I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 851: Northern Expedition Grassland!

  Chapter 851 Northern Expedition to the Grasslands!

   "See Regent, Regent Wannian!"

  Led by Chen Huaiyi, deputy commander of the three armies, he bowed to Chen Yuan with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

   "See Regent, Regent Wannian!"

   "See Regent, Regent Wannian!"

   "See Regent, Regent Wannian!"

   Immediately after, Yang Huatian, Jiang He, Wei Wuque, and many strong men bowed in unison.

   Afterwards, those hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers shouted in unison, their reputation shaking the heavens.

  The waves of sound stretched endlessly, sweeping for nearly a hundred miles, shaking the vitality of the heaven and earth.

  At this moment, everyone's eyes were on the figure standing in the sky, and their eyes were full of awe, fanaticism, and excitement.


  No. 1 in the world!

   Megatron world!

  The huge phantom formed by Chen Yuan overlooked the entire army. When the prestige gradually fell, he slowly raised his palm and pointed to the northern sky. In an instant, the world was silent, as if frozen.

  In the world, there is only one person.

   "Northern Expedition!"

  The sound of thunder is mighty, resounding through heaven and earth.

   There is no lingering sound, no nonsense, and nothing to mobilize morale. The current morale has reached its peak moment.

   All that is needed is just one command.

   "Northern Expedition!"

  Deputy Marshal Chen Huaiyi turned around and said loudly.

   "Northern Expedition!"

  Northern Liang King Wei Wuque said in a deep voice.

   "Northern Expedition!"

   "Northern Expedition!"

   "Northern Expedition!"

   It seemed as if the stagnation in their hearts had been completely cleared away. All the soldiers blushed with excitement and roared loudly.

  The murderous aura soaring to the sky swept the world!

  The mighty Northern Expedition thus kicked off.

  The soldiers of each tribe were organized in an orderly manner, divided into several branches, and then divided into countless cavalry formations, and quickly spread towards the northern grassland. The goal of this battle was to completely defeat the barbarians.

   Not to mention extermination, but also make them unable to hold their heads up for hundreds of years.

  If you look down from a high altitude, you can see that the terrifying black torrent is trampling the world, and everything it passes is dyed black, hundreds of thousands of elite troops.

   Nearly a million civilians marched to the grassland in a mighty way.

  This is enough to record a battle in history books.

   It is comparable to the battle of Chu Taizu's Northern Expedition thousands of years ago.

   However, Chen Yuan concealed his figure, and handed over the command of the Northern Expedition to Chen Huaiyi, Jiang He and others, and let them control the battle.

   After all, he is really not good at this kind of thing.

   Besides, he has more important things to do, that is to find Huangji, kill him with one blow, and not give him a chance to escape.

  The powerful army of the Northern Expedition vented all the accumulated anger and bloodthirsty thoughts on the grassland tribes. For the Central Plains, they are heroes.

   And for the grasslands, they are disasters.

  Countless tribes were wiped out, resources, women, all were looted, and those who did not surrender would die.

  Finally, someone couldn't resist the threat of death and genocide, abandoned the barbarian god, turned to the Central Plains, and became the guide of the Northern Expedition army, willing to become an eagle dog.

   Because of this, the Northern Expedition's several armies made very fast progress, but in just over a month, they penetrated deep into the grassland and began to compete with those so-called royal families.

  In this world, there will never be a shortage of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

  This is the case in Dongying, and it is even more so in the grasslands.

  When the wind is down, they are warriors of the prairie, fearless, and a nightmare on the border of Liangyou, but when the wind is against them, they are nothing more than a group of stronger ants.

  Several sun gods and true monarchs, even half-immortal powerhouses, almost wiped out all the way and won big all the way.

  In the end, even the supply of food and grass in the rear was insufficient. For this reason, the deputy commander Chen Huaiyi discussed with several principals and set a new tone.

   Eat beef and mutton, swallow the resources of the grassland tribes.

   On the way of the Northern Expedition, strengthen yourself.

   Nearly a million war horses and millions of cattle and sheep gather together, and almost everywhere they go, all the grasslands are gnawed bare, and all species of food are eaten. It is only a matter of time before the oasis turns into a desert.

   But what does this have to do with them?

   You can’t starve yourself for the grassland, right?

   They're not that noble.

  When the prairie army went south to the Central Plains, what they did was even better than them, directly eating people!

   And when the army of the Northern Expedition gradually approached, the three royal courts finally could no longer bear the pressure of retreating step by step, in order not to fight with the army of the Central Plains.

  In order not to be killed in the First World War, they had no intention of fighting at all, but let the royal department under the royal court hinder the speed and progress of the Northern Expedition army, hoping to lengthen the front line.

  Let them back without a fight.

   After all, hundreds of thousands of elites, people eat horses, and the daily consumption of food, grass and resources is an astronomical figure.

   What they didn't expect was that this time the army of the Central Plains would be so terrific, killing, looting, burning, and plundering all available materials and resources for their own use.

  What annoyed them even more was that many tribes betrayed the grassland, and the rebellious royal court defected to the people of the Central Plains.

   Be their vanguard and deal with their own people with a more ruthless attitude.

   Looks like a dog leg!

  The angry big men of the three royal courts have itchy teeth, wishing they could eat their flesh, sleep on their skin, and drink their blood

  Deep in the grassland.

  Hundreds of thousands of elites from the Royal Court Headquarters gathered here, and the camp they occupied stretched over hundreds of miles, and they had almost retreated to their limit.

   If you retreat again, you can only go to the snow field to eat snow.

   Therefore, they, who were driven to a desperate situation, are not going to retreat any longer. Those who are interested have already decided to fight one last time, because they have already found out that the food in the snow field cannot support the three royal courts.

  If they really retreated, without using the Central Plains army, they themselves would starve to death 90% of their soldiers within a year.

   This is a desperate situation.

  The atmosphere in the entire Grassland Royal Court was extremely suppressed at this time, and crazy grassland elites could be seen everywhere, killing their own people with red eyes.

  More people have despair in their eyes, as if they have foreseen the future.

  Central Plains, why is it so strong!

  When they went south in the past, they didn't think that the Central Plains was so powerful, otherwise they wouldn't have robbed and plundered every year. Within a few years, they had launched several wars going south.

   As a result, now that the Central Plains are unified, the power that erupted made them desperate.

  Under the situation where the North and the South are confronting each other, it is extremely terrifying to actually bring out nearly half a million elite troops and many strong men to the Northern Expedition.

  Nowadays, the addition of many grassland tribes has made the Central Plains army even more powerful, with hundreds of thousands more servants. They retreated again and again, almost dissipating some of their last strength.

  In an extremely luxurious golden-roofed tent.

   Dozens of figures are sitting.

   There are strong men in battle armor, priests with complicated headgear, old men in golden robes, and young barbarian warriors with cold eyes.

  But without exception, their breaths are not weak.

  The lowest level is the soul level.

  Among them, Yangshen Zhenjun alone has more than one palm.

  As for their identities, they are the most powerful forces that the three royal courts can gather at present. The Great Khans of the major royal courts, as well as the high priests and generals of the major royal courts are all here.

  The three great Khans live on one side, with clear distinctions.

  After the Manshen of Gufeng Wangting fell, the two Khans were equally divided. Unfortunately, it didn't take long for Gemu Manshen and Wufeng Manshen to fall.

  They will naturally return to the same level.

   Now, it's basically equal.

  The atmosphere in the big tent was a bit depressing, and there was a momentum of a mountain rain coming, pressing on everyone's shoulders, as if they were carrying a heavy mountain.

   And their source of pressure, naturally, also comes from the Central Plains army.

The big man in the golden robe glanced across the audience, his eyes darkened. If Wei Jinfeng were here, he would definitely be able to recognize his identity. pull!

  At the beginning, the ancient Jin royal court made a desperate move, a total of 700,000 troops attacked the Central Plains, broke through the Jianmen pass, and approached the city of Liangzhou. It was so powerful, but it was stopped by Chen Yuan.

   Cut off the means of the barbarian gods, leading to the defeat of the northern barbarians.

  The loss of troops and the loss of generals, until now the ancient Jin royal court is far from recovering, and then there was another big battle, which almost exhausted the heritage of the ancient Jin royal court.

  Although there are still some strong people at the top, but if we really talk about it, the strength of the ancient gold court is actually the weakest one among the three royal courts.

   "Everyone, the army of the Central Plains is gradually advancing, and there is no way for us to retreat. Ben Khan feels that now only one battle can completely restore the decline."

   Wanyan Tianba said in a deep voice.

   "Wanyan Dahan said it lightly, but now the army of the Central Plains plus those traitors, there are more than one million soldiers and horses, and the strong are not counted. It is rumored that the Northern Expedition is even in charge of the Yan King himself.

  The three barbarian gods have fallen, how can they stop their soldiers? Decisive battle. Hehe, according to Ben Khan, I'm afraid he is going to die. " Yeluming, Great Khan of the Ancient Wood Court, said coldly.

  The ancient gold royal court is the main station, and the ancient wood royal court is the main retreat.

  Without him, the ancient wooden royal court is deep in the edge of the snowfield, and among the three major royal courts, the tribe is most adapted to the snowfield climate. It is also in their best interest to retreat into the snowfield.

   "Retreating and retreating, avoiding and avoiding, is it possible to give up this huge prairie to the Central Plains? In the future, how can I, a prairie warrior, hold my head up?

  Also, retreating into the grassland is easy to say, my three royal courts have a total of millions, can the grassland accommodate us? By then, I am afraid it will only be a year.

  The three royal courts of the grassland no longer exist. "Wanyan Tianba said in a deep voice, glaring at Yeluming.

   "Ben Khan also sees it in the same way. The people in our grasslands don't respect the sky, don't fear the earth, and can cover the sky with their strength. Since the Central Plains army drove straight in, they dare not fight with it.

   If you step back, where is my grassland inheritance? Is it true that you want to hide in the grassland forever? Even thousands of years ago, he was never so timid.

   It's nothing more than a battle, nothing more than a death, and Ben Khan will never retreat! " Gufeng Wang Ting shattered the table in front of him with his palm and shouted sharply.

   A strong fighting spirit shrouded his body.

"well said."

  Wanyan Tianba immediately agreed.

  No matter what, he is also a glorious existence for hundreds of years. He is invincible at the point of his long sword, and all the grasslands of tens of thousands of miles bow their heads in front of him, which is even more coercive in the Central Plains.

  The suppressed Central Plains and northern Xinjiang dare not move for a hundred years, and there is a sense of pride and ambition in my heart.

   Those who are afraid of death have it, but those who are not afraid of death are even more so!

  He would rather die standing than live on his knees.

   "Unfortunately, the Central Plains is unwilling to accept our bowing, otherwise, this catastrophe may be eliminated." The high priest of Gufengwangting suddenly sighed softly.

  If there is a choice, the Grassland Royal Court can't bow their heads, but the other party doesn't give a chance at all, and doesn't respond at the beginning, so stabilize them.

   Now they don’t even say hello, and go straight to the Northern Expedition. If they didn’t retreat quickly, they might have died under the iron heel of the Central Plains.

   "There is no need to mention this matter again. Chen Yuan has a ruthless personality and can't tolerate a little sand. If he wants to achieve the achievements comparable to the Chu Taizu thousands of years ago, he must attack the grassland.

  We have no retreat! "

  Wanyan Tianba stared at Yeluming with staring eyes.

   "Huh, let's wait for Tian Khan to come back and make the decision." Yeluming looked at the atmosphere in the big tent, except for some strong men from the ancient wood court who supported him.

  The rest of the powerhouses felt that they were cornered, and they were unwilling to retreat any further, and were ready to fight to the death with the army of the Central Plains.


  Wanyan Tianba just wanted to say that Tian Khan is not here now, how could he hesitate because of this, but before the words fell, an invisible coercion shrouded everyone.

  The void in the big tent of the king's court also quickly opened a gap, and a strong man with his upper body in his hands and long hair tied into a pigtail slowly walked out of the void.

   Finally sat on the top.

  Everyone moved in unison, bowed and beat their chests, saying:

   "Meet God Khan!"

   "Meet God Khan!"


  Tian Khan Huangji is the last reliance among the three great courts today, and it is also the existence that makes several barbarian gods willingly bow their heads. Even if the Western Regions are defeated, they are still the existence they look up to.

   Don't dare to be rude at all.

   "Ben Khan heard what you just said." Huang Ji scanned the crowd calmly.


  The khans present all looked at each other and dared not answer.

   "Wanyan Tianba is right, my grassland barbarians are gods from the sky, born to be warriors in charge of the grassland, we can retreat, but we cannot retreat again and again.

   Wipe out the blood of my prairie warrior. "

   Huangji stared at Yelvming and said calmly.

  Ye Luming felt a pressure in an instant, nodded quickly and said:

   "What Tian Khan said is that I am short-sighted."

   "No, what you said has some truth. In this decisive battle, the grassland has more victories than defeats. The hope of winning is very small. It is very necessary to leave some seeds.

  Thousands of years ago, the grassland suffered a catastrophe, and it can make a comeback. Now, it is also possible to encounter what happened a thousand years ago again. God will not cut off my grassland lineage. "

  Huangji stood up, took a deep breath, and said in a concentrated voice:

   "Ben Khan decided to draw 3,000 highly qualified seeds from the three royal courts, and let them withdraw from the grassland and enter the snowfield to hide their strength for later.

   And the rest, prepare the army, gather all the strength, fight against the snow, and fight the Central Plains to the death, you will die! "

   "Yes, obey the order of the Khan!"

   "Follow Heaven's Khan Order!"

  (end of this chapter)

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