I have a hundred clones

092 The trump card of the world government (fourth update! Additional update! Please collect! Please

Long's plan is for Cao Ya to sneak into Marijoa, capture the elders among the Celestial Dragons, and question Yim's existence.

It's simple and crude, with no brain content, but as long as the executor is strong enough, the task can be completed successfully.

After all, he wasn't trying to challenge Im.

Cao Ya's strength ranks among the top three within the revolutionary army, similar to Xiong and second only to the leader Long.

That was before, but now Cao Ya's strength has improved again.

The strength of revolutionary army cadres and army commanders such as Sabo and Bello Bedi can only be said to be not weak, but it cannot be said that they are powerful.

As chief of staff, Saab is stronger.

Dragon, Xiong, and Cao Ya have always been the three top combat forces of the Revolutionary Army, but Sabo is still a little behind.

Big Bear, one of the Shichibukai, nicknamed "The Tyrant", is a big pirate on the sea.

In fact, Xiong was a cadre of the revolutionary army. Cao Ya met him. Because of a plan, he broke away from the revolutionary army and became a pirate. He was then recruited by the navy to become the Shichibukai.

"Big bear..." Cao Ya sighed softly, looking slightly gloomy.

The big bear at this moment should have been transformed by Vegapunk and became a humanoid weapon of the navy, and even allowed to be driven by the Celestial Dragons.

But there was no way. Xiong was the most suitable candidate for the situation at that time.

Xiong is the most suitable person to get close to Vegapunk, the number one scientist in the pirate world, to win over and seek cooperation.

Because the remaining members of the Revolutionary Army will not be recruited by the Navy at all and appointed as Shichibukai. Either they are not strong enough or they cannot pass the status test.

It's possible with Cao Ya's strength, but the problem is that Cao Ya's character is prone to flaws.

So Cao Ya was later sent to raise funds.

Moreover, if you discover anything about Xiong's abilities, you can contact the headquarters in time.

After all, even a person can be slapped thousands of miles away.

"Xiong will come back. He just left our revolutionary team temporarily." Long's voice was firm, without any wavering.

The dragon is so determined... It seems that Vegapunk may have been won over by the bear...

Cao Ya didn't ask about Xiong's mission. Everyone had a mission, so there was no need to ask too many questions.

He also believed that the bear could complete his mission.

There was a slight silence, and the two skipped this topic.

Regarding the existence behind the world government, Cao Ya can be sure that Long's guess is correct.

Long has always guessed that there is someone else behind the Five Old Stars.

The Throne of the Void actually has an owner.

Dragon's real name is Monkey D. Dragon. He is the son of the naval hero and legendary Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp. Luffy is the son of Dragon. It can be said that Long grew up in the navy since he was a child and received the teachings of the navy.

It was precisely because he stayed in the navy for too long and saw too much darkness in the world that Long came up with the idea of ​​revolution, and after watching the execution of Pirate King Roger, he took action.

However, Long is actually not very clear about the World Government’s trump card.

Xiong's mission, in addition to winning over Vegapunk, is also the task of finding out the World Government's trump card. Otherwise, why would Xiong voluntarily accept Vegapunk's transformation?

Otherwise, how to win the trust of the world government?

They all talk about ancient weapons, but are the World Government’s trump cards really the ancient weapons?

Maybe more than that!

After ruling the world for eight hundred years, various heroes appeared. A few decades ago, the Rocks Pirates wanted to become the king of the world, but who really shook the rule of the world government?

The revolutionary army wants to do things that are impossible for capable people.

It is an extremely important step to find out the trump cards of the world government so that we can be targeted.

Long's sigh made Cao Ya silent for a few seconds.

In fact, he really wanted to say, I know the world government’s trump card.

Im, maybe add another king.

Im is the existence standing behind the Five Old Stars, the master of the Void Throne, and a person who has lived for hundreds of years.

If anyone wanted to say that Yi Mu had no strength, Cao Ya would be the first to spit in his face.

On the contrary, Cao Ya is not sure about the King of Heaven.

Among the three ancient weapons, Pluto is a battleship that can sink an island with one shot. The Pluto design has been burned by Franky. Where is the Pluto battleship made hundreds of years ago? Or is it already shattered?

That's why the world government planned the Pluto design, but fell short in the end.

The Neptune of this generation is the mermaid princess Shirahoshi, who has the ability to summon Neptunes and is the "king" of Neptunes.

That’s why it’s called Neptune.

The smallest ones of the Neptunes in the pirate world are several hundred meters in size, and the larger ones are even more difficult to measure. Moreover, this is a sea world, and there is only one continent, which is the Red Earth Continent.

Although some people say that the Yonko of the New World is the overlord of the sea, some people say that the navy is the overlord of the sea.

Others say Shichibukai.

Cao Ya believes that the Neptune species are the real overlords of the sea!

A Neptune-like riot is enough to overturn the world!

He didn't know the abilities of the Heavenly King, but Pluto and Neptune were both so terrifying, and the Heavenly King would definitely not be worse than the other two kings.

Many people deduce that the King of Heaven is the support of the World Government to rule the world for 800 years.

Cao Ya agrees with this view, because he knows that Neptune and Pluto are not.

The King of Heaven is a weapon and needs people to control it.

It is not what Cao Ya is most afraid of.

That is Im who has lived for hundreds of years.

After all, they are living people.

Although he claims to be a god.

Cao Ya scratched his head, feeling troubled. If he revealed the information about Im and even the three ancient weapons, how should he explain it?

Some of this secret information is tried hard to hide by the world government, and some is unknown even to the world government.

Where did he get the news from?

How to convince Long and the cadres of the revolutionary army?

"Do you have something to say to me?" Cao Ya's distress was almost fully expressed by the phone bug. Long is not blind.

Cao Ya thought about it for a while, but still said no. He decided to go to Mary Joa later and find an excuse to say that he had discovered something in Mary Joa. Wouldn't he be able to tell the news properly and legitimately?

Of course, he would definitely go to Marigio in person to capture the Celestial Dragons. He had more than nine ways to torture those scum.

Cao Ya is just a bit imaginary about the Immu and the possible existence of the ancient weapon king.

Well, don't fall into the danger of being besieged by top combat forces... Long asked Sabo to pick me up... Sabo is still a little weak now. If Sabo gets the Burning Fruit two years later... Forget it, what are you thinking about?

Cao Ya did not delay, and did not even wait for the ship to dock. After making arrangements, the "Donglin" sailed to the Kamabaka Kingdom. With the pointer to that place, he could not get lost.

Moreover, these on board are all Revolutionary Army soldiers, who have experienced the baptism of war, and have his teachings, so they are not weak.

Furthermore, this is only the first half of the Grand Line, and it is not a new world. Where can there be so many monsters?

Cao Ya left feeling relieved.

Of course, when the crew saw Cao Ya Feitian, waved to them and left, their eyes almost popped out of their heads.

When will the captain fly?

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