I have a hundred clones

602 Disintegration of the King of Artifacts

"Taoist Creation, you are the 'Son of Origin'. In this place of origin, your identity is very important. Our subsequent plans will be much easier if we have the help of 'Son of Origin'." Cao Ya smiled slightly, "It's not a difficult task, it just requires more effort and more attention."

"Oh, what is it?" Taoist Creation asked again.

"You'll know when the time comes." Cao Ya said with a smile, "It's not too difficult. I know your temper. If I dare to keep you, I will be confident to convince you."

Hearing this, Taoist Creation raised his eyebrows, but did not ask any more questions.

After all, he was the loser.

Cao Ya smiled and looked away, staring at the disintegrating graves of the various scholars.

The reason why he kept Taoist Creation was, as his words said, because he valued Taoist Creation's identity as the "Son of the Origin." Of course, Taoist Creation's strength was also crucial.

There was no way, if the integration of the two universes relied solely on Cao Ya and Hong Yi, as well as Gou Li Shenwang and others, he still felt that it was a bit too dangerous and risky in his heart.

With one more peak expert to help, the safety factor will be higher, and he will feel more at ease.

This matter does not hurt self-esteem, and is a means of delaying the end of the catastrophe. Taoist Taoist creation has no reason to refuse.

Although he doesn't care about death, he has never seen the appearance of the "other shore" with his own eyes, so the Taoist Taoist still has a desire for "life".

There was no grudge between Cao Ya and Taoist Creation in the past, and no enmity in recent times. Today's battle is also about different paths and conflicting ideas.

And with the defeat of Taoist Creation, his end was doomed.

In order to ensure the success rate of the "Fusion of the Universe" plan, Cao Ya could appropriately hold back the life of Taoist Creation and allow him to participate in it.

If something really happened, Cao Ya would just kill Taoist Creation again.

Although Cao Ya believes that with the character of Taoist Creation and his pride, if he is not willing to do it, he will not compromise and hide the needle in secret, but will directly refuse on the spot and then die; if he agrees, then Taoist Creation Then you will do your best and do your best.

Cao Ya thought to himself that there was no problem with this understanding.

Without some spiritual perseverance, how could Taoist Creation become one of the most powerful men in the universe?

Even though he lost to Cao Ya, it did not affect the power of Taoist Creation at all.

After all, Cao Ya worked hard on his own.

Although it is indeed Cao Ya himself.

"What is Ya's plan?" On the Golden Bridge on the other side, Emperor Changsheng was thinking. Ya was willing to keep his hand and was confident of convincing Taoist Zaihua. This showed that his plan could arouse Taoist Zaihua's interest and even make Zaihua Taoists actively seek to join them.

Those countless magic formations must not have been done randomly...

The Immortal Emperor squinted his eyes, and a thought suddenly flashed through his mind. Then, he was stunned for a moment, and then secretly moved.

If that's the case, Ya, and Hong Yi, their courage is really great...

Emperor Changsheng was greatly shocked.

As for the God King Gou Li on the other side, as a super strong person in the same camp, she knew the plans of Cao Ya and Hong Yi and had a very in-depth understanding of them.

She also believes that this plan will eventually allow Taoist Creation to join in and take the initiative to contribute.

"However, the key now is Hong Yi...whether he can defeat Meng Shenji, Xuanyi, Hong Xuanji and the others." God King Gou Li stared at the battle groups in the graveyard of the disciples, the ups and downs of the temples, and the profound principles. Crush the sky.

The eyes of Cao Ya, Emperor Changsheng, and Taoist Creation were also focused on the unfinished battle.

The two sides... to be precise, the three parties, have reached a fierce stage of fighting, with blood flowing continuously, and they have launched the final and fiercest collision.

Gu Gao

"The Great Liberation Technique, as a peerless magical power pioneered by the medieval philosophers, is really... very suitable for Yi Zi." Taoist Taoist Taoist sighed.

"Hong Yi was originally the last son. His appearance was with a mission." Cao Ya said. In the original timeline, Hong Yi succeeded, but also failed.

He successfully transcended the lifespan limit of the era, but he did not reach the other side.

How could Hong Yi's great ambition be completed within thousands of years?

If you want "everyone is like a dragon", even in a four-star world, it will take at least ten thousand years of evolution to change the environment, change thoughts, and ultimately change the entire universe!

However, the end of the world is approaching and there is no such time.

What Cao Ya did was to rack his brains to delay the disaster. As for the other shore, he was not going to make any big ambitions, but relied purely on his own strength to cross the sea of ​​suffering and reach the other shore.

"Can Yi Zi really accomplish this mission?" Emperor Changsheng spoke quietly and sighed.

The conversation between several people did not affect Hong Yi and others in the battle at all.

At this time, they had no time to pay attention to others.

Hong Yi's soul transformed into a bridge that was exactly the same as the Golden Bridge on the other side, while his physical body was filled with blood and energy soaring into the sky, evolving into various divine objects and recreating the world.

at last--

He performed the Great Liberation Technique!

Boom! ! !

A ripple of destruction, the true meaning of great liberation, swept across the boat of creation and the eternal kingdom.

The Great Liberation Technique, this is the supreme divine technique created by the medieval philosophers to reach the other shore.

What is "Great Liberation"?

Let go of everything, body, soul, even illusory memories and experiences, let go of everything, and then enter a wonderful realm that is neither real nor illusory.

This state was not something Cao Ya could achieve, but it had to be said that after he performed the Great Liberation Technique and entered this wonderful state, Hong Yi's strength soared again and increased infinitely.

Hong Yi even felt that he had lost himself, but at the same time he had gained his true self.

Everything in front of us is both extremely real and very nihilistic. It seems to be a superposition state between existence and non-existence.

Hong Yi clearly grasped all his thoughts. At this moment, his realm rapidly improved and he became infinitely stronger.

Click click click~~~~

A sound like breaking porcelain suddenly sounded deep in the graveyard of Zhuzi.

That was the sound of the boat of creation and the eternal kingdom disintegrating under the Great Liberation Technique. It was like a crashing sound, like a mountain collapsing, like a devastation.

The two kings of artifacts were as fragile as a piece of paper under the impact of Hong Yi's Great Liberation Technique. In an instant, they collapsed and disappeared into thin air.

"Impossible! This is the King of Artifacts, how can it be destroyed by you with just one move?!!!"

"Ah! Impossible! We have so many powerful people, how could we lose to you, Hong Yi?!"

All the strong men in the Boat of Creation and the Eternal Kingdom were going crazy at this moment, especially people like Hong Xuanji and Yang Pan. They jumped up, detonating their bodies and souls, burning with raging flames, and with the final blow. A touch of strength to fight back Hong Yi and reverse the situation.

"Hong Yi, you won, but can you bear the desperate counterattack from all of us?" Xuanyi said lightly. Even if he died in an instant, he didn't show any fear at all.

"Hong Yi... I didn't expect that Meng Bingyun's son would actually reach this point." Meng Shenji said, seeming to have a lot of emotions, but in the blink of an eye, he was killed by him, maintaining "the Supreme Forgetfulness" In this realm, he used all his strength, cooperated with others, and launched the final blow to drag Hong Yi to hell together!

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