I have a hundred clones

727 Resurrection (Third update! Please subscribe!)

The Emperor of Heaven was very angry and frightened at the same time.

Over the years, he has been as calm as a mountain. It is because of this trump card that he can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai and watch the ups and downs of the Three Realms. Even if the appearance of Cao Ya, Fang Ping, and the Three Sovereigns seems to threaten him, but In fact, the Emperor didn't think they were a big threat at all.

The Emperor of Heaven is extremely powerful and can be resurrected indefinitely. Who in the world can kill him? Who can spend more than him?

However, at this moment, with the Spirit Emperor taking a palm, the white thread will break, and the connection channel between him and the seed will be disconnected. Without the trump card of infinite resurrection, all the confidence of the Emperor of Heaven will almost disappear at this moment.

No wonder he is so crazy!

"Ling, after I destroy the three realms and the seeds recover all their energy and open up a new world, I can resurrect your tribe, your father, all your relatives, even Lei Zun! If I fail, It is impossible for all these people you care about to be resurrected!" While the Emperor of Heaven intervened to intercept the Spirit Emperor, he was moved by emotion and reason, hoping that the Spirit Emperor would change his mind and stop taking the initiative.

As for whether he will really resurrect the Spirit Emperor's relatives...

Just kidding, even the seeds are actually in the calculation of the Emperor of Heaven. Thinking of swallowing the seeds in one gulp and completely transcending the three realms, such an Emperor would consume his power to resurrect the relatives of the Spiritual Emperor who are beyond his reach?

The Spiritual Emperor knew the Emperor of Heaven very well and did not believe in the Emperor of Heaven's promises at all.

"Master, please stop lying to me. How many people have been deceived by you throughout the ages?" The Spirit Emperor's smile was still bright and he clapped it with his palm.

when! ! !

A crisp sound resounded throughout the three realms.

Under everyone's gaze, the white thread was cut off by the Emperor Ling's palm!

The world is quiet!

At this moment, when everyone looked at the broken white thread that had gradually disappeared, their eyes gradually became brighter from the previous shock and dullness!

No one could have imagined that the Emperor of Heaven actually had such a trump card, which could lead to unlimited resurrection!

No one could have imagined that the Spirit Emperor would discover the Emperor's trump card, and make some calculations to take away the Emperor's biggest trump card!

Think about it, they tried their best and finally killed the Emperor of Heaven. Just when they were about to rejoice and celebrate their victory, the Emperor of Heaven was resurrected on the spot, and he was still alive and kicking. He looked down at them with a smile. He was still in his peak state, with divine power overwhelming the three realms and the Great Dao. Through the sea of ​​stars...

Just thinking about such a scene makes them shudder and almost despair.

Fortunately, there is the Spiritual Emperor... Fortunately, the Emperor of Heaven resurrected the Emperor of Spirits... Fortunately, the Emperor of Spirits crushed the Emperor of Heaven's trump card... Fortunately...

Too much is okay!

They have never been so lucky!

Perhaps only Cao Ya was not as lucky as them because he knew the secret of the Spiritual Emperor.

He is more of a feeling.

The Spiritual Emperor's forbearance is hard to find in the world, and the Spiritual Emperor's pain is also rare in the three realms.

"Evil disciple! Go to hell!" The Emperor of Heaven was extremely angry. He had never regretted it like this before. Why did he resurrect the spirit?

"Master, there is no need for you to do anything. I will take the initiative to embark on the journey of death." The Spirit Emperor whispered to himself, taking one last look at the Three Realms, and finally his eyes rested on Cang Mao, with a touch of tenderness.

"Stupid cat, this time, I really left. I walked far, far away to catch up with my father and my people... So, you don't have to be sad for me. I want to eat more delicious food." It’s delicious, let’s eat my share.”

"Silly cat, goodbye!"

"I really hope I can touch you one more time before I die."

The Spiritual Emperor sighed, and after his words fell, there was a bang, and infinite energy exploded. A true emperor self-destructed, enough to destroy the world.

The Spiritual Emperor has fallen!

"Meow!" A shrill cat meowed, and big tears rolled down from the blue cat's eyes.

The big fat man...the big fat man who gave it all the delicious food, the big fat man who pampered it and was infinitely kind to it...is dead...

"Meow!" Cangmao howled sadly, staring at the Emperor of Heaven with angry eyes.

It's all you, the bad guy, who killed the big fat man!

Cangmao rushed out of the source to kill the Emperor of Heaven.

"Big Cat!" Fang Ping's heart skipped a beat and he quickly followed him out. Although Cang Mao was equivalent to a true emperor, he still looked fragile in front of the Emperor of Heaven.

"You guys go back."

At this moment, Cao Ya spoke, and with a flick of his hand, Fang Ping and Cang Mao retreated back to the source.

"The Spirit Emperor is not dead yet, Cang Mao, don't cry." Cao Ya said with a smile, and with a flick of his finger, divine power swept across, the law filled the air, and a figure condensed from nothingness, but it was exactly the same as the Spirit Emperor before.

Then, Cao Ya flicked his fingers again and injected the spiritual power he intercepted into the body.


With a soft groan, the Spirit Emperor slowly opened her eyes. She was startled when she saw Cao Ya, who was smiling calmly, and the Emperor of Heaven, whose eyes were blood red and filled with rage.

"It turns out that I'm resurrected again." The Spirit Emperor smiled bitterly.

Like her, being resurrected one after another in one day, presumably no one in the Three Realms has such an opportunity, right?

But she clearly wanted to die every time!

"Meow, big fat man, come down quickly." Cang Mao cried with joy and kept shouting.

"Fat Ling!" Shi Po also shouted, once again feeling the great joy after the great tragedy. He felt that his spiritual cultivation would be greatly improved.

Although he would rather not be touched like this!

"Spiritual Emperor, died twice, and all his kindness and sins have been cleared away. Eliminating the Emperor's trump card is also the greatest contribution! So don't worry about my behavior. You can choose what you want to do, and I will not interfere." Cao Ya He opened his mouth and directly gave the Spirit Emperor his freedom.

When the Spirit Emperor heard this, he was startled again.

"Big fat man!" Cang Mao was still shouting from the source.

The Spirit Emperor looked at Cang Mao and couldn't help but smile.

"Stupid cat..." The Spirit Emperor whispered, left here, entered the source, and joined Cang Mao.

"Meow, big fat man, it's great that you are still alive." Cangmao smiled and narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, Fat Ling..." Shi Po was also talking beside him.

"What did you say?" The Spirit Emperor raised his eyebrows.

"Pang Ling, what's wrong?" Shi Po was confused.

"Call me Spirit Emperor!" Spirit Emperor glanced at Shi Po with a charming look.

His bones were almost numb. He smiled and followed the Spirit Emperor around like a follower, asking questions. In the end, the Spirit Emperor became very impatient.

"Brother Shi actually found joy after suffering all the hardships?" King Luantian was surprised, but he was also happy for Shi Po.

"This guy Shi Po is so lucky." The Casting God, Tengu, Zhen Tian Wang, Zhang Tao and others muttered.

Fang Ping looked at the Spirit Emperor and saw Cang Mao smiling broadly, but he was also happy for Cang Mao.

Since Cao Ya Daozu resurrected the Spirit Emperor, and the Spirit Emperor has indeed made a great contribution...

Fang Ping felt that he didn't have to worry about what the Spirit Emperor wanted to do, just let her choose freely.

"Taozu Cao Ya, let me help you! Kill this bastard Emperor of Heaven!" Fang Ping said, about to step out of the place of origin again.

But this time, Cao Ya still stopped him.

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