I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 103: The brothers and sisters of the Liu family are dead! (seeking first order)

  Chapter 103 The brothers and sisters of the Liu family died! (seeking first order)

  The next day.

   Early morning.

  When the first ray of sunlight shone into the room through the window, Chen Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, and the golden paint on his body slowly disappeared into his body.

  The lean and strong muscles are streamlined and very aesthetically pleasing.

  After a night of practice, Chen Yuan used most of the snow jade paste, and finally refined his arms completely.

   At this time, Chen Yuan understood what Su Ziyue meant when he said that he owed her a favor, because this snow jade ointment was really extraordinary, and the effect was astonishing!

  In one night, Chen Yuan completed a quarter of his bone refining practice, and there was no aftermath. Unlike swallowing elixir, it would also accumulate erysipelas and affect the foundation.

  If all the remaining snow jade cream is used up, Chen Yuan can take a big step forward in the level of bone refining, saving him an unknown amount of time.

  It's a pity, if the supply of this thing is unlimited, it is estimated that in a few days, Chen Yuan will be able to cleanse his whole body, but he didn't expect too much.

  Snow Jade Paste is definitely an extremely difficult spiritual item to obtain.

   It is already extremely lucky to be given a bottle by Su Ziyue.

  Getting up and getting out of bed, Chen Yuan walked to the small courtyard, and began to wield the knife rigorously. Wielding the knife every day is the basis for him to be unshakable every day.

  Although he can also learn the Liuhe sword technique of the Zhao family, the knife technique of drawing the sword is still of great help to Chen Yuan.

  To be precise, this is not a sword technique, but a style of sword technique.

  Extremely explosive, it is a killing technique that instantly divides life and death!

  Chen Yuan attached great importance to this style of saber technique, so he never let up.

  Swinging the knife 800 times in a row, Chen Yuan's body was covered with fine sweat. He stuck the long knife on the ground, walked to the corner, and poured a large vat of cold water from head to bottom.

   One word, cool!

  Put on the official uniform, put on the waist knife, Chen Yuan closed the gate of the small courtyard, walked towards Zhou Ji Baozi shop, ordered eight meat buns, and a bowl of tofu nao, Chen Yuan quickly resolved the battle as if swallowing jujubes.

  Eating and drinking well, Chen Yuan roughly told Zhou Fang and his daughter about what happened in the Ci'en Temple. The body of Zhou Cheng, the youngest son who died of Zhou Zhong, probably could not be found.

  There is no dna test here, and their relatives can be found from a pile of broken corpses.

   Although the Zhou family's father and daughter felt a little uncomfortable about this, they were also mentally prepared for this, and just scolded those **** cult monsters a few times.

  They are just ordinary people, so what if they are angry?

  Not to mention them, even Chen Yuan's uncle's body was still not found, how to identify the scattered bones?

   "It's good that people are fine, and those cult monsters have almost been eradicated." Chen Yuan smiled, then put a few copper coins on the table and turned to leave.

  Ordinary people live an ordinary life just fine.

  The rivers and lakes are too dangerous, there are not many people with sophistication, all are fighting and killing!

   "Brother Yuan"

  Looking at the back of Chen Yuan leaving, Xiaofang suddenly stopped him.

"What's wrong?"

  Chen Yuan turned his head and looked.

   "It's okay, I'll eat it another day."

"it is good."

  Pingan County Government Office.

  Chen Yuan dealt with the things accumulated yesterday. Chen Yuan summoned a trusted subordinate and gave him a thumb-sized wood carving, ready to let him go to Fucheng to bring it to Yueshan.

  In the Ping'an County Government, Chen Yuan is not just Wang Ping's confidant. With his character, he will definitely buy some people, and Chen Yuan has done things fairly several times.

  The arresting officers in the arresting room still trust him and are willing to work hard for him.

   Although Chen Yuan is greedy, he doesn't like the three melons and dates in the arresting room. His greed is for the rich households in the county.

   As for the wood carving, it was a gadget that Yue Shan gave to Chen Yuan before he left.

  If he intends to enter the Sky Survey Department, but he can't leave by himself, someone will give this thing to Yue Shan, and he will report it to Lord Zhang Xuanzhang.

   If it is unintentional, just pretend that this statement has not been said.

   Yue Shan can also understand this.

  Ping'an County has just wiped out a branch of Wusheng Sect. As a head catcher, it is not easy for Chen Yuan to get out.

   "Don't alarm anyone about this matter, you go to the south of the city immediately to buy a horse and put on regular clothes." Chen Yuan threw the money to the young policeman in front of him, and told him solemnly.

   "Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely handle this matter well."

  The catcher immediately clasped his hands together.

   "This arrest still believes in you. After you come back, you can choose one of the three sword arts in the county government to practice." Chen Yuan laughed.

   "Thank you, my lord."

  The captain had a look of joy on his face.

   "Well, let's go."

   "Resignation from humble position"

  The policeman had just walked out the door when he met Wang Ping, who had a dignified face, rushing over. The two of them looked at each other without any verbal exchange.

  Walking into the lobby, Wang Ping slowly came to Chen Yuan and said in a low voice:

   "Brother Yuan, something happened!"

  Seeing Wang Ping's anxious look, Chen Yuan's face turned calm instantly, and asked:

   "What happened?"

  The Ci'en Temple has just been wiped out, logically speaking, nothing can happen, especially since the skinny man died at the hands of Su Ziyue last night.

   But he also knew that since Wang Ping looked like this, something might have happened.

  Wang Ping took a deep breath:

   "This morning, the police who delivered the meals found the brothers and sisters of the Liu family dead in their cells."

  Chen Yuan's pupils shrank deeply: "Dead?"

  He just ordered the two of them to be detained in the cell below the arresting room. Although there were some punishments, he didn't think about taking their lives right now!

  In order to appease Liu Shuanghe, he used all his strength to deal with the Wusheng Sect monsters in Ci'en Temple. He had promised him that he would try his best to save their lives.

   Originally, he planned to delay for a while, and wait until his own strength was enough to match Liu Shuanghe before attacking the Liu family. Unexpectedly, they died!

   Their life or death is not important, the important thing is that Chen Yuan didn't have much preparation, moreover, the brothers and sisters of the Liu family died in the arresting room, so Liu Shuanghe would definitely be furious without thinking about it.

  Chen Yuan will bear the revenge from the Liu family!

  In an instant, Chen Yuan thought of the consequences of this matter.

  Although he is not afraid of the Liu family, this feeling of being bullied makes him very uncomfortable!

   "How did they die?"

  Chen Yuan looked gloomy.

   "Poisoned and died."

   Wang Ping said truthfully.

   "Have you found out who did it?"

  Although he asked this question, Chen Yuan had already locked in his mind who was behind it.

  The person who can easily control the arresters in the arresting room, knows everything about the arresting house, and covets the Liu family's foundation, this person is already in Chen Yuan's mind!

  Wang Ping glanced at Chen Yuan hesitantly, and said in a low voice:

   "I asked the policeman on duty. Last night, Brother Yuan, after we left the arresting room, Xu Ping and Wu Yushan, who were beside the county captain, went to the prison cell."

  The corner of Chen Yuan's mouth curled up into a sneer, Li Mingqi really didn't hide the slightest bit of bastard, he sent people to kill the brothers and sisters of the Liu family without fear of being found out by Chen Yuan.

  Of course, maybe Li Mingqi also understands that there is no need to hide anything in front of Chen Yuan, not only because Chen Yuan's strength and status are too different from his, even if he has complaints, he can only hide them in his heart.

   It is also because Chen Yuan is very smart, and he can be guessed at a guess.

   So, what is there to hide?

   guess what?

   Does Chen Yuan still dare to question him?

  Li Mingqi is using power to overwhelm others!

   "Brother Yuan, let's"

   Wang Ping was a little worried.

  He knew that Brother Yuan didn't want to have any conflicts with Liu's family in Cao County, otherwise he wouldn't have sent him to send a letter to Liu Shuanghe, and the county lieutenant was behind this matter.

  Wang Ping didn't know if Brother Yuan had angered that person, so that such an incident happened.

  He was a little worried about Brother Yuan's current situation!

  After all, the county captain is one of the two giants in Pingan County, a strong man in the Ninggang realm, with amazing power, which is not comparable to that of Brother Yuan.

   There is also Liu Shuanghe, who is also a strong man in the Ninggang realm!

   Only when you step into martial arts, you will know how big the gap between each realm is, especially the strong Ninggang, it is simply terrifying, how many can you find in the entire Ping'an County?

   "Hehe. Li Mingqi."

  Chen Yuan was expressionless and gloomy, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and thought to himself:

   "Li Mingqi, if you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!"

  If it was said that Li Mingqi used Chen Yuan before, Chen Yuan didn't care too much about promoting himself, at most, he would stop contacting after leaving Ping'an County.

   But now, Chen Yuan is really angry!

  Li Mingqi's plan is easy to guess, that is to use Chen Yuan's life to attract Liu Shuanghe's attention and his anger, so that he can transfer his hatred to Chen Yuan.

  Although Chen Yuan is not strong, he has a very important identity, that is, the head arrester in Ping'an County. Although the official status has not yet come down, who knows if Li Mingqi is stuck behind his back?

   As soon as Chen Yuan died, the official status would come down immediately.

   Once Chen Yuan died in the hands of Li Mingqi, then Liu Shuanghe would kill the court officials without authorization, which would be a serious crime for the Yi tribe. At that time, Li Mingqi and other people who coveted the Liu family's foundation would have a feast.

  Who will remember him, Chen Yuan?

   Even, maybe from the very beginning, Chen Yuan was a **** in Li Mingqi's hands!

  That Liu Ruoqing had a conflict with Chen Yuan, there was a slight possibility that he was playing tricks behind the scenes!

  Li Mingqi, **** it!

   Not killing is not enough to calm Chen Yuan's anger.

  Feeling the traces of murderous intent escaping from Brother Yuan, Wang Ping was startled with a layer of chill.

   "This matter" Chen Yuan whispered.

"it is good."

  Wang Ping nodded.

  Since Brother Yuan let him ferment, there must be a reason.

   This is what he knows about Brother Yuan during this period of time.

  Judging from the murderous intent emanating from Brother Caiyuan just now, Wang Ping thought of a terrifying possibility!

  After Wang Ping left, Chen Yuan sat for a long time inside the arresting room with a calm expression, thinking about how to make Li Mingqi pay for his choice.

  Chen Yuan's character is like this, he will take revenge!

  Although Chen Yuan is not as powerful as Li Mingqi now, but

   Killing people sometimes depends on more than just strength.

   Furthermore, Chen Yuan is not without the strength to fight.

  As long as the opportunity comes, the blood sword in Chen Yuan's hand can definitely bring a surprise to the warriors in the condensed gang state.

  Besides, Li Mingqi is only at the level of absorbing qi, and has not yet reached the level of stellar qi to protect the body!

  County Office, Lobby.

  Li Mingqi picked up a cup of tea and slowly took a breath, and took a sip, neither sad nor happy.

  A policeman next to him hesitated to speak.

   "What is Chen Yuan's reaction now?"

   Li Mingqi asked softly.

   "Returning to my lord, after seeing Wang Ping go in, the humble officer came out not long after. As for Chen Butou, he didn't seem to have much reaction."

   "I have been staying in the arresting room very peacefully."

  A catcher bowed and smiled flatteringly.

  If Chen Yuan was here, he would be able to recognize this person, who was Wu Yushan, who had previously competed with him for the head-hunting position.

  After that competition, Wu Yushan was injured by Chen Yuan and recuperated at home for a period of time. When he returned to the arresting room again, he was very honest and respectful to Chen Yuan.

   Therefore, Chen Yuan did not target him.

   It's not that Chen Yuan is really that generous, but that he wants to keep a few eyeliners for Li Mingqi. Apart from Wu Yushan, Chen Yuan also knows that several old government servants in the arresting house have a special relationship with Li Mingqi.

  How could Shangguan not have a few eyeliners on his hands?

  Don't say it's Li Mingqi, even the county magistrate Wu Qingfeng doesn't know how many eyeliners he has in the yamen, as long as he doesn't come to interfere with his affairs, everything will be fine.

   "This Chen Yuan is a smart man, what a pity."

   Li Mingqi murmured.

   Really think Li Mingqi is stupid? Can't see the relationship between Chen Yuan and Zhang Xuan?

  Of course, even if there is no such relationship, Li Mingqi will not be relentless when it is time to use it. The official position of head arresting is important or not, and Li Mingqi can still decide it with a single word.

  The Liu family has already made inquiries. Liu Shuanghe's son is basically dead, and the Qingyun Sword Sect will not stand up for the Liu family, so it's almost time to do something.

  Using Chen Yuan as the bait, Li Mingqi can gain greater benefits!

   In the face of interests, everything must be compromised.

  After the incident at the Ci'en Temple, the higher-ups gave him a very low evaluation. After all, he is the chief officer in charge of the arrest and security of a county. When he made a mistake, he and Wu Qingfeng bore the brunt.

  He has already received some news that as soon as his term in Ping'an County ends, he may be transferred from his idle position, and it is impossible to become a county tycoon again.


   You have to get enough benefits in this last period of time!

  The Li family has so many mouths and no money, how can they maintain a good life?

  Without money, how can I manage Shangguan?

  He even wanted to make a final effort to see if he could be transferred to another county for a few more years through bribery

   And these need Chen Yuan as the price!

   "Yes, Chief Chen is really smart, he suppressed the arresting house in a short period of time with almost no noise." Wu Yushan smiled brilliantly.

   Casting a glance at Wu Yushan, Li Mingqi smiled:

   "You, practice hard, and you may be able to sit in this seat in a short time. By then, the safety of tens of thousands of people in Ping'an County will depend entirely on you."


   Please subscribe! !

  (end of this chapter)

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