I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 868: Award! curtain down!

  Chapter 868 Awarded! curtain down!

  Chen Yuan didn't have much feeling for the so-called attributes of the five elements, and he never paid much attention to such things as fire virtue and water virtue.

  He simply likes black, so it can be seen that the entire Yan army is still black, and the black dragon flag is now planted all over the entire Central Plains and many outer borders.

   And his dragon robe also naturally turned black.

  Black as the background, with a nine-clawed golden dragon coiled around his body, which is the style of the dragon robe on Chen Yuan. Su Ziyue stood behind, tied the golden belt for Chen Yuan, and finally put on him the nine-sulphur crown that symbolized the emperor.

  The breeze was blowing, blowing the sulfur beads, and at this moment, Chen Yuan felt a huge coercion invisible, which belonged to the emperor's coercion.

   Let Su Ziyue's eyes continuously release brilliance.

   This kind of mighty and domineering man is her husband-in-law. Back then, when we first met in Ping'an County, neither she nor Chen Yuan had thought of today.

  Chen Yuan turned his head and looked, and saw that Su Ziyue was also a phoenix crown and Xiapei, with a golden robe covering the ground, and her long hair coiled up. Needless to say, a huge aura of elegance and luxury rushed over her face.

  The two looked at each other, with various emotions mixed in their eyes.

  Outside the Star Observation Tower, nine golden dragons and strange beasts appear in the sky and the earth, and a carriage stands horizontally between the sky and the earth.

   Kowloon pulls the car!

   "The time has come, let's go."

  Chen Yuan raised his hand, Su Ziyue smiled faintly, put his hand in his, nodded, and then, the two of them stepped out together and sat on the frame together.



  The nine dragons' chant resounded through the sky and the earth, and the golden light reflected the sky and the earth, turning into a stream of light, rushing towards the direction of Zijin Mountain.

  At the foot of the Zijin Mountain, there were over a million people gathered, including soldiers maintaining order, warriors from the rivers and lakes who came to watch the ceremony, and even more people from the vicinity of Zhongzhou.

  Although it cannot be called silent, no one dares to make trouble at this sacred moment. After all, the current Chen Yuan is not comparable to the original Jingtai.

  Jingtai thinks highly of himself and thinks that everything is under control, but in fact, the imperial court is troubled by internal and external troubles, and rebellions continue. He forcibly honors the emperor, which can only make everyone dissatisfied.

  But Chen Yuan is different. Over the years, his achievements have been placed in front of the world one by one, and everyone can see Chen Yuan's efforts.

  End the troubled times, unify the Central Plains, rebuild the dynasty, destroy the Japanese slaves in the east, control the southern borders in the west, conquer the grasslands in the north, and cover Lingshan in the west, in the midst of one amazing battle after another.

  Already raised Chen Yuan's prestige to its peak.

  Even the original Chu Taizu was a bit inferior compared to him.

  His becoming the emperor is something that all the people in the world look forward to. They expect Chen Yuan to reach the highest position and bring an unprecedented prosperity to the Central Plains.

   Now, the prosperous age has begun, but everyone knows that it is far from reaching its peak.

  Lu Chengfeng, Ye Xiangnan, Lao Tianshi, Mo Luo.

  Jiang He, Chu Changfeng, Yang Huatian, Li Suqing, Ling Xu, Tianxu, Zhao Danqing

  Wei Wuque, Zhang Xuan, Zhang Yantong, Xiao Jing, Bai Changqing, Wei Wuya, Zuo Chengzong

  Most of Chen Yuan's former acquaintances have now become his subordinates. They are dressed in official robes, looking ahead with excitement in their eyes.

this day,

  The day they were looking forward to finally came.

  Some of them are Chen Yuan's teacher, some are Chen Yuan's guide, some are his former friends, and some were his opponents, but now they only have one identity.

   Those are the people of the Dayan Dynasty.




  The sky-shattering sound of nine dragon chants resounded throughout the world, and came from the capital. Everyone's eyes were fixed, and they realized that the time had come.

  Lu Chengfeng dressed in white and waved his hand casually. In an instant, the clear sky was turbulent, and golden rainbows sprinkled the world. This is a material manifestation, not just a phantom.

   Turn this land of hundreds of miles into a fairyland.

  All warriors can clearly feel that some different changes have taken place around them, the vitality of the world has become extremely strong, and some inexplicable powers are pouring into the whole body.

  Those who suffer from diseases, only feel that all diseases disappear. Those who are depressed can only feel their chests stretch out. Those who are stuck in the realm also feel as if their bottleneck is being loosened.

  Mara clasped his hands together and recited Amitabha.

  In an instant, the golden light converged on a **** and Buddha looking at the sky and the earth, and the Sanskrit sound pierced the void, and it entered the ears, calming the mind, and all the emotions became peaceful.

  With a thought in Jiang He's mind, streams of sword qi emerged out of thin air, turning into rivers of sword qi, converging into Jackie Chan, as if welcoming Chen Yuan's arrival.

   Taoist Lingxu

   Taoist Tianxu

  Many powerful men showed their supernatural powers, and in the blink of an eye, they turned this place into a fairyland, with divine beasts appearing in the sky and earth, and rainbow lights turning into fairy rain.




  Eight hundred Hercules blew in unison, followed by a mighty thunder sound.

  When the nine golden dragons pulled Long Yu to Zijin Mountain, the heaven and earth returned to peace in an instant. Chen Yuan, enjoying the light of all eyes, walked step by step in the void with Su Ziyue.

   And between the sky and the earth, there are also steps condensed.

  Every time you take a step, there will be a thunderous sound in the world announcing Chen Yuan's past achievements.

  ‘On the first day of May in the ninth year of Jingtai in the former Jin Dynasty, the king retreated 700,000 troops from the northern barbarians in front of Liangzhou city, and rescued tens of millions of Liangzhou people. '

  ‘On the first day of October in the ninth year of Jingtai Jingtai in the former Jin Dynasty, Wang beheaded the faint king and Jingtai in Zijin Mountain to seek justice for the millions of people who died at the hands of the faint king. '

   "Former Jin. Wang Yuzhen Nanguan, retreat a million demon soldiers!"

  ‘The king of the former Jin Dynasty defeated the elite Japanese slaves in the first battle in front of the city of Emperor Wu. '

  ‘Former Jin Dynasty. Wang swept the Western Regions, pacified the northern barbarians, and created peace for the people of the Central Plains. '

   "Long live the king!"

   "Long live the king!"

  At the beginning, only one person shouted, but immediately after, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of people shouted in unison, greeted Chen Yuan, bowed and saluted.

  Falling down in unison, Chen Yuan also walked to the human world in the void and landed on the top of Zijin Mountain, but his body was still surrounded by golden lights, as if the emperor of heaven had descended, with a huge majestic momentum.

   At the right time, the sound between heaven and earth gradually calmed down.

  The envoys of the Japanese slaves from Japan, the envoys from the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions, and the envoys from many tribes in the northern barbarians all stepped forward and knelt down at the foot of Zijin Mountain, confessing their respective crimes.

  Degrading the Western Regions, the Northern Barbarians, and Dongying to the dust, only the Central Plains China is the kingdom of heaven. They don't know the way of heaven and act against the sky.

   Praise Chen Yuan as the Khan of the Prairie Heaven, the co-lord of the Western Regions, and the Supreme Immortal Emperor of Dongying.

   And this scene of all nations coming to court also made all the people and warriors present feel honored and extremely proud.

  To this day, they still remember the scenes of the invasion of the Western Regions, the invasion of the northern barbarians, and the entry of the East into the sea. How arrogant they were at that time, and now they kneel down in front of the Central Plains.

   May I ask, who can be as calm as water?

  In everyone's mind, there is only one thought now, that is, there is only one southern border left, and the Central Plains human race is really above the world, and they have an unprecedented prosperity.

   "Long live God Khan!"

   "Long live the Immortal Emperor!"

   "Long live the Holy Lord!"

   Those missions knelt down one after another, shouting long live Chen Yuan.

  Chen Yuan is standing on the top of Zijin Mountain, looking ahead, as if there are endless stars in his eyes, tolerant of everything, standing there, he is the only one in this world.

  Su Ziyue squeezed three sticks of incense and presented it to Chen Yuan.

   After receiving it, Chen Yuan faced the people, officials, missions, and soldiers, and said in a deep voice:

   "Today's troubled times are unified, and the world is peaceful. Here, I, Chen Yuan, respect the heaven and the earth, and the subjects below, and commemorate all the soldiers who died in the unification of the Central Plains.

   Pay homage to all the heroic spirits who protect the human race and guard the frontier for the sake of peace in the Central Plains.

  Today, I proclaim to the world that the country will be established as Yan, and Yuan Shengwu will be established! "

  The sound was like thunder, resounding across the world. Chen Yuan's voice resounded unmistakably in the ears of all the people and warriors, and it continued for a long time.

  Lu Chengfeng, Mo Luo, Jiang He, Tian Xu, all the soldiers, all the common people, and all the courtiers all bowed down to Chen Yuan at this moment, saying:

   "See Your Majesty!"

   "See Your Majesty!"

   "See Your Majesty!"

  At this moment, Chen Yuan's eyes seemed to change instantly, and one figure after another appeared, including his former enemies, Jingtai, Sima Ke, Sima Yuande,

  Buddha, Huangji, demon god.

   There are also his colleagues who fought side by side, as well as the existence of enemies and friends. They appear between the sky and the earth, looking at Chen Yuan from afar, with endless emotions in their eyes.

  But immediately, like a mirror, it exploded into pieces.

   Then, in his eyes, the world changed. When he announced the founding of the country, Great Yan, and the reign title of Shengwu, one after another black light of national destiny appeared between the heaven and the earth.

  It seems to be a long black river of national destiny, absorbing all the power, with this place as the center, the terrifying national destiny in all directions begins to gather at this moment.

   It was vaguely possible to see a powerful black dragon looming, hovering between the sky and the earth, and everyone witnessed this scene with their own eyes, seeing the black dragon roaring upwards.

   Turned into a ray of light and penetrated into Chen Yuan's body. At this moment, Chen Yuan's national fortune was added to his body!

  At this moment, when Chen Yuan's national fortune was added to his body, in front of Zhennan Pass, the figure of the demon emperor Moying slowly appeared between the sky and the earth, looking at Zhennan Pass in front of him with extremely solemn eyes.

   It was this grand pass that blocked the Yaozu from going northward. It was before this grand pass that the Yaozu smashed millions of halberds and retreated in defeat. He always wanted to smash this city pass.

   It's a pity that when he was ready for everything, the Chen Yuan who he could suppress with a wave of his hand had grown to the point where he even looked up to him.

   had to return to southern Xinjiang.

  Even if that Demon God Luo Tian urged him to go to fight Chen Yuan, he didn't dare. It seemed that fear had already formed in his heart. He was afraid that he would never return.

   And now that he appeared here, he was preparing to give Chen Yuan a generous gift at the critical moment of his founding and ascension to the throne, completely smashing Zhennan Pass and massacring millions of people.

  Anyway, they have formed a death feud, the kind that will never die, even if they don't do anything, Chen Yuan will still go south in a big way to destroy the demon clan in the future.

  Since this is the case, why bother to endure it?

  But. Just when he was about to make a move, he felt an ominous feeling in his heart, as if if he made a move at this time, it would cause a terrible disaster.

  The next moment, he saw that the Zhennan Pass in front of him had changed, and black air currents continued to rise into the sky, as if they were converging somewhere.

   National Games!

  The national fortune of the Central Plains Dynasty!

  As the demon emperor, Mo Ying couldn't understand this power very clearly, and the gathering of that power made him feel a trembling from the bottom of his heart, and there was a great terror in the dark.

   Even, he seemed to see a phantom in a black dragon robe, standing between the sky and the earth, as if overlooking him, staring at him.

  Chen Yuan.

  It's Chen Yuan!

   Without the slightest hesitation, Mo Ying directly tore open the void, and ran away without looking back. The original idea of ​​giving a big gift also disintegrated at this moment.

  He can be sure that Chen Yuan has definitely left behind in Zhennan Pass, just waiting for him to make a move, and then leaving him here completely is too terrifying.

  Now he just wants to escape, take the Yaozu with him and never return, plunge into the depths of southern Xinjiang.

   Wait until thousands of years later, the Central Plains Dynasty overthrows, and then makes a comeback.

  At this time, Chen Yuan was completely unaware of the national destiny he condensed, and he directly scared off Mo Ying who was about to make a move, if he had known this earlier.

  Chen Yuan will definitely delay for a while, waiting for him to do it.

  Now he opens his arms, closes his eyes, and quietly listens to the sound of long live the mountains and tsunami. He is very intoxicated by this feeling, but it is only for a moment.

   More, he was still thinking about wanting more.

  The emperor of the world is not his goal, and the emperor of the human race is not his focus. Only the emperor of heaven who is above the world is the existence he wants to be now.

The    number is human, immortal and immortal.

  This is his next pursuit.

  Of course, one has to eat one bite at a time, and one has to take one step at a time. What is in front of him now is to destroy the demon clan in the southern border, and to prevent the coming of the fairyland after nine years.

  The louder the voice, the more terrifying the long river of national fortune standing between the sky and the earth became. Now Chen Yuan can be sure that the addition of this national fortune will definitely increase his combat power sharply.

  With the strength of a country, it can fight against the late stage of the Celestial Immortal.

   When he becomes the Emperor of the Human Race, and the luck of the human race increases, he will become a real warrior in the world!

  The voice of Shan Huan live gradually ended, and Chen Yuan also opened his eyes, looking down at the subjects below him. The Great Yan had already stood up, and the next step was to reward the meritorious deeds.

  Between the heaven and the earth, a scroll like an imperial decree slowly appeared between the Emperor of Heaven. In an instant, the golden light shone brightly, and countless subjects and common people looked up subconsciously.

  The sound of rolling thunder resounds:

   "It is not the work of me alone to establish the country and establish the dynasty. There is an ancient saying that rewards are awarded for meritorious service. Today, I will reward all ministers who have made meritorious service."

   "Su Ziyue, the daughter of the Su family, rose up with me from the very beginning, guarding the rear, blessing the world, and was named my Empress Dayan, sharing the destiny of the country with me."

   "Follow the order."

  Su Ziyue bowed.

   "Lingshan Ksitigarbha Buddha, has meritorious deeds in protecting me, which can be seen by the heavens. He has been conferred the title of Master of the Zuo Kingdom of Great Yan, a holy Buddha of Buddhism, and enjoys the destiny of the Kingdom of Great Yan. The dynasty will never perish, and the Holy Buddha will never perish."

   "Emperor Wu Lu Chengfeng has made meritorious deeds in protecting the human race. He endured for thousands of years and hid in the city of Emperor Wu. He worked hard for our human race. He was appointed as my Great Yanyou National Teacher, and he and the Holy Buddha Ksitigarbha were my wings and enjoyed the imperial fortune."

   "The poor monk obeys the order!"

   "Poverty compliance!"

  Mo Luo and Lu Chengfeng bowed together to salute. Now that the fairyland has been sealed, Lu Chengfeng doesn't have to hide it all the time. Naturally, he will not refuse the emperor's reward.

  The two major national divisions are separated from the left and the right.

   It can be described as a great honor.

   "The old celestial master of Wudang Mountain guarded the northern border and made great contributions to protecting the country. He was granted the imperial title of Grand Master of Great Yan and enjoyed the fortune of the dynasty."

   "Poverty compliance!"

   "Su Ming, the patriarch of the Heavenly Demon Palace, has made great contributions in protecting the southern border, and has been conferred the title of the Holy Patriarch of the Demon Dao."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

   "Emperor Wu's city lord, Ye Xiangnan, made great contributions in guarding the East China Sea. He was granted the title of King of the East China Sea, Dayan Zheng, a first-rank king of the East China Sea. He will be hereditary and guard the East China Sea."

   "Chu Changfeng, the commander-in-chief of Zhennanguan, was born in a humble family and made great contributions in protecting the southern border. He was granted the title of king of Jingnan, the first rank of Dayanzheng, the hereditary successor, and guarded the southern border."

   "Chen Huaiyi, Deputy Commander of the Three Armies, after the former Chu Xunchen, has fought many battles and made great contributions in destroying the Seven Killing Palace. He was conferred the title of King Pingxi of Dayanzheng First Grade, hereditary replacement, and eternal town in Xijiang."

   "Wei Wuque, the commander-in-chief of Beiliang, his son inherited his father's business. The Wei family has protected the Central Plains for hundreds of years. The father passed away and the son succeeded, and the father and son made great contributions. He was granted the title of King of Zhenbei, the first grade of Yanzheng, and guarded the grassland."

   "Minister waits to obey the order!"

   "Minister waits to obey the order!"

   "The ministers and others obey the order."

  Ye Xiangnan, Chu Changfeng, Chen Huaiyi, and Wei Wuque took a step forward, and all bowed in salute to thank the emperor for his kindness.

   "Jiang He, the governor of Jinyiwei, who protected me at the end of his life, has made outstanding contributions. He was appointed as the first-rank protector of the Great Yanzheng, and he was personally named the Sword Master of Tongtian. He is in charge of the Jinyiwei and supervises the world."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

  "Yang Huatian, the left governor of Jinyiwei, has made great contributions in protecting the country, and is not afraid of life and death. He was appointed as the Duke of Chu, the first rank of my Great Yan Cong, and assisted Jiang He in managing the Jinyiwei and monitoring the world."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty."

   "Emperor Sima Ke of the Jin Dynasty, who knew how to turn back when he lost his way, made great contributions to the country, and was conferred the title of Duke of Anle, First Grade of Yan Cong."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

  Si Ma Ke's eyes were excited, and his heart finally fell down.

   "The four great envoys of Jinyiwei, Zhang Yantong, made great contributions to the country, and were granted the title of second-rank Marquis of Tiannan."

   "Xiao Jing, the four great envoys of Jinyiwei, made great contributions to the country and was named the second-rank Marquis of Wuming."


   "The holy land of Mount Shu has made great achievements in protecting the human race. The disciples in the sect are not afraid of death. I hereby confer the title of Dayan State Religion. I personally confer the title of the world's number one sword sect. I will teach Lingxu Zhenjun, and I will be the first-rank Nanxiaozhu Kingdom of Dayan."

   "Taixu Immortal Palace has made great achievements in protecting the human race. It is imperially appointed as the national religion of my Dayan, and it is in charge of teaching Tianxu Zhenjun. It is the first-rank Dongming Pillar Kingdom for my Great Yan."

   "Biyou Immortal Palace, has made meritorious deeds in protecting the human race, and has been appointed as the national religion of my Great Yan, in charge of teaching Danqing Zhenjun, and for my Great Yan from the first-rank West Wind Pillar Kingdom."

   "Wudang Immortal Mountain, guarding the northern border for many years, has made outstanding contributions. It was appointed as the national religion of my Dayan, and taught Song Yingqiao, and served as a first-class North Mountain Pillar Kingdom for my Great Yan."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

   "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

   "Thank you."

  Several head teachers said in unison, the four national religions can be accepted, but there is a gap compared with the original one, but it seems to be the same after thinking about it.

   After all, up to now, their so-called fairy gate can no longer help the court too much.

   "The Temple of the Heavenly Demon, the Palace of Goddesses, and the City of Emperor Wu are all my Dayan Cong's first-rank immortal gates. The Lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace, Dongfang Sheng, has made great contributions in suppressing Dongying, and he was granted the title of Marquis of the Second-rank Dongji of my Dayan.

   Li Suqing, the lord of the Goddess Palace, joined me in the rebellion and made outstanding contributions. She was conferred the title of the first female marquis of my Dayan, from Yipin Beiyunhou."

   "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

   "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

   "Thank you."

   "Yu Qingyan, Shen Yanshu, Zhang Wanshu, and Xu Yang are all imperial concubines."

   "Chen Yang, the daughter of the Chen family, is my noble concubine of the Great Yan Emperor"

   "The commander of the Tianzi Battalion of the Yan Army will be the third-rank Zhongyong Bo."

   "The leader of the Yan army with yellow characters will be the third-rank Zhongwu Bo."

   "Yan Jun Xuanzi Battalion Commander"

  (end of this chapter)

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