I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 813: Luck! Luck!

  Chapter 813 Luck! Luck!

  Lanzhou, the oblique moon city.

  This place is one of the prefectures in Lanzhou. It was not outstanding at first, but because of the confrontation between the Buddhist coalition forces and the Temple of Heavenly Demons, there was a battle between Puxian Bodhisattva and Dongfang Sheng.

   It was only then that this prefecture began to gain some fame.

  Compared to before, there are fewer people in the city of Xieyuefu, and most of them are huddled at home, for fear of being involved in the battle between Buddhism and magic.

  Under a willow tree in the northwest of Fucheng, an old man with white beard and hair who looked like a fairy was sitting intently, staring intently at an unfinished chess game.

   It seems to be deducing something.

   It was Lu Chengfeng.

  Before Chen Yuan arrived at Wudi City, he came to Lanzhou without any delay, just to prevent the Buddha from making a move. After all, the only one who can deal with the Earth Immortal is the Earth Immortal.

  There is no one around, only the willow branches move with the wind, turning this place into a beautiful picture.

  At the right time, the great sun hanging high above the nine heavens suddenly shone brightly. A young monk, wearing a golden cassock, surrounded by a golden wheel behind his head, held a purple gold bowl in his left hand, and twisted a string of Buddhist beads in his right hand.

  Buddha stared at the figure of the Taoist below, his eyes darkened, the other party did not suppress his aura, and let him collapse after arriving in Fucheng, just to lure him out.

   "Fellow Daoist, I haven't seen you for a few months, how have you been recently?"

  Lu Chengfeng raised his head, looked at the Buddha in the sky and smiled faintly, as if they were really old friends whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

  The young monk stepped on the void, and a golden lotus flower condensed under his feet. He stepped on the golden lotus flower step by step and slowly descended, stagnating in front of Lu Chengfeng.

   "Why did the benefactor of Xiaoyaozi come today?"

  The voice of the Buddha is ethereal and majestic.

   "I didn't enjoy the chess game last time. I miss the Buddha's chess skills very much. I took the liberty to visit. Please don't blame me." Lu Chengfeng smiled lightly.

  The Buddha gazed calmly, staring at each other, and continued:

   "The benefactor said last time that he would not interfere in the grievances between Buddhism and Chen Yuan, but this time he broke his promise."

   "Hahaha, the Buddha's words are serious. The old man came to find the Buddha to play chess. Why did Chen Yuan get involved? Don't mention him, don't mention him." Lu Chengfeng waved his hand.

   "The benefactor is joking with the poor monk?"

"Hehe, why did the Buddha think like this? He didn't want to do anything about Chen Yuan today. Why, could it be that the Buddha is going to do something about Chen Yuan today? As far as the poor monk knows, he is now in Jiulong Mountain in Nanzhou, so the distance is a little bit far away." Too far."

   "Why should the benefactor look left and right."

   "No way."

  The two sides looked at each other, Lu Chengfeng was smiling, Buddha was expressionless, the surrounding momentum seemed to have stagnated at this moment, and there was a sense of danger.

   "Okay, the poor monk will accompany the benefactor to the next game." The two sides were silent for a few breaths, and finally the Buddha took the lead in breaking the silence and said slowly.

   "So good, so good."

  Lu Chengfeng stretched out his hand to caress his long beard, and laughed, the surrounding world also changed accordingly, like a flower in a mirror and a moon in water, and the original scene was restored in an instant.

  The white mist is vast, and there is a chessboard in the void.

  The Buddha shrank his eyes and became more dignified. The last time he was unprepared, he was dragged into the secret place by this person in an instant, but this time, his spiritual thoughts were always shrouded around him.

   The result is still the same.

  This person's control over the rules has reached a terrifying level.

   "The Buddha will invite you first."

  Lu Chengfeng stretched out his fingers.

  Buddha narrowed his eyes slightly, and a white piece was condensed on his fingertips, which slowly landed on the chessboard, as if time had passed, and he returned to the previous game again.

  Donghai, outside the city of Emperor Wu.

  On the long coast, Muto Kamii and Yagyu Jun stood on a mountain peak, looking in the direction of Japan, and the atmosphere was a bit peaceful.

   "Buddhism has made a move, and the northern barbarians are already under pressure, and they have made the momentum to invade Liangzhou. It's God helping me, hahaha." Liu Shengjun looked happy and felt relieved.

   It was not wrong for him to take the lead, forcing the Northern Man to be unable to survive. After all, this is a rare and good opportunity. If Dongpu is destroyed, the Central Plains will be free to deal with the Northern Man.

   "I heard that Yan Wang Chen Yuan has come?"

   Muto Kamii asked casually.

   "That's right, someone even sent a battle post. If you want to fight with me, you even let go of your bold words. If you dare not fight, then get out of the Central Plains."

  Liu Shengjun snorted coldly, disdainful of Chen Yuan's contempt.

   "It seems that this person is very confident and eager."

   "That's natural. Chen Yuan became famous at a young age and has never failed. It's normal to be a little arrogant, but sometimes being too arrogant will ruin his life.

  However, there should be traces of his arrogance this time. The pressure from the northern barbarians, the Western Regions, and even the southern borders has all reached the Central Plains, and he can't get rid of it at all.

   can only be defeated one by one, and I, Dongpu, is the soft persimmon he chose first.”

   "When the time comes, leave Chen Yuan to me."

   Muto Kamii looked indifferent, but there was a flash of fighting intent in his eyes.

   "Don't underestimate this son. When the time comes, the old man will fight with you and let him know what price Dongpu will pay for underestimating me, hum."

   "As you please."

  Dongying accepted the challenge and asked to fight Chen Yuan in the East China Sea. This news undoubtedly caused a huge shock in Emperor Wu City. Only then did they know that King Yan, who is famous all over the world, had come to Emperor Wu City.

   It can be said that it is magnificent to directly challenge the Dongying Immortal.

  For almost the whole night, many people in Wudi City did not fall asleep, some of them were excited about the decisive battle, and some were vaguely worried about the battle tomorrow.

  All kinds of emotions permeated the city of Emperor Wu.

  Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, it was the next day, which was the time for the appointment.

  For this battle, Wudi City did not come out in full force, only Feng Jiuge, Jiang He, and Ye Xiangnan, plus a few real people in the realm of primordial spirit and refining spirit, accompanied them.

   Most of the rest of the forces stayed in Emperor Wudi's city to guard against the Japanese surprise attack. At the same time, they were also preparing for Chen Yuan's victory and leaving the city in one fell swoop.

  The agreed location was set at a hundred miles to the east of Emperor Wu City.

  Dawn illuminated the sky in the early morning, and Dongying Yiyi was also ready. Liu Shengjun sat cross-legged in the void, with a calm expression, and there were several Yangshen Zhenjun beside him.

  When they were in Japan, they were all strong.

  It was similar to Chen Yuan's arrangement, and Dongying was also afraid that Chen Yuan was just a cover this time, and would sneak attack from behind, and immediately left behind some strong people.

  As for Muto Kamii, he was hiding in the dark, preparing to attack Chen Yuan.

  The sun shone down on the sea area, the void gradually began to distort, and an invisible coercion enveloped the world. Liu Shengjun and many Dongpu warriors turned their eyes away one after another.

   Look dignified.

  Chen Yuan is here!

  The distorted void turned into a portal of nothingness. Chen Yuan, dressed in a black gold-patterned robe, stepped out slowly with a crown on his head, extremely majestic, as if a terrifying beast was staring at everyone present.

  Such a powerful aura instantly changed the faces of many Dongying Yangshen Zhenjun, and stared at Chen Yuan with horror on their faces. Even Liu Shengjun had an extremely dignified expression.



   Very strong!

   Such a tyrannical aura far exceeds that of ordinary immortals.

   Moreover, what really puzzled Liu Shengjun was that the power of rules shrouded in Chen Yuan was not as strong as imagined, as if he was still at the level of a half-immortal.

   But the momentum is extremely terrifying, really weird.

  Behind Chen Yuan, Ye Xiangnan, Jiang He, Feng Jiuge and many real people appeared in turn.

  The momentum of both sides froze for a moment, Liu Shengjun took the lead to break the silence, and said lightly:

   "King Yan, we meet again."

   "Yeah, it's a pity, if you didn't run too fast last time, maybe you wouldn't have the disaster you have today." Chen Yuan shook his head, referring to the Shenlong Island battle back then.

  Liu Shengjun was too cautious. At first he only appeared in his avatar, but his real body was hidden far away. Otherwise, Chen Yuan really wanted to join hands with Mo Luo to keep him completely.

   While speaking, Chen Yuan also quickly opened his eyes, and inadvertently glanced at the people in Dongpu. This is his habit, and he should check his luck before fighting.

   And this time he didn't disappoint, he could clearly see a faint light shining on Liu Shengjun's body.



   Unexpectedly, this time it was wrong, and I met someone with good luck here again, and it really was his destiny.

   Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a member of the Yagyu family.

  If you count the previous ones, the Liusheng clan has contributed three times of luck to him, which is comparable to Xiao Qingmu and Qingyun Sword Sect back then.

   Very good, Chen Yuan is very satisfied.

   "At the beginning, the old man intended to give up your life, but it's a pity that you were stubborn, which led to today's disaster. If you think about it, you know it well, just when you and I are confronting each other.

   Liangzhou, Lanzhou, and even Nanzhou in the Central Plains are surrounded by enemies on all sides. Chen Yuan, even if you break through the six realms, what can you do? "Liu Shengjun laughed.

   "There's a lot of nonsense, kill you, destroy Dongpu, this king will deal with the other lines of defense, you don't think this king will really stand in a meaningless stalemate with you here?"

  Brightness flashed in his hand, and the God-killing Spear was slowly controlled in his hand. The aura around him rose instantly, and a murderous aura lingered around his body, covering the sky.

   "Do you think you can kill this old man?"


  Chen Yuan snorted coldly, and didn't want to continue the boring conversation with him at all. The situation was critical, and what he had to do was to end the confrontation with Dongying in the shortest possible time.

   Killing Liu Shengjun is the best and fastest way.

  Besides, luck is ahead, Chen Yuan can't help but want to collect it. Now that his physical body has entered the sixth realm, the primordial spirit comprehends the rules, and he is only half a step away from the **** of war.

   Killing Liu Shengjun, according to the previous rules, the chance must have something to do with the realm of the Martial God.

   Having achieved Valkyrie, he also has the confidence to fight against Xianyu.

  The body roared, and the terrifying rules of the inner world began to condense in an instant, slowly blending with the rules of the primordial spirit's comprehension, and the world seemed to be frozen at this moment.

  The spear shot out like a dragon, sweeping the world.

  Chen Yuan, who was as immovable as a mountain, suddenly broke out, and his terrifying aura was even stronger than before. Liu Shengjun was shocked and felt an extremely dangerous aura.

   I have a very deep understanding of Chen Yuan's strength.

   Almost without the slightest hesitation, Liu Shengjun directly tore open the void and escaped into it.

  He thought that Chen Yuan's strength was high enough, and he thought that he had just broken through the sixth realm, so he might not be inferior to him, but now, the opponent's strength even surpassed him.

   It is not the best strategy to fight alone, you must join forces with Muto Kamii.

   "Want to go!"

  Chen Yuan pushed everything horizontally, as if he was not afraid of Liu Shengjun's ambush, and stabbed in the void, causing the earth to shatter and the sky to collapse, and the sea to churn.

  Thousands of miles around were distorted by it, and a huge hole was broken. The next moment, he continued to step in with a gun, chasing and killing Liu Shengjun in the turbulent void.

  Sudden changes, it can be said that no one thought of it.

   It was just a face-to-face meeting, and Chen Yuan forced the Dongying Immortal to flee for his life in a hurry. It was really shocking!

   That shot was even more terrifying.

  Many strong men on the Eastern Ocean side didn't even know about Muto Kamii's arrival, they only saw Immortal Yagyu fleeing, and their hearts were extremely anxious, and their minds were confused for a while.

  Ye Xiangnan and the others were full of momentum, and their hearts were full of relief.

   No wonder Yan Wang Chen Yuan said such confident words after he arrived in Wudi City, and directly made an appointment with the opponent. He thought there might be other things, but he didn't expect that it was a simple blow, and he had the absolute upper hand.

What are you waiting for?

   Just do it!

   "Kill, leave no one behind!"

  Ye Xiangnan focused his eyes, pointing at a group of warriors in Dongpu, the rules of the gods instantly condensed, sweeping the world, and a powerful coercion enveloped everything.

  Jiang He's sword came out of the sky, the sword sounded and moved, and in an instant a long river of sword energy condensed in the void, directly blocking the opponent's retreat, stepping out, the dragon covered the sky.

  Without the restraint of the immortal, with the strength of Jiang He and Ye Xiangnan, even if Dongpu's Yangshen Zhenjun went together, they would not be their opponents.

   This is the number one in the list, and the strength of the top ten in the list!

  Feng Jiuge crushed the letter talisman in his hand, and the strong people staying in Emperor Wudi's city got the news instantly.

   "Do it!"

  The situation can be described as an instant reversal, and the decisive battle begins.

  Liangzhou, Jianmen Pass.

  At the time of the decisive battle between Emperor Wudi City and Dongying, the army of the grasslands had also overwhelmed the border. Looking north from the Jianmen Pass, all that could be seen was a dense patch of darkness.

  Terrifying aura, even the world was suppressed, black clouds gathered, evil spirits rose, iron hoofs trampled, as if the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking.

   Even if it is only hundreds of thousands of troops lined up, it is still covering the sky and the earth, endless.

  The phantoms of three terrifying giant portraits condensed in the void, overlooking the Jianmen Pass, as if the gods were enraged, bringing extremely terrifying oppression to the soldiers of Liangzhou.

   "Those who descend live, those who fight die!"

  The rolling sound of thunder resounded dozens of miles away.

  Mo Luo and the old master of Wudang Mountain frowned, showing solemn expressions.

   Sure enough, not only the three royal courts allied forces, but also the three barbarian gods joined forces!

  Jianmen Pass, danger!

  Above the city pass, the banner of King Liang was raised, followed by a roar:

   "The soldiers of the Central Plains can only die standing up, never live kneeling!"

   "There is death and there is no life!"

   "There is death and there is no life!"

  Hundreds of thousands of people shouted in unison, indignant and tragic!


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  (end of this chapter)

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