I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 115: Leave

  Chapter 115 Leave

   "Chen Yuan is gone, what are you still doing up there?"

   Below, Wang Dafu called Wang Ping's name.

  Wang Ping took a deep breath, jumped off the roof, staggered a little, and shook his head:

   "I know Brother Yuan is gone, so I just want to be alone for a while."

   "How much alcohol did you drink?"

  Wang Dafu stretched out his hand and slapped his nose and muttered.

  He doesn’t like drinking, because drinking is forbidden

  A girl said to him before, "Sir, don't be naked, but drink some wine."

  Wang Dafu dismissed this, did he spend the money to drink? Wouldn't it be better to drink in a tavern if you want to drink?

   "I didn't drink much, don't you know my drinking capacity? Bring a knife."

  Wang Ping stretched out his hand towards Wang Dafu and said.

   "Wang Ping, what do you want to do!"

  Wang Dafu frowned and scolded angrily.

  Thought that Wang Ping was going to do that treacherous thing.

   "I want to practice knives. What Brother Yuan said is actually true. One must pursue something a bit, and I don't want to go on like this. If Brother Yuan can become a headhunter, I can definitely do it if I practice hard.

  Brother Yuan will come back when he becomes famous, and he will be surprised when he sees me. "

  Wang Ping looked serious, but the bright red color on his face made Wang Dafu not quite believe it.

   We all know that people who drink too much say fart.

   "It's not too late to practice again tomorrow, go back and rest first." Wang Dafu glanced at Wang Ping.

   As he spoke, he pushed Wang Ping's shoulder.

   "Give me back the aphrodisiac pill."


"Father, I have asked in the past two days. It is better for older people to avoid going to such places. Is it not good to drink tea and go fishing? My mother died early, and I still count on you to live a few more years." Woolen cloth."

  Wang Ping looked at Wang Dafu squarely, and said very solemnly.

  Wang Dafu was a little angry, his son taught me a lesson, he couldn't accept it, so he said:

   "What do you know, life is seventy years old, ten years old and young, ten years old and weak, there are still fifty years, fifty years are divided into day and night, only twenty-five years.

  Taking out wind and rain, three disasters and six diseases, how many good days can a person have left in his life? "

   "I've been running this house for so many years, can't I still enjoy it?"

  “If you don’t enjoy it now, you won’t be able to stand up in the future, and it will be too late to enjoy it.”

  Wang Ping was at a loss for words, and finally he could only say in a muffled voice:

   "You are like this, the body can bear it?"

  Wang Dafu's face remained unchanged, he turned and left: "You know what a fart."

   As he spoke, he walked to his room, ignoring his son who was standing there.

  Wang Ping scratched his head but couldn't figure it out. He was young now, and he couldn't bear it anymore. His father was nearly fifty, how did he get in and out of that kind of fireworks place?

  It's a pity that Brother Yuan is not here, otherwise you must ask him carefully.

  Brother Yuan has a lot on his mind.

  If Chen Yuan were here, he would definitely say:

   "Going to brothels when you are older is actually the same as playing mahjong, more sex, more sex, more touches, less sex!"


  Chen's courtyard.

  Chen Yuan rarely did not cultivate, but slowly fell asleep following the vague energy of alcohol.

  Early in the morning of the second day, Chen Yuan got up early to practice swords as usual, and then practiced. He devoured more than ten tiger bone pills he got from the Liu family, making his cultivation a step further.

   For three days in a row, Chen Yuan did not leave the house, and practiced at home all the time. Except for the three Xuanling pills given by Zhao Nanshan, he devoured all the ones he got from the Liu family.

  Most of the muscles and bones of the whole body have been refined. Except for the legs, the upper body has been transformed into a light golden color, and the strength of the whole body has increased a lot.

   So far, Chen Yuan has completed almost three-quarters of his cultivation in the bone refining level. He estimated that if he slowed down his schedule, he would be able to pass the medicinal power of Zhao Nanshan's three Xuanling Pills before arriving in Fucheng.

   Thoroughly complete the practice of bone refining level!

   In this way, Chen Yuan has some strength to protect himself when he arrives at Nanling Prefecture, where there are so many masters.

  He is not considered to have fought against a master of Qi receiving. For example, Liu Shuanghe only used the Blood Fiend Knife to sneak attack that time, but he felt that he should be able to fight.

  Although swallowing too many elixirs will accumulate erysipelas in his body, he still has enough time to slowly refine.


  Chen Yuan let out a long breath, his eyes flashed brightly, and the golden lacquer on the body slowly disappeared into the body until it disappeared.

  Slim and strong body, one can tell at a glance that it contains a powerful force.

   Standing up, Chen Yuan put on a Tsing Yi. If he didn't reveal his identity, he would actually look more like a rich man, with an upright appearance, sharp eyebrows, star eyes, and a straight bridge of nose.

  Finally, after lighting three sticks of incense in front of the spirit tablets of his parents and uncle, Chen Yuan started the general cleaning, cleaning the entire small courtyard clean.

  When drinking with Wang Ping before, he gave him the keys to the house, and asked him to clean it when he had nothing to do.

  House, once it loses popularity, it is easy to overgrow with weeds.


  Chen Yuan closed the door of the house, stopped at the door for a moment, smiled lightly and shook his head slowly.

  He has only been in this world for a few months, and he didn't expect to change another place so soon to redevelop.

   "Fang, same old."

  Chen Yuan glanced at Xiaofang who was busy and called out.

  Hearing Chen Yuan's voice, Xiaofang suddenly raised her head, showing a sweet smile:

   "Brother Yuan is here."

   "Well, here we come."

   "Are you eating here today?" Xiaofang asked with some expectation.

   "Eat here."

  Chen Yuan put down his luggage and long knife, sat at a small table, ate meat buns slowly, and drank tofu nao from time to time.

   For two months, Chen Yuan ate breakfast here almost without interruption. Now that he was leaving, he really thought about it.

   "Brother Yuan, are you going on a long trip?"

  Looking at the luggage next to Chen Yuan, Xiaofang asked with a smile.

   "Well, I have to go out for a while."

   "How long are you planning to go out?"

   "Should be a bit long."

  Xiaofang nodded in frustration, and said nothing more.

   After eating, Chen Yuan picked up his bag again, put the money in a corner, waved his hand, turned and left.

   "Brother Yuan, don't forget to come back."

"it is good."

Chen Yuan left Ping'an County quietly without telling anyone, and almost no one knew about it. Wang Ping didn't come to see him off, because Chen Yuan told him when he was drinking a few days ago, and it wasn't like he was gone and never came back. Now, don't do the sensational thing.

  The Beihai gang has already said hello, and what is in front of Zhu Sihai now is either to wait until the next county captain of Ping'an County takes office, or to serve as the county magistrate Wu Qingfeng.

  Although Zhu Sihai shouted that he lost the money, he didn't dare to ask Chen Yuan for it.

  The forty tiger bone pills given to Chen Yuan earlier were useless.

  Leaving Zhou Ji Baozi Shop, Chen Yuan bought a good horse in the east of the city, and left Ping'an County alone on the horse. No one came to see him off, and no one knew when Chen Yuan left.

   This day is the seventh year of Jingtai in the Jin Dynasty, August 29th, exactly three months before crossing to this world.

  Ping’an County is not far from Fucheng, but it’s not close either. If you go fast and almost non-stop, it will take at most two days. If you walk slowly and rest while walking, it will only take three or four days.

  Chen Yuan's speed is not very fast. His purpose is not to travel, but to practice. Although he is riding on horseback, Chen Yuan has been practicing, refining the medicinal power of Xuanling Pill.

   What Zhao Nanshan said is right, this elixir is indeed powerful, if not for the fact that Chen Yuan's muscles and bones have been trained for the most part, he might not be able to withstand the power of the medicine.

   But even so, Chen Yuan could only refine it slowly.

In the process of practicing, Chen Yuan also felt a scorching medicinal power, which penetrated into the internal organs, and the whole internal organs seemed to be ignited. If he opened his clothes, he could see the golden lacquer on Chen Yuan's upper body condensed on his chest. now.

   This is the Vajra Glass Body being subconsciously activated.

  Suddenly, Chen Yuan's narrowed eyes slowly opened, and he saw an inn beside the official road 500 meters ahead.

  Compared to small roads, this kind of official road is generally very safe.

  The reason why Chen Yuan chooses to follow the official path is that there is nothing to be ashamed of, and the second is that he doesn't like trouble. Wouldn't it be nice to just be so peaceful?

  The inns that open beside the official road are generally well-organized with some connections. Apart from the passing caravan pedestrians, many of them also assume the role of post stations.

   Riding a horse closer, Chen Yuan got off the horse, and the servant at the side immediately stepped forward to hold him, and said with a flattering smile:

   "Grandpa, can I take you to the back to feed some fodder?"

  Chen Yuan nodded, and threw some copper coins over:

   "Feed some concentrate."

   "Come on."

  The servant smiled, took the copper coin and put it in his arms, and led the horse away.

  Compared to the inns in the county, the conditions here are undoubtedly a bit poor, but Chen Yuan doesn't care, he doesn't have high requirements for food, as long as there are wine and meat.

   "What would you like?"

  As soon as he entered the inn, a servant came forward.

   "A jug of wine, and two stacks of beef."

   "Master, beef."


   "There is a price"

  The servant in front of Chen Yuan was a little hesitant, because although Chen Yuan was well dressed, he didn't look like a rich man. Really rich people all wore brocade robes.

  The imperial court banned eating beef, so the price of beef remained high.

  It’s all like this, the more banned something, the more expensive it is.

   "It's okay, just come."

  Chen Yuan didn't say much. He glanced around the inn. There were about seven or eight tables of guests eating, and the most noticeable ones were a table of strong men and a table of young men and women dressed in white.

  The brawny men were pushing cups and changing cups, shouting loudly, while the young men and women were dressed in uniform and seemed to be disciples of some sect, silently eating the food on the table.

   "Come on, sir, just wait a moment."

   Chen Yuan nodded, and found a place in the most remote corner, far away from the table of strong men and young men and women. Chen Yuan didn't want to make trouble, so it's okay to be far away, right?


   Everyone dances so well

  Thanks to Phantom Bingxin for the sixth reward of 10,000 coins!

  Thanks to Mr. Li Shangruoxie for the sixth reward of 10,000 coins!

  Congratulations to the two big brothers!

  (end of this chapter)

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