I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 809: Burning Heaven Demon Territory!

  In a very inconspicuous wonton shop in the noisy market, a middle-aged man in an ordinary blue robe was holding a bowl and sucking the wontons inside.

   Swallowed it in one gulp, with an expression of enjoyment.

His appearance is not obvious, his face is square, and there is a power flowing between his brows without anger and self-prestige. At first glance, it is inconspicuous, but if you look closely, you can find that there is an invisible Tao covering this person. rhyme.

In front of the wonton shop, another figure suddenly appeared in the crowd, dressed in a simple Taoist robe, wearing a hair crown, hooping his long white hair, holding a whisk in his hand, with a smell on his face Peaceful smile.

  Only seeing it, ordinary people who don't understand it may think that it is an old **** with Taoism.

   And if Chen Yuan and the others were here, they would be able to recognize him. He is the head teacher of the Immortal Kunlun Mountain who became famous in the first battle of Zijin Mountain, Taoist Feng Yuan.

  After the Battle of Zijin Mountain, Daoist Feng Yuan returned to Kunlun Mountain in Youzhou, and presented a memorial to the Immortal Territory. After that, he never reappeared in front of others. Although Chen Yuan has been tracking his traces.

   It's a pity that they got nothing, and then they let it go, and put their real attention on Nangong Lie and Xiang Qianqiu.

   "Fellow Daoist Sima enjoys leisure time, and doesn't feel the slightest sense of urgency for the destruction of the country. This effort of nourishing qi really puts Pindao to shame."

   Taoist Feng Yuan smiled faintly, and looked at the majestic middle-aged man in the corner.

  If the people around him know that he is the legendary founding ancestor of the Jin Dynasty, I don’t know how to be frightened.

  Sima Yuande swallowed the last wonton in the bowl without haste, ignored Taoist Feng Yuan, but looked at the busy shop owner and said:

"one more bowl."

   "Come on, wait a moment."

  The middle-aged man in jersey quickly responded, grabbed a handful of wontons and put them in the pot, letting the heat hit his face, but the joy on his face could not be concealed.

   Taoist Feng Yuan saw that Sima Yuande ignored him, and immediately looked at the owner of the wonton shop, and asked with a smile:

   "Why are you so happy?"

   "Hey, old Taoist priest, you haven't heard that King Yan has become a fairy a few days ago."

   The owner of the wonton shop has a proud face.

   Taoist Feng Yuan frowned:

   "This king of Yan seems to be a traitor, right? He became a fairy, threatening the court, but Dajin, aren't you afraid of being listened to and causing disaster?"

   "There's nothing to be afraid of. The whole street is like this now. Do you think the court dares to control it? Hey. It's not that we look down on the emperor. I'm afraid he has been waiting for the arrival of the king and surrendered directly."

  The middle-aged man lowered his voice.

   "Hey, interesting."

   "This is not a bad thing. It is now rumored that the King of Yan has millions of soldiers, and most of the Central Plains belong to him. How can the current court fight?

  Surrender directly, and save the disaster of the sword.”

   "Aren't you afraid that the Yan army will enter the city and loot wantonly?"

   "The ones who should be worried are those officials and lords. What is there to grab for us, a humble man? Moreover, Yan Wangfeng is very well regarded. When he was in the capital, he was praised.

  Some time ago, my younger brother who went to beg for work under the rule of King Yan also sent a letter saying that it was safer than the capital there, and if it wasn’t for the dragging of the family, we would have run away long ago. "

  The middle-aged man said in a low voice while stirring the wontons in the pot with a spoon.

   "Then it looks good, okay, let the old man have a bowl of wonton to taste."

   Taoist Feng Yuan waved down a few copper coins.

   "Come on, old Taoist, find a place to sit first, and the pot will be served soon"

   Taoist Feng Yuan nodded, walked to Sima Yuande's side, flicked his whisk, and sat directly beside him.

   "Friend Sima Daoist."

   "The wontons here are pretty good."

  Sima Yuande glanced at Taoist Feng Yuan and said casually.

   "You are quite elegant."

"After hundreds of years in the imperial mausoleum, I'm tired of it. After coming out, I have to taste the delicacy of the world. It's a pity that the shop hundreds of years ago has long since disappeared, and the newly opened shop still tastes delicious. OK, it's almost tasteless"

   "Hehe. You heard what the shop owner said just now, what do you think?" Feng Yuan Taoist looked at Feng Yuan Taoist with a half-smile, as if he was not afraid of his six-level cultivation.

   "Sit and watch. Anyway, this dynasty can't continue anyway. It's not stupid for the descendants of future generations to find their next family in advance."

   "Fellow Daoist willing?"

   "There's nothing to be reluctant about. When you came to see the old man more than two hundred years ago, wasn't it already doomed?" Sima Yuande stared at Taoist Feng Yuan quietly.

  More than two hundred years ago, he was still the Great Chu Zhongliang. Although he had power over the court and was as powerful as the emperor, he had no objection, because he knew that with the strength of the Sima family, the Great Chu Dynasty would not be overthrown.

   It's better to lie on the emperor's body to **** blood and strengthen the Sima family.

  But the arrival of Taoist Feng Yuan changed everything. It was him who gave Sima Yuande the hope of breaking through the six realms. It was him who connected the fairyland and the human world.

  Finally at a critical moment, the immortal descended to the realm and destroyed the ancestors of the Xiang family.

   "At this time, at that time, your descendant Sima Zhaoye came to seek poverty, didn't you still make a move? It's a pity that you didn't do anything at that time.

   Otherwise, the world wouldn't be in chaos so quickly. "

   Taoist Feng Yuan shook his head.

   "Even if the world is in chaos, so what? Immortal Realm is about to come to the world, what kind of storms can it cause?"

   "Hehe, this is not entirely true. The poor Taoist came to look for you today because of the King of Yan, Chen Yuan. It is rumored all over the world that he is the son of destiny who will end the troubled times.

   Breaking through the realm of immortals and gods in Jiulong Mountain of Nanzhou, such a fast speed, I am afraid that the Taizu of Chu thousands of years ago could not be as good, it is a big problem."

  When Taoist Feng Yuan mentioned Chen Yuan, his eyes became more serious.

   Thinking back to the Battle of Zijin Mountain back then, Chen Yuan was just cultivating gods, relying on the power of all living beings to have the power comparable to that of an immortal in a short period of time.

   In this way, Jingtai was killed.

   But now, how long has it been?

   In just half a year, he broke through several levels and became a **** against the sky, which is simply shocking.

  In today's human world, he is very clear about how difficult it is to become a fairy. The Immortal Domain Tianzun used his great supernatural powers to cut off the world and the fairyland.

  The rules of heaven and earth are polluted, it is very difficult to comprehend, and it is even more difficult to condense the flowers on the top and let the primordial spirit transform.

   It can be said that today, it is not suitable to become a fairy.

   Otherwise, how could the talented Ye Xiangnan, Wei Jinfeng, Gu Tianqiong and others be trapped in the Yangshen realm and unable to survive?

  But Chen Yuan can go against the sky!

  Under such a heaven and earth environment, arouse the celestial phenomena and break through the six realms.

   It's just unimaginable.

   "So, what do you want?"

  Sima Yuande stared at Feng Yuan.

   "Pin Dao wants to win over first, and then try to get rid of it!"

  In Taoist Feng Yuan's calm gaze, a hint of coldness flashed across.

   "I met Chen Yuan a few days ago. This son is unpredictable and extremely cautious. Mo Luo is always by his side, and now he has broken through the six realms, with his strength.

  Even now, the old man dare not say that he can be taken down, how to get rid of him?

  Besides, behind Chen Yuan there is an earth immortal who has not yet been identified.

   Want to kill him. It's almost impossible at the moment. "

   "What if you collude with Buddhism and join hands with Buddha to punish him?"

   "Hehe. The old man sees that you are confused. Before Xiang Qianqiu pulled the Seven Killing Hall and Buddha, didn't you still want to kill Chen Yuan? Now?

  The old dog in the Hall of Seven Kills has no bones left, and Xiang Qianqiu also fell into the world. If you want to kill Chen Yuan, you have to bring another Earth Immortal to have hope. "

  Sima Yuande disagreed with Taoist Feng Yuan's idea.

   "Could it be that Fellow Daoist was frightened by Chen Yuan?"

   Taoist Feng Yuan sneered, and wanted to use aggressive methods, but Sima Yuande was not fooled at all, and said directly:

   "The Immortal Realm is coming soon, and the old man ascending to the sky is just around the corner, why take such a risk? You have the kung fu, why don't you think about when you can break through the Sixth Realm."

   "Isn't the impoverished dao also thinking about fellow daoists? The fairyland may come at any time. If you make meritorious service at this time, you will be valued by the immortal, and you can stab a few fairy things with your fingers."

  Wouldn’t it save me a few hundred years of detours? "

   "If you want to go, go, the old man is unwilling to move, and the old man will not hide it from you. In fact, Chen Yuan is probably also taking the opportunity to kill the old man to avoid future troubles.

   Except for the capital, I won’t go anywhere! "

   "This is not Sima Yuande who overthrew Da Chu."

   "Sima Yuande died a long time ago, and now the old man is just an old man who has obtained a fairy fate. I don't even care about the Sima family. What fame do I care about?"


  Feng Yuan Taoist was blocked by Sima Yuande's words for a while, and some didn't know what to say. Compared with more than two hundred years ago, Sima Yuande at this time was even more difficult.

   "Two, your ravioli is blunt"

  The young guy was carrying a tray and placed the wontons on the table.

   "Come and taste."

  Sima Yuande picked up the wonton and began to deliver it to his mouth.

   "Could it be possible to sit back and watch Chen Yuan attack the capital? If the general trend has been achieved and the luck of the emperor is gathered, the immortal will be furious. If you want to go to the fairyland, you can do it"

   "Didn't you call yet? Besides, if Chen Yuan really dares to come, the old man will try his best to use the only remaining national luck in the Great Jin Dynasty. Even if the fairy gate is not open, he can forcefully knock it open.

   If he dares to come, send him on his way! "

   "Oh, I have a hunch, you will regret today's choice in the future!" Taoist Feng Yuan let out a sigh of relief, picked up the wonton and put it into his mouth.

   "The old man never regrets."


  Southern Border, inside the Demon Temple.

  The demon emperor Mo Ying, who was at the top of the seat, had a gloomy face. He thought he could easily destroy Chen Yuan and interrupt his practice, but unexpectedly, a human earth fairy who didn't know where he was was suddenly appeared and stopped him.

  After that, Chen Yuan made a breakthrough and stepped into the realm of immortals and gods.

   It can be said that his trip was in vain.

  Below Moying's left and right heads, three demon gods sit respectively, Baishan, an old man in white from the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan, and Qingming Demon God, an old man from the Xuantian Spider Clan.

   and Chengtian Yaoshen of the Azure Demon Bull Clan.

  The atmosphere in the hall was somewhat dignified, and the three demon gods didn't say a word, because they also knew the source of Mo Ying's anger, so naturally they wouldn't touch his brow.

   "Chen Yuan is a serious problem, and it must be eliminated as soon as possible. The emperor wants to raise millions of troops, and the monsters from the southern border come out in full force, break through Zhennan Pass, and wash the Central Plains with blood. What do you think?"

   Mo Ying looked down at the three demon gods below, seemingly asking for opinions, but actually forcing them to express their opinions.

  The three demon gods looked at each other, hesitated a little, and did not answer immediately.

   "Why, could it be that the three were frightened by the human race?"

  Chengtian Yaoshen frowned:

   "What is there to be afraid of? It's just that all the forces in the Central Plains have not made a big move. If the monsters move, wouldn't they become the first birds and be taken advantage of by Buddhism and grassland barbarians?"

   "That's right. Furthermore, our monster clan suffered heavy losses in the last battle, and we can't afford another loss. Chen Yuan is now in a great situation, and it's not a good thing for both sides to suffer."

  Yin Zhi old man echoed.

   "Fellow Daoist Baishan, what do you think?"

  The white-haired old man was named, and after a moment of silence, he cupped his hands and said:

   "Reporting to the demon god, this old man thinks that attacking the Central Plains can be done, but I'm afraid it's not appropriate to do it."

   "What's wrong?"

   Mo Ying frowned, a little displeased.

   Unexpectedly, the three demon gods who had been honest before had some other signs at this time.

   "Does the demon **** still remember, Burning Heaven Demon Realm?"

   "Burning Heaven Demon Territory." Mo Ying frowned suddenly, and said in a deep voice:

   "Hasn't this place not been seen for five hundred years?"

He naturally knew what the Fentian Demon Territory was. It was a terrifying mystical realm handed down from ancient times by the demon clan in Southern Border. Breaking out from the Fentian Demon Territory brought great losses to Southern Border.

   It needs to be re-sealed with digital demon gods before it can be worry-free.

  If it is not successful, once the fire crows in the Fentian demon domain come out, even the demon gods will find it extremely troublesome, let alone ordinary demons.

   "It is true that the Burning Heaven Demon Realm has not been condensed for five hundred years, but there is news from today's clan that they saw a fire crow with flames all over its body appearing and burning a small mountain.

  The old man looked up the historic site, and according to the description, it can be concluded that it is the Burning Fire Crow!

  I reported it to His Majesty the Demon Emperor today, if the war is started at this time, once there is trouble in the Fentian Demon Territory, I am afraid that all the people in the southern border will be affected."

   "This seat also thinks that it is most important to solve the Fentian Demon Realm first. As for Chen Yuan, it is not too late to make plans after sealing the Demon Realm." Qing Ming Yaoshen echoed.

   "This seat is the same."

  Chengtian Yaoshen said in a muffled voice.

  Mo Ying's eyes were cold, she took a deep breath, suppressed her anger forcibly, and said after a moment of silence:

   "Since it is the Fentian Demon Territory who caused the chaos, let's settle the matter first. Everyone immediately investigate where the Fentian Demon Territory condensed this time, and then inform the Emperor immediately."

   "Yes, follow the demon emperor's will!"



  The three demon gods expressed their views immediately.

  After finishing speaking, the three quickly left the Demon God Temple.

  Mo Ying's eyes were deep, and she said in a low voice:

   "Fentian Demon Realm. Burning Heaven Demon Realm. Could it be that Chen Yuan is really destined to let the demon realm that has disappeared for hundreds of years condense at this time.

  Hold me by the hands and feet, **** it! ! "

   "Chen Yuan."


   Ask for a monthly pass!

   Punch in! !

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