I have a hundred clones

040 I’ll go meet them

"There is only one life.


Cao Ya sighed.

Even though he still exists in other worlds, his experiences are different. Although he has passed through the system space and can share memories, after all, he has no empathy. Being separated by one layer is like being separated by heaven and earth.

Who wants to die if he can live?

Cao Ya inspected the safe house. There was no problem with the golden house where Li Gui was kept, and several large golden coffins were also intact.

He was slightly reassured. He had to check it every three or two days, otherwise he would not feel at ease.

Fierce ghosts also have levels, the S-level destruction level, which has the ability to destroy the population of several cities. If it cannot be contained in time, it can even destroy a country.

Class A is disaster, Class B is dangerous, and Class C is restricted.

Although there are these classifications, they are mainly based on the destructive power of the ghosts and do not fully indicate their terror.

For example, ghost calls only kill one person at a time, unless they are in a public place, but as long as the bell rings, they will definitely die.

And it doesn’t matter if you have a cell phone or not, that ringtone will always ring.

Even if this kind of unsolvable ghost is not so lethal as to wipe out a city or a country, the terror of the ghost's calls is definitely not inferior to any other ghost.

The hazard level does not represent the terrifying level of the ghost.

The ghosts Cao Ya imprisoned were all ordinary ghosts. He immediately retreated from the truly super terrifying ghosts.

Different from other ghost controllers, because he controls the evil ghost, the evil ghost cannot be killed, and there is the possibility of mutation.

He relies entirely on his own strength to imprison Li Gui. If he can do it, he can do it, and if he can't, he can't.

To show off one's strength is to risk one's death.

Stepping out of the villa, Cao Ya received a call from the headquarters. It was not from his exclusive operator, but from Deputy Minister Cao Yanhua, asking him to go to the headquarters in Dajing City for a meeting to discuss the captain's matter.

Cao Ya has dealt with many supernatural incidents and imprisoned several ghosts. He has some weight and reputation.

Moreover, his strength has been speculated by many people, but no one can figure it out clearly.

Even in the eyes of the headquarters, he appears to be extremely mysterious, living alone and never contacting too many people. However, the supernatural events he handles are so perfect that he can be compared with Yang Jian, the "Ghost Eye" in Dachang City.

The person in charge of Dayang City, "Ghost Gold" Cao Ya!

This is also the point that makes people most curious. Gold is obviously the nemesis of Li Gui. Why is the Li Gui controlled by Cao Ya a gold type?

Cao Ya didn't tell anyone, and there were various speculations, but they were all wrong.

In fact, it is entirely because of "The Indestructible Magic Power".

Cao Ya said coldly:

"I'm not going to Dajing City. The captain's position will be given to me directly. The power will be delegated to me. And the things I deserve will be delivered to me as soon as possible."

He has made great contributions and his contributions are obvious to all. The headquarters cannot give him less of what he deserves.

Whether it was the position of captain or the supernatural props from the headquarters, nothing was given to him less.

There are evil ghosts everywhere, and he always feels insecure without anything close to him.

After figuring out the rules, even ordinary people can use the supernatural props.

Cao Yanhua said a little angrily:

"No, this is the first meeting held by the headquarters. You must be present, otherwise the captain position will be waived."

Cao Ya was too lazy to say anything more and hung up the phone directly.

He's not bargaining, he's stating facts.

Besides, he didn’t ask for too much, and anything he asked for would match his contribution.

You can't just ask people to work without paying them, right?

Over at the headquarters, Cao Yanhua was also angry. None of these ghost controllers were fuel-efficient lamps. Dealing with them, Cao Yanhua felt that he would lose at least ten years of his life.

Next to him, Cao Ya's operator looked at the deputy minister helplessly.

She was the operator assigned to Cao Ya by the headquarters. She was only responsible for Cao Ya. She was familiar with Cao Ya's temper. When she heard the deputy minister say those words, she knew something bad was going to happen.

Sure enough, Cao Ya hung up the phone on the spot, not even bothering to say harsh words.

Cao Yanhua called again, and this time he changed his attitude.

I have to change. In fact, Cao Ya doesn't play by common sense at all. If you want to bargain, if you want to get more supernatural props from the headquarters, you have to argue with each other for a while. How can you hang up the phone on the spot if there is a disagreement?

The female operator said, Deputy Minister, you are overthinking.

It took a long time to connect to Cao Ya, and she felt that she was getting closer to Cao Ya, who was cold, decisive, and unsmiling.

Cao Yanhua finally agreed with Cao Ya and said that he would arrange for someone to deliver the things as soon as possible, but he would have to wait a few days because the headquarters was busy with the Ghost Controllers Conference and couldn't get away.

Cao Ya said yes and hung up the phone.

"Who is this?" Cao Yanhua was depressed.

The female operator was helpless:

"Deputy Minister, Cao Ya is such a person. You know how hard it is for me, right?"

Take the opportunity to complain.

Cao Yanhua smiled and agreed to the salary increase.

Dayang City.

Cao Ya is not planning to go to Dajing City. If he remembers correctly, this time the headquarters will hold a meeting, there will be super scary ghosts, and there will be two of them.

Ghost painting!

What a ghost!

He didn't want to deal with that thing, and he couldn't deal with it.

It's better to let someone else come in, he can just deal with the ordinary ghosts.

Everyone should do their best, there is nothing to be embarrassed about, if you still force yourself if you can't, that is death.

By then, no one will be able to deal with even the ordinary evil spirits.

Although Cao Yating wanted to meet Wang Xiaoming, an expert at the headquarters, in person. Regarding ghosts, even if Wang Xiaoming was not a ghost controller, he was still a well-deserved expert and master.

Recognized worldwide!

However, although Cao Ya will not go to Dajing City, the appearance of ghost paintings and ghosts can still remind the headquarters.

Well, the headquarters probably already has information.

Cao Ya dialed the phone, told her operator something, asked her to notify others, and then ignored everything and concentrated on studying the ghosts.

Most of the evil ghosts that appeared in Dayang City and surrounding cities were dealt with by him, but he couldn't deal with a small number of them, so he could only clear out the area.

There is no way around it.

He was too lazy to manage the folk ghost controllers and let them go without affecting the situation. If it affected the peaceful situation of Dayang City and nearby cities, he personally came to the door and sent the ghost controllers to the west.

It was difficult to deal with evil ghosts, but he found it easier to deal with people.

It is also his ability that is different from that of the ghost controller.

An assassination can be carried out thousands of meters away.

When the ghost master dies and the evil ghost revives, he can just imprison him again.

A little more effort can always solve the problem.

Therefore, Dayang City and surrounding areas are generally peaceful and relatively safe.

In addition to the [Mysterious Resurrection] Cao Ya, the newly arrived [Dragon Clan] Cao Ya has also taken new measures during this period.

【Dragon Clan】.

Cao Ya picked up the phone.



"Guderian of Kassel College, Chen Motong, Ye Sheng, Jiude Aki, etc. have entered our country. Do you want to organize their arrest?"

Cao Ya laughed:

"What are you arresting? They haven't broken any laws. Don't worry. I'll go meet them."

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