I have a lot of wings

My Wings Are A Little More Chapter 806

"You...you let go!" Ishtar opened Ishtar's hand, then looked at Rorschach, and said in a low voice, "Are you going to help her speak, don't you help me?" Ishtar dragged again Tugged Rorschach: "Persuade me to reconcile, but you! You won't help me?" "Don't tugge!" Seeing Ishtar's movements, Ai Lei was shy and took Rorschach's arm. Just talked to myself, "Rorschach, who are you going to help?" "It goes without saying, of course it is for me.

Ishtar grabbed Rorschach's other hand and didn't let go, and began a tug of war with Ile.

Rorschach, who was pulled over, looked confused and complicated for a while.

What's the situation? How can it be so good that it became like this?

523 Rorschach is a carnivore

The dispute between Ilei and Ishtar lasted for nearly half an hour before ending.

The two broke each other's past black history, which can be said to make Rorschach caught in the middle listen to it.

As for the purpose of Ishtar's coming down, it was already clear at the beginning of the struggle.

It's just that the two of them quarreled with each other, and they couldn't care about the so-called reconciliation.

w venting each other's emotions.

Can stop

Coming down, it was because Ivan didn’t stop his mouth,-accidentally yelled a truth from his heart: "Rorschach! You are too much, I obviously like you so much, but you help this greedy woman with only gems in his eyes Talk...ah, no!

I..." After the reaction, Ai Lei's face became extremely red, and Shi froze in place.

She wants to explain...or cover up, but she doesn't know how to say it.

Suddenly, the brain went down in a hurry, leaving only the instinct to escape.


Ah, she ignored Ishtar anymore.-Yanyan ran away.

The quarrel came to an end in such a dramatic way.

When Rorschach and Ishtar found Aire again, they found that the other party was curled up on their own jade seat in the Hades.

Ai Lei Huo

Ruo's head and body shrank on the jade seat and kept shaking and twisting.

The mistress of the Hades has completely lost the momentum.

I'm afraid she is only ashamed and overwhelmed in her mind now.

Ai Lei has set obstacles

, Separates Yuzuo from the outside area.

It is a pity that this hindrance cannot have any defensive effect on Rorschach.

"Ishtar, wait here for a while, I'll go tell her.

Rorschach reminded the goddess beside her.


, I know, you now need to have a separate conversation, I still have this vision.

Ishtar has long forgotten his anger, leaving only a strong expression of interest on his face. "Unexpectedly. She would explode so bluntly. Here

Click on it. She has to thank me for having a fight with her.Goddess I patted Rorschach on the shoulder.

Oh, yes, even if you succeed Rorschach, you can't forget me, but we are very good friends who will give each other valuable gifts.

Rorschach glanced at Ishtar, ignoring what she meant.

This woman is really greedy.

A 100-meter-long cube gem mountain, plus a temple made of gold, has not yet satisfied her? Insatiable, really insatiable.

But... as long as you attack this point, it feels like a super easy woman.

Maybe there were more treasures given, Ishtar looked down upon him.. Rorschach thought of something evil in his heart.

Soon he condensed these thoughts and moved closer to the jade seat.

Ai Ying noticed the sound of footsteps approaching.-Time curled up more severely.

She dared not look up at all, nor did she dare to speak.

"Elei?" Rorschach shouted.

Ai Lei did not respond.

Buried between the legs, the eyes are tight, showing the ostrich mentality.

As long as I can't see, nothing will exist... She kept talking in her heart.

Seeing that the jade seat was quite spacious, Rorschach sat down directly next to Ai Lei. She also hugged her with one hand.

..... ?" Ai Lei can't be an ostrich anymore, she has to raise her head and look at Rorschach in shock....What are you doing!? "Rorschach is too bold, right? Why didn't I see it before? ..no no

Yes, speaking of it, when we first met, he simply hugged himself and crossed.

Accurate.... He is actually a carnivore? "Ailee, you don't actually need to be so shy." Rorschach comforted. "...please, let...let me personally be quiet for a while.

Ai Lei said in a very small voice.

At the same time, she wanted to break free of Rorschach's arms, but found that Rorschach's arms were very tight, and her cheeks became more rosy for a while.

You first.... Let me go first.

I know it."Rorschach said suddenly.

"Know? What do you mean?" Ai Lei, you are actually a very good looking person, but you don't know this.

Rorschach reminded softly.

.. Very good to see through?" Ai Lei

"That's right," Rorschach nodded, "At least it seems to me.

So..., you don’t have to be ashamed of exposing your thoughts suddenly, in fact, you’ve been exposed long ago.

Ai Ying thought this sounded weird.

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