I have a lot of wings

My Wings Are A Little More Chapter 851

It just so happened that Shanjian City was the site of Di Shitian. We had a relationship with him before, so let's just tell him.

"Is this using Di Shitian as a tool?" Rorschach asked with a smile.

"Tools... This description fits the gods." Bai Yasha waved his hand and said, "You guys wait here, we will fix it as soon as possible, and then we will go to see the queen.

"Let the queen come to see us.

Rorschach shook her head, "Bai Yasha, just use your waist to talk to the queen and deceive the emperor Shi Tian, ​​let him use it as the reason for your return to the heaven.

By the way, you can also tell him that you are tired as a class ruler, so you throw it to Arcadia. In this way, you can return the godhead and get back your spirituality.

Both Di Shitian and you belong to Buddhism, and he will speak to Buddhism for you."P" Oh? It's convenient to say that.

Bai Yacha thought for a moment and accepted the suggestion.

Tell Di Shitian in advance that the purpose of her coming back is to find the queen to reminisce about the past. Then, what actions she will take to the queen later will not

It will make the gods feel abrupt.

I saw Bai Yacha nodded and said, "Let's go in first, you remember to keep your breath, don't let the people here catch the clue.

After the reminder, she quickly approached Ruoshanjiancheng.

After Bai Yasha left, Yan looked at the glorious and sacred city, and said with emotion, "Is this the base camp of the heavenly army?" P "Well," Rorschach nodded and said: "The guardian of the box garden is probably here for twelve days. Brahma is also one of them. He is the level of cosmic truth like Bai Yasha....In other words, do you feel his breath?" Yan shook his head and said, "I am not very familiar with the spiritual system, but .. There is indeed a strong aura.

Miss Devil’s face suddenly appeared with a strong interest. "Now understand the intensity of the two-digit number, if it is not very strong. I can handle it alone. "Don't! Hold it back!" Straight. Otherwise, it would be bad to alarm the heavenly army.

To be honest, just stand on the "enemy

Talking in the base camp, he was still quite nervous.

In terms of mentality, he even admires trivial development and other waves.

The plan should be done step by step.

Yan looked at Rorschach and shrugged: Rorschach, I think you are a bit too conservative. From the setting alone, the two-digit number is obviously not my opponent. You have a little confidence in me, I feel me. .. The tone of Miss Devil, your very serious underestimation, is mixed with grievances.

Rorschach couldn't tell whether it was real or pretending, and simply ignored it.

Speaking on the matter: "You don't understand, I am worried about the gods... or the Ouroboros is doing things. With the mentality of ruining the same thing, I will provoke the decadence to us.

The setting of Decadent Wind is relatively abstract, and the level of strength cannot be determined for the time being, so be safe. First set everything up. Then burst out. Give the box garden gods a thunderous blow, so that they even have time to react. No.

This is the best way.

"Oh?" Yan's eyes were a little subtle, "It's not like your style at all, you shouldn't have been...Um...In your words, you were taken away. Right? "This is my style!" Rorschach replied in a deep voice.

Yan hooked the corner of his mouth lightly, without refuting it.

But she

The half-squinted smile looked like a mockery, and it was stronger than any retort.

Later, I said... This is a mockery at all!? Rorschach didn't bother to argue, quietly waiting for Shiroyasha's return.

.... But her hands

The young girl with short feet and an elegant face disappeared.

Instead, a beauty with bright silver hair appeared in front of Rorschach and Yan.

Yes... Baiyasha Yan looked a little surprised at the windy beauty of Yu Jie before her.

"Of course it is us, we are the Protoss, and the posture is meaningless to us.

Bai Ye spoke again, destroying her own cold Yujie temperament, her tone was a bit old-fashioned, "Now it's just a rebound of the Lingge. When the Lingge is completely stabilized, we can become what you like.

"It's what Rorschach likes." Yan chuckled and corrected the sentence.

"What you said about Rorschach: "???" "You're enough!" Rorschach snorted heavily, "Since I'm back, the spirit has recovered. Let's do business.

"Wait first." Yan took a close look at Shiroyasha. Some commentators said, "It turns out that...Is this the cosmic truth-level spirituality? Is it too weak?" Of course we see it. Not on the truth of the universe!" Bai Yasha

Waved his hand and said: "Our current Lingge is probably only a mere sun god.

After all, after we have experienced three defeats, Linge has been degraded a lot. Even if we recover, it will only be restored to the level of degraded.

Of course, you don’t have to worry about our lack of strength, as long as we use the authority of the organizer, we can immediately expand back to the original level.

"So..... Homura nodded. Although Xiao Mi Homura was just stating the facts, why... She suddenly felt so sad. No, it's a heart-stuck!" Use the star cup to import-cut settings, and the detailed simulation calculation has been done, and there will be no problems.


The sound attracted the attention of the two people: "Now let's talk about business.

Bai Yacha, I remember that your relationship with the queen should be good, right?" Huh?" Bai Yacha said in a daze, "Your kid is all right? We have always been at odds with the queen, if we can catch the chance,

We can't wait to mock her to death! "This is a typical relationship between friends." Rorschach said: "From the information provided in the second part of the novel, the queen actually likes to play with you.

I think, if Ren Litian didn’t fix it, she couldn’t go to the middle and lower level...

Your life will be more blocked than it is now.

Bai Yacha said speechlessly: "You-say that... How do we feel that she is like a pervert? No. She is a pervert!" "Okay. Alright, it's useless for you to say bad things about her to me.

Rorschach Direct

Proposing: "In short, the queen's spirit is too strong, I can't know her position.

As far as her ability in the noisy realm is, no matter where she goes, she is limited to simplicity. I guess it is unlikely that she will stay in her own community.

So... Bai Yasha. You invite the queen over.

"You kid thinks beautifully!" Bai Yacha curled his lips. He was extremely disdainful: "Let's invite her? No way! Even if she invites us, we still have to consider whether to give her face!" "Okay. You don't want to. We can come to visit." Rorschach said: "I just don't know if she is there.

"P "Visit?" Bai Yasha face-black, "Let's visit her? That's even more impossible!" Rorschach looked at her blankly, "Then you say, what do you want to do?" "This is Bai Yasha Lost in thought.

Suddenly, she was agile. She thought of a good idea that can be disgusting.

I saw that she closed the fan and hit Xuexin, and said excitedly: "Just leave it to us to bring the queen out, you just leave it alone.

When the time comes, you will only be responsible for following us...and just persuade her.

557 You Misunderstood Me

Bai Yasha basically did what he thought of, and immediately began to draw up the picture of the queen in his memory.

She played these scenes in a fantasy state, and then

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