I have a lot of wings

My Wings Are A Little More Chapter 825

And short-term

Divine power available within.

Using these divine powers to pour out the priesthood, enhance the divine status, and upgrade the priesthood to "reason"... His strength will usher in a qualitative leap.

Maybe at that time, he will be able to solve the "Circle of the Ring" matter.

Rorschach has no psychological burden for carrying out this plan.

The spiritual system used by the gods of Hakoba, faith is of little use to them.

This exhibition is not shit in Zhan Ruo Mao Keng.

After harvesting the faith, he will return his identity to him

That's it.

The gods do not lose anything.

At most, it needs to be worried, plus the spirit level is reduced for a period of time.

Of course, the truth is such a truth, but the gods will not believe it.

Once he dared to do this, he would have to endure the anger of the gods.

Therefore, Rorschach needs someone to block the gods for herself.

Gain time for him to realize his faith and improve his strength.

Otherwise, it will be interrupted in the middle and the sun sovereignty will be robbed back. This plan will fail.

No way, harvest faith becomes stronger

You have to follow the Basic Law, it takes time.

Once his great cause is 10%.

For him, the gods of Hakoi...

When the time comes, he will return the identity of the gods, and the breath of the gods must be swallowed.

No one would dare to trouble him anymore.

If you still have... I'm sorry, I urge you to be kind-hearted Rorschach: "The current people who are going to participate are Bai Yasha, Yan, and Kuang San. They are high-end combat power of our friend group.

Leticia is in the box court, so it is considered passive to join, then she will be responsible for dealing with the fourth floor of the box court, as well as the combat power of the middle and lower levels.Xia Xiaowan: "Who else would you like to participate in? I will say in advance and do what I can. After all, the plan this time is dangerous."

During your fight against the box court, I am in the stage of becoming stronger, but I can't help you back. If you die in battle, you are really dead.

Chelsea: "Uh, is life still in danger. Xia: "To be precise, there is no.

Even if someone dies, I will eventually find a way to resurrect her. Although I will withdraw from the chat group after death, it is just an invitation letter.

Ersi: "It's okay to believe you.

However, I don't know how many years I will die. I am still a bit resistant.

Chelsea: "And after you live, you have to waste 0000 points to buy an invitation letter. It feels like it's just a plus for people.

Xia Xiaowan: "Chelsea reminded me of what you said.

Xia Xiaowan: "I recommend people who want to participate in the experience and don't join in the fun this time. After all, they have-

Certain risk.

Chelsea: "Then I won't participate.

Xia Xiaowan: "It's okay, I didn't plan to want you.

What is your strength, don’t you know it in your heart?" Great good god Bai Yasha: "How can I say that he is also the class dominator of the box court, the management, why is it arranged by your kid to be a traitor?" Rorschach: "We are Help each other, when my strength is up, you can use my power to suppress those gods that you hate." Good god Bai Yasha: "Then you have to succeed!

If your kid failed, and we have rebelled, how can we still hang around in Hakata? Xia: "White Yaksha, this plan just allows me to shorten the cycle of becoming stronger. It is a shortcut.

According to my current development, one day my strength can grow to that point, only

But time is running out, I'm too lazy to wait.

So regardless of failure or success, I will have that kind of strength, do you understand? Great good god Bai Yasha: "You mean, even if you fail, you will be able to support us when you grow to that point in the future.

Rorschach: "It's simple, you are one, and Calge is one. These two = digits; if you are in flames, you should be conservative. I can reach ten double digits with all my strength; I will try to win the Halloween queen. Shen Bai Yasha: "Huh? Are you wooing the queen?" Xia:

"Yes, anyway, we need her solar sovereignty, and it is still necessary to win her. I use the group as a condition to throw an olive branch at her. She should agree.

Tokisaki Kuangsan: "Wait, is it Rorschach for you to talk?" Xia "Yes Rorschach" you

What do we know! I am here in Ai Lei, but I succeeded in taking the position of the god who wanted to destroy mankind, and persuaded him to give up his position and stay in my kingdom."Chelsea: "Is it a suit?" Xia: "Sister Chi, you go cool."

Xia: "Anyway, I

No violence was used, and it was completely persuaded by my mouth.

Ai Ying: "But I used deception.

Tokisaki Kakuzo: "It seems that you have to be more careful in the future. Beware of your mouth. Always talk sweet words.

Great Good God Bai Yasha: "

The queen understands that if you use the qualifications of a friend group as a condition, there is still hope for success. However, the possibility of failure must also be considered."Rorschach: "Then prepare with both hands. When the time comes, you, me, Yan. Kuangsan, and the four of us will talk together. If the talks are not successful, then use the strong force to force her to sign the box court contract. She will not follow. It must be from Tokisaki Kuang = Great Good God Shirayasha: "It seems to be very interesting! Haha Toki Kuang San: "It's still the original taste.


538 The mad three are hanging up, right?

There are only seventeen in total in the full domain.

Excluding Shiroyasha, it is 16th.

Xiao Meiyan dealt with ten people, Shiroyasha, Kalji, and the woman dealt with one place separately, and three others were free. No one limited the combat power of double figures. It was directly related to the success or failure of the plan and had to be guarded.

Xia Xiaowan: "I know there are three remaining, I haven't finished speaking yet.

Rorschach: "The World Dragon Club is not in the box

Court, swims in the outer stars all year round, so it can't be regarded as a combat force.

As long as we hold the sovereignty of the equatorial dragon that can summon her in our hands, she is not a threat to us.

Altaïr: "Why not deal with the Queen of Halloween

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