I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 110: Tai Xuan Sutra! (Add more updates for Phantom Bingxin)

  Chapter 110 Taixuan Sutra! (Add more updates for Phantom Bingxin)

   "You can't eat my secret forever, because only the dead can keep secrets."

  Chen Yuan's character, how could he take the initiative to hand over the handle to others?

  His goal was Liu Shuanghe from the beginning.

   Killed Li Mingqi with Liu Shuanghe's sword!

   In this way, no loopholes will be left. Even if someone suspects something, they will not suspect him. None of the injuries on Li Mingqi's body were caused by Chen Yuan.

  The injury test also failed to find anything.

   Even if someone doubts, so what?

  Without evidence, Chen Yuan would sue him for defamation.

  Squatting in front of Liu Shuanghe, a light blue luck flooded into the altar of luck in Chen Yuan's mind instantly, and soon, a new guide came out.

   "Nanling Fucheng, Yang Family Ancestral Hall, Taixuan Jing."

  Chen Yuan's eyes showed a look of'Sure enough'.

  He had already guessed before that if nothing unexpected happens, the next opportunity to guide him will be the Naqigong method that he is in urgent need of now, and there is indeed no omission now.

   In this way, Chen Yuan was finally able to confirm one thing, that is, the opportunity guided by the Altar of Luck was tailor-made for him, and it was the most suitable thing for him at present.

   This made him breathe a sigh of relief.

  If it was something else, it would indeed be a little troublesome for him now.

  Now his cultivation base has gone a long way in the level of bone refining, and it will not be long before he can completely complete the practice of bone refining, so he needs to plan the next stage of practice in advance.

   Taixuan Sutra.

  Chen Yuan has never heard of this name, but he can also feel from the name that this technique is absolutely extraordinary.

  Don't ask why, it's the feeling.

  From the Vajra Glazed Body, to the Marrow Washing Spirit Bead to the Blood Fiend Sword, there is not a single mortal thing that is guided by the altar of luck.

   Silent on the spot for a while, Chen Yuan discarded some messy thoughts, it is useless to think so much now, he hasn't gone to Nanling Fucheng yet, and he doesn't know what the so-called Yang family represents.

   How powerful it is, not to mention the Taixuan scriptures guided by the altar.

  All of this will be investigated after he enters the Sky Survey Division.

   Slowly squatting on the ground, Chen Yuan lightly brushed Liu Shuanghe's eyes, making him close them.

  He always kept his word. He said that someone would go down with Li Mingqi, and it was absolutely impossible to break his promise. He said that someone would close his eyes for Liu Shuanghe and he would do it.

  No way, just keep the promise like this.

  Seeing Li Mingqi and Liu Shuanghe lying quietly on the ground, Chen Yuan smiled. One of these two guys wanted to hold him back, and the other wanted to use him as an abandoned child.


   In the end, Chen Yuan was indeed planning everything behind the scenes.

   First killed Li Mingqi with the help of Liu Shuanghe, and then secretly attacked and assassinated Liu Shuanghe, becoming the biggest winner.

   I don’t know what they will talk about on Huangquan Road below.


   She should be able to curse people.

  Chen Yuan didn't touch any traces here, just wiped off part of his footprints, then quickly pushed open the stone gate and walked out of the back mountain.

   "Old Zhao, show up."

  Chen Yuan said very calmly.

   As soon as the voice fell, a figure jumped down from the back mountain and stopped firmly beside Chen Yuan.

   It was Zhao Nanshan.

  Before doing anything, Chen Yuan ordered Wang Ping to find Zhao Nanshan just in case.

   After all, Liu Shuanghe is really strong. Once the Blood Fiend Saber doesn't get rid of Liu Shuanghe, it will definitely be a fierce battle. With Zhao Nanshan's help, it will be much easier.

   But in the end, Zhao Nanshan's help was not used, and Liu Shuanghe was attacked easily.

  Chen Yuan himself did not expect that it would go so smoothly.

   "Are you done?"

  Zhao Nanshan looked at Chen Yuan suspiciously.

   "Everything is resolved, and I would like to thank Mr. Zhao for coming here."

   "Hehe, it's okay, it's okay."

  After exchanging a few pleasantries in the back mountain, Chen Yuan left the back mountain alone, summoned all the yamen servants, and told them about the murder of the county captain by Liu Shuanghe.

   "What did you say, Li Mingqi is dead!"

  County magistrate Wu Qingfeng was inexplicably horrified, and immediately stood up with an expression of disbelief.

  He never thought that Li Mingqi would die just after eradicating the sub-head of the Wusheng Sect, and only Chen Yuan survived.

   No matter how you look at it, it doesn't feel right.

  Chen Yuan looked a little flustered:

   "My lord, I still need you to make up your mind. The humble official has sealed off the back mountain of Ci'en Temple, and no one is allowed to enter or leave."

   "Please tell me the ins and outs of the matter carefully."

  Wu Qingfeng stared at Chen Yuandao.

  Chen Yuan nodded, and briefly explained the matter. The reason was that Li Mingqi seemed to have found something in the Temple of Mercy, and then ordered Chen Yuan to take a group of government servants to the Temple of Mercy.

  Most of the yamen servants were ordered by Li Mingqi to search for the remnants of the Wusheng sect, while Chen Yuan was taken to the back mountain.

  After that, Li Mingqi walked in alone.

  Chen Yuan is stationed outside the back mountain.

   Not long after, Chen Yuan suddenly heard a terrified voice inside, and rushed in.

   Then I saw an extremely frightening scene. The county lieutenant Li Mingqi had his left arm cut off, with sword marks all over his body, and there was a mummy next to him.

  Chen Yuan took a closer look, only to find that the person was actually the head of the Liu Family in Cao County, Liu Shuanghe!

  He was inexplicably horrified, and quickly realized that something serious had happened. He ordered people to seal the entire back mountain, and then led them back to the Yamen.

  After listening to Chen Yuan's narration, Wu Qingfeng frowned.

  First of all, there was the previous incident of the Wusheng Sect demon rebelling, and the death of the county lieutenant Li Mingqi. He felt that he might not be the county magistrate for long.

   The people above definitely have a problem with him.

  Thinking of this, Wu Qingfeng sat on a chair and told the people around him:

   "Go to Fucheng quickly and report to the magistrate!"

   "Chen Butou, before Fucheng comes, no one is allowed to step into the back of the mountain. At the same time, a password is issued to prevent anyone from spreading it. Violators will be punished severely!"

   After a long silence, Wu Qingfeng said in a low voice.

   "Yes, the humble post obeys!"

  Chen Yuan raised his head, his eyes were shining brightly.

  Under Wu Qingfeng's urging, the people in the county government did not dare to be negligent, and immediately rushed to Fucheng.

  After discussing with several people, this matter must be thoroughly investigated.

   How long has it been since we eradicated the Fucheng Wusheng Sect demon talent? Such revenge was ushered in, and the imperial court was simply not taken seriously.

   At the same time, the Wusheng Sect executives who received the news were also very suspicious.

  When did he order people to attack and kill the county captain of Pingan County?

  During the past few days, Chen Yuan worked hard without any slack, and ordered people to inspect the county every day, as if there was really a storm that was about to come.

  Of course, Chen Yuan did not give up in terms of practice.

  Through various methods, in just two days, I got some bone refining pills to maintain my daily practice.

   This day.

  County government office, arrest house.

  Wang Pingduan sat in front of Chen Yuan, with a look of admiration on his face.

  He didn't know what method Brother Yuan used to actually kill Li Mingqi, a big man whom he usually looked up to, it was beyond his expectation.

  However, Chen Yuan did not show any joy, and remained calm.

   "How is things going?"

  Chen Yuan said in a low voice.

   "Brother Yuan, don't worry, the two guys who attacked the Liu brothers and sisters before have been completely taken down now. Wu Yushan wanted to see you, but I broke three of his legs."

  The corners of Wang Ping's mouth curled up, as if he had discovered some new continent.

"very good."

  Chen Yuan nodded in satisfaction.

   In this way, the last link of logic is completed.

   Otherwise, there will still be flaws after all.

  So, the reason is that Li Mingqi ordered someone to kill the brothers and sisters of the Liu family and frame Chen Yuan as a frame, but Liu Shuanghe seemed to know something, and pointed the finger at Li Mingqi.

   In the end, both sides lose.

   And Chen Yuan is the most wronged one among them.

   also removes him from logic.

   is a simple revenge story.

Do not.

  Perhaps Li Mingqi's greed for money should also be added.

   "Where is Li Mingqi?"

   "There, I have already been watched by others. At present, Li Mingqi's family members don't know much about this matter, so they dare not act rashly." Wang Ping continued.

"well done."

  Chen Yuan gave a compliment.

   "Brother Yuan is planning strategies, I just follow orders."

  Wang Ping chuckled.

   "My lord, the county magistrate called you over, saying that people from Fucheng are here."

  Suddenly, a young government servant walked up to him and bowed.

   "Okay, Ben catches up."

  Chen Yuan nodded, expressing his understanding.

  When Chen Yuan arrived in the lobby, there were already two people sitting there, one was the county magistrate Wu Qingfeng, and the other was a middle-aged man with a grim expression.

  Wearing the same black black robe as Zhang Xuan, with a white pattern on the chest.

  Behind him, there are four or five sky survey guards standing.

   Patrol Angel!

  Chen Yuan's pupils shrank, and he actually attracted a patrol angel. However, thinking about it was right, the death of a county lieutenant was enough to alarm the patrol angel.

  According to what Chen Yuan learned from Zhao Nanshan.

  The Sky Survey Division has four grades of black, white, blue and gold.

  The most common one is the Sky Patrol Guard, above that is the Patrol Angel of the Condensed Gang Realm, and above that is the Qing Envoy, who guards a land with astonishing power.

   "I have seen the county magistrate in a humble position."

  Chen Yuan cupped his hands and said.

   Wu Qingfeng nodded, and said to Chen Yuan:

   "Chen Butou, this is Lord Lu Yanglu, the patrol angel sent by the higher-ups to investigate Li Xianwei's death."

   "I met Mr. Lu."

  Chen Yuan cupped his hands.

   Lu Yang sized Chen Yuan up and down, and said in a low voice:

   "You are Chen Yuan."


   Chen Yuan nodded.

  Wu Qingfeng's eyes were startled. He didn't mention Chen Yuan's name, he just referred to him as Chen Butou. Why did Lu Yang know his name?

   Is there any secret?

   "Master Lu has also heard of the name of Chen Butou?"

   Wu Qingfeng asked immediately.

  Lu Yang nodded and squeezed out a smile:

   "Before this envoy came, Master Zhang Xuanzhang told me Chen Yuan's name and asked me to take him to Fucheng together."

   "Take it to Fucheng?"

   Wu Qingfeng narrowed his eyes, feeling a little puzzled.


   Everyone skipping orders is a bit amazing.

  Thanks to Phantom Bingxin for the fourth reward of 10,000 coins!

  (end of this chapter)

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