I have a lot of wings

My Wings Are A Little More Chapter 804

"Is it called asking for reward? I heard that you robbed people's treasure directly. "The oldest man's house robbery" just said... Forget it, I won't discuss this in advance.

Rorschach sighed and reminded, "Anyway, are you not a goddess? Can you look like a goddess?" "What! The goddess can't be a little hobby?" Ishtar snorted softly.

Then she leaned her face over and asked, "Well... let me go to the Hades with you, is there any reward?" "No, get out.

You don't go.

521 Take my sister away quickly

Rorschach paid no attention to Ishtar, who was a little confused.

He cast his gaze towards the ground, confirming the location of Hades.

In the gods of this world, the sky, the surface, and the realm are all on the same fabric.

The Hades is underground, not any other dimension.

"Luo ~ Xia, let me go with you too.

Ishtar was not angry after being rejected, and got entangled again.

As a goddess, she still has an investment vision.

To have a good relationship with Rorschach, the benefits are indispensable in the future, there is no need to fight for short-term interests.

Just listen to Ishtar saying: "I have been to Hades before, and I am very familiar with it. I can show you the way.

"No need to lead the way, I have sensed the position of Ai Lei.

If Rorschach stared at the ground not far away, her sight seemed to penetrate the ground, scanning the world underneath.

I "From here... have you sensed the position of that woman?" Ishtar gave a somewhat stunned expression

However, considering the abilities Rorschach had shown before, she was immediately relieved.

"Yes, I can move directly to Ai Lei. Don't care about the rules of the Hades." Rorschach said: "The rules have to limit me, at least I must first reach the limit of 10 surfaces. "What do you mean?" "Nothing," One of my calculation methods is nothing more.

Rorschach waved her hand and said, "Compared to this, what you call Ai Lei... don't need to change-change?--Straight'

That woman,'that guy's, is not suitable for future friendship.

"Huh, are you so partial to her?" Ishtar seemed a little unhappy.

"It's not a bias," Rorschach explained: "I mean, since you got acquainted with me, then, with my help, you won't disappear with the demise of the gods.

You can spend a lot of time together in the future. As sisters, be kinder.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Ishtar's face was a little unnatural, "I'm super bad at dealing with that guy.

Facing Rorschach’s sight, she hesitated for a few seconds and then explained: "That happened a long time ago.

After attacking the Aibifu Mountain, I thought there was nothing I could not do, so I rushed into the mansion confidently. As a result, I lost badly and was deprived of seven powers. In the end, I was dragged barely. In front of the guy, she stabbed me into a wasp with a gun... Since then, I am not good at dealing with that guy.

Hearing this, Rorschach was very puzzled and said: "Is that so...then you just yelled if you want to lead me? Ishtar. You don't have any tendency to... self-abuse, right?" "You have self-abuse Tendency!" Ishtar exploded, "I am a noble goddess. You give me a little respect.

"Then what's the reason you are arguing about going?" Ishtar hesitated for a few seconds, and then gave up on himself. "Okay! I admit, I want to create a good impression of you for me and build a good relationship with you."

It is convenient for you to give me gems in the future.

Rorschach sighed after listening.

Seeing this, Ishtar argued for himself: "What's wrong with the goddess's loyalty to his desire? Yes, what's wrong? I'll tell you in advance. I won't accept you.

Condemned!" Although Ishtar said loudly, Rorschach heard a feeling of lack of confidence.

"This property of greed for money has surpassed the dignity, it is not a defect that has been sublimated by the divine, Rorschach whispered.


Who is it?" Ishtar asked.

Rorschach did not answer, but changed the subject and said, "I have a good impression of you, so don't do anything extra.

In short, I still hope you two can get along well.

"Did you not understand what I just said? I don't

Good at... "The one you are not good at is Eleskigal," I Rorschach interrupted Ishtar and said, "Not Airey.

"Is there a difference?" Ishtar pouted."Of course there is a difference." Rorschach

Reminded: "Your personality is different from the past, did you perceive it yourself? At this point, Ai Lei, too, you are all affected by Ping Yi. "She... has also changed?" Ishtar said suspiciously: "You won't frame me?' Although she uses the same body, she and Ai Lei come out at different times.

It can be said that since the advent until now, the two have not had any intersection.

-Never said a word.

Under this circumstance, she couldn't be sure what kind of personality the current Eleskigal possessed.

"Of course," Rorschach nodded and promised: "I never lie, let alone deceive the goddess.

I dare say you are going to the Hades now. Not only will I not attack you, but also treat you as important"

Are you sure?" "...Well, if she is not as arbitrary as before, but can listen to other people's suggestions, I can still accept her'sister'.

Ishtar became a little honest in rare cases.

Rorschach was a little surprised. I wondered if Ai Lei was back online.

This is called my sister directly? Ishtar noticed his expression. He explained dissatisfiedly: "Really. Don't subconsciously label me unkind. You think I went to the underworld before. What? It’s not because you can’t get used to it!” She said very fast, “Eleskigal was unable to leave the underworld because of the orders of the gods. Once I heard about this nasty thing, I couldn’t sit back ignore.

If you want to go out, just leave the Hades and leave it alone. I just ran to see her just to say this.

"No wonder you were shot by Ai Lei... I Rorschach said with emotion.

...What do you mean?" Ishtar twitched his eyes.

"You two sisters are the representatives of typical order and selfish desires." Rorschach said: "You are more willful, while Ai Lei values ​​order and is responsible.

"How do I feel that you are belittling me to lift her?" Ishtar cast a suspicious look.

"Your illusion," Rorschach denied:

"I am an objective evaluation.

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