I have a hundred clones

683 The secret of Fang Ping’s time travel

"Stop playing riddles, okay? Labor and management annoy the Riddler the most!" King Zhen Tian complained.

Among the group of people, there was probably only Cang Mao, who seemed to be paying no attention to anything and was concentrating on holding a coconut and drinking coconut water, smiling happily. When it arrived, it sat directly next to the basket. After drinking one, it immediately took another.

Yang Shen saw this and his eyes twitched.

"Silly cat." Yang Shen muttered, but Cang Mao seemed not to have heard and ignored him at all.

However, listening to Cao Yan's words, Yang Shen nodded and said:

"When it comes to this boy Fang Ping, that guy Zhan actually plotted against me. Damn it, I'm so angry just talking about it."

Yang Shen blew his beard and stared, saying he was very angry, but looking at his face, he was actually fine.

"You mean...my appearance?" After hearing this, Fang Ping finally understood and was thoughtful.

At the same time, Fang Ping turned his head and looked at Cao Ya with complicated eyes.

Cao Yadao Ancestor, has he discovered my true identity long ago?

To be honest, he was not surprised that Yang Shen could discover this, because Yang Shen had been living in seclusion in Yang City, and with Yang Shen's strength, he could figure out the ins and outs of Fang Ping with just a little effort.

But at that time, Taoist Cao Ya was obviously at the Magic City Martial Arts University... and he had not yet created a new martial arts, so that his martial arts cultivation had advanced by leaps and bounds, and he was at the top...

Fang Ping knew that there were many secrets in his time travel. After all, before and after the time travel, he was still himself, Fang Ping, instead of becoming another person.

His relatives and friends have not changed. The only thing that has changed is the world.

After traveling through time, the system appeared immediately... Now I roughly understand that the power of the system comes from the corpses of the Three Emperors...

Obviously, my time travel was a calculation by a certain super being in the Three Realms...

Damn it, you dare to plot against me, my labor and management will fight tooth and nail to drag the man behind the scenes down...

Fang Ping quickly clarified his mentality, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then opened his eyes, looked at Yangshen, and asked sincerely:

"Senior Yangshen, please tell me about the things related to me."

He still felt that Yang Shen, who had lived in Yangcheng for a long time, should know his situation better.

Cao Ya didn't care. He did understand the big aspects, but Yang Shen knew more about some details. After all, he was at the scene.

What words can express is, after all, limited.

"Yang Shen, tell me. I also want to know the specific situation at that time." Cao Ya said softly.

"I really don't know, where did you learn that the battle in the secret realm of the Sky Tomb told you? That shouldn't be the case. He in the Secret Realm of the Sky Tomb was earlier in time. He might have some ideas, but he definitely wouldn't He knows it very carefully." Yang Shen muttered, and was also very curious about Cao Ya's secret, that new martial art, how did this guy create it?

Damn it, I also want to create a brand new martial arts path!

The new martial arts spread all over the world, and Yang Shen also learned about it. He looked through the exercises and pondered them carefully, and suddenly discovered that the potential of this new martial arts far exceeded the initial martial arts and the original, and even the upper limit seemed to be higher!

Yang Shen also once doubted whether the founder of the new martial arts was Cao Ya.

But after repeated visits to the Three Realms, other people, including Yang Shen, did not think they could come up with this new martial art.

Yang Shen is in a commanding position, and his understanding of the new martial arts far exceeds that of the heroes of the three realms, including the powerful human beings who have embarked on this path of cultivation.

I have to be convinced by the vision of such a peak existence.

"What are you talking about? Can you explain it clearly?" At this time, King Zhentian couldn't help but ask.

There were many questions in his heart that could not be answered.

He originally thought that after living for tens of thousands of years, he definitely had a 30-50 understanding of anything, even if it wasn't very insightful. However, at this moment, he seemed to understand nothing and could not understand them at all. What are the individuals saying.

This made King Zhentian very uncomfortable.

On the contrary, Wang Jinyang was always calm. Although he was curious, he could hold his breath and only listened to the side without interrupting.

As for Cang Mao, he drank coconut juice while listening.

Well, coconut milk is what it does!

Listening to secrets and casual things, I don't care at all.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Don't interrupt, or the boss will slap you out." Yang Shen glared at King Zhen Tian.


King Zhentian was depressed.

I am a worthy disciple, why am I so aggrieved?

"Well, where to start?"

Yang Shen tapped the coconut lightly with his fingers, frowned slightly, and said:

"If we want to talk about your kid, we have to start with fighting, destroying, and dominating them."

At this time, Cao Ya had an idea. The sand on the beach bulged up and formed several seats. He sat down.

Fang Ping, Wang Jinyang, and Zhentian Wang were also honest and polite. They lay down on the other three chairs, reached out and took the coconuts, and listened leisurely.

"Meow." Cangmao seemed to be disgusted and felt that it would be more comfortable to just sit on the beach.

"You guys are taking your time and letting me, an old man who is tens of thousands of years old, talk nonsense." Yang Shen sneered.

"Anyway, there is enough time, so let's talk slowly. Even if you practice hard for one or two days, it won't have any obvious effect." Cao Ya said with a smile.

"Master, tell me quickly. I'm still waiting to hear it. Without the big secret, the coconut juice will lose its taste." King Zhentian held the coconut in his hands and urged.

"Meow." On the side, Cangmao nodded, seeming to agree.

Yang Shen rubbed his brows, wondering why the labor and management met these lazy people.

However, Yang Shen still told:

"Actually, he should have a premonition about his fate, Zhan. The flaws of the origin, which are basically stronger, are all felt by the origin warriors. Zhan, who is at that level, will naturally have a deeper understanding."

"You also know that these three realms were opened up by seeds, energy is provided by seeds, and life evolves in the three realms."

"If you want to fill the hole in the world caused by the original martial arts, if the seed is willing, of course it can be filled easily, but how is this possible? Although the seed is not very intelligent, it is not an idiot."

"In the end, Zhan's attempt to persuade Seeds naturally failed, just like how he later failed to persuade those guys like Tian and Qiong. He was even forced by Qiong and was besieged by the emperors summoned by Ji. There was no other way. If we fight, we can only commit suicide."

Speaking of this, Yang Shen was a little shy, a little contemptuous, and a little regretful.

Cao Ya knew that Tian was the name of the Heavenly Emperor, Qiong was the Divine Emperor, Ji was the Human Emperor, and both the Divine Emperor and the Human Emperor were mentors to the Emperor Zhantian.

With the persecution of his mentor and the arrival of all the emperors, Emperor Zhantian at that time was afraid that he would be so disheartened...

Cao Ya couldn't help but sigh as he thought about it.

"Emperor Zhan Tian, ​​you are so stupid and naive." Cao Ya lamented, if Emperor Zhan Tian did not commit suicide, but attacked brazenly...

Of course Cao Ya also understood that if he did that, Emperor Zhantian would no longer be him, and it would be impossible for him to reach such a powerful state.

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