty thought he heard wrongly, so he called in? Get in from there?

Don't tell me you're going to go all the way to Genting Palace from here, right?

Others also looked at Cao Ya in surprise.

They discovered that Cao Ya had given them too many shocks along the way.

Cao Ya looked very relaxed. This place was very close to the Kowloon Corpse Carrying Coffin. Instead of climbing back up the slope and walking through Genting Palace from the outside to the inside, experiencing those useless places, it would be better to go in directly from here.

The depth of this gap leads directly to the core of the Yunding Heavenly Palace - the Nine Dragons Carrying Coffin of the King of Eastern Xia!

The bronze door that Cao Ya targeted was also at this location.

He definitely wouldn't go back anyway.

Although the dangers of Yunding Heavenly Palace are not worth mentioning to him, why waste time on walking through them?

"Don't worry, let's take a look at what the murals are about first." Chen Pi Asi asked Monk Hua to help him up and go look at the murals.

Cao Ya said it didn't matter, he was already at the place, it didn't matter if he waited.

He saw that everyone was very interested in these murals.

After all, people who deal with antiquities, even tomb robbers, are always very interested in things like murals and reliefs that pass on a lot of information.

Everyone gradually walked over and looked at the murals.

Cao Ya sat there and took out another can to heat it up while paying attention to the murals.

However, there is not much information on the murals. Most of the murals of flying goddesses are on gorgeous palaces or ritual vessels. They only show a beautiful scene of singing and dancing and have no practical significance.

Most of the fragments of murals here are like this. They are all people crawling out of ancient tombs. After seeing too many of them, I lost interest at first sight.

"There is another layer inside." Cao Ya reminded that the mural of the flying goddess is just a cover-up, there is another layer of mural inside, and that is what has actual significance.

He wasn't interested in these murals, but that didn't mean he wasn't even willing to remind them.

Another layer? Cao Ya didn't even come over to take a closer look. How did he know? Guess?

A group of people were startled.

The fat man suddenly clicked his tongue, stretched out his thumb, and began to peel off the mural with his fingers.

Everyone gathered around, and sure enough, where the fat man peeled off, in the corner of the mural, there was a piece of composition that was obviously different from the ones on the side, and the painting was different, but this area was very inconspicuous, and if Cao Ya hadn't reminded him, the fat man's eyes Sharp, absolutely invisible.

"Are there really two floors?" Everyone was shocked and couldn't help turning their heads to look at Cao Ya. Did they notice it even from such a distance?

They were right next to each other without noticing.

This was obviously caused by someone painting a new layer on top of a mural to cover up the original mural.

"Don't just look at it." The fat man shouted and continued to scrape with his fingers. Some bright colors began to appear where he scraped off.

Wu Xie, Pan Zi, Ye Cheng, Lang Feng and Hua Monk all scratched the mural with their fingers. Only Chen Pi Ah Si, Men You Ping and Shun Zi did not move.

Chen Pi Asi's brows were frowning very tightly. It seemed that not all the processes had been completed on the surface, so they could simply wipe off the color by scraping it casually. Otherwise, if they followed the complete steps, the outside of the murals in the Tang Dynasty would be Apply a layer of special clear material, which will protect the mural like varnish, making the color less likely to fade and peel.

"Since there is a layer of murals to cover it up, it shows that someone wanted to cover up something at the beginning, but the murals of the flying goddess on the surface... why were they not completely finished?"

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