I have a hundred clones

318 Fire Cloud Cave’s Plan

"The entanglement of cause and effect disturbs the way of heaven, so the great catastrophe of the gods is launched, and all living beings under the way of heaven are liquidated, making immortals, gods, demons, Buddhas and demons ashes, and weakening the burden of heaven..."

Cao Ya murmured in his heart, understanding the true cause of the Great Tribulation of the Gods.

He shuddered after peeking into the truth about Fengshen.

Explain the teaching? Interception?

Just appearances.

In fact, this calamity is to cleanse the immortals and gods of the human race, and by the way, the immortals and gods of other races.

"The so-called cleansing means that hundreds of billions of immortals and gods have fallen, and trillions, ten trillions, and hundreds of billions of ordinary mortals have died, right? Ha, this is really a great reckoning." Cao Ya sneered.

Different lives have different considerations because of their positions.

He was born in the human race, and he recognized this very much, so naturally he had to look at the problem from the perspective of the human race.

"The decree of Heavenly Dao Hongjun has been signed by saints from all sides. The canonization of the gods has been finalized and cannot be undone." Archmage Xuandu sighed.

Such a catastrophe is no different from the Lich War in the last years of ancient times. Trillions of creatures died.

Among them, the human race will definitely account for the majority.

Any immortal god born in the human race will be angry after learning the truth.

But under the Hunyuan Saint, how can you resist?

There are three emperors and Taoists, but there is only one of them, not to mention the Heavenly Dao Hongjun, who is high above and calculates the cause and effect of heaven!

Later, Archmage Xuandu and General Zhenwu revealed the first-line plan of Huoyun Cave:

"The meaning of Huoyundong is to pay attention to the billions of lower-level interfaces. That is the foundation. The ancient continent has received too much attention, so I will temporarily tolerate it."

"The Great Tribulation of the Gods in the Ancient Continent, with rising tribulation energy and confusing the cause and effect of heaven, is just right to hide people's ears and eyes, and help us manage the lower world, spread the magic of immortality, and make humanity prosper."

"But apart from the influence of the calamity energy, it is very difficult for ordinary immortals and even Xuanxian to manage the lower-level interface without being noticed by others."

“Only those above the Golden Immortal level can achieve this goal.”

Upon hearing this, Cao Ya immediately sent a message:

"I will pay attention to the lower interface, promote the prosperity of the human race, and cultivate ascendants."

No matter what, Cao Ya's sense of belonging is really that of the human race.

It is our duty to contribute to the rise of the human race.

General Zhenwu sent a message and said:

"There is no way. After all, there are still very few strong human beings above the Golden Immortal. Tens of millions of years are not enough to fully grow up."

"After discussing with the Archmage, I decided to give you the coordinates of these twenty-three lower interfaces."

Then they passed the twenty-three coordinates to Cao Ya, as well as some relevant basic information they learned.

"Leave it to me. After the Great Tribulation of the Gods, I will take care of the twenty-three lower-level interfaces that will restore the great prosperity of humanity." Cao Ya said with a smile.

Since the Golden Immortals of the human race are required to run them, there is no doubt that these lower-level interfaces either have big clans that compete with the human race, or the human race is weak and cannot be said to be strong at all.

Obviously, in Huoyundong's view, this infinite lower interface is the foundation.

Cao Ya agrees with this.

The Prehistoric Continent, or the three realms of the God Realm, the Prehistoric Continent, and the Ghost Realm, are indeed the upper interface, extremely powerful, and vast in territory and territory. One realm is equivalent to tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of lower interfaces, but the lower interface is available all the time. No longer born, there is no end.

How can this compare?

Even though the Three Realms are the place that all creatures in the lower realms dream of.

Heaven is a major force in the three realms and the nominal leader of the three realms. Yaochi is a top-notch spiritual treasure controlled by the Queen Mother, which can isolate the secrets of cause and effect.

In addition, the Great Master of Xuandu was Da Luo, and he carried the spiritual treasure given by the leader of Taiqing with him to conceal the secrets of heaven. The combination of many factors led to this conversation.

"By the way, I run the fifty-six lower interfaces. After I am fully prepared, I plan to reincarnate in the lower world and seek the way of Daluo." General Zhenwu suddenly sent a message and told him his plan.

"Then I wish you success in coming back and becoming the Zhenwu Emperor." Master Xuandu said.

"Thank you, I do have some ideas." General Zhenwu said.

Cao Ya thought to himself, could it be that Emperor Ziwei has not yet appeared, and the real master of the northern starry sky has not yet appeared, but General Zhenwu has taken the lead in achieving Daluo, and it is obtained through hard work and does not contain water.

He also looks forward to the day when General Zhenwu becomes enlightened.

What are these people discussing...

Jin Chanzi seemed to notice something, his eyes moved slightly, but he remained calm.

No matter what was being discussed, it had nothing to do with him.

Jin Chanzi has never been able to answer the confusion in his heart. That is the problem that he racks his brains and is eager to solve.

Maybe, I should be reincarnated, forget my past memories, start from scratch, and find the answer...

Jin Chanzi sighed secretly, but had not made up his mind. He planned to wander around the world first and explore the lower interface to have a look. When the time was right, he took the opportunity to go to the underworld of the ghost world and reincarnate.

In Mahayana Buddhism, there is a great Bodhisattva who lives in the ghost world and saves all ghosts.

That is the only great Bodhisattva in Mahayana Buddhism—Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!

It is even better than Jin Chanzi's power at this moment.

Otherwise, how can we gain a foothold in the underworld opened by Saint Hunyuan?

Subsequently, the group of immortals' snatching of the sky umbrella also came to fruition, and the Holy Mother of Jiejiao Wudang obtained it.

The expressions of the immortals from Jiejiao were slightly happy, and they congratulated Our Lady of Wudang.

Correspondingly, the expressions on the faces of the immortals of Chanjiao were not good-looking.

"Great Heavenly Lord, is there anything else?" Queen Mother asked.

The Jade Emperor waved his hand without saying a word, leaving everything to the Queen Mother.

"Now that the umbrella has been obtained by Our Lady of Jiejiao Wudang, it's time for the Peach Festival to begin." The Queen Mother said slowly.

Cao Ya was startled for a moment and laughed dumbly.

The series of changes almost made him forget that this time he was here to participate in the peach feast.

"All the immortals, please use the flat peach fairy fruit."

The Queen Mother's voice was not loud, but it spread throughout the garden, and the immortals showed excitement. It was the top fairy fruit in the universe, and only a few could compare with it.

When placed on the lower interface, the Peach Fairy Fruit is a divine object from heaven and earth that is enough to cause all living beings to fight to death!

No one said anything, they all took the peaches and enjoyed them.

Cao Ya looked at the plump fruit in his hand. It was golden in color, ruddy in color, fragrant and fragrant. It was the finest flat peach fairy fruit, enough to make the golden fairy's heart flutter.

Even if you are a golden fairy, you can only get one in a peach event.

He took a bite, the juice was flowing and very delicious.

In a trance, there seems to be infinite divine light flashing, the heaven and earth are opening up, the world is derived, and all spirits are born. This is the picture of the evolution of heaven and earth.

Cao Ya felt something in his heart and felt that he knew the way forward.

After eating the fairy fruit, the vision disappeared and Cao Ya sighed.

Then he heard a lot of sighs, almost at the same time.

Cao Ya smiled.

"The flat peach is so magical. I wonder what kind of magical thing the ginseng fruit of Immortal Yuanzi in Wuzhuangguan Town must be?" Cao Ya thought far away, but he could only think about it.

Great Immortal Yuanzi of Wuzhuangguan Town, although not a Hunyuan Saint, is still the top quasi-sage with great supernatural powers.

Known as one of the most promising beings for sanctification!

With such a terrifying existence, who could steal his ginseng fruit without taking the initiative?

Soon after, the peach festival ended and the fairies dispersed.

Cao Ya said goodbye to the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit, and then said goodbye to Jin Chanzi and Master Xuandu. Together with the Four Saints of the North Pole, he left the Beitianmen and returned to Jidu Star through the interstellar teleportation array.

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