I have a hundred clones

1001 The overall situation is initially determined (please subscribe for the big chapter!)

“Bang bang!


Teng Qingshan's heart beat violently and his blood flow accelerated.

He noticed a special point.

The extension of the power of one's own world seems to be able to repel the power of the outside world.

"Ah, yes, in the world of [Jiudingji] thousands of years ago, the most powerful person in the prototype of the world needed to ascend."

"Because the world of Niwan Palace is already the prototype of the world. It is on the same level as the Kyushu Continent and Duanmu Continent. It is just that it still lags behind many thousands of years in terms of development, but in essence, it is no longer inferior. "

"Later, [After Ascension], the universe intervened and the energy aura filled up, which led to the improvement of the world of [Jiudingji], so the limit of accommodation is also rising."

"There is no need to ascend in the small world."

Teng Qingshan realized it and murmured in his heart:

"After the prototype of the world, there is the small world, and then the middle world."

"Understand the way of heaven and earth and perfect yourself in the world of Niwan Palace."

"[After ascension] there is a big universe, and all kinds of laws are revealed. The main god exists in the world, and the laws of balance have a greater influence."

"But, no matter what, the level in the middle realm still has some resistance to this big universe."

"The Lord God is almost the same as the Middle Realm."

"Although the scope is limited, it cannot expel the way of the universe on a large scale."

"But I think that once I reach the Great Realm, I'm afraid I will be able to resist the Law of Balance and completely surpass the Lord God!"

Thinking of this, Teng Qingshan suddenly became excited.

Whether the Great Realm can compete with the law of balance is not a matter of far-fetched speculation.

The middle realm is comparable to the main god, and can demarcate areas on a small scale. The power of the world repels the will of the universe and the way of heaven and earth. Teng Qingshan is 100% sure of this!

However, Teng Qingshan was not in a hurry, but patiently waited for the transformation of Xiaojie to be completed.

There is no way, the shadow of the law of balance follows you like a shadow.

Fengyun Wuji's true self suffered this loss.



The sword's light was so vast that it surrounded the ocean of light, piercing it continuously and letting the divine blood spill out.

"Sinner...Cao Ya!" In the ocean of light, the ten main gods of light were angry.

This kind of situation has never been encountered in billions of years.

What's more, ten of them joined forces!

This is the ultimate humiliation!

[Jiudingji] Cao Ya, his record seems to be the best in history!

Even [After Ascension] Cao Ya is worse.

It’s not the latter’s fault, who asked Lucifer and other fallen angels to help the former.

After gaining the advantage, [Jiudingji] Cao Ya played steadily and would not let the advantage slip away.

No matter how the Lord God of Light roared, [Jiudingji] Cao Ya ignored it and focused on using his sword, and his sword intent exploded, penetrating the sea of ​​​​stars.

Only spiritual thoughts watched other battlefields.

As for Teng Qingshan's situation, there was no doubt that it came into his sight.

As soon as his eyes turned, [Jiudingji] Cao Ya also noticed.

"When will my small realm transform and break through the middle realm level?" [Jiuding Ji] Cao Ya thought to himself.

In Niwan Palace, the power of the world penetrated, blessing his swordsmanship, and his power increased again.

After a while, the small world behind Teng Qingshan completely completed its transformation. Its area and spatial stability had both greatly increased, reaching the level of the middle world.

This time, Teng Qingshan's confidence became more abundant.


Teng Qingshan's thoughts moved slightly, and the power of the world spread, covering an area thousands of miles away.

This starry sky and the natural laws of the universe are completely rejected.

Within this, the laws of judgment seem to no longer exist.

"What?!" The Lord of Judgment was horrified.

He stared at Teng Qingshan, his bright and lustrous boy's eyes revealed obvious fear.

You must know that the law of judgment fills the universe, and even the dark abyss exists.

However, there are profound differences in each region.

But it won't disappear directly.

However, in the area covered by Teng Qingshan's world power, the law of judgment did not exist at all, as if it had never appeared.

At this point, when you occasionally regain your consciousness, you will instantly realize the origin of the madness.

The law of balance!

It's just that they can't resist the law of balance of the riot and must be driven by it.

All the ways in the universe are under balance!

The laws of time are no exception, let alone other laws.

But this is a unique situation in the universe [after ascension].

All universes and worlds cannot be generalized.

"Teng Qingshan, are you...the power of the world in the middle realm??" Feng Yun Wuji's eyes lit up for the third time.

He was very excited, he saw the way forward, it was real and not just a fantasy.

It should be noted that he is already at the pinnacle of the small world and is only one step away from the middle world.

They are all in the same realm as Emperor Yu, Emperor Qinling, Shi Sword Immortal, Thunder Sword God, Patriarch Sakyamuni, and [Jiuding Ji] Cao Ya.

"How is this new martial arts so magical?" The first one stared distractedly.


Teng Qingshan nodded, the power of the world circulated, and with a flick of his finger, he threw out a ball of light, covering the Four Elephant Formation, the four supreme beings within it, and Fengyun Wuji himself.

Without the influence of the power of the universe, the pain of the four holy beasts instantly weakened. The White Tiger Supreme, Suzaku Supreme, Xuanwu Supreme and the Second Fenshen also breathed a sigh of relief and felt much better.

However, compared to me, the help they received was not that big.


Within the body of the deity, streams of light are rippling, and time is like a long river, without beginning or end.


A godhead that exuded illusory meaning finally took shape at this moment.

The Law of Balance cannot affect the area covered by Teng Qingshan's world power.

Without the suppression of the outside world, the time godhead naturally emerged in an instant.

Fengyun Wuji's expression became more and more indifferent, but his reason was still there, but it was very deep and contained some emotions in his heart that had not been completely eradicated. It seemed that at this moment, they would be cleared away by divine power.

"I..." The second distraction was a little anxious.

Although among the four bodies, the first distractor, the second distractor, and the third distractor are all considered normal, they have seven emotions, six desires, and various emotions.

Only the real person has lost his emotions and behaves indifferently.

But the second mind knows that there are still shallow emotions in my heart that have not been extinguished.

Right now, that little bit of emotion seems to be broken.

The second mind did not want to see that the original self had become a puppet of the law of time that only acted instinctively according to the rules.

Without his own ideas and impulses, isn't that "Lord of Time" just a slave to the law of time, just like a puppet?

There is only the false name of "Lord of Time"!

However, in the kind of disputes in the realm of the main god, the second distraction cannot help me.

Looking anxious, but helpless.

"Wuji..." Supreme White Tiger, Supreme Suzaku, and Supreme Xuanwu also felt frustrated.

They are in vain. In this war, the three of them are not the ones who contributed the most.

"Wuji, his true self...can he resist?" Fazu looked sideways, his eyes dark.

There was nothing he could do about it.

"Sovereign Fengyun Wuji, after becoming the main god, do you have to give up all emotions?" Lang Fanyun said, murmuring.

Obviously, that kind of Lord God was not what he wanted.

That beautiful shadow in my heart will never be forgotten even if I die and the waves turn over the clouds!


At this moment, a white light suddenly appeared on the body of the deity, covering it.

In the white light, the deity's increasingly cold eyes regained some emotion. Although they were indifferent, they were not heartless.

"This is..." Everyone's eyes lit up.

They all looked at [After Ascension] Cao Ya.

That power is clearly the masterpiece of [After Ascension] Cao Ya!

"It's a pity that such a good companion has lost his ego." [After Ascension] Cao Ya said with a smile as he fought against the Dark Abyss.

It was a gadget he specially made, containing the purifying power of light and fire.

The assimilation of the law of time is blocked by it, and Feng Yun Wuji can return to his original form.

"Haha, it's still Supreme Cao Ya. You have many methods." Fa Zu laughed loudly.

The White Tiger Supreme, Suzaku Supreme, Xuanwu Supreme, etc. all relaxed their spirits, and the anxiety just now dissipated.

"Sovereign Cao Ya has already reached the level of the Lord God, and is far beyond the ordinary Lord God! He must have encountered this kind of situation and have a way to deal with it. Otherwise, Cao Ya today would not be able to deal with it. I will stand in the Taikoo camp." The second distraction became clear.

He misunderstood the specific situation of Cao Ya.

However, Cao Ya didn't explain.

There's no way to explain it.

On the other side, Teng Qingshan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and exhaled a breath of contentment.

I almost did something bad with good intentions!

"We have two more true main gods on our side. Now, the situation should be reversed." The first distraction said with a smile.

"Qingshan, your world power is very unique." Standing beside him, Emperor Yu was surprised.

"After reaching the middle realm level, you can resist the power of the universe within a small area." Teng Qingshan said with a smile.

Hearing this, everyone was surprised and immediately overjoyed.

"Haha, our realm is a little bit behind, but we don't have such ability." The Shijianxian drank wine and turned into billions of sword lights, directly hitting the Lord of Order.

"Cao Ya, don't you have any?" Thunder Blade God was curious.

Emperor Yu, Emperor Qinling, Shi Jianxian, and Patriarch Sakyamuni, including Teng Qingshan, the Third Fenshen, and the First Fenshen, are all strange.

After all, in terms of strength, [Jiuding Ji] Cao Ya has long been promoted to the middle realm.

But why...

Seeing this, [Jiuding Ji] Cao Ya was speechless and said: "My Niwan Palace world is still just a small world, not at the middle level. It is just the way of swordsmanship, and there are some mysterious laws. It is just ahead of its time."

"Oh, that's how it is."

Everyone was stunned and nodded.

This can be explained, otherwise, [Jiudingji] Cao Ya, there is no reason not to show such ability to help Feng Yun Wuji.

"Everyone, it's not time to relax completely yet." The White Tiger Supreme coughed lightly.

"Resolve these Lord Gods as soon as possible! Outside of the ancient times, our warriors are still fighting desperately with the angel army and the demon army!" Fazu said solemnly.

Hearing this, all the Supreme Masters' expressions became serious.

"First kill those lonely gods, and then come and help me." [After Ascension] Cao Ya spoke.

In the dark abyss, there are ten figures of the dark gods. Even if Teng Qingshan and himself come over and join forces with him, they cannot be easily wiped out.

It would be better to free the other Supremes first.


Teng Qingshan roared, the power of the world spread, and the spear smashed violently, as if it was carrying a world. The body of the Lord of Judgment was shattered and the holy light was shattered.

"Kill!" The first distraction took the opportunity to turn into blood and kill everyone, canceling out the law of judgment, disintegrating the power of law mobilized by the Lord of Judgment, and not giving him a chance to recover from his injuries.

"Lord of Judgment, be punished!" The third branch god roared, and the small world emerged, also hitting the body of the Lord of Judgment hard.

Finally, with the combination of one main god and two supreme beings, the Lord of Judgment, after resisting dozens of attacks, was shot to pieces by Teng Qingshan.

"Unexpectedly, I actually..." At the last moment, the Lord of Judgment regained consciousness, his face was bitter, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

But under the spear, all emotions were crushed.

"Which human warrior would not be willing to die under your hands?" The third distraction's eyebrows were cold.

Teng Qingshan's spear stirred, and the power of the world raged, completely causing the Lord of Judgment to fall.


There was a violent roar between heaven and earth.

The law of judgment has returned to its ownerless state today.

The angel army, countless angels, suddenly broke out into loud cries.

They stared at the ancient warrior opposite, their eyes red and murderous.

"All blasphemers! All deserve to die!" the angels shouted.

"I will help Cao Ya, and you will help the ancient warriors." Teng Qingshan spoke, and the gun light flew through the air, killing outside the ocean of light.

The first and third distractions traveled hundreds of millions of miles and fell into the army of demons and angels respectively.

"Angels and demons should all be killed." There was a chill on the third distracted face.


In all directions, many warriors were excited.

It is obvious that in this second war between gods and demons, the ancient camp will win the final victory.

"Only the final touches are left..." Song Que spoke, and the heavenly sword cracked.

"Don't steal my enemies!" Shi Zhixuan shouted, somewhat dissatisfied.

"Whoever kills gets it! My results so far are better than yours." Song Que's cold voice contained a hint of a smile.

"..." Shi Zhixuan's face turned dark.

Damn, what's the point of robbing monsters?

"Finally, we will win!" The ancient wizard burst into tears.

"The suffering of hundreds of millions of years is all gone today!" the saint whispered, almost crying.


The giant wheel disappeared and Jun Qianshang reappeared.

He looked at the battlefield from a distance, with a complicated expression on his face.

Ximen Yibei, Dugu Wushang, Blood Sea Demon King, Guang Chengzi, Ling Donglai, Yan Fei, Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, Shifei Xuan, Wanwan and others have all been guaranteed to live in the ancient plane for millions of years. , some more, even countless billions of years!

In such a long time, I have seen too much suffering.

Angels and demons, high above, overlooking mankind.

The resentment I once felt in my heart will finally be vented today.

However, their movements are not slow, charging into the battlefield and facing off against those powerful Seraphs, Cherubim, Angels of Power, or dynasty emperors and dark monarchs.

On the contrary, the warriors from the recently fallen world of [Jiudingji], such as Pei San, Qin Qiqi, Huang Tianqin, Yunmeng God of War, Zhuge Yuanhong, etc., have not experienced it personally, so their feelings are not so profound.

Of course, they can also understand the mood of the ancient local warriors after participating in a continuous and fierce war, whether they were killed or injured.


At this moment, there were two loud noises again. The Lord of Destruction and the Lord of Redemption outside the Four Elephant Formation were attacked by Feng Yun Wuji, and there were White Tiger Supreme, Suzaku Supreme, Xuanwu Supreme, and the Second Point. With the cooperation of the gods, it can almost be said that the two main gods of light and darkness were killed without much effort.

"The law of time..." The Lord of Destruction woke up, touched the broken divine body, and smiled bitterly.

"Is this... a law that is enough to become the 'King of Gods'? It is indeed so powerful!" The Lord of Redeemer spoke, but before he could finish his words, he was submerged by the water of time and collapsed on the spot.

"You go to the battlefield over there." I said calmly, and along with the flow of the long river, I struck out with a palm, destroying the master of conspiracy.


The White Tiger Supreme and others continued to form a formation and fell into the angel army. Tens of millions of angels were killed in an instant!

"The law of time is indeed terrible." The master of conspiracy sighed, his tone full of unwillingness, "If it weren't for Cao Ya, you Feng Yun Wuji, and that Teng Qingshan, my plan would have succeeded!"

"At that time, the one who will replace the fourteen main gods and become the new 'King of the Gods' will be me, Sirlo."

The Lord of Conspiracy sat down on the spot, his expression still very unwilling.

But with the passage of time, no matter what hatred he had, it all disappeared.

As the "Lord of Time", Feng Yun Wuji's terror is beyond imagination.

Even Cao Ya seemed inferior compared to him.

"More than five-star average?"

After getting help from Teng Qingshan, [Jiudingji] Cao Ya had free time to pay attention to Feng Yun Wuji.

Seeing the great power of this deity, [Jiuding Ji] Cao Ya's eyes flashed, thoughtfully.

He also realized that if the law of time existed long ago, the "King of the Gods" would only be an average five-star star.

The combination of many main gods can fight against it.

If all the thirteen main gods of the same department are dispatched, there may even be a chance to counterattack!

In the face of a huge threat, don't doubt the Lord God's determination.

Calculated in this way, a five-star average star is indeed not qualified to be worthy of the throne of "King of the Gods".

Five-star advanced and five-star peak are more suitable.

"This is still... Wuji's true self, which lacks the law of killing. Otherwise, at the bottom of the five-star peak, one person can equal the twenty-six Lord Gods of Light and Darkness!"

[After Ascension] Cao Ya is also clear.

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