I have a lot of wings

My Wings Are A Little More Chapter 819

Looking at the other half of Ruo's snack, she was a little greedy.

But the words had already been said, she couldn't pull her face down and continued to eat the rest. "...Rorschach's mouth was slightly raised, and another ice-cold ice cream was turned into a cold ice cream. She handed it to Anna and said, "Then you are trying. This one.

Anna took a look, took it and licked it slightly, she revealed her inner expression as if she had been captured.

After sensing that Rorschach was looking at herself, she immediately reduced her expression again, a little panicked.

"Is it delicious?" Rorschach asked.

Anna turned her head and secretly licked it a second time. "Your expression just now isn't like that... Okay, okay, I'm not going to talk about this, stop shaking your sickle.

Rorschach said helplessly, "In short, this is just the tip of the iceberg in modern society, in addition to eating.

Have all kinds of fun you can't imagine.

The fun way of the birth of civilization is more extensive than the mountains and seas. Are you sure that you don’t experience the one-off, just choose to dissipate like this? Don’t you feel a pity? When she came back, she found that her heart was completely expected It was filled, which made her look up at Rorschach in surprise, a little admiring the other's eloquence.

Rorschach enjoyed the look in Anna's eyes.

This gave him the feeling that his conversation was actually very powerful.

Those previous setbacks are definitely useless in the right way.

It must be like this. "But... at this time, Anna said, "I can't live in modern society." Well..., then you can go with me.

"1h Rorschach thought about it

, Proposed, "You now have a contract with me as a master and a follower. You can leave here with me and go to another world. My world just

It's modern.

3-point, it was proved a long time ago.

When he took Ilya through, Hercules was counted as Ilya's item and went through together.

The servant is the envoy of the master, probably judged by the system as a kind of personal belongings. "Follow...you? Na froze, and then began to consider the feasibility.

She has no nostalgia for the current era. Since she is looking forward to modern society wherever she goes, it is a good choice to go with Ruorosha."Why?" Anna asked, "Why are you willing to help me for this?" She was a little uncomfortable with such unilateral kindness.

I feel.... I can't calm down.

You must have a contract or something to be balanced. It's probably because I prefer children, and I used to take care of them.

Rorschach replied. Anna stared at him, obviously not able to accept this reason.

"Don't have any psychological burden," Rorschall thought after reminding: "Anyway, you are now my follower, you are going to travel as a wayward master, and then you have to follow B,

Protect the master.

...Ok.Anna accepted this statement, "The contract was established, and there was hesitation on her face. After a few seconds, she slowly stretched out her hand to Rorschach.

"Handshake?" Rorschach asked.


? It seems that the first step has been taken.

Rorschach smiled and stretched out his hand to shook the past: "Just keep going, Anna." After Rorschach enlightened Anna, Gore Page's crusade plan was over.

Ai Lei and others gathered.

Ruin potholes

Was. There is no good place to stay, everyone had to change places.

"Huh? Merlin, why are you still alive? Rorschach looked at Merlin who was bleeding from the corner of her mouth. It was a bit surprised.

Merlin squatted on the ground forcibly, her expression depressed.

"It stands to reason, it should be dead." Ai Lei glanced at Merlin, and exclaimed: "I can still learn, really perseverance.

Don’t you two say something nice?" Every Lin vomited blood and said helplessly: "I will be leaving soon.

Tiamat awakened and crushed my dreams. My exit time was when she debuted... It's a very dramatic script plot.

"I will leave the venue immediately. How long is it?" Anna looked over curiously, "Isn't it dead yet?

Why do you all die with him? "In short, you have to pay attention. Tiamat is "Okay, you don’t need to say anything. We don’t need you to provide any information. Tiamat is We have long known the point of returning to the most rational beast.

Merlin didn't speak at all, and waited for her to dissipate.

"We can deal with Tiamat, so you don't have to run over from Avalon. You can't help much anyway.

In the end, Merlin dissipated with a slightly curvy eyes.

People are a bit evil towards others.

Isn't it just love to deceive? This is the wrong horse? His mental power is open to'retaining the direction of the bay to obey God.

The huge magical reaction caused a change in the celestial phenomenon in the distance, shaking the spirit that spread out from him.


"Moreover," he continued: "In addition to the reaction of the magic hearth, there are many scattered magic powers quickly approaching the land. It is estimated that it is Lakhmu made by Tiamat, which is pouring out of Persia."Rorschach said with a slight emotion: "Spray... The number of Lahmu exceeds 100 million, and it continues to multiply."

One hundred million followers... I really don't know that even if one hundred million pigs rush over you on the original track, you can also crush Uruk.

"Since Tiamat is awake, let's go and take a look.

He glanced at the crowd around him, and then his divine power shook, engulfing the people living on the scene, and teleported.

In less than a second, he took everyone to the coast of the Persian Gulf.

The blue ocean is being eroded and covered by black waves.

In the distance, there were dense clouds. The wind kept blowing. Shadows enveloped the entire sea area nearby.

It looks like a natural disaster.

The ugly Rahmu emerged from the ocean, making weird and disgusting noises.

If you continue at this speed, you will be able to successfully log in soon.

Ishtar showed a look of disgust: "Mother... made some weird things.

"Who would admit that the five ugly monsters are new humans.

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