I have a hundred clones

055 Death of the Peak Grandmaster

Regarding the cry of the crying old man, Cao Ya just laughed.

The crying old man is arrogant.

He considers himself to be the thirty-third martial arts master on the Earth Ranking, and he is not afraid of brothers Xuan Jie and Xuan Bei joining forces.

Even though Xuan Jie is also a master at the top of the field scene, Xuan Jie rarely walks in the world and is not well-known. His fighting experience is definitely not as rich as his. If they fight against each other, the crying old man is 89% sure to defeat Xuan Jie.

Now that Xuan Bei is on Xuan Jie's side, the Crying Old Man's certainty of victory has dropped to 50%.

Hard to win, hard to lose.

The crying old man slapped it with his palm, and the innocent souls came in one after another, like a torrent of black water. From time to time they screamed and disappeared on top of the glazed light emitted by Xuanbei, and from time to time they bit the glazed light into pieces.

On the contrary, Cao Ya's straight-forward, open-and-close combat style gave the crying old man a headache.

The more souls he absorbs, the stronger the power. This means that when the crying old man takes action, unlike other exterior scenes, where the power is concentrated and concentrated in one place, it is spread out to cover a wider area.

This trick has been tried and tested against enemies who are weaker than him, but if they are not weaker than him, it will be very difficult.

However, Cao Ya's power was not only condensed, but also very powerful, and filled with Cao Ya's will. It could not be offset at all, and could only be annihilated with the same power.


Cao Ya didn't give the crying old man time to think about countermeasures. He made a seal and dived violently, like a mountain collapsing or the sky collapsing.

The golden light shines brightly, drives away the dark shadows, and aims at the crying old man, full of killing intent.

At the same time, Xuan Bei recited Buddhist sutras, and a bead on the Buddha beads he moved changed from dark gold to pitch black. Then, he hit the "Maha Demon-Conquering Fist".

The fist is transparent and pure, like glass, free from dust.

It was in sharp contrast to Cao Ya's fist next to him.

Cao Ya's boxing skills are wild and domineering. There is no Buddhist artistic conception like Liuli, but only violence.

It just suits Cao Ya's temperament, and it's the best to push with strength.

If he can't push it horizontally, it just means he doesn't have enough strength.

Cao Ya was very cautious and did not use his own power from other worlds. It had nothing to do with the overall situation anyway, and it didn't matter whether he used it or not.

And in order to avoid attracting the attention of those big guys, it’s better not to use it.

Even so, the "Indestructible Vajra" in the Jiuchongtian exterior scene is still enough to fight the Kuangsha Magic and the Eighteen Beats of the Wrongful Soul of the Crying Old Man. It opens and closes, and every punch and kick has great power.

The crying old man was very troubled by this, and most of his energy was focused on Cao Ya.

Xuanbei was keenly aware of this. Golden light shrouded his body, and illusory golden lotuses bloomed on the top of the peak, with a hazy void behind him.

In the void, ferocious evil spirits and wronged souls surrounded a golden lotus platform with peaceful expressions. On top of the lotus platform sat a Bodhisattva, with a face full of mercy and pity for the world. In his palm, he held the constantly flowing breath of life and death, like a black and white color. The treasure wheel contains the great secrets of the heavens and the mysteries of life and death.

The Bodhisattva's face changed vaguely, and finally reached its peak with Xuan Bei's fist, revealing an appearance that was exactly the same as his, except that one was melancholy and heavy, and the other was compassionate and solemn.

The Bodhisattva opened his mouth, and the sound of clouds and thunder suddenly echoed in the void:

"After today, for hundreds of billions of kalpas, there will be a world, all hells, and the three evil realms. All sentient beings are suffering from sins. I vow to rescue them from the hells and evil realms, as beasts and hungry ghosts. The retribution for these sins and others will be fulfilled." In the Buddha's realm, I will then achieve enlightenment."

"If hell is not empty, you will never become a Buddha; only when all sentient beings are saved can you realize Bodhi."

There were bursts of Zen sounds, the Buddha's light was shining brightly, and the evil ghosts who came had lost their ferocious resentment, their faces became peaceful, and they disappeared into the air.

The wind and sand are stagnant, and there are chants of Buddhist scriptures at the foot of the mountain. The withered hay gradually turns green, and the undercurrents are buzzing. The skins of the mummy-like herdsmen, cattle and sheep slowly become fuller. The black souls that flew out return to the body, and the breath of life is full.

The dry and cracked earth was once again as stable as before, and the lost souls on the quicksand gathered one after another to escape from the "hell", feeling confused and scared.

Inside the inn, Qu Jiuniang, who was cursing, had a look of surprise on her face and whispered to herself:

"Is there really anyone who has practiced "Maha Demon Subduing Fist" to this extent?"

"Maha Demon Subduing Fist" explores the cycle of life and death!

Without any scruples, Cao Ya struck out with all his heart, his fist shadows were like rain. The crying old man was broken by one move, and was completely suppressed by Cao Ya.

Xuan Bei was assisting from the side, each move carried a fierce murderous intention, far more murderous than Cao Ya.

The family was broken up and everyone was dead, and Xuan Bei hated the crying old man very much.

The crying old man raised his head and roared, his voice penetrated into the sky, piercing the body and soul, just like the ghost king suppressed in the depths of hell.

Black energy rose around him, as if hell had opened up and the ghosts were out of control.

Then, he turned the sky upside down with one palm and slapped it down from the ground up, and the door to hell in "Eighteen Beats of the Wrongful Soul" was opened!

Xuanbei and the Bodhisattva behind him are still melancholy and compassionate, their fists seem to be holding seals, and they strike out again, "Maha Demon-Suppressing Fist" to save all living beings!

Cao Ya did not practice "Maha Demon Subduing Fist", which is not consistent with "Indestructible Magic Power".

The unrestrained boxing style is more in line with Cao Ya's temperament.

It doesn't matter if there are some flaws. The power is strong enough and can be covered up directly. Even if it can't be covered up, the defensive power of "The Indestructible Vajra" is off the charts. The slight flaws in the boxing and palm techniques can be used under the premise of activating the "Indestructible Vajra". But it’s not really a shortcoming.


The deafening sound, the golden light condensed, penetrated the black air, and hit the crying old man directly.

Xuanbei restrained him, but the crying old man didn't have time to defend himself. He was punched, and several cracks appeared on his body.

"The defense is good." Cao Ya praised, sincerely, there are only a few outside shots that can hit him with a punch and only cause minor injuries. To be honest, there are not many.

This is still under the premise of counting the half-step Dharmakaya.

Sure enough, the crying old man is indeed a well-known martial arts expert in the world, and he truly deserves his reputation.

The crying old man's face was as gloomy as water. He had underestimated Xuan Jie and Xuan Bei.

There was some regret in my heart. If I had known it earlier, I would have walked away the moment Xuan Jie appeared.

Of course, he also understood that since the two senior brothers Xuan Jie and Xuan Bei had set up this trap, they would never allow him to escape easily.

After dozens of moves, the crying old man coughed up blood and escaped several times, but Cao Ya forced him to return.

Cao Ya was not afraid of his way of exchanging injuries for injuries, but the crying old man was afraid because he did not have Cao Ya's defense.

He tried to use some secret means, but was always destroyed by Xuanbei.

The crying old man gradually became desperate.


Cao Yaqing shouted, moved forward, punched through the body of the crying old man, and seemed to have a soul trying to escape. Xuanbei intercepted him in time, chanted the Buddha's name, and reached out his palm to annihilate the soul of the crying old man.

Xuanbei stood there in a daze, the expression in his eyes changing, either happy or sad.

Cao Ya landed and made a little noise, which seemed to wake Xuan Bei.

"Senior brother's kindness will be remembered forever." Xuanbei said with his hands clasped together.

Xuanbei knew clearly that if Brother Xuanjie hadn't come out halfway to help him surround and suppress the crying old man, he might not have been defeated by the crying old man this time, but it would be a fool's errand to think of avenging him.

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