I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 108: showdown! (two

  Chapter 108 Showdown! (Two chapters are here for subscription!)

  Hearing these words, Li Mingqi suffocated, stopped, turned his head to look at Chen Yuan with a calm expression:

   "Why do you say that?"

   "What I promised you, will you still go back on your word?"

  Chen Yuan smiled:

   "Humble post doesn't mean that, it's just a little worrying."

  Li Mingqi smiled immediately:

   "Relax, with my official here, no one will be able to take away your status as a head catcher. From now on in Ping'an County, your name as head catcher Chen will probably spread far and wide."

  Chen Yuan nodded:

   "It's your lord's reputation."

   "Hahaha Chen Yuan, I thought you were a talent before, but I didn't expect you to be so good at talking. With my support, mere arrest is just your starting point.

  It's a pity, I don't have a daughter to marry, otherwise I will definitely accept you as Chenglong Kuai's son-in-law. "

  Li Mingqi laughed heartily a few times, as if he admired Chen Yuan very much.

  Chen Yuan smiled on the surface, but he was thinking in his heart, this **** Li Mingqi not only wanted to treat me as a **** to be discarded at any time, but also to take advantage of his mother!

Damn it.

   "How dare a humble job be promoted?"

  Chen Yuan said in a low voice.

   "Haha, you"

  Li Mingqi shook his head, then walked into the cave.

  Chen Yuan followed closely behind, this time he was not careful, Li Mingqi's pace gradually accelerated, and Chen Yuan could feel his suppressed excitement.

   It's not his fault. Anyone who can get a treasure land with a steady stream of earth-sha energy will be extremely excited.

  Even if you don’t use it yourself, you can still earn a lot of money if you sell it to those big sects.

   "I should have thought about it a long time ago. There must be some secret behind why those monsters from Wusheng Sect chose Ci'en Temple instead of other places."

   Li Mingqi thought to himself.

  At the same time, he also has some hidden worries. Since the monsters of the Wusheng Cult have occupied this place for so long, the news may have leaked out long ago.

   Is it really going to be dedicated to the court?

  Li Mingqi shook his head secretly, feeling a little unwilling to hand it over to the imperial court.

  Thinking about it, after about ten breaths of time, the two came to the stone gate. Li Mingqi's right arm shook, and with a huge burst of force, he slowly pushed the stone gate open.

   The smell of blood still exists, and it has not dissipated until now.

  However, Li Mingqi didn't feel the slightest discomfort. He walked quickly to the blood pool, carefully looked at the blood in the pool, frowned, and looked at Chen Yuan with some displeasure:

   "Didn't you inspect this place with your own eyes, there is blood and evil spirit?

  Why is there nothing now? "

  Chen Yuan's complexion remained unchanged, and he said in a low voice:

   "Don't worry, my lord. Maybe it's because the time hasn't come yet, and the evil spirit hasn't gushed out yet."


  Chen Yuan continued: "My lord, if you can see the evil spirit of blood at a glance, the previous Lord Zhang Xuanzhang would have discovered it long ago."

   "It also makes sense." Li Mingqi nodded solemnly.

  If it was really so easy to find out, I'm afraid it won't be his turn now, and he has already been controlled by the guys from the Sky Survey Division.

  Those people don't pay attention to the county government.

   "My humble guess, since the evil spirit is emanating from the blood pool, then... maybe there is a crack at the bottom of the blood pool, but it is covered by the blood in the blood pool."

  Chen Yuan was not in a hurry, and did not panic because of Li Mingqi's questioning.

  Li Mingqi stared at Chen Yuan and smiled:

   "Yes, what you said is not unreasonable."

   "Go down and check to see if it is as you said," Li Mingqi turned around and ordered.

"it is good."

  Chen Yuan quickly took orders, walked to the blood pool step by step, stared at it for a while, Li Mingqi didn't urge him, just watched Chen Yuan's movements.

  Suddenly, Chen Yuan was startled, pointed to a place and said:

   "My lord, look, is this the evil spirit you are looking for?"

  Li Mingqi let out a 'huh', walked to the other side of the blood pool, and stared carefully.


  In an instant, the pool of blood burst with blood, and a man dressed in black suddenly jumped up from the bottom of the pool, holding a sharp sword, and stabbed straight at Li Mingqi.

  Suddenly violent, Li Mingqi did not have the slightest precautions, but when Liu Shuanghe drew his sword, he still instinctively sensed a danger, and quickly retreated.

  But Liu Shuanghe didn't give him any chance, he bullied him, his sword shining brightly.

  Li Mingqi retreated a few steps, stopped his body, shook his arms, and a dagger in his sleeve fell into his hand, and immediately blocked it, but suddenly, Li Mingqi frowned,

   There was a sharp pain in the left arm.

  It was the left shoulder that was injured by the disaster in front of the Ci'en Temple. It has not healed yet.


   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liu Shuanghe stabbed with his sword, and was about to cut off Li Mingqi's left arm.

  He dodged in time and avoided the fatal blow, but Liu Shuanghe still cut a deep **** on his left arm, and blood overflowed from the wound.

   In an instant, the entire sleeve was soaked.

  Li Mingqi turned over and jumped, rolled several times in the air, and stopped steadily a few feet away, with murderous eyes in his eyes, and blood dripped from his left palm on the ground.

   "Liu Shuanghe!"

  After seeing clearly the appearance of the figure attacking him, Li Mingqi immediately exclaimed.

   His eyes were full of disbelief.

  He never expected that Liu Shuanghe would dare to come to Ping'an County and kill him, is he crazy!

   "Li Xianwei, long time no see."

  Liu Shuanghe's faint voice resounded in Li Mingqi's ears.

   "Why are you here?"

  Li Mingqi stared at Liu Shuanghe.

   "Li Xianwei thinks why Liu is here?" Liu Shuanghe looked at him with a half-smile.

   Li Mingqi felt a chill in his heart, and suddenly turned his head to look at Chen Yuan not far away.

  At this moment, Chen Yuan happened to close the Shimen tightly, and when he saw Li Mingqi looking at him, he grinned:

   "My lord, if you don't give me a chance, I can only fight for my humble position!"

  From the time when Liu Shuanghe suddenly exploded, Chen Yuan walked to the Shimen calmly, and closed the Shimen while the two were fighting, so that they would not be able to escape so easily.

   "Do you dare to oppose me?"

   Li Mingqi looked shocked and angry, and scolded.

   "Who are you, against you? Hehe. You first abandoned me as a chess piece. Isn't it justifiable for me to do so?

  I just want to live, what's wrong with me! "

  Chen Yuan sneered.

   Liu Shuanghe on the side smiled and agreed with Chen Yuan's words very much: "Chen catcher's words are right. You, Li Mingqi, first treated Chen catcher as an abandoned son to attract the hatred of my Liu family. It is understandable for him to do so.

   people, all came out of *! "

  Chen Yuan curled his lips, thinking that what Liu Shuanghe said was wrong, not all people came from *, and it might be.

   "Chen Yuan, you have completely misunderstood me. How can I make you an outcast if I value you so much? I was planning to train you well before, and even wanted to introduce you to the adults above."

   "Now, you have completely failed the official. Now that you repent, I can pretend that nothing has happened."

  Li Mingqi cursed Chen Yuan inwardly, but he persuaded Chen Yuan calmly.

   As he spoke, Li Mingqi also tore off a piece of rag to wrap up the wound.

   "My lord, we have come to this point, is there any need to persuade me?"

  Chen Yuan took the hand and looked at Li Mingqi calmly.

   "That's right, Li Mingqi, do you still want to survive now? You were seriously injured, and you were hit by a certain Liu sword again. Do you think you still have a chance?"

  Beside Liu Shuanghe echoed.

   "Do you know what happens when you attack and kill an imperial official?" Li Mingqi looked gloomy.

  Liu Shuanghe flicked his long sword, making a sword flower, and said with a smile:

   "As Chen Butou said, the one who killed you was obviously the Wusheng Sect demon who was hiding in Ci'en Temple. What does it have to do with Liu Shuanghe and Chen Butou?"

   "Okay, Patriarch Liu, enough nonsense, deal with him as soon as possible, so that no arrests come later."

  Chen Yuan said in a low voice.

   "Okay, since Catcher Chen has spoken, Liu can only do it."

  Liu Shuanghe moved lightly, and suddenly stabbed Li Mingqi.


  Li Mingqi stepped back while blocking, gritted his teeth and felt a little aggrieved.

  If it was his heyday, Liu Shuanghe would not be his opponent at all, but now that his injuries are too serious, he can only display a part of his strength, and it is impossible to defeat Liu Shuanghe.

   It was also difficult to leave, because Chen Yuan guarded the only exit.

   This is the situation where he must be killed!

   "Patriarch Liu, you are an imposing strong man who was driven by a bone refiner. You really threw the face of your Liu family ancestors. As long as you kill that traitor, I can guarantee that your Liu family will be safe and sound.

   Otherwise, if I die, the Liu family will be destroyed! "

   Li Mingqi threatened.

   "If you don't kill you, you will lose the face of my Liu family's ancestors. First kill my sons and daughters, and then plot against my Liu family. This kind of hatred, not killing you is not enough to appease the anger."

  Liu Shuanghe swung his sword, Li Mingqi dodged sideways, a trace was instantly cut off the neat and smooth mountain wall, and the shadow of the sword flowed, as if several sword lights were attacking Li Mingqi at the same time.

   In just three breaths, six wounds with deep visible bones appeared on his body, making his brows furrowed and his teeth gritted.

   "You still brazenly keep my Liu family safe, do you think I will believe it?"

  Liu Shuanghe snorted coldly.

   "If you kill me, the Liu family will not be able to escape the catastrophe!"

  Li Mingqi threatened viciously.

   "You don't need to worry about it, because you won't see that day!"

  After saying this sentence, Liu Shuanghe looked for an opportunity, swung away the dagger in Li Mingqi's hand, cut off his left arm, and blood gushed out immediately.

  Li Mingqi's face immediately turned ferocious, a little pale.

   Chen Yuan, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, stared closely at the confrontation between the two, but he didn't make any movements himself, as if a passerby who had nothing to do with him was watching the battle.

   "Get out!"

   Regardless of the arm that fell to the ground, Li Mingqi rushed up fiercely, raised his leg and hit Liu Shuanghe's chest.


  A muffled groan sounded, and Liu Shuanghe was pushed back several feet by Li Mingqi, and he took several steps before stopping his retreat, and patted the dust on his chest.

   Push the old book, and those who don’t feel satisfied can read the old book Bandit



  (end of this chapter)

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