I have a lot of wings

My Wings Are A Little More Chapter 860

Each bar represents the beginning of a universe to the infinite future.

Those intersections are probably the so-called "historical turning points".

The gods

Guide, let things happen on all or most of the timeline at the same time in the same or similar way.

For example, fairy tales. Basically, there are deposits in every universe, and they are much the same.

The so-called change record is to change the historical events at these intersections.

With the help of the sovereignty of the sun, Rorschach's spirit extended to all nodes.

The history of mankind, which is closely related to myths, is not long, and it is only a few thousand years to be full.

This has greatly reduced his workload.

Rorschach's spiritual penetration

Entered a point of intersection, starting from the high latitude. All the stories of the editor.

The fuse of the war was ignited by him.

Rorschach uses bolts as weapons. He maintains order between heaven and earth. The bull and the eagle are his symbols.

Rorschach wears an eagle helmet and gold armor.

Holding a shooting star gun, Gangnir, is the king of the gods of the Asa tribe.

Rorschach fills up the sky, transforms into seventies on a day, and creates people from clay.

Rorschach greeted the infant Xihe. gave birth to ten suns.

n Rorschach knocked down the mountain.

Lingu who swept the Hakata

The storm of chaos began.

The names of the gods left in the history of mankind began to be changed almost instantaneously. His whole body was bent in golden light.

Bai Yasha and others subconsciously stretched out their hands to block the dazzling brilliance.



Bai Ye put away her relaxed state of mind again, and her entire face became serious.

The same is true for the people around, holding back the excitement and excitement, and waiting quietly.

Waiting for the arrival of the gods.

Both Bai Yasha and Queen knew that after Rorschach tampered with the record, it would not have any fatal impact on the gods.

The gods have left these achievements, and there will be no major problems for the time being.

The born gods have acquired a huge spiritual form at birth, and their birth status is far superior to human beings.

Follow-up achievements. Most of them are icing on the cake.

Suffice it to say that the dependence of the gods on humans and human history is not so great that they share life and death together.

After all, they plan to abandon the existing human history and create a new box garden.

It hurts muscles and bones, but it is definitely not fatal.

In other words, many gods are very dissatisfied with their current status, trying to overthrow the current system and construct their own gods cosmology with better rules in the new box garden.

Of course, it's something people don't care. It's strong...that's another thing. If you don't talk about maintaining order, even if it's just to save face, the gods will send troops without hesitation.

Bai Yasha and others understand this truth well, so they have a decisive mentality from the beginning.

The facts are as expected.

The gods are fast

There is a reaction.

The first thing to react was the heavenly army of Ren Litian.

The Celestial Army is responsible for supervising changes in foreign characters.

The changes to the record were noticed almost immediately.

This incident was uploaded to Di Shitian's ears at the fastest speed.

It's the same if you don't pass it.

After all, there was a problem with his own merits, which affected Lingge. Can Xiu still be unclear about it? "Straight!" Di Shitian quickly ordered, "Go straight to the root cause and send troops to solve it!"

"Is it our Ouroboros... or someone else?" "So many records have changed, what are Bai Yasha and the Queen doing? Are they controlled by our Ouroboros?" Di Shitian was not surprised.

Of course, he did not suspect that it was White Night

Fork and queen are in high affair.

"What the hell.... What happened? Di Shitian's face was extremely serious.

No, the main gods of the major gods began to contact him.

Even Buddhism sent an inquiry.

Only then did Di Shitian realize that the people whose merits have been changed are not just part of the gods, but all! To be honest, he almost fell in shock.

When the dystopian devil reborn, he would not dare to be so crazy, right? Di Shitian had no choice but to personally be responsible for straightening things. Soon, through measures such as observation of matters and straightening of the astronomical accumulation, he locked the abnormal changes. The source.

It’s just in Chenglitian and it’s not far from Shanjian City. "I’m so daring. They came to the base camp of the heavenly army. I want to see who is making trouble.

Although the tone of speech was very relaxed, Di Shitian's face was cold.

The records of the gods have been changed more or less.

This is tantamount to trampling the dignity of the entire box court under your feet. This is nakedly provoking the gods to maintain the order for so long.

Needless to say, the other fierce gods, I am afraid they are all angry now.

So when Di Shitian assembled his army and prepared to go to the source of the change.

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