I have a hundred clones

094 Xia Qi’s rip-off bar (please collect it! Please recommend it!)

Cao Ya looked strange. Long must have known that Robin was on his son's ship, right?

I must know...otherwise, Bear wouldn't have photographed Robin to the Kingdom of Donghai Bridge..."Light of Revolution", hey, maybe in Dragon's Eye, Robin is more important than his son Luffy, right?

Cao Ya chuckled, but also felt deeply that Long had sacrificed too much for the revolution. 520 official website

But who isn't?

In the revolutionary army, apart from Big Bear, he is the only one who knows Long's true identity.

Even army commanders like Ivankov, the Demon King, don't know about Long's past.

In fact, Cao Ya didn't know much about it. He only knew about Long's family. He didn't know why Long took the road of revolution. He could only make some guesses.



Shampoo Islands, Area 13, Xia Qi's rip-off bar.

Cao Ya pushed open the door and walked in. Holding the long knife in his left hand, he came to the bar where there was already an old man with gray hair.

Standing behind the bar was an attractive mature woman holding a cigarette. When she saw Cao Ya, her eyes moved slightly.

Cao Ya sat down and said with a smile:

"Boss, do you know me?"

He actually knew these two people. The woman was the bar owner Xia Qi, an old pirate who had not been to sea for decades, but she still had some strength.

Xia Qi's strength cannot be said to be weak, but compared with the top combat power, there is still a gap.

What is great about her is her intelligence ability. Occasionally, the revolutionary army will come to Xia Qi to buy information.

Maybe it was because of this that Xia Qi recognized Cao Ya.

Or maybe she simply recognized the captain of the Donglin Pirates.

The old man next to him is famous.

Silbaz Rayleigh, the deputy captain of the Roger Pirates, the right hand of the Pirate King, and one of the legendary pirates.

In the [One Piece] world, "Pluto" Rayleigh is also one of the handful of people standing at the top.

Of course, there is a clear gap between him, Pluto, and the ancient weapon Pluto.

Even "Pluto" Rayleigh has top-notch combat power.

After all, as you get older, you can still maintain your peak combat power in a short period of time, but as time goes by, you will inevitably decline.

Cao Ya came to Xia Qi's rip-off bar specifically to muddy the waters.

The greater the pressure on the Navy, the more empty Mariejoia's defense will be. The World Government may even mobilize combat forces from other departments to assist the Navy.

Xia Qi wiped the wine glass and said with a smile:

"Mr. Cao Ya, the captain of the Donglin Pirates with a bounty of 100 million beli, aren't you afraid that the navy will come to arrest you?"

Cao Ya understood what Xia Qi meant. Some time ago, the Straw Hat Pirates were "annihilated". General Kizaru was dispatched. The arrogance of a group of supernovas was instantly wiped out by Kizaru. The pirates on the island now are all small sea pirates. There is no such thing as a thief with a bounty of over 100 million.

Although Kizaru didn't catch a single Supernova, he damaged many buildings.

Cao Ya said in a brisk tone:

"The navy has no time to spare. Akainu and Aokiji can't come. Maybe the fast general Kizaru has a chance to come..."

At this point, he smiled meaningfully:

"General Kizaru, don't worry too much, he is a lazy guy."

Then ordered a glass of wine.

Xia Qi mixed the wine and put it in front of Cao Ya, thinking about Cao Ya's words.

Cao Ya is a cadre of the Revolutionary Army, why is he not afraid of the Navy Admiral... The meaning in his words does not sound like he is comparing combat power, but more like Kizaru... Hiss~~ Could it be that Kizaru is an undercover agent of the Revolutionary Army?

Why did he say that to me and Reilly? Are you sure we won't leak this news? Am I selling information...or is it a cover-up to mislead me and make me leak the news and cause turmoil within the navy?

Xia Qi glanced at Cao Ya, unsure of what this guy who was a pirate and actually a revolutionary army member was planning.

Cao Ya just said casually that Kizaru was not a revolutionary army. If he could take the opportunity to cause chaos within the navy, he would be happy to see it happen.

The reason why Kizaru didn't catch a supernova when he came to the Shampoo Islands was entirely because of the "fallen rear admiral" Drake in One Piece Eleven Supernova.

He was a pure marine who was ordered to infiltrate the pirates and betrayed the navy to establish the Drake Pirates. In the future, he would also undercover Kaido, one of the four emperors of the New World.

Kizaru's justice is "ambiguous justice", and his lazy temper comes from this, and he is not an undercover revolutionary army agent.

If he was really an undercover agent, he should be more active.

As for whether Kizaru and Dragon know each other? They probably knew each other, after all, Long and Kizaru were of the same age, and Long stayed in the navy for a long time before forming the revolutionary army.

It's just that after seeing too much darkness, the Navy was unable to solve it. Disappointed, Long left the Navy angrily and established a revolutionary army specifically to target the World Government.

In this regard, Long is more courageous than Black Wrist Zefa.

Well, maybe Black-Wand Ze Faxing can try to fight for it...

Cao Ya's mind wandered and he almost forgot about the business.

Glancing at Lei Li who was sitting next to him drinking quietly, Cao Ya smiled and said softly:

"Who would have thought that 'Pluto' Rayleigh, who was famous all over the world in the past and the right hand of the Pirate King, would now stay in the Chambord Islands and become an old man with nothing to do."

The expressions of both Xia Qi and Lei Li were calm. Lei Li is a celebrity. Even if he has faded out of people's sight these years, as long as he is willing, he can still find reports about Lei Li and recognize the true identity of this white-haired old man.

Xia Qi pursed her lips:

"No, I came here specifically to see you."

Rayleigh drank all the wine in his glass, his eyes under the lenses of his glasses were like a deep pool without any ripples.

"When people get old, it's time to leave the time to you young people." Reilly reached out and pushed up his glasses.

Cao Ya changed the subject:

“Do you know the identity of ‘Fire Fist’ Ace?”

Rayleigh laughed and said:

"The captain of Whitebeard's second division, the young man has ventured in a little bit. I see, Blackbeard's plot definitely involves more than just one Shichibukai."

It seems you don’t know anymore…

Cao Ya changed his mind and smiled slightly:

"'Fire Fist' Ace, whose real name is Portcas D. Ace, can also be called Gol D. Ace. Well, Ace definitely doesn't want to be called that latter name. The father he recognizes is Bai Beard, that irresponsible Pirate King, I'm sorry for their mother and son."

Xia Qi stopped moving, and Lei Li looked a little cold.

Lei Li finally turned his head and stared at Cao Ya with a serious look on his face.

He said in a deep voice:

"Regardless of whether 'Fire Fist' Ace is Roger's son or not, you should not insult Roger."

Cao Ya was not afraid of "Pluto" Rayleigh at all and raised his eyebrows:

"Insulting the Pirate King? Where to start? I just told the truth."

To be honest, Gol D. Roger, the Pirate King, deserves recognition for ushering in a new era with his death.

But when it comes to simply discussing the matter of Ace and his son, One Piece is indeed not being honest.

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