"A battle has broken out, and the commotion must be quite big. The other emperors will be furious if they notice it. Will we be able to escape when the time comes?" The God-casting Envoy was worried again.

"Don't we still have Taoist Cao Ya?" Fang Ping said with a smile.

"Cao Ya is very strong, really!" Cang Mao said seriously.

"Taozu Cao Ya? Well, I'm relieved now." The Casting God thought for a while, and his heart finally fell to the ground.

The previous scene of Cao Ya Daozu almost killing the God Emperor with one punch is still vivid in my mind. Every time I think about it, I can't help but marvel.

"Does he know? Our actions." Suddenly, Shuxiang spoke.

Suddenly, the atmosphere froze and everyone was silent.

After a long time, Zhang Tao said with a smile:

"It's okay. Cao Yadaozu is also a bold guy. If he knows our plan, he will definitely not stop it."

"In other words, he doesn't know anymore?" Shuxiang frowned.

As a scholar who followed Emperor Zhan Tian, ​​he was extremely scholarly and extremely powerful, but at the same time, he knew better that the strength of those emperors was beyond imagination!

Especially those emperors who have exceeded 100 million cards in combat power, such as the God Emperor, Dou Tian Emperor, Dong Emperor, and Human Emperor, are infinitely stronger. Even though their team's strength is already quite terrifying, those few In front of the emperor's true form, he could not escape even if he had to run for his life.

The Human Emperor and the Eastern Emperor may be weaker, but the God Emperor and the Dou Tian Emperor definitely have a combat power close to 200 million calories!

This is what Emperor Zhan Tian said personally, and Shuxiang has 100% trust in Emperor Zhan Tian's judgment.

Regardless of the true form of the God Emperor, in front of Cao Ya Daozu, he looked very weak and could be seriously injured with one punch. But if he were to face them, it would be them who would be injured with one punch. The God Emperor would be invincible!

Because of this, Shuxiang is so worried, hesitant and undecided.

The main reason is that he has followed Emperor Zhan Tian for too long and has no experience of being on his own. At many times, he inevitably seems a little indecisive.

Of course, his worries are not unnecessary.

"Do you know, what does it matter? At the critical moment, Cao Ya Daozu, he will take action." King Zhentian laughed.

"Time is tight and the task is heavy. Let's stop procrastinating and get on the road." King Luan Tian urged.

"Why does this sound so unlucky?" Li Hansong muttered.

"Don't be so stupid!" Yao Chengjun patted him.

"Stop talking, let's get started." Wang Jinyang said calmly, opening the True Way of the Three Emperors and opening the channel to connect with the source.

As supreme emperors, the former Zhantian Emperor, Destroying Emperor, and Batian Emperor were actually at the ninth peak. However, due to a certain extreme path, their combat power was superior, not inferior to other emperors, and even as close as the Zhantian Emperor. For balanced development, it surpasses all emperors!

The True Ways of the Three Emperors all penetrated the source, and due to the methods of the Zhantian Emperor, it was difficult for the emperors to detect them and they were unable to locate the specific locations of the True Ways of the Three Emperors.

Moreover, since the True Way of the Three Emperors was the path that once belonged to the Supreme Emperor, its tenacity is, needless to say, difficult for even the emperor to break.

Therefore, it can be said that it is quite safe to enter and exit the source through the True Way of the Three Emperors.

Although Fang Ping also has other methods, such as relying on Cang Mao to travel around the original universe and then drill into the origin. This is also a method, but it is too risky. If the emperor notices it and takes action directly, they can cut off their future. road.


Wang Jinyang, Fang Ping, and King Zhentian took the lead in taking the true path, and then everyone filed in. In a short time, they had entered the source.



The origin is not one space, but many overlapping spaces.

Looking down, there are many black spots above the source, and the black spots are huge cracks.

On every huge black spot, there is a giant sitting!

Suppress the source!

Those cracks were all caused by Cao Ya's actions before. They are still in turmoil and have not yet calmed down.

Just when Fang Ping, King Zhentian and others entered the source, there was a huge figure in the void, and his brows suddenly frowned.

"Did I perceive it wrong?" the man pondered.

"Dou, what's wrong?" Dong Huang on the side seemed to notice something strange about Emperor Dou Tian and asked.

"There seems to be something strange in the origin!" Emperor Doutian hesitated for a moment and then said.

"Since this period of time, has there ever been a day when there has been no movement in the origin? Dou, you are too sensitive." The Beast King sneered.

"Maybe." Emperor Doutian said casually, not bothering to explain anything. In short, he just wanted to be more cautious.

Nowadays, the situation in the Three Realms is chaotic and powerful people are emerging. Even they cannot sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

It would be a good idea to let the Beast Emperor and Nanhuang, who are single-minded and reckless, help him test it out.

"It seems that I have to be more careful. The human world is shrouded by the boundless road, blocking the line of sight. No one knows what the specific situation is. What is the Taoist Cao Ya planning? Cang Mao and the Three Emperors The reincarnations are all in the human world. If that Cao Ya Dao Ancestor has some ideas... Well, this is very possible! I have to pay attention!"

In the twenty-seventh heaven of the origin, the body of Emperor Dou Tian sat here, pondered for a while, gathered all his aura, and his body was hidden, as if he was there or not.

Be cautious in sailing the ten-thousand-year ship. The experience of the God Emperor forced him to be cautious.

No matter in the Three Realms or in the depths of the Origin, there are extremely powerful beings that can kill him!

As for the one who suppressed the huge crack, it was his clone.

However, the real body does not go beyond the twenty-seventh level of heaven. He has been managing this level for eight thousand years and is as familiar with it as if he were looking at patterns on the palm of his hand. If there is any slight change, he can immediately detect it and take precautions.

This is not his unfounded worry, it is actually the plans of the other emperors. The abyss is as deep as the sea, and no one can be sure of it. It is the plan of other emperors.

The Divine Emperor and the Eastern Emperor were his allies, so he was not worried about them. However, the Human Emperor, the Earth Emperor, the Western Emperor, and the Southern Emperor were not strong enough, so he was not worried either - at least not particularly worried!

In fact, Emperor Zhan Tian is dead, and Yang Shen has gone into hiding again, ignoring world affairs. The only existence that makes Emperor Dou Tian restless is the Emperor of Heaven!

Of course, now there is one more Cao Ya Daozu!

Emperor Doutian felt that with the methods of these two people, he would never be able to stop them by himself.

"If I don't destroy these twenty-seven heavens, even the Emperor of Heaven or Cao Ya Dao Ancestor, no matter how powerful they are, will never find my footprints!"

"I don't believe they dare to destroy the first level of the origin!"

Emperor Doutian was full of confidence.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and he felt a little less confident.

"The Emperor of Heaven follows the original path. He dare not destroy the origin because that would be suicide!"

"But, Taoist Cao Ya, he is following the new martial arts path he created. Let alone destroying a certain heaven in the origin, even if the entire thirty-six heavens in the origin are destroyed, it will have no impact on him! "

"Cang Mao and the Three Emperors are both reincarnated in the human world. Cao Ya Daozu, it is possible for him to sneak into the source land quietly."

"Now...it's troublesome."

Emperor Doutian's face instantly darkened.

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