As an evil star, Jidu Star does not contain any life. Cao Ya took to the sky, flew around Jidu Star, landed casually on a barren mountain, and sighed again.


A star king with such an evil star is really a hard worker. If something goes wrong, he will probably be punished under the laws of heaven.

But then he thought again, the evil star is a place that everyone hates. If he stays here, at least he won't worry about the catastrophe. As long as he can hold his own, there is no possibility of major problems.

Suddenly, Cao Ya felt slightly relieved.

Isn't it just to stay away from the world of mortals and avoid the imminent catastrophe of becoming a god by searching for the barren mountains and rivers in the primitive continent?

After all, Jidu Star is a more suitable place to avoid disaster.

Cao Ya carefully inspected Jidu Star, laid out formations, and then built a cave in a secret place. The layers of formations were compounded to make it airtight.

To set up a formation that encompasses the entire planet, Cao Ya doesn't have the power yet. He has to become an immortal to do it.

At present, we are only deploying formations at key nodes, at least to ensure that there will be no problems on Jidu Star.

Tian Tiao's restraint on Xingjun is actually quite strong.

Inside the cave, Cao Yaqianxiu made up his mind not to come out.

After a few months, he entered the system space.

within the system space.

This time there were two new people, with the same different temperaments. One was the heroic Cao Ya, and the other was the transparent Cao Ya.

However, everyone had no time to deal with the two newcomers. They gathered around Cao Ya at [Happy Tutoring Street], asking to share their memories, and then showed an expression of enjoyment.

The two newcomers looked at each other in shock. What's going on, we were ignored?

[Happy Tutoring Street] Cao Ya shared the latest memories of this period, letting those guys get greedy, and he said to the two newcomers:

"Ignore them, they are a bunch of guys who have never seen the world. By the way, which world do you come from?"

The two newcomers looked at [Happy Tutoring Street] Cao Ya in surprise, this is a big shot.


Suddenly, the information transmitted in the system space is about hierarchical classification. It is not said that there is complete correspondence between different worlds, but it can still be understood.

Those Cao Ya also woke up, broke away from the memories shared by Cao Ya in [Happy Tutoring Street], and took a serious look at the latest changes.

Well, it’s divided by stars, one star, two stars, three stars, four stars, five stars, six stars, seven stars, eight stars, and there seems to be nine stars, but the message didn’t go into detail... Take [The Lord of the World] as an example , a hundred days of foundation building, accumulating energy to strengthen the body, and enlightenment are one-star, half-step exterior scenes, exterior scenes of Nine Heavens, and half-step Dharmakaya are two-stars, human immortals and earthly immortals are three-stars, heavenly immortals are four-stars, and legends are five-stars. Creation and the false other shore are six stars, and the other shore is the seven star.

Hiss~~~This is terrible. The kind of big boss in the other side realm in [The Lord of the World] is only seven-star in the division of system space? ! This was beyond my expectation.

[Ancient], one star for refining Qi, two stars for refining Qi to transform into gods, and two stars for refining gods and returning to the void, three stars for gathering the void and combining Tao, Celestial Immortal, and Xuanxian, four stars for Golden Immortal, five stars for Daluo, six stars for Quasi-Saint, and six stars for Hunyuan. Saints are seven stars.

[Global High Martial Arts], [Naruto] and other worlds have lower levels of power. For example, in [Global High Martial Arts], the first, second, third and fourth grades are one star, and the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades are The ninth level is two stars, the top level (true god level), emperor level, saint level, heavenly king level (breaking six, breaking seven, breaking eight) are three stars, breaking nine quasi-emperors and those origin emperors with 100 million cards and 200 million cards of blood. He and the Supreme Heavenly Emperor are both four-stars, and the final seed state can reach five-stars.

"The levels of the [Prehistoric] world and the [Immortal] world are still high enough."

Cao Ya from the [Dragon Clan] world sighed in admiration, looked at the two newcomers, and asked:

"Which two worlds are you in?"

[Mysterious Resurrection] Cao Ya interrupted what the newcomer was about to say and directly said that they had shared memories. Didn’t they understand everything?

Everyone held hands and started to share memories.

The origins of the two newcomers have come to light. The transparent person Cao Ya is from an ordinary entertainment world. In that [entertainment] world, he is just a little transparent. He has no reputation and is still studying all kinds of knowledge so that he can use it. There is a reasonable explanation for everything, and it will not be maliciously questioned by others.

The [cultural and entertainment] world was unified by China hundreds of years ago. Hundreds of states had different customs, but they have been assimilated over hundreds of years, and many aspects have become consistent.

Because there is no threat of war, science and technology have developed rapidly, people have no worries about food and clothing, cultural industries are naturally booming, and the world is developing rapidly. Many things are not only no worse than those on earth, but even better!

Otherwise, [Entertainment] How could Cao Ya hold his temper, study hard in the academy, and learn all aspects of knowledge, just to equip himself with real materials? As for the things he brings out, there is no need to ask whether they are from him. hand.

Generally speaking, this is a leisure world. For most Cao Ya, it is of little use and is better than nothing.

However, the other world is different.

The second newcomer comes from the world of [Lord of Mysteries], which is a more Cthulhu-like world with a large worldview that involves the entire universe.

Of course, what is shown in the article is mainly the earth.

[Lord of Mysteries] The universe evolved from one original origin, and the many subsequent extraordinary paths, the twenty-two paths of God, are based on the original origin.

According to the system space division, it was originally equivalent to five stars.

The Outer Gods of the Old and the Pillars of the Old are four-star. Sequence two, one, and zero are three-star. Sequence six, five, four, and three are two-star. Sequence nine, eight, and three are three-star. Seven is one star.

This newcomer, Cao Ya, is a Sequence 4 "Undark One" of the "Sun" path. He is probably a two-star high to a two-star peak. He is not inferior to [The Most Honored One] Cao Ya and [Global High Martial Arts] Cao Ya. and [Prehistoric] Cao Ya.

With the combined power of so many Cao Ya, to be honest, they have initially achieved three-star strength.

But regarding [Lord of Mysteries] Cao Ya’s choice of path, Cao Ya raised questions:

"In the world view of [Lord of Mysteries], the same path to God can normally only have one sequence zero or three sequence one. The 'sun' path already has the true god of sequence zero, Eternal Fierce Sun. Aren’t you blocking your own way?”

[Lord of Mysteries] Cao Ya spread his hands and said helplessly:

"This is not something I can choose just because I want to. Many paths have been taken advantage of by others, and the 'Sun' path is at least less dangerous than some special paths."

"Besides, I didn't even think about becoming a true god at the beginning. My goal was only to be an angel in sequence two, but my guarantee was to be a demigod in sequence four."

All Cao Ya looked through their memories.

Indeed, [Lord of Mysteries] Cao Ya didn't even think about becoming a god at first. He was satisfied with being a demigod or an angel.

[Global Gaowu] Cao Ya hated that iron cannot become steel and said:

"I'm so unmotivated."

[Lord of Mysteries] Cao Ya rolled his eyes when he heard this.

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