I have a hundred clones

620 Remnants of Chaos

"This blood does contain a lot of mysteries and magic." Cao Ya's eyes flashed, and he harvested a lot of flesh and blood of the incarnation of heaven, and stored them in the depths of the sky of heaven and earth. They were covered by divine power and imprisoned by a large formation. Prevent these things from polluting his inner world and causing harm to countless creatures in it.

Since it is a world, even if it is only a small boundary, it is not difficult to set aside an area to store things.

"That's...'Purple Thunder Sword Ancestor'?! When did he become so powerful???"

Some of the surrounding heaven-level masters who were fighting against the incarnation of heaven or the remnants of chaos under Evil Heavenly Dao were shocked when they saw this scene.

"Purple Thunder Sword Ancestor" Cao Ya has been walking in the human world for thousands of years. He has also traveled to heaven and other places. He has dealt with many heaven-level masters and knows each other, whether they are enemies or friends.

Therefore, these heaven-level masters thought that they had a relatively accurate understanding of Cao Ya. However, the power Cao Ya showed at this time was undoubtedly far beyond their expectations. He was definitely not the junior heaven-level master before. What the "Purple Thunder Sword Ancestor" can possess.

"Could it be that Cao Ya is also the reincarnation of some big shot? Seeing the evil world destroyed, his memory was touched and he began to revive?"

"It's impossible. Cao Ya's strength has improved by leaps and bounds in such a short period of time, from a junior level to a senior level, right?"

"Perhaps the former 'Purple Thunder Sword Ancestor' Cao Ya has been pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger?"

The heaven-level masters discussed it and were quite surprised.

There is no way, a high-level Heaven-level person can be considered a strong person in the Heaven-level realm. No matter what era, there are very few lives of this level.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that among a hundred heavenly levels, there may not necessarily be ten existences above the advanced level.

In fact, more than half of the heavenly levels are at the elementary level, most of the remaining half are at the intermediate level, and the remaining small number are at the advanced and peak level.

Of course, those with great supernatural powers who stand at the pinnacle of the heavenly realm are the strongest below the heaven-defying level!

However, those who are high-level in the heaven level can also be considered to have the hope of defying the heaven level.

As for the primary and intermediate levels of the heaven level, they are basically hopeless to reach the heaven-defying level.

Cao Ya in the past hundreds of years, like most of them, was only at the elementary level, and the slightly stronger ones were at the intermediate level.

However, it had not been seen for decades that "Purple Thunder Sword Ancestor" Cao Ya suddenly jumped from the junior level to the advanced level of heaven. He could powerfully fight the incarnation of heaven, bathe in the blood of heaven, and look at the starry sky. This scene The impact of the picture on the sky-level masters was really too great.

Of course, after a moment of surprise, they had to turn their attention to fight with their opponents, fighting fiercely in the boundless sea of ​​stars, blowing up stars one after another, and falling to the edge of the universe.

In fact, their surprise was more due to the rapid improvement of Cao Ya's cultivation. This is different from Chen Nan, because Chen Nan has been cultivating all the way, and the speed of his cultivation has always been very fast, beyond imagination, and does not seem to be restricted by any bottlenecks. Therefore, for people like Chen Nan, they are shocked. Yu, but I also feel that I can understand and accept it.

After all, there is a huge gap in terms of cultivation speed.

However, they knew Cao Ya quite well, and they felt that they were the same type of character. Before the eighth-level God King and the ninth-level God Emperor, his cultivation level improved rapidly, but after reaching the Heaven level, he was stuck for a long time. For hundreds of years, Even after thousands or tens of thousands of years of hard training, it is difficult to make any progress.

As a result, Cao Ya suddenly jumped out and seemed to be saying that he was all pretending before, but he was actually a super wizard. He had already cultivated to the intermediate and advanced levels of the heavenly level, but he just hid his cultivation and never revealed it.


Many heaven-level masters have an awkward, seemingly unhappy feeling in their hearts.

Because these two different situations bring them really different feelings.

"That guy Cao Ya is really good at acting." Many heaven-level masters murmured, secretly feeling unhappy, but because they faced a powerful enemy, they had to put aside their distracting thoughts, concentrate on it, and go all out to deal with the incarnation of heaven or Chaos. remnants.

In the starry sky above the heaven, there are endless battles, and the divine power is powerful in all directions, shaking the heaven and the earth.

"Haha, Purple Thunder Sword Ancestor, your strength has surprised many people." Chen Nan smiled and also collected a batch of flesh and blood of the incarnation of heaven.

He thought in his heart that hiding his cultivation and pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger like "Purple Thunder Sword Ancestor" Cao Ya was a good strategy to confuse the enemy and catch them off guard.

Suddenly, Chen Nan felt that he had a new idea.

Cao Ya smiled slightly, neither admitting nor denying, otherwise what could he do? It is impossible to mention the true situation to others.

"The battle is very fierce. The incarnations of heaven appear in large areas, and the remnants of chaos are also very strong." Cao Ya looked around the starry sky and sighed.

The incarnation of heaven is evolved by the power of the evil heaven. It does not possess spiritual intelligence, but only possesses very powerful power. It runs according to the "program" preset by the evil heaven, erasing everything!

The remnants of chaos are creatures born in chaos. They do not belong to the six realms or the boundless starry sky. Instead, they are in a hostile state with the life in these places.

Therefore, the remnants of Chaos took refuge in the Evil Heaven and became willing thugs.

Of course, the Evil Heavenly Way is too strong, and the Chaos remnants feel that if they resist, there is no hope of victory. Instead of dying in vain, it is better to serve the Evil Heavenly Way, dominate era after era, plunder resources, and strengthen themselves.

At the same time, they can also use the power of evil heaven to kill those once hostile enemies and take revenge one by one.

Because of their birth, the Chaos Remnants are few in number, but they are extremely talented. All of them are top masters, and many of them are at the heaven-defying level. Otherwise, before they took refuge in the evil heaven, the Chaos Remnant clan would not have been able to compete with them. The six realms and the heroes of the starry sky fought against each other and continued for many thousands of years without losing.

This shows how terrifying the remnants of chaos are, and they are worthy of being a race born in chaos.

Even though this is just a small chaos within the [God's Tomb] universe, rather than the boundless chaos outside the universe, it is still very special, contains a lot of mysteries, and is one of the most magical places in the universe.

One can imagine the talent and understanding of a life born in such a place.

All the divine dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, white tigers, Xuanwu, gods, demons, and demons all seemed so ordinary compared with them.

"Nangong Xian'er, Jueqing Dao Ancestor, Destruction Dao Ancestor, those people are the Six Ancient Evils, as well as Fa Ancestor, Evil Lord, Nine-Headed Heavenly Dragon and other heavenly ranks, as well as the Western Dark Demon God, Hades God, Fire Ancestral God, and Thunder Ancestral God Waiting for heaven-level masters... there are some heaven-level masters, I don’t even recognize them, I don’t know which era they are, and which world they are.”

"Because of the threat of evil heaven, there are really too many hidden masters to count. Not to mention me, even Dugu Baitian and Demon Lord can only know a rough idea."

Cao Ya secretly sighed and sighed for a while.

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