I have a lot of wings

My Wings Are A Little More Chapter 833

Alicele raised the TV sound a bit, and slightly curled her lips and said, "Illya is really, she has the bad habit of teasing her mother.

You can't fool me this time, ha ha.

After Rorschach taught Ilia, she began to prepare for the ritual of the heroic spirit in the early morning of the same day, and there was a ready-made Great Holy Grail system in Winterwood City.

In the Moon World, as long as the magic power is enough, many things can be accomplished.

Inhibition is not conscious, as long as he does not commit acts of killing humans and destroying the earth, the two inhibitions will not resist him

Originally, divine power can also create a high-level spiritual foundation.

As the night approached, he realized the mass production of the crowned spirit foundation. Looking at the first spirit foundation he created and the consumption of divine power, Rorschach sighed.

But now is not the time to feel bad.

As long as the plan is successful and gain unlimited faith, you can have as much divine power as you want.

Soon, he went to work again.

Another night passed.

"Big brother, mother, I'm about to start." Illiya stood in the center of the magic circle and reminded Rorschach. He said that his public object has reached the earth. This is...? "Alice Xianzuoer is curious Glanced.

"I got it from Gilgamesh's throne when I was in Uruk.

"With this summoning, you may be able to summon Gil Wumeishi, who is a virtuous king. Although Ilia is a bit disgusted, she still chooses to believe Rorschach.

"It turned out to be you? It's a coincidence...no. It should be said that Xiangfen." He couldn't help showing an unexpected look at the summoning ceremony of this scale, and quickly burst out laughing: Rorschach smiled and pointed to Yi Liya said, "Huh." Yihe Zhun glared at Gilgamesh.

Do you know Ilia?" Rorschach asked curiously.

"I don't know this king, but this king has related memories. The seat of heroic spirits is an existence that transcends the time axis, and the king also learns to hold records of parallel worlds.

Let you see the immature side of this king. Since the little girl is your friend, this king does not

Jie apologized to her."Hmph, although it makes you take advantage of it, but... Then, the king himself is ashamed of his posture.

"The long-lost goodbye, this king is very happy, Rorschach, how about continuing the banquet of the distant past tonight? He turned his head and looked at it, a little Rorschach sighed. Then he looked at the knight Alto Liya, smiled and greeted: Beside Rorschach, Anasfiel was surprised. "She. Is she Altoria?

Qi Tuwang?"

544 I'm Sorry

Did Altria eat any hormones? How did she develop such a good figure? She used to be less than 155 in height.

The chest is even more like a horse.

7 Alice Phil

In a state of astonishment.

"She should be Altria after the historical changes." Rorschach speculated: "I didn't use the Holy Sword, but the Holy Spear. Without the influence of the scabbard, the body would develop normally.

"Yes, it's this


"It's all thanks to you, Rorschach.

My life... is a complete one-time, although there are still some flaws. But..." She smiled and said, "Enough, I don't pray for better results anymore.

"Have you figured it out?" Rorschach asked.

"Forget it, Bi.... It's been done again completely.

Altria looked much more calm than ever.

She glanced at Ilia next to her and rubbed the girl's head. "Ilia hasn't changed much, can't you say. How long hasn't it been here?" "Ten years have passed." Alice Phil reminded: "Illiya only controls the age of the body. Her normal state is almost the same as me as a mother.

-While talking about Ruo. She walked up to Altria, grabbed the opponent's hands, and said with excitement, "Welcome back. Altria. My rider.

I really... miss you so much!""

Alice Phil Altria felt the touch from her hands.

The warmth of that person's skin made her feel the sense of isolation after a long absence from reunion, so it was broken up.

"I'm back, Alice Phil.

She smiled

Said: 7 "Long time no see.

Rorschach estimated that it was probably because he and Alice Phil Ilia were present.

Therefore, Altria, who had a deep relationship with the three of them, was summoned without a designated summoner.

7 congregations

He moved to the living room of Weiguan's house and began to reminisce about the past.

Altria showed hostility to Gilgamesh.

However, after Rorschach's explanation, the relationship between the two was relieved.

At least you can talk normally.

76 Nervous

After the atmosphere faded, Alice Phil began to talk about the events after the Holy Grail War.

Altria sighed while listening, and occasionally followed her "rebirth experience".

Whenever they talk about interesting places, the two will show their smiles without hesitation.

Altria had no bitter hatred in her heart, and she was much more cheerful.

76 And the conversation is very easy-going, which not only makes people feel the king's temperament, but also does not feel difficult to approach.

Rorschach felt that she had grown a lot.

Even Gilgamesh looked at her more.

After the reminiscence was over, Rorschach began to talk about the reason for calling the heroic spirits.

It is mainly for Altria, because Gilga's death was known as early as BC.

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