I have a lot of wings

My Wings Are A Little More Chapter 853

"No, you misunderstood me.

Rorschach waved her hand: "I want to ask, what are the weaknesses of the queen? We will focus on her weaknesses later, and fight for the first time to kill her... Oh no, it's to faint her. Otherwise, if the movement is detected by the gods, it will be difficult to deal with the subsequent storm.

Yasha: Bai Ye was stunned for another second....Look at this vicious energy, just like the sigh of this groan. It only took less than an hour. She became a queen. The ghost video. Especially the kind of brainwashing.

After listening to it again but not the second time, it was uncomfortable all over. Of course. Rorschach's contribution is indispensable.

He gave the most suggestions.

Destroying a girl with bright eyes, white teeth and a slow sense of majesty with my own eyes, turning it into a sand sculpture in the video... This feeling is quite refreshing.

After the video was completed, Xiao Meiyan directly printed it on the sky at the outer gate of the community "Halloween Queen".

At the same time, the three of Rorschach came outside the city wall of the target outer gate.

Bai Yasha began to exude his spiritual breath unscrupulously, forming the best bait.

About five minutes later, Big Fish was lured out.

All three felt that a powerful Lingawei pressure had fallen on the outer town here, like the sun, which made people feel a scorching sensation.

"This is just coming back. As expected, the queen is not at home. My previous judgment was correct." Rorschach said.

"It should be her Qitu, contact her by emergency contact." Bai Yasha smiled and said:'The Queen's reputation is insulted, for her Qitu people, it is no small matter.

"My barrier has sealed this place.

"Okay!" Bai Yacha exclaimed: "We are afraid of her running away. After all, if we learn to control the stars and the world and want to run away, we can't help but cut off her back." Start gearing up to learn: "Remember to attack weaknesses, a thunder blow, quickly end the battle.

"It sounds like a sinister villain. Flame lightly satirized Rorxia.


Rorschach was about to go back, and another voice quickly came over, "White! Ye! Fork!" The atmosphere scorched, and the temperature continued to rise.

In the sky, the position of the sun has changed.

The shadow concealed by the city wall disappeared without a trace.

Instead, a blond girl appeared in front of the three, full of anger.

558 Homura: Rorschach, do you want to touch it?

The Queen of Halloween appeared in front of Rorschach.

The appearance of a girl.

Queen's temperament.

The hair exuding the brilliance of the sun swayed in the void because of the substantive aura, bringing an extremely strong sense of oppression.

The female woman King Kong glared like a lion roaring "White Yasha" You really...gave me a good gift! "So, do you like it very much?"

Shrugged, "You're welcome, Queen." "Hmph, I thought it was Alger's idiot who came back.

The halloween queen’s eyes are cold. But the temperature is constantly increasing. "Such dishonest behavior is done, Bai Yasha

, Staying down for a long time, you become a strong guest."Rorschach interrupted Bai Yasha directly and drew out her guardian sword.

"A rare opportunity, let us say whether it's good or not!" Bai Yasha gave Rorschach a dissatisfied look, then looked at the queen again, and said with a very awkward beating, "As you can see. Pregnancy, we are here to find fault of.

We were able to clean up you back then, hehe...the same now!" The Halloween Queen looked at Ruobai Yasha in silence, her eyes getting more angry.

But in her heart

Without losing his calm, some doubts came up.

She heard that Bai Ye had already worn off her temper in the middle and lower levels. Why is it still better now than it was before? She just returned to the level of the spirituality of a sun god, so she dared to oppress her door? When the queen was thinking about the reason, suddenly, the battle started! Xia disliked that the two people's state of "you scream, I scream" was too boring, in order to save time, he took the lead.

w one sword split

Down! The golden divine power poured into the huge sword body, making the blue sword light surge forward like a rush.

The queen didn't care much at first. From her point of view, whether it was Rorschach or Xiao Meiyan, the fluctuation of the spirit level was not obvious, weak and unreasonable.

The only threat present was Bai Yasha.

The sound of glass shattering sounded all around, and a sword light cut through the layers of subspace, and instantly spread to her.

The broken space showed no signs of healing.

Have higher rules,

Limits the play of all-around fields.

The last layer of defense was broken.

The queen felt that all the protective measures she had arranged were suppressed by destructive forces and could not be mobilized temporarily.

She instantly turned into a sun-like radiance. She avoided the sword light and slashed on herself.

The woman's mental fluctuations spread to Rorschach's side.

Rikun's voice was mixed and surprised without concealment.

If it is impossible to have such strength, it will be unknown.

However, the three of Rorschach ignored her and wanted to make a quick decision.

white night

The fork turned into a streamer and caught up with the queen.

The two fought in the air,-the road cut through the sky.

The energies of the stars collided with each other, and the dazzling light continued to explode, blowing the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, and shattering the canopy of Master Hakata.

v Day and night of the entire outer door

Upside down instantly.

"White Yasha is really cheap!" Rorschach couldn't help but criticize.

"Forget it, if she wants to play, let her play for a while. My enchantment closes the entire outer door, and nothing can be transmitted." Yan reminded Rorxia.

Sound. Originally, the original plan was to wait for Rorschach to finish her attack, she immediately continued to attack, and immediately took the unsuspecting queen.

As a result, Bai Yasha took the first shot.

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