I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 804: Flesh.... sanctified!

  Terrifying sound waves swept across the world, and could be heard clearly within a radius of dozens of miles. The animals and birds in the Nine Dragon Mountains were all lying on the ground in fear.

  It seems that an ancient beast is waking up, and the huge sense of oppression is palpitating.

  At this moment, Chen Yuan's physical body has reached the limit of supernatural powers, no less than a primordial spirit and a half-immortal. Every time the physical body stirs, it sounds like thunder.

   Can be called a demigod!

  The surrounding void was distorted, Chen Yuan's physical body swelled and shrunk rapidly, viscera roared, five-color divine splendor reflected the world, and blood rushed like a sea wave.

   And when Chen Yuan's long roar fell, the world changed again. In the eastern sky, a cyan dragon roamed the world, looming.

  In the west, the phantom of the white tiger roared up to the sky, fierce and majestic.

  In the south, screams followed, and a phantom of a Suzaku appeared in the void, dyeing half of the sky red, beautiful

  In the north, the huge xuanwu phantom stomped on all fours, shaking the sky and screaming.

  These changes immediately stunned Xiang Guangsheng. He looked at this scene in horror, thinking that it was a natural vision ushered in by Chen Yuan's breakthrough.

  But only Mo Luo knows that this is inseparable from the divine beasts that Chen Yuan killed successively. I am afraid that the charm of Sixiang has long been hidden in his body.

  When its physical body reaches its true peak, it will appear in front of others.

   Four elephant beasts!

  The sound is so powerful!

  Chen Yuan stood in the void, his arms condensed, his body roared continuously, and the four divine lights quickly escaped from his body, and went straight to the four elephants that appeared between the heaven and the earth.

  The gods and beasts raised by nature must have their own miracles.

  When the divine light and the corresponding divine beasts condensed into one, they changed and regenerated, and the phantoms of the four divine beasts seemed to possess spiritual wisdom, and quickly rushed towards Chen Yuan in the void.

  However, what is surprising is that the Four Elephants Divine Beast did not attack Chen Yuan, but revolved around him continuously.

  Terrifying power, stretching from heaven to earth, the dark clouds that stretched for an unknown number of miles had already dissipated, replaced by endless four-color divine lights swirling in the sky.

   With the Nine Dragons Mountains as the core, you can see the horrible scene here for hundreds of miles around. Countless people knelt down on the ground, constantly chanting the protection of heaven.

   And those warriors with a little strength were overjoyed, thinking that their chance had come, and rushed to the position of Jiulong Mountain like crazy.

  If you look down from a high altitude, you can find that small black spots are gathering.

  The news of the appearance of the Four Elephant Divine Beasts in Jiulong Mountain is also rushing in all directions through channels. This is definitely a big event that can cause shocks in the world.

  After all, beast warriors have always existed in legends, and few people can see them. Every warrior is a great opportunity.

   Even immortals are no exception.

   But at this moment, Chen Yuan had no other thoughts. He had already completely focused on the breakthrough, and he didn't dare to be careless.



   The four elephants and beasts rang together again, and the situation was turbulent.

  Below, the originally calm nine dragon-shaped mountain ranges also changed at this time. Rainbow lights rose one after another, and nine golden dragons swung their tails and roared up.

   With a radius of ten thousand zhang, they all condensed into an invisible barrier at this time.

   "Flesh body oven, open!"

  As soon as the oven cave in the limit state was opened, the four elephant beasts began to condense, and the speed of hovering near Chen Yuan's body was brought to the extreme.

  The head of a dragon connects to the sky, and the head of a tortoise connects to the ground.

   Suzaku into flames, white tiger as the base.

  The nine divine dragons were turned into nourishment and thrown into the divine furnace in an instant, causing the terrifying divine flames to surge instantly.

  The four images of heaven and earth are the furnace, and the nine dragon veins are firewood.

  It is exactly the prophecy of luck guidance!

  At this time, Chen Yuan lost consciousness almost at the moment when the divine fire enveloped him. This level of horror even surpassed the limit of the human immortal level.

  He didn't know how Chu Taizu was physically sanctified, but he really felt that he had reached his limit.

  I just feel as if I have sunk into the abyss of hell, my hands can't see my fingers, and everything I can see is darkness, and there is no light to illuminate my whole body.

  The terrifying vision born of the four elephants shocked Mo Luodu. The sky and the earth are furnaces, covering thousands of feet, and the dragon veins are firewood, fueling the body.

  What a boldness!

  This is physical sanctification.

  However, if you want to break the natural moat of the human race's physical body, you must have such terrifying power on your body, so that you can break the law with strength, and the mighty power of heaven and earth belongs to yourself.

  He even felt that such a sanctification is more terrifying than a demon clan becoming a god. No wonder after stepping into the Martial God, he can use human immortals to fight immortals.

  How courageous was the original Chu Taizu to walk this path.

  Even though he no longer wanted to admit it in his heart, the thought flashed through Moro's mind that he was far behind.


  Xiang Guangsheng muttered to himself.

  Compared to Chen Yuan at this time, he is really inconspicuous, like an ant compared to Haoyue, no wonder he can defeat the invincible patriarch, no wonder he can sweep the world and gather great power.

   And in the secret place of the Xiang family, inside the ancestral hall.

  The portrait of Xiang Qianqiu, which was hung up not long ago, was also slowly fluttering under the breeze, and the faint smile at the corner of his mouth seemed to be lamenting the scene at this time.

  He didn't have the right way, someone can!

  The way of the Valkyrie is not a dead end!

   "Senior Moro, go down and deal with those noisy ants." Xiang Guang took a deep breath, and his spiritual sense had already sensed that someone who was not afraid of death was approaching.

   It must be wiped out!

  Such a terrifying Chen Yuan deserves the Xiang family's complete allegiance, because this is probably a reprint of the Taizu from thousands of years ago, all from their Xiang family

  Mo Luo nodded slightly, and said lightly: "King Yan's breakthrough, no one should disturb him, and those who are greedy for profit, death is not a pity."

  Even with compassion in his heart, he can distinguish priorities.

  Xiang Guangsheng nodded, stepped forward, and looked at the rays of light coming together. He didn't say a word, and with a wave of his hand, a giant palm of hundreds of feet appeared, killing countless warriors.

  For Chen Yuan, Xiang Guangsheng is a weak man who can be destroyed with a wave of his hands, but for most people in this world, Xiang Guangsheng's Yangshen cultivation is undoubtedly at the top of the rivers and lakes.

   There were endless screams, and those warriors who were close to the Jiulong Mountains fell like summer rainstorms.

   "Forbidden place on earth, living people are forbidden!"

  Among the mighty world, the eight-character mantra is like an iron law.

  Countless warriors who heard the sound looked at the huge sacred furnace between the sky and the earth in horror, and their hearts arose in horror. In addition to the sound of thunder, there was almost no surprise, and they turned and left.

   No matter what opportunity he has, his life is gone, so why grab it?

  In the dark realm, Chen Yuan seems to have existed for a long time. He has been looking for light, but he can't act rashly at all, so he has to accept that he is breaking through.

   It is estimated that there is no accident, it is the miracle brought about by the sanctification of the flesh.


  Mo Luo looked solemnly at the sacred furnace burning with raging divine flames. With his cultivation base, he couldn't see through the situation inside the sacred furnace, as if there was an invisible barrier blocking him out.

  Suddenly, he frowned, and suddenly looked towards the void.

  The dark cloud that had been wiped out by the four elephant beasts before was gradually recovering at this time, and the speed was extremely fast, and the aura coming from it was also extremely terrifying.

   is motivated by the sanctification of the flesh!

  He realized it instantly.


  Between the heaven and the earth, muffled sounds continued to resound, and the tribulation thunder began to gain momentum.

  No one referenced it, even Chen Yuan didn't know that when the body was sanctified, there would be a tribulation thunder. In the depths of the darkness, he could only hear an extremely small sound.

  Terrifying power swept across the world, reflecting countless miles.

  Mo Luo's complexion changed, and he felt a little bad. Such a huge power is no less than the level of crossing the Yang God Tribulation in the East China Sea.

   At that time, because it was too far away from the Central Plains, and Lu Chengfeng blocked it with great supernatural powers, other strong people couldn't perceive such existence at all, but now...


  The thunder that had been accumulating for a long time fell, showing a deep purple color, like a beam of light, directly falling on the sacred furnace, causing the raging burning flame to rise again.

   And at the moment when the tribulation thunder fell, the astonishing power of this place was finally perceived by other existences.

  Southern Border, Demon Temple.

   Mo Ying, who was condensing the luck of the demon clan, suddenly felt a little uneasy, as if a great terror was about to come, he walked out of the demon temple with a gloomy face.

   After a moment of silence, his eyes suddenly focused, and he suddenly looked to the north. The power that made him fear came from that direction.

   Who the hell!

  His eyes flickered, and for some reason, he quickly thought of the black-clothed figure in his mind, and he always felt that the source of this horror was inspired by him.

   "But what happened?"

  The demon **** of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan looked at Mo Ying and asked curiously.

   "Stay in the Demon God's Temple, the emperor has something important to leave!"

  Mo Ying gave an order, but didn't accept it, and directly tore open the void, and stepped in. He didn't care what happened, but if he didn't take a look, he would always feel restless.


  The demon gods of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan froze in place, not understanding what was going on, not to mention daring to follow up and ask. Now Mo Ying has almost unified the Southern Border demon clan, and his power has reached its peak.

  Even if the three demon gods fight together, they are not opponents.

  Donghai, Emperor Wu City.

  The top of the fairy mountain.

  In the celestial mist, Lu Chengfeng with white beard and hair was looming, his eyes were a little deep. Since Mo Luo told him that Chen Yuan was breaking through the sixth realm, he was a little excited.

  Because only he knows how terrifying Chu Taizu was back then. Now, hope has finally reappeared, and another Chu Taizu has appeared.

  The blessing of the world.

  The fortune of the world.

   While he was thinking about it, an invisible cloud of calamity fluctuated across tens of thousands of miles, and finally reached the East China Sea. His face was filled with joy.

  It seemed to be the same when Chu Taizu broke through.

  However, it was overseas at the time.

  And now, if it is in the Central Plains China.

   "I have to go there."

  Lu Chengfeng's eyes quickly turned serious. He could sense this aura, so it was hard to guarantee that other strong men would not notice it. If he wanted to make trouble, Moro alone would probably not be able to stop it.

  Even if he is accidentally exposed, it cannot disturb Chen Yuan's breakthrough.


   "What is Master's order?"

  In the fairy fog, Ye Xiangnan's aura quickly condensed. In Emperor Wudi City, with his cultivation level, he could appear anywhere at any time.

   "I'm going to Nanzhou as a teacher, and I'll leave the Emperor Wu City to you for the time being."

   "What to do in Nanzhou?"

  Ye Xiangnan was a little puzzled, he hadn't reached a certain level, and he couldn't feel the deepest throbbing between heaven and earth.

   "Chen Yuan is breaking through the six realms of the physical body to protect the way for the teacher."


  Ye Xiangnan's eyes widened, full of disbelief.

  This. This is the six realms?

  When did the six realms become so simple?

   Moreover, it is still the six realms of the physical body!

  He couldn't imagine it.

   Also, once Chen Yuan becomes a saint, what will happen to the fighting between them?

  Although Chen Yuan killed Xiang Qianqiu before, he was able to fight against immortals, but he also belonged to the semi-immortal realm after all. Even if he was not as good, at least he could go through the motions and give himself a step down.

   But once the opponent is sanctified, with that guy's strength, there is no need to go through the cutscene, right?

  Ye Xiangnan was a little frustrated, but also a little fortunate.

  Frustrated by Chen Yuan's cultivation talent, it is simply unprecedented. His conceit is already extraordinary, but if compared with Chen Yuan, there is a world of difference.

   As for being lucky, it is because the master was right, this way of escape is good, otherwise. If there is a grudge with Chen Yuan, when Chen Yuan's cultivation is strong in the future, how can there be Emperor Wu City?


   "It's nothing, the master can go there, the disciple will guard the Emperor Wu City." Ye Xiangnan immediately reacted and said hastily.


  Lu Chengfeng nodded, not paying attention to Ye Xiangnan's thoughts at this time, quickly opened the void, and stepped in.




  Terrifying thunderbolts continued to fall, turning the Jiulong Mountains into a field of thunder in an instant. Even Mo Luo didn't stay any longer and left quickly.

  If you stay, if you are targeted by Lei Jie, the gain will outweigh the loss.

   Now he only hopes that Chen Yuan's breakthrough process will be faster. He has a premonition that because of the thunder disaster, he may attract some uninvited guests.

   Immortal is okay, he can still deal with it.

  Keruo is an earth immortal.

  The tribulation thunder that fell from the nine heavens did not strike Chen Yuan directly, but, like the nine dragon veins, turned into firewood for the furnace of the four phenomena of heaven and earth.

  It is equivalent to adding another firewood to increase the temperature of the flame.

   And if someone can see the situation inside through the sacred furnace, they will find that Chen Yuan's physical body, which has skyrocketed several times due to absorbing the basalt essence, is now shrinking bit by bit.

  As if, it started to melt under the burning of the flame.

   As for Chen Yuan in the darkness, because of the thunder after another, some new changes also appeared. He found that the original darkness was gradually fading.

   Instead, there is a gray world, like an eggshell.


  On the first day of the month, ask for a monthly ticket, brothers!

   Thanks for the support yesterday, in the last few hours, it reached 2,000 votes.

  This breakthrough is absolutely streamlined, just a few shots.

   Just do it!

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