I have a hundred clones

033 Giant Bronze Gate

[Tomb Robber Notes] In this world, the Wang family, "It", the Zhang family, the Queen Mother of the West, King Mu of Zhou, Tie Miansheng, Jude Kao, all these guys, all dream of immortality and living in the world forever. .\\nCOM

As for how many people have to die for their goal, none of these guys care.

Cao Ya found it troublesome to join this chess game, figure out the ins and outs, all the secrets, and then use his strength to break the game by cleverness.

Still the most enjoyable thing is violent push.

Of course, he is not very sympathetic. After all, he is not the [Global High Martial Arts] self. He is simply unhappy with "it", the Wang family, and the Zhang family.

Cao Ya wants to destroy all the key things and places.

He was looking forward to seeing those guys' expressions.

"Don't think about Wang Zanghai, a half-dead guy is not worthy of attention." Cao Ya shouted, finished the can, got up and continued walking deeper.

The remaining people looked at each other, although they felt that Cao Ya might have made a mistake. An ancient man from the early Ming Dynasty had been completely dead for a long time, and his bones were cold. How could he be half dead?

But Cao Ya's performance in other aspects is still trustworthy.

Wu Xie put away the Snake Eyebrow Bronze Fish. Even if the content inside was not important, this thing alone was quite valuable.

Wu Xie is in the antique business, so he still has a good eye.

Along the way down, some murals occasionally appeared. Wu Xie originally wanted to stay and take a look, but seeing that Cao Ya had no intention of stopping, he had no choice but to follow.

I thought it would be okay to watch it when I came back, so I comforted myself. After a day, the group finally reached a rift valley.

Continuing to walk along the rift valley, within a few hours, they arrived at the core of Yunding Heavenly Palace.

Still in the rift valley, the bottom of the valley is full of extremely uneven black volcanic rocks, as well as the bones that have fallen above. There are countless layers of bones and black feces, almost covering these rocks.

Everyone was a little surprised, where did the bones come from?

Cao Ya stood upright, squinting his eyes and staring at the door in the darkness not far away.

Beside him, Menyou Ping's expression was also changing, and he seemed to remember something again.

"Holy shit, what is that?" The fat man suddenly exclaimed. He called it with his flashlight and saw a giant two-sided bronze door on the cliff on one side of the underground side of the rift valley.

It is difficult to describe the majesty of this huge door. The door is about thirty meters high and nearly sixty meters wide. The entire door looks like it was cast in one piece. This is definitely not a bronze product that could be cast by the ancients. It is definitely not for human use, because such a door weighs tens of thousands of tons and is pressed on the rock. Who can open it?

The door was decorated with extremely exquisite patterns. Because they were so big, the complexity of these patterns made people's scalp numb. A feeling of suffocation came over them. There was a gap in the huge door, but it was closed perfectly. There was a sticker on it. It was filled with human skin dripping with frozen blood, and the entire door crack was frozen. The human skin showed a green-gray color, almost petrified. It seemed that after the bronze door was closed, no one opened it for who knows how many years. Pass.

"This is...the underground door through which King Wannu of Eastern Xia crawled out of the ground?" Wu Xie held his breath.

Such a bronze product, the bronze gate is located at the bottom of the rift valley, an unknown distance from the ground. It turned out to be a major project carried out by the ancients, and it is unknown how many craftsmen died as a result.

Wu Xie suddenly felt very heavy, and then cursed in a low voice, the evil old society.

The fat man murmured: "No matter whether King Wannu climbed out of it or not, we will never be able to get in."

Pan Zi and Shun Zi were also stunned. Who built such a huge door here?

Menyouping stared blankly, not paying attention to other people's conversations at all.

After hearing the fat man's words, Cao Ya smiled and said:

"Who said we can't get in?"

Several people suddenly turned their heads and stared directly at Cao Ya, their eyes full of disbelief.

Can you push this away? ? ? ?

Don't be ridiculous, even a hundred people can't push it away!

Unless the mechanism of this giant bronze door is found!

If King Wannu of Eastern Xia really climbed out of this, then there must be some way for King Wannu to open this giant bronze door.

Otherwise, we have to rely on brute force... If King Wannu had that ability, he would not have been destroyed by the Mongols.

In turn, it is possible to destroy Mongolia.

The oil bottle threw a flare, and in this extremely dark space, it was like a small sun, lighting up the entire rift valley.

Through the optical fiber of the flare, everyone could see that this place was actually a huge crack in the mountain, with cliffs on both sides facing each other, and a corridor and the like were built on one side.

But this is not a place that surprises everyone. After all, there is a bronze gate. King Wannu climbed out from here and took control of the power of a country. Even if it is only a small country, it will not let this place be abandoned and become ruins.

What really shocked everyone was the scene in the rift valley.

In the extremely dark Rift Valley, flares illuminated a large area. Countless bronze chains as thick as bowls ran across both sides, connecting the Rift Valley together.

In the depths of the chaotic rift valley, there are no one knows how many such chains are standing, and there are almost no sparse places. And on the chains deeper, there are many things hanging densely, like many bells. , it’s too far away to see clearly.

Cao Ya could see clearly and even saw something in the middle of the rift valley.

After the flare was extinguished, the flashlight could not illuminate very far. The things they had just seen were now plunged into darkness. Everyone suddenly felt a deadly silence, as if there was a terrifying monster lurking in the darkness.

The group of people decided to walk forward and take a look. They carefully stepped on the bones under their feet and walked to the giant bronze door. They suddenly felt an extreme sense of insignificance. In front of such a miracle, what is a person?

Only Cao Ya couldn't feel anything.

If he uses all his strength, he can lift this mountain, let alone a small bronze door.

"It's so fucking huge!" The fat man raised his head and shone his flashlight. The light was so diffuse that he couldn't even see the top of the bronze door.

"People of our generation are used to seeing high-rise buildings, trains, airplanes, and ships, and all kinds of behemoths. We feel this way when we come here. It's really hard to imagine what the Dongxia people and Wang Zanghai would think when they came here. What kind of shock is it? No wonder Wang Zanghai will never forget the experience here, so much so that he will try his best to record everything here and pass it on to future generations." Wu Xie slowly exhaled, and suddenly he could feel Wang Zanghai's pain, that kind of I originally thought I had understood the laws of the universe, but suddenly found out that I didn't understand anything.

Cao Ya pointed to the side and said:

"Look at that."

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