Cao Ya smiled calmly and said:

"That's just what was announced. 520 official website


Fake glanced at the "Fool" above him, but showed no reaction.

Of course there was no way there would be a reaction, and Klein was also very confused about this. He wished Cao Ya could say more.

The other members also looked at Mr. "Fool" quietly, feeling anxious. They were discussing something that obviously involved the gods. Will Mr. "Fool", the resurrected ancient god, be angry?

But judging from Mr. Fool’s indifferent attitude, he should not be angry.

Cao Ya said:

"Sequence four and three are demigods and saints, sequence two is angels, also called gods in ancient times, some existences in sequence one can be called kings of angels, and gods...I mean true gods, not From God, they are all sequence zero."

"The names of existences above Sequence Zero and that level cannot be told to you."

"I think Mr. Fool also knows this."

After speaking, he politely greeted Mr. Klein, the "Fool".

Klein was quite embarrassed, Teacher, I don’t know.

I had no choice but to pretend to be calm and say "hmm" softly.

In order to maintain his strong character as "The Fool", Klein behaved calmly and calmly, but in his heart, there was a turmoil.

Not only him, but also the three ladies, the Hermit, the Justice, and the Magician, and the three gentlemen, the Moon, the Sun, and the Hanged Man, all members of the Tarot Society were surprised and frightened.

They were surprised that the existence of Sequence Zero was actually the level of a true god, and they were even more afraid of the statement that it was above Sequence. It was a level that they could not even know the name of.

The names of the levels are tainted!

This was simply beyond the limit of their imagination. Before this, they had never thought that they could not hear the name of a level.

What kind of existence is it?

At the same time, they looked at "The World" with concern. That book was so scary. Mr. "The World" and his friend should just lose the book... It was heartbreaking to lose thousands of pounds. , but it’s better than losing your life directly...

Klein wanted to rub his forehead. At this moment, he felt that his head was very big.

Realizing that the atmosphere was too solemn, Cao Ya changed his tone and said in a brisk and authentic tone:

"Don't worry too much. It's something sealed by the Dragon of Imagination. It's the seal of a true god. Under normal circumstances, there won't be any problems."

But for this matter, don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens...

Klein smiled bitterly. He felt that he had to give Lieutenant General Iceberg some advice.

At this time, "Justice" Audrey said in surprise:

"'Dragon of Fantasy', is he a true god?"

Why haven't I heard of it?

Audrey had heard of the seven righteous gods and some evil gods more or less, but she had never heard of this dragon of fantasy.

The Dragon of Fantasy... Just hearing the name sounds special. I wonder if it has any extraordinary abilities?

Miss Magician murmured in her heart, but she still held back her curiosity and did not ask Cao Ya.

I seem to have heard the Queen mention it...

The Hermit lady was thoughtful, and after the party ended, she wrote to the Queen, asking a lot of questions. If the Queen came in person...

"Hermit" Cattleya suddenly became excited, but her face remained calm.

The Moon and the Hanged Man were also curious. They had also never heard of the name of the "Dragon of Fantasy".

Only Little Sun looked at everyone in surprise, and then suddenly realized that after participating in so many tarot meetings, he also understood that the Silver City he belonged to was in the God's Abandoned Land, while everyone else was located in the God's Abandoned Land. outside.

The members did not know much about the history of ancient times as well as he did.

"Sun" Derrick recalled for a moment and said slowly:

"I know the 'Dragon of Utopia', also known as the King of Dragons. The kingdom of God is Levished, the city of miracles. He is one of the ancient gods of the Second Age. He belongs to the camp of non-human creatures. He is opposed to the King of Giants and was finally killed. The ancient sun god killed him and took back his authority, and the nightmare dragon he imagined was also killed by the ancient sun god."

It turned out that he was an ancient god from the second era, and he had been killed by the ancient sun god... The ancient sun god had fallen for two eras... However, Mr. Cao Ya actually knew so many secrets... What is his identity? Can a demigod really recognize Sequence Zero, or even existence above Sequence?

All the members were thinking, but no one dared to ask Cao Ya face to face.

In any case, Cao Ya has shown his terror.

In the extraordinary world, it has always been an unbreakable truth that the more you know, the stronger you become.

Without two brushes, the pollution of knowledge is enough to drink a pot.

After a while of silence, everyone started talking and trading again, selectively forgetting what Cao Ya said, but actually hiding it deep in their hearts.

If you don't have enough level, it's useless even if you know it.

As Mr. Cao Ya said, they cannot hear the names above the sequence at all.

The strength is still too low.

"Admiral of the Stars" Cattleya felt weak for the first time in a long time.

Cao Ya didn't speak again and kept watching.

After communicating for a few more minutes, "The Fool" Klein announced that the gathering was over.

When Miss Justice and others stood up to greet them, he cut off contact, leaned back on his chair, and quietly looked at the boundless gray mist below for a long time.

Klein was not in a hurry to meet Teacher Cao Ya, he decided to wait for a better time.

Recognizing each other now, he was afraid that the teacher would see any flaws.

It's also that he's not completely ready yet.

Klein made up his mind not to let the teacher know about the vest of "The Fool", otherwise, he would definitely be laughed at and die on the spot.



After leaving the Source Castle, Cao Ya's consciousness returned to his physical body. After pondering for a while, he packed up his things, went downstairs and checked out of the room, and prepared to leave the city and go directly to the sea.

Cao Ya soon arrived at Pulitzer Port, which is the largest and busiest port in the Loen Kingdom.

The sky was a little dark, and the waves came in waves, blowing away all the haze, allowing the high-altitude clouds to curl up and form various shapes, reflecting the golden and red sunlight.

Countless people who want to go to sea gather in this largest port.

Everyone wants to make a fortune on the sea, or go to the southern continent and those colonial islands to find opportunities to make a fortune.

The lobby of the "Plitzport Ticketing Company", which is responsible for selling tickets, is quite spacious, with seven ticket windows, but there are already twenty or thirty people lined up in front of each window.

Cao Ya took one look and gave up his plan to buy a ticket and take a boat out to sea.

Damn, there are too many people and I’m too lazy to queue.

Anyway, with his strength, he can freely walk on the sea whether by boat or not, but his original plan was subconscious and cautious, not wanting to expose his power.

But think about it carefully, if he really wants to become the Pirate King, among other things, defeating the four pirate kings is a must. At that time, is there still a situation where his power is not exposed?

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