I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 856: Great opportunity!

  Chapter 856 Great chance!

  The news of the great victory of the Northern Expedition swept across Liangzhou City at an extremely fast speed, causing a huge commotion. Everyone was celebrating this day.

  Chen Yuan's prestige has almost reached its peak.

  At the same time, the news intensified and spread throughout the three northern states at an extremely fast speed.

  Because compared to other regions, the people in the north are the most oppressed by the barbarians. In the past few hundred years, the reason why the development of the north is not as good as that of the south is because of the barbarians.

  Has been harassed every year, knocked off every year.

  The hatred between the northern people and the northern barbarian clan has almost evolved to the extreme. Among them, Liangzhou and Youzhou are the most important. Their greatest sense of existence is that they are in the frontier.

  Now, the destruction of the northern barbarians will not be a threat for at least a few hundred years, and they are the ones who benefit the most.

   Quickly set off a wave of worshiping Chen Yuan.

  At the beginning, he stirred up the situation in the world, and every time he could cause turmoil in the Central Plains. Although the reaction in the north was not small, it was still not as big as imagined.

   Now, Chen Yuan has solved the hidden danger for them with his great achievements.

   Naturally, it can collect a lot of popular support.

   With the three northern states as the center, the news gradually began to spread, especially in Zhongzhou, the imperial court that had already prepared made a big deal about it, and publicized the great achievements of the regent.

   No less than making gods!

  South, West, East, in just a few days, the thirteen prefectures in the Central Plains knew about this matter, causing a sensation in the Central Plains and the world. At the same time, there were more and more hopes for Chen Yuan to become emperor.

   Such an unworldly feat cannot be done by an emperor.

  The position of regent is no longer enough to show the terror of Chen Yuan.

   And this is exactly Chen Yuan's plan.

  He proclaimed himself emperor, how could it be more justifiable that everyone in the world expected him to be emperor?

   Only in this way can the strongest luck of the emperor be gathered!

  Zhongzhou, Shenjing City.

  As the capital of a country, the people of Shenjing City can still be regarded as the leading city in the world even though they have experienced many wars. Naturally, it goes without saying that Chen Yuan's prestige in the capital city.

  Before it was occupied, countless people yearned for it.

  Nowadays, the world has been set, and it will naturally rise slowly.

  At the gate of the east city, an envoy of Jinyiwei stood on a high platform, announcing aloud the great achievements of the regent Chen Yuan during the Northern Expedition, even though it had been several days in a row.

   There are still countless people who are willing to listen to it again.

   "Three Great Regents Pingyao Prairie"


   "Okay, haha, you are indeed the regent."

   "A great achievement that is enough to be famous in history. Old man, I also went to the grassland back then. You haven't seen it. The barbarians there are so vicious."

   "Northern border has been established, and the regent has made such achievements, he should be called emperor."

   "Yeah, such a great achievement is more than enough to become the emperor."

  If it was during the Chengping Festival, some people dared to discuss the matter of the prince proclaiming the emperor, not to mention the extermination of the nine clans, but also the three clans, but who said that the current Jin Dynasty survived in name only?

  Even the emperor left the palace and lived in the mansion of Duke An Le. He didn’t show up all day long, only waiting for the verdict in the future. Who dares to make a fuss about this matter?

   Even, Chen Yuan deliberately created such a scene that the people wanted. Whoever dares to stop will die.

  Among the vast crowd, a middle-aged man with an ordinary face suddenly stood, looking with great interest at the officials who announced their achievements on the high platform.

   whispered to himself:

   "Tsk Beiman seems to have been entrusted by the Emperor Wu to General Mangu, but I didn't expect it to be wiped out now."

   And his identity is naturally Shan Fu who just escaped from Tianshan, the holy mountain in Dongying.

  After he defeated the people sent by the Temple of Heavenly Demon, he would naturally search for their souls and understand some of the current situation in the world, but it is a pity that thousands of years have passed.

  The vicissitudes of life.

  The former Emperor Wu had long since lost their traces, and even a fault occurred. As for the human dynasty they once created, they have long since dissipated in the long river of time.

   Suddenly he was a little confused.

  Even he has lived for thousands of years, why did the Martial Emperor who possessed the elixir disappear?

  The so-called fairyland, what is it referring to?

  In order to find these secrets, he secretly came to the Central Plains and set foot on this long-lost homeland for thousands of years.

   Unfortunately, after searching, he still found nothing.

  At present, the only person who can make him interested is the so-called regent Chen Yuan. The growth of this person is very similar to that of Emperor Wu.

   They all rose from the humble beginnings and grew into giants in the world.

   Emperor Wu was born in troubled times. He started as a small slave and grew up step by step.

   This Chen Yuan started as a small policeman, and now he has become the de facto leader of the Communist Party of China.

   Such an outstanding person deserves his interest.

   Only by defeating such a person who is similar to the Emperor Wu, can he arouse his competitive spirit, and at the same time, sit on the long-dreamed throne of Emperor Wu.

  Emperor Wu won the position of Emperor Ren. Could it be that Shan Fu couldn't take it?


  Shan Fu raised his head and looked at the void, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. Now, he only hopes that the regent can return triumphantly as soon as possible, and he will kill this son under the eyes of everyone.

   Only in this way can he satisfy his hobby.

  Thousands of years of ban have already made him a little crazy, and he really wants to show his sense of existence. It's just the guy from Dongpu, although he is the offspring of his former subordinates.

   But after all, it is still too weak. It is okay to be a slave, but can they understand how to advertise their strength in front of them?

   "Come back soon, I can't wait. Hehehe."

"go back?"

  In the southern border, a certain place where the demon clan lived, the demon emperor Mo Ying couldn't help frowning when he heard Bai Shan's words.

   "This was a last resort. Chen Yuan had already pacified the Beiman Grassland and killed the Heavenly Khan Huangji of the Beiman. According to rumors, he is also a powerful earth immortal.

  But still can't stop Chen Yuan, we."

  The old man in the robe of a human scholar could not help but sigh softly.

  The demon tribe went north to the Central Plains. This was a long-established plan. After they solved the Fentian Demon Territory, they quickly and non-stop began to mobilize powerful demon soldiers from various ministries in southern Xinjiang.

   It is to fight the Central Plains and break the momentum of Chen Yuan's rise.

  But, before they could do anything, just when they were ready, the news from the Central Plains scared him so much that he wanted to retreat.

  The northern barbarian war is over, Chen Yuan has most likely returned to the Central Plains, and is now waiting for them at Zhennan Pass, if they rush forward desperately.

  It is likely to be defeated.

  The last battle of Zhennanguan had already hurt the monsters in southern Xinjiang. If this million troops were to be buried here again, it would really be a serious injury.

  If Chen Yuan goes south, there will be another battle against demons, and the inheritance of the demon clan may be cut off.

  They are the leaders of the entire southern border demon clan. As demon gods, they cannot just sit and watch the demon clan decline.

  So, after hearing about this, he came to persuade Mo Ying not to go his own way.

   It is already a rare blessing for Chen Yuan not to go south, how could he go north to die?

  Mo Baby took a deep breath and said in a low voice:

   "Damn Chen Yuan!"

  He couldn't figure it out. Not long ago, he was just a five-level martial artist with extraordinary combat power. Why did he suddenly jump to this step?

  Now it is even more capable of beheading the great power of the earth immortal.

  He doesn't know how strong Huang Ji is, but he knows his own strength. It's just that entering the "indestructible body" for the first time is equivalent to the early stage of the earth immortal of the human race, if Chen Yuan returns.

  He wants to win, but it is basically impossible.

   "The news just came. I'm afraid it's unlikely that Chen Yuan will be in Zhennan Pass. If he launches a surprise attack at this time." Cheng Tian Yaoshen at the side said hesitantly after thinking for a moment.

   It seems to be somewhat feasible.

   "There is some truth in this statement. This son of Chen Yuan must take revenge. He has had enough enmity before. Even if Nan Jiang stayed honestly since then, he will not let it go.

   It would be better to weaken his power first and raid Zhennan Pass. "The other demon **** also nodded in agreement at this time.

"What do you think?"

   Mo Ying looked at the Baishan Demon God and asked.

  Among the three demon gods, Bai Shan's combat power is not obvious, but he is considered a think-tank figure. He advises the demon clan. Although it is not amazing, what he said is quite reasonable.

   Moreover, he was the first demon **** willing to submit to him, so Mo Ying still held Baishan in high regard.

   "This matter is feasible, but. The Demon Emperor said before that Chen Yuan still has a great immortal beside him. Now that Dongying and the Western Regions have been wiped out, will this person hide in Zhennanguan?"

  Bai Shan reminded.

  And what he said immediately pulled Mo Ying's thoughts back to the time before, when he sensed Chen Yuan's breakthrough, he went to stop it, but at the last moment he was startled away by a strong man.

  The aura emitted by that strong man far exceeded his

  If they fight, Mo Ying has no confidence, and his heart sinks even more.

  Chen Yuan is gone, but there is still someone behind!

  Central Plains China is worthy of being a sacred place on earth, where strong people emerge in large numbers.

   Seeing this, Chengtian Yaoshen stopped talking and waited quietly for Mo Ying's answer.

  After pondering for a long time, Mo Ying let out a long breath, and said in a low voice:

   "Forget it, the strength of my demon clan in Southern Border is indeed not as good as that of the human race in the Central Plains. This battle is...too late, and I missed the best opportunity. Let's go back."

  If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of the Fentian Demon Territory, he wouldn't have held back the Demon God Temple. If he had taken action when the Beiman, Western Regions, and Dongying were besieging the Central Plains.

   Absolutely can get huge results. ,

   It's a pity that this best opportunity has been missed now, and there is no hope of saving it.

   "God bless my monster race"

  Chen Yuan's plan basically came to fruition. After the news of Beiman's destruction came out, the Yaozu lost their will to fight. Unexpectedly, Chen Yuan's action was so fast.

  In just over a month, the trouble was solved.

   At this time, the Yaozu had just summoned all the strong men and approached Zhennan Pass.


  The time is pulled back to seven days ago.

  When he gave the order to spread the victory of the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains, Chen Yuan handed over all the power to the deputy commander Chen Huaiyi, Jiang He and others, and let them take care of the aftermath.

   And he is going to Qiling Mountain, preparing for the opportunity to break through the realm!

   For such things, Chen Huaiyi and others are obviously used to it, and they didn't show the slightest intention to inquire, and continued with the next thing step by step.

  Chen Yuan's departure was a secret. Except for Jiang He and a few people who knew about it, no one else knew about Chen Yuan's current whereabouts. Even the king of Beiliang Wei Wuque wanted to see the regent, but he was refused.

   Qiling Mountain is located in the middle of the grassland, tens of thousands of miles away, but to Chen Yuan, this is not a big deal, it only took one day.

  He then found Qi Lingshan based on some memories from his soul search.

  The so-called holy mountain is actually not very grand, but it is hundreds of feet high and stretches for more than ten miles. Looking at the grassland, it is not very eye-catching, only the vitality of heaven and earth is stronger.

  In addition, Qiling Mountain is the sleeping place of the ancient royal family powerhouse, and no one will disturb it, let alone discover the real secret of Qiling Mountain.

  The Altar of Luck is guided by the spirit realm hidden deep in the void on the top of Qiling Mountain. Chen Yuan did not hesitate, and quickly tore the void after arriving at Qiling Mountain.

   Search inch by inch in a radius of dozens of miles.

  Huang Tian paid off, with the help of the Sky Eye Pupil Technique, Chen Yuan discovered the hidden spiritual realm in an extremely inconspicuous chaotic void.

   If you don't look for it deliberately, even if your mind is scattered, you won't be able to find this place.

  Tearing open the spiritual space, Chen Yuan stepped directly into it.

  As soon as he entered, a surge of extremely strong heaven and earth vitality swept over, and even condensed into primordial liquid, which was much more precious than primordial crystal. At the same time, the surrounding world seemed to have no boundaries.

   Contains endless power of rules, which suddenly made Chen Yuan's pupils shrink deeply.

  This opportunity.

  Far more than the previous ones!

   And he finally understood why Qi Lingshan, which is so ordinary, became more and more intense.

  If it is found by other strong men from the Northern Man, at least one immortal will definitely be born!

  Perhaps, no one would have imagined that such a blessed land would appear in an ordinary grassland, but now, this huge opportunity belongs to him.

   Without any hesitation, Chen Yuan quickly let go of his mind and began to comprehend the power of rules manifested between heaven and earth.

  Those vitality also seemed to have found a point to vent, and gradually accelerated and began to envelop Chen Yuan's physical body.

  Cultivate the body and accumulate the spirit!

   those prophecies directed, are true.

  The outside world is changing, but Chen Yuan has fallen into dead silence. It has been half a year since he began to retreat, which is even longer than before.

  However, Yaodi Fentian and Shan Fu didn't feel the slightest bit of impatience. For them, half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

   As for Chen Yuan's absence from the Northern Expedition since the victory of the Northern Expedition, it also caused a lot of speculation.

  One day half a year later, Chen Yuan, who was in the spiritual realm, slowly opened his eyes!

  (end of this chapter)

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