I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 841: Lingshan is destroyed!

  Chapter 841 Lingshan is destroyed!

   "Buddha, Ji Shi Bodhisattva has been crushed in Lingshan Town Demon Pagoda." Samantabhadra walked up to the Buddha, clasped his hands together, and bowed to report.

  At the beginning, they did trap Jishi Bodhisattva in the secret place in front of them, but in order to prevent him from contacting Mo Luo and others, they secretly suppressed him.

  Of course, this news is limited to a few Bodhisattvas and the rest of the Buddha. They still think that Ji Shi Bodhisattva is trapped here, waiting for Chen Yuan to come.

  As for the reason, it was naturally because they didn't want to place the fight in Lingshan. After all, they all knew how terrifying the fight in Wonderland was, and the sky would fall apart at every turn.

  Even the holy land of Lingshan can't bear the aftermath of the immortals.


   Buddha nodded slightly.

   "I just don't know if the devil will come." Pharmacist Liuli Bodhisattva frowned, a little hesitant. After all, this was too obvious, and one didn't need to think too much about it, knowing that it was a deliberate trick.

   "Chen Yuan has a conceited temperament. Now his strength is extraordinary, and he is even more defiant. He will not pay attention to Lingshan. Even if he knows it is a game, he will come. Maybe.

   In his mind, this is also an opportunity to wipe out Lingshan. "

   Puxian Bodhisattva spoke.

   As far as the conclusion is concerned, Pu Xian still has a better understanding of this person's temperament. After all, he was once the national teacher of the Jin Dynasty and met Chen Yuan many times.

   "What Samantabhadra said." Buddha was about to nod his head, when suddenly, a treasure between his sleeves trembled suddenly, he frowned, and immediately took it out, and then his expression changed.

   Said in a deep voice:

"not good!"

  Time was pulled back to a quarter of an hour ago, in the void in front of the Lingshan Mountain, suddenly began to twist, as if ripples appeared on the calm water surface, and the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth trembled slightly.

   gradually began to converge.

  In an instant, a portal several feet in size quietly condensed.

  Wearing a black patterned python robe, Chen Yuan, with long hair tied up, slowly walked out of the door, looking at the majestic Jinshan in front of him, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  At this time, within Lingshan, there are still Buddha voices, like a fairyland.

   Buddha was waiting at the predetermined place, but Chen Yuan did the opposite and directly stole the house!

  He is indeed quite confident and has no fear of the Buddha, but this does not mean that he will honestly follow the other party's plan to step into the game.

  He wants to hit the mountain gate directly!

  Originally, Mara was a little worried about the safety of Jishi Bodhisattva for his proposal, but Chen Yuan told him confidently that the Buddha's purpose was to attract them.

   Rather than just killing Jishi Bodhisattva, if that was the case, they would have done it a long time ago, and they wouldn't have been trapped for more than half a month.

  As long as they don't get involved, Ji Shi Bodhisattva will always be safe.

   This dispelled Mo Luo's doubts, and began to support Chen Yuan's approach.

  After Chen Yuan, the old Heavenly Master and Mo Luo from Wudang Mountain also appeared one by one, and finally, Jiang He, Yang Huatian, and Li Suqing, the three Yangshen Zhenjun, stood in a row in front of Lingshan.

   "It's not the same as before." The old Tianshi looked ahead and sighed.

  When he was young, he was not a stable temperament. Except for the southern border, he had not been to the rest of the Western Regions, the Northern Man, and the East China Sea.

   I have also seen the majesty of this Lingshan.

   Judging by its momentum, it is indeed worthy of being the number one immortal sect in the world!

  Compared with Wudang Fairy Mountain, it is too far behind.


  There was some reminiscence in Mo Luo's eyes, as if he had returned to hundreds of years ago. At that time, he was still the head of the four great Bodhisattvas in Lingshan, and he was highly valued by the Buddha. If there is no accident.

  The future is the next Lingshan Buddha.

   It's a pity that he eventually went to confrontation, and he was imprisoned for more than two hundred years because of this.

   Today, I finally came back!

   However, Chen Yuan, Jiang He and others did not sigh with melancholy, at most they were amazed at the magnificence of Lingshan, which is indeed extraordinary.

  At a glance, Lingshan is thousands of feet high, deep into the clouds, surrounded by the sound of countless people chanting scriptures, if ordinary people come here, they will naturally and unconsciously calm down.

  Have the idea of ​​escaping into Buddhism.

   Of course, this is not from the heart, but because of the bewitching of the Buddha's voice, the longer you listen to it, the more your state of mind will tend to be Buddhist. This is also the reason why the Central Plains warriors resist Buddhism.

  Whether you like it or not, as long as you can't resist, you will tend to Buddhism. Who can stand it?

  The vitality of the surrounding world is extremely strong, not even in the secret realm. Compared with the ones near the fairy mountain in Wudi City, it is obvious that there is also a huge Yuanjing vein here.

   Necessity has been formed, if not always here.

   "Let's do it, let this thousand-year-old Lingshan feel what fear is!" Chen Yuan's mouth curled into a faint smile.

  Jiang He and the others also nodded in unison.

  The next moment, Jiang He, Yang Huatian, and Li Suqing moved at the same time, and a huge coercion instantly enveloped the world, swept across the world, and oppressed that golden mountain.

  The vitality of the heavens and the earth was rioting, endless wind and clouds were turbulent, and sword qi turned into long rivers, rushing straight down.

   "Presumptuous, where is the evildoer, dare to mess with my Lingshan!" An old voice resounded through the void, and a giant golden palm stretched open, shattering the infinite sword energy.

  In Lingshan, several rays of light condensed, and several old monks with flimsy figures were condensed in the void, with a powerful aura radiating from their bodies, and they actually had the realm of Yangshen.

   "Sure enough, they are still alive." Mo Luo stared directly at the old monks in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly.

  This is the powerful background of Lingshan. There are four great bodhisattvas on the surface alone, but behind the scenes, there are many old monks who are near the end of life. They are under the secret method of Buddhism.

   Abandoned the physical body, only exists in the body of the primordial spirit, and can no longer be reincarnated.

  He also knew the few in front of him, and they were the Bodhisattvas before him.

   "Ksitigarbha, it's you!"

  The pupils of several old monks shrank deeply, showing shock.

   "It's a poor monk."

   "Why did you come here?"

   "Destroy the Buddha!" ​​Chen Yuan snorted coldly, Jiang He and the others didn't stop, and started a big battle with an old monk.

   "Presumptuous, dare to speak wild words, the Buddha will suppress you!"

  An old monk with white eyebrows scolded directly, then, with a thought, he said loudly:

   "Lingshan disciples obey orders, rise up!"




  As if all were united in one mind, countless voices resounded in unison, and then, in the void and on the ground, golden rays of light rushed straight to the heaven and earth, condensing into a semicircular shield.

   Protect Naling Mountain directly.

   A series of tyrannical breaths appeared at the same time.

   "The spirit mountain formation is here, so don't be presumptuous!"

  The old monk said in a deep voice.

   "How strong is this formation?" Chen Yuan looked at Mo Luo beside him.

   "Under the Immortal Earth, it can't be broken." Mo Luo responded softly.

   After all, Lingshan was the place where he grew up. Even if the ideas were different, he still couldn't do it. But if he didn't do it, it didn't mean that Chen Yuan would waste time with these guys.

   This is not a front-line fighter, one by one.

  Hearing this, Chen Yuan chuckled and shook his head:

   "That is to say, the Earth Immortal can't be stopped?"

   "Earth Immortal understands the rules of the five elements. Being in the five elements, his strength is extraordinary. The limit of the human formation is like this, and it cannot be stopped."

   "Then why are these monks so arrogant?"

  Chen Yuan smiled faintly, stretched out his right arm, and a ray of light escaped from the Tianshu space.

  The rules of the gods of war come out together, and they are condensed on the god-killing gun.

   Take out the gun.

   Break the sky!

  A terrifying phantom of the sharp gun condensed in the void, without the slightest hesitation, with a light stab, the endless power of the Valkyrie rules burst out instantly, directly covering the shield of the spirit mountain.


  The terrifying crackling sound swept across the world, and the powerful aftermath directly wiped out the two old monks who wanted to fight hard.

   Then, it was like an eggshell.

  The huge protective shield covering the Lingshan Mountain, from the point of view, the cracks were like spider webs, and the entire golden light shield was covered in just a short moment.

   and then

   burst directly!

   One shot, break the formation!

  The world was silent, and countless Lingshan disciples felt extremely panicked, as if seeing the end of the world.

  What about Bodhisattva?

  Where is the Buddha?


  Huang Tudao also escaped from the book at this time, expressing his emotions, as if to say that the master Chen Yuan, if he has a new love, he should give up his old love. How long has it been in the book?


  Chen Yuan flicked his fingers, and the Huangbutcher Knife turned into a stream of light by itself, rushed into the Lingshan Mountain, and began to kill. With a trace of his divine sense, facing Huayang, it was almost like people blocking and killing people, and Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas!


  Shenqiang also expressed his thoughts at this moment.

   "You go too, have fun!"

  Chen Yuan smiled faintly.


  The God Killing Spear immediately turned into a stream of light and charged towards Lingshan.


   "Ksitigarbha, you are still not a Buddhist, and you are killing people in this holy place!" An old monk looked at the scene below, his eyes were tearing, and he roared angrily.

   "Amitabha, the poor monk has been expelled from Lingshan."


  The man wanted to say more, but Jiang He, who was in full combat power, was not something he could resist at all. He killed the Yuanshen with a single sword, and it was regarded as a collapse between heaven and earth.

   "Good means."

  Old Heavenly Master looked at Chen Yuan's shot and couldn't help admiring it.

  It seems like a random shot, but in fact, the way of martial arts has been reached to the limit, almost natural, worthy of praise.

  At the same time, he was also happy for Chen Yuan's strong strength.

  The boy who had just broken through Huayang at the beginning has now grown into a towering tree, enough to protect one side, it is really a blessing in the world.

   "Hehe, it's not worth anything."

  For Chen Yuan, this was just an appetizer, and the real feast was the Buddha. He didn't even have any nature to kill, so he let the Emperor Butcher Knife and the God-killing Spear move freely.

   Otherwise, if he makes a move with his strength, he can turn this place into a purgatory in less than a hundred breaths of time.

  This is the horror of the earth immortal.

  Already standing at the pinnacle of the world, the world is turned upside down with a wave of his hand.

  If there are too many such strong men, it will be a disaster for the whole world. This is why when you reach the sixth realm, you usually choose to fight in the void interlayer.

  The crime of killing is too heavy

  The old heavenly master did not take action either. Although the Wudang Mountain inheritance Taoist sect is not quiet and inactive, he has no interest in slaughtering weak warriors.

  The real strong should fight against the existence of the same level.

   "Senior, where is the body, do you know?"


   "Let's go then."

  Chen Yuan chuckled, the old heavenly master also knew their purpose, one was to save the Bodhisattva of Ji Shi, and the other was to get Mo Luo's body out of trouble.

   This day is undoubtedly the darkest moment in the thousand years of Lingshan. It has been peaceful for thousands of years, absorbed the blood of the Western Regions, sucked for thousands of years, and was enshrined for thousands of years.

  Finally, today is the end.

  Evil ghosts roared, and the wind gusts.

  Sword Qi is vertical and horizontal, and the river is thousands of miles long!

   Clusters of blood flowers bloomed in the void, and broken limbs and broken arms swayed the world. The entire Holy Land of Lingshan was turned into purgatory, and the terrifying killing atmosphere permeated the world.

  Some people looked up to the sky and sighed, and some had tears in their eyes.

  Some people knelt down and begged for mercy, while others were brave enough to die.

   One by one, one by one, at this moment, it seems to have turned into a beautiful picture scroll.

  However, neither Jiang He and the others who did it, nor Chen Yuan and the others who watched from the sidelines showed any mercy.

  Lingshan is high above, and the number of people who died in its hands is unknown. They will commit crimes for you at every turn, and suppress them on Lingshan. Countless people in the Western Regions will never be reborn because of this.

  The grievances of the past and the recent hatred, it's time for revenge.

  Who will pay for the crimes committed by the Allied Forces of Thirty-Six Nations when they invaded the Central Plains?

  The high-sounding Buddhist gate had no mercy at that time.

  Only Mara sighed softly and said a few words about Amitabha.

  He is not sighing for the disciples of Lingshan, but for the Buddhism.

   Not long after, the originally golden Lingshan was covered with a layer of blood.

  Chen Yuan and others also climbed to the top of Lingshan Mountain and came to a tower that existed underground.

  This pagoda is different from the usual ones. It goes deep into the ground and has a total of 18 floors. It has always suppressed people who are "heinous" people, and this crime was judged by Lingshan.

  Mara's body was trapped at the bottom of the tower, shrouded in a layer of regular power, and he could vaguely see his original face, which was like a crown jade, with compassion on his face, as if he had fallen asleep.

  Chen Yuan waved his hand and shattered the ban on the Demon Suppressing Tower, and countless voices came from inside.

"who is it?"

   "Get me out!"

   "I have repented and ask Buddha to forgive me"

   "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva?"

  Among many shouts, a familiar voice sounded, and Chen Yuan and Mo Luo immediately looked at each other.

  The Bodhisattva of the World?

   It's here!

   Mo Luo broke the ban of Ji Shi Bodhisattva, his aura had already declined to the extreme, but he squeezed out some smiles on his face, and said:

   "The poor monk was right, the Bodhisattva has really come."

   "The great sage bought a lot of time for this king, and he should come because of emotion and reason." Chen Yuan smiled lightly and said without changing his face, as if he came here for this reason.

   "Buddha has fallen?"

   Jishi Bodhisattva asked in surprise.

   "No, but soon."

  While speaking, Moro also opened the blockade of the physical body, and entered into the body as a stream of light. The next moment, Moro's physical body opened his eyes, and a sense of perfection escaped from his body inexplicably.

  (end of this chapter)

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