I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 836: talk about it later

   It has to be said that Su Ziyue is definitely a stunner in the world, especially now that her cultivation base is getting higher and higher, and the blood of the nine-tailed celestial fox family is completely stimulated in her body.

   is even more addictive.

   "There are indeed some changes from before." Su Ziyue stood behind Chen Yuan, her face was flushed, and she could tell at a glance that she had been greatly nourished.

   "After a while, when you send your troops to the south, the monsters in the southern border will be able to draw out the blood of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan, so that you can go to the next level."

  Su Ziyue's practice is different from that of ordinary people. Strictly speaking, she should be a half-demon. She can strengthen her body by devouring the blood of the gods. In the future, even the soul will not be able to get through.

  You can also step into the realm of demon gods.

   Of course, the premise is that she completely changes her bloodline.

   "There is no hurry at this time, you should take care of your own affairs first." Through Yang Huatian, Jiang He and others, she already knew about the battle that took place in Zhongzhou that day.

   directly fought with Xianyu, and the battle was fierce.

  If it weren't for the sudden appearance of Chu Taizu, the Yan army might encounter catastrophe.

  In that level of battle, Yangshen Zhenjun is not even qualified to participate in the battle, one can imagine how terrifying it is, and she also knows how much pressure is on Chen Yuan now.

   "Hehe, eradicating the demon clan is also a major event." Chen Yuan smiled lightly. He wanted to improve his realm in a short time, and the guidance of the altar of luck was indispensable.

  The demon emperor Mo Ying has the luck he needs, and he must take it away.

  However, compared to the northern barbarians and the Buddhist sect, the demon clan in southern Xinjiang is stronger. Don't worry, the demon clan only has two or three big cats and kittens, and only a few demon gods.

   But its background is too deep.

  The reason why Southern Xinjiang is called Southern Xinjiang is because its geographical location is in the south of the Central Plains. In fact, the vastness of Southern Xinjiang is no less than that of the Central Plains, and even larger.

   It's just that there are not so many resources.

  In such a vast territory, if it is said that there are not many strong people, then no one will believe it.

   Therefore, Chen Yuan's established goal is to destroy Buddhism first, then go to the Northern Expedition, and finally gather strength to destroy the monsters in the southern border in one go, and after that, gather the strength of the world to fight against the fairyland!

   "After the concubine came, I went to see Princess Pingyang. I heard that she wants to be a queen?" Su Ziyue changed her voice, she broke away from the previous topic, and turned to Princess Pingyang.

  She knows that Chen Yuan has always been a purposeful character, knowing what to do and what not to do, it is useless to talk too much, it is better to talk about homework.

   "It means that, what do you think?" Chen Yuan chuckled.

  He has just experienced a battle and just recovered from his injuries. He doesn't want to go to other things right away. It's like a rope, and it's not good to keep it stretched.

  Cultivation, especially after reaching the sixth realm, requires comprehension of the world to improve the realm.

   Urgency must be urgent, but Chen Yuan is not crazy, which is even more harmful to his practice, so when he sees Su Ziyue after leaving the customs, he will indulge himself.

   Stretch your mind.

  "I'm a girl, how can I look at it? It's not up to you, the Regent, even if you send the little girl to the cold palace, you can only accept your fate." Su Ziyue had some resentment in her eyes, and she looked at Chen Yuan pitifully.

  I don't know, I'm afraid I really think Su Ziyue is some kind of white lotus.

   "You, Daoist Su, are not a weak woman, and this king can't handle you." Chen Yuan was happy to tease Su Ziyue.

   "It's good to know." Su Ziyue giggled.

   Speaking of which, since Chen Yuan's cultivation has surpassed hers, there is really no way to tease Chen Yuan. Some of her methods will be seen through if she doesn't use them.

   "Pingyang is very capable, and he has controlled the court for this king for a long time. If there is no credit, there will be hard work. I'm afraid you don't like trivial matters in the harem. What do you think of this king giving her a royal concubine?"

  Su Ziyue is not the kind of person who comes when she is called and leaves when she is called. Whether it is her talent, or the friendship they have met along the way, Chen Yuan respects her very much.

  As the future master of the harem, he naturally wanted to ask for her opinion.

   "Bah" Su Ziyue gave Chen Yuan a white look, and hummed softly:

   "Don't think I don't know what you're planning. There is also Empress Dowager Yang in the harem who is the mother queen of Pingyang. You want to accept the shepherd girl together?"

  Su Ziyue looked as if she could see through Chen Yuan's thoughts. Don't look at her not caring about things on weekdays, but in fact she knew many secrets well, and she had already understood Chen Yuan's thoughts.

  Chen Yuan coughed lightly, his face straightened:

   "What nonsense, how could this king be like this."

   "Really, how did sister Xu come here, and how did sister Yu come here? There are also two vixen from the Temple of Heavenly Demon. Huh, I see, you are planning to play with sister Suqing, and want to have a mentor."

   "Zi Yue, you have misread the wrong person, my lord."

   "What are you rushing to deny, and I have no objection, I'm just a little curious, which?" Su Ziyue pondered for a moment, then laughed softly:

   "When between you and their shepherdess, let me see it too."

  Chen Yuan has some black lines on his forehead.

  After some chatting, Chen Yuan left the Observatory and went to the harem, and Su Ziyue also had a lot of things to do, as the princess regent, especially when Chen Yuan didn't want to show up.

  Many things require her to be the master.

  As for the iron law that the harem must not interfere in politics, it does not control her. At the same time, Su Ziyue's status and prestige are enough to support the sky, not to mention the immortals.

  Which of the other Yangshen and true monarchs would dare to disrespect Su Ziyue?

   Not to mention having the backing of Daoshengong.

   Therefore, not long after Su Ziyue first arrived, Princess Pingyang handed over the power wisely, but she was coaxed by Su Ziyue and still took care of many things.

   The teasing with Chen Yuan before was just a joke.

  Stepping into the harem, Chen Yuan didn't feel much emotion anymore, but looking at the familiar land, he still felt strange. He was a court official when he came to the harem a few times before.

   Now, he is the master of the entire harem.

   Whichever one you like is a blessing.

   Many concubines also had great expectations at the beginning. Many of them were concubines left by Jingtai, but they had no chance to serve the bed, and later passed it on to Sima Ke.

  Because of the general trend of the world, I am not interested in spending time and drinking.

  After Chen Yuan entered the city, apart from the empress taking back the Anle mansion, Sima Ke did not touch the harem at all.

  Spiritual thoughts were released, the entire imperial city was under Chen Yuan's perception, and he quickly sensed what Concubine Yang Gui was doing at the moment, with a faint smile, his figure gradually became unreal.

  In the main hall, Empress Dowager Yang looked dignified, holding her chin and showing thoughtfulness. After Chen Yuan entered Beijing, the two sides met outside Wu'anhou's mansion, and she was even ready for a big fight at night.

  In the end, a big battle broke out suddenly, and Chen Yuan fell into retreat because of this, which made her feel a little anxious these days, but she didn't dare to show it to the public.

  Many concubines in the harem also seemed to be fighting for favor because Princess Pingyang was still in charge.

  As for what she was worried about, what would happen if Chen Yuan didn't want her in the future?

  She remained confident in front of Sima Ke, saying that with her face, Chen Yuan would not do anything to him, but no one would know the anxiety in her heart.

  Chen Yuan is now the regent, the actual emperor, and the thirteen prefectures of the Central Plains are all under his control. If he wants to become emperor, it is just a matter of one sentence.

   Such a person will lack women?

   Such a person, don't they cherish feathers?

  Although she can't be said to be old and decrepit, she is not as good as the girl of Shui Ling after all. It is indeed not a small difficulty to continue to dominate the harem and enjoy the glory and wealth.

  A breeze blew through the ends of the hair, and a pair of big hands struck instantly, directly grasping the strengths of Empress Dowager Yang, which surprised her immediately, and immediately shouted:

   "Presumptuous, who are you, go away"


  A faint familiar voice came into the ears of Empress Dowager Yang. She was stunned for a moment, as if she had thought of something, and quickly looked back, it was the person she was dreaming of.

   His complexion changed instantly, and he smiled happily, but he still scolded softly:

   "Bold, how dare you contradict me."

   Concubine Yang Guifei understood Chen Yuan's preferences and quickly entered the role.

   "Does the Queen Mother like it?"


   In the future.

  The fragrant wind filled the hall, and Chen Yuan was about to get away, but was suddenly stopped by Empress Dowager Yang, took a breath and said:

"do not move."


  “I like this feeling of fulfillment, and I feel at ease in my heart.”


  Chen Yuan smiled lightly, without saying a word.

   "I thought you were so unconscionable that you didn't want me?"

   Empress Dowager Yang calmed down for a while, her swinging body stopped shaking, and she spoke softly.

   "This king has no conscience?"

   "If you had a conscience, would you not come to see me for so long?"

   "This king has important things to do."

   "I know, just complain casually."


   "How are you going to arrange for me?"

   "How would you like to arrange it?"

   "As long as I can be by your side, don't drive me away." Concubine Yang Gui was really scared, and she could sleep soundly only with Chen Yuan around.



   "Can it be fake? You have done a good job in the capital, and this king knows it in his heart, but I am afraid that the harem will have to be cleaned up in the future, so as not to spread any rumors."

   "You can make the decision. By the way, what about Pingyang?" Yang Guifei snuggled into Chen Yuan's arms, talking in a low voice.

   "If you didn't ask Sima Ke, why did you ask Pingyang first?"

   "Aren't they all sealed as Mr. An Le? Could it be that you still don't trust him?"

   "Hehe, I know a lot."

"That is."

   "Pingyang will become the imperial concubine in the future, and help the queen handle the affairs of the East Palace. In the future, maybe you have to call her sister."

   Empress Dowager Yang blushed, she knew what Chen Yuan was thinking:

   "You think beautifully, and you won't let anyone go. If Jingtaiquan knows, I don't know how to hate you."

   "I'm not afraid of living, but afraid of a dead person?"

   "Oh, how did it go again."

   "What do you think?"

   A few days later.

  The dignified and dignified Concubine Yang Gui had already collapsed on the ground, like limp mud, looking at Chen Yuan with winking eyes like silk. At this moment, she felt that she was willing to die.

   "Mother, please see me in Pingyang."

  Outside the hall, Princess Pingyang's heroic voice came.

  Chen Yuan glanced at Yang Guifei and nodded.

   Concubine Yang gave Chen Yuan an angry look, took a few deep breaths, calmed down, and said in a deep voice:

"come in."

  Princess Pingyang, who was wearing a plain robe, smelled a strange smell as soon as she entered. Just about to ask, she suddenly looked up and saw a handsome man sitting above her.

  My heart skipped a beat, and I took another look at the graceful and luxurious queen mother who was sitting aside. Although she also had a smile on her face, the red light on her face had not faded.

  A discerning eye can tell what happened at a glance.

  But Princess Pingyang is Princess Pingyang, and she bowed without changing her face or beating her heart:

   "Prince Regent, Queen Mother."

   "Ziyue didn't make things difficult for you, did she?" Chen Yuan asked curiously.

   Those discussions before, even if you don't think about it, you know that Su Ziyue must have met Princess Pingyang, although you know that nothing will happen.

   But still have to ask a proper question.

   Palace Master Pingyang, who was still calm just now, subconsciously glanced at the queen mother, her neck was stained with a red glow, as if thinking of something, she pursed her lips and shook her head and said:

   "No. The Princess Regent just had a heart-to-heart talk with Ping Yang."

"That's good."

   Chen Yuan nodded.

  The three of them stared wide-eyed, and the hall suddenly fell into silence. In the end, it was Princess Pingyang who broke the deadlock and asked with a smile:

   "The regent's injury, how is it now?"

   "It's nothing serious, don't worry."

   "Some things in the capital, all." Palace Master Pingyang was chatting, and briefly informed Chen Yuan of some recent things. Simply put, it was a big cleansing after stabilization.

   Some members of the Sima royal family needless to say, Chen Yuan would not show mercy to what they did at the beginning, except for Sima Ke and Palace Master Pingyang.

  The rest were all executed after reading their crimes on the street.

   All property confiscated will be confiscated.

  Many civil and military nobles who used to step on several boats were also ransacked and exterminated, which greatly filled the treasury with treasure resources.

   Without force, without foundation, those nobles of the former dynasty are just fat meat. When the time comes, it is time to slaughter and eat meat. As for resistance

  In the city of Shenjing, the strong are like clouds, and the soldiers are like rain. Are they worthy?

   There is no hurry to become emperor, but there is no delay in dealing with some people and some things, just to clear the way for the future.

   "Good job, hard work."

  Chen Yuan nodded, he was still assured of the ability of Palace Master Pingyang, but she was born as a girl, otherwise if she was born as a man, it would definitely cause a storm in this troubled world.

   As long as you don't meet someone like Chen Yuan who cheats, you can basically achieve a lot.

   "Then how does the regent plan to reward Pingyang?"

   Palace Master Pingyang laughed softly.

   "What reward do you want?"

   "Hmm" Palace Master Pingyang hesitated for a moment, then said softly:

   "Pingyang has been feeling unwell lately, feeling a little bored, and can't find the key. I heard that the regent's medical skills are superb. Could you check it out for me?"

  She didn't twitch, but looked at Chen Yuan openly, as if it was just an ordinary inspection.


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