I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 870: Kill the demon! Burn the sky!

  Chapter 870 Killing demons! Burn the sky!

  The newly established Dayan Dynasty showed unparalleled action power. Since Chen Yuan shouted the slogan of going south to hunt demons in the Golden Luan Hall that day, the entire court quickly moved into action.

  A steady stream of resources began to gradually flock to Zhennan Pass.

  Because this time to destroy the demon clan, it is not just a matter of simply killing the demon emperor and several demon gods. At the same time, Southern Xinjiang must also be included in the territory.

   Enslaved the monster race, and has since surrendered to the human race.

   Therefore, a large number of resources are extremely necessary.

   But soldiers and horses are not needed for the time being, because the previously established goal is to destroy the monster race. As early as when he was still retreating in Dongying, Zhennan Pass already had an army of no less than a million.

   This battle was the first battle after the founding of the Great Yan Dynasty. Naturally, it was impossible to rush the matter. Chen Yuan issued an imperial decree to summon Zuo Guoshi Mo Luo, and Taishi Lao Tianshi to accompany him.

   There are also Jiang He, Chu Changfeng, and many other Zhu kingdoms gathered together, no matter what level they are in, they all far exceed the strength possessed by the Yaozu.

   And when the news of his personal conquest and the southward hunting of demons spread across the world, there was a huge shock, even though many people had already anticipated this day and were even preparing for it.

  Because of missing this battle, the world will fall into peace in the foreseeable years. In other words, this battle is the last chance to make military achievements, and basically there will be no chance in the future.

  But no one expected that Dayan would act so swiftly and resolutely. In just a few days after the founding of the country, it announced that the world would cut down demons. Obviously, this was something that had been prepared long ago.

  A lot of people regret it, because if so, they obviously don't get much chance.

  Not to mention the spread of various news from the outside world, Chen Yuan has already made preparations, and can't wait to completely pacify southern Xinjiang. After that, there will be a long recuperation.

  Until the fairyland comes!

  On the city wall of Zhennan Pass, Zhennan King Chu Changfeng was wearing gilded armor, talking with Mo Luo and others.

   "Senior, when will His Majesty come?"

  Chu Changfeng asked casually.

It has been seven full days since the Dayan Dynasty was announced to the world, and a large amount of resources are being supplied to Zhennan Pass. At the same time, Mo Luo, Lao Tianshi, Ling Xu, Tianxu, Jiang He, and Su Ming The ancestors have already arrived at Zhennan Pass.

  But the most important person, Great Yan Shengwu Emperor, has not moved yet, so he will inevitably have some guesses.

   "Your Majesty will come here, don't worry." Mo Luo smiled lightly. Now Chen Yuan's strength far exceeds him, and he can't spy on Chen Yuan's traces.

  But he felt that it should be coming soon.

  After all, before they left, Chen Yuan told them that he would come when everyone gathered.

   "King of Zhennan, don't be impatient." Jiang He smiled lightly. Now that Dayan is a country, although they are informal in private, they basically call each other official positions obviously.

  At the same time, Chen Yuan's address was naturally changed to 'Your Majesty'.

   "Hehe, I'm not in a hurry, I'm just afraid that the Yaozu will get the news and retreat faster, and there will be a lot of trouble in the future."

  Since he took charge of Zhennan Pass, he has been paying attention to the movement of the Yaozu, always thinking about counterattacking back, how to wash away the previous shame.

  Of course, he is not selfless.

  The rest of the kings guarded the territory, and now there are basically no foreign enemies. Only outside his Zhennan Pass, there are still monsters, and he wants to accumulate some meritorious service for the future.

   After all, his background is still too little at present. Wei Wuque has the legacy of the former Liang King Wei Jinfeng, King Pingxi has the achievements of the Northern Expedition to the Grassland, and is related to Chen Yuan.

  Eastern Sea King is not only an Immortal of the Six Realms, but also has the merits of resisting the death battle of the northern barbarians. He is the only one who has basically been sitting here all the time except for the battle of the monsters.

  I want to take some achievements as my foundation.

   "This time, Your Majesty will personally lead the conquest, and bring harm to our demon race in the Central Plains for thousands of years. I'm afraid they will never be able to lift their heads again." Su Ming, the patriarch of the demonic way, held his hands behind his back.

  Looking in the direction of southern Xinjiang, he sighed.

  Based on some of Chen Yuan's tactics against the grasslands, the Western Regions, and Japan, the purpose of this battle is definitely to smash the back of the Yaozu completely, so that they can never stand up again.

   Much more ruthless than the original Chu Taizu.

   "It's a good thing for me in the Central Plains." Taoist Tianxu smiled lightly, after Chen Yuan fulfilled his promise and made Taixu Immortal Palace the state religion.

  He himself has no obsessions, and he is already faintly touching the level of rules.

   This time, he was also the one who took the initiative to invite Ying to slay the demons, hoping that in this last battle, he could break the shackles and step into the realm of the half-immortal.

"haha, yes."

  Zhao Danqing also nodded.

   Only Jishi Bodhisattva had a sad expression on his face. After the news of Chen Yuan's killing of demons spread to the Western Regions, he quickly rushed to Zhennan Pass. He didn't want to make any meritorious service.

   But I hope that Chen Yuan will not be too ruthless and leave a way for the monsters to survive.

  After all, no matter how he became a monk and became a Bodhisattva of Lingshan, he was also born in the monster clan. He hoped that he could leave some inheritance for the monster clan and not cut it off.


  Taoist Lingxu was about to speak, when all of a sudden, everyone present, including him, felt a tinge of terrifying power coming towards the envelope.

  Between heaven and earth, Dayan's national destiny gathered into a sea, a young man dressed in a black dragon robe and a crown of sulfur beads slowly appeared, and stepped down step by step.

  Chen Yuan is here!

   "See Your Majesty."

   "See Your Majesty!"


  Everyone's expressions were solemn at the same time, and they raised their hands and bowed to the young man who was exuding a huge oppressive force.

   "Everyone is flat." Chen Yuan nodded slightly, then, looking at Zhennan King Chu Changfeng, said in a deep voice:

   "Beat the drums, gather troops!"

   "Follow the order!"

  Chu Changfeng bowed and gave orders quickly, and several wrestlers immediately started beating drums.




  Nine consecutive drums sounded, and all the soldiers in Zhennan Pass quickly realized, just like a natural reaction, quickly began to leave the city, and began to gather on the huge open space outside the city.

   With such a large number, it took a long time even to assemble. It took a full two hours before the assembly was successful and the formation stood neatly.

   And when Chen Yuan looked at such a powerful elite soldier, he also felt a sense of heroism out of thin air. No wonder many people always like to do this kind of thing.

  It is indeed refreshing.

  When Chen Yuan stepped into the sky step by step, tens of millions of elites shouted in unison:

   "Long live Your Majesty! Long live Your Majesty!"

  "For hundreds of years, the monsters in southern Xinjiang have always been a serious problem for our human race in the Central Plains. They regard the people of our human race as food for blood, so we can only set up Zhennan Pass here to resist the monsters.

   But now, the offensive and defensive forces are different. I swept the Central Plains and wiped out several places in the northwest. Now, in front of me, Dayan, there is only one opponent left, the Yaozu. What do you think? "

  The thunderous voice resounded in everyone's ears accurately, making them extremely excited.

   "Fight the monster! Kill the monster! Kill the monster!"

   "That's right, it's time to slay the demons and bring peace to our Central Plains people."

   "Die for His Majesty, die for Great Yan!"

   "Die for His Majesty, die for Great Yan!"

   "Die for His Majesty, die for Great Yan!"

   "Send troops, go south!"

   Chen Yuan waved his hand, driven by the sound of drums, the rear team turned to the front team, and began to rush towards the direction of southern Xinjiang quickly, accompanied by many farmers to open the way.

   After all, southern Xinjiang is mountainous and there are almost no roads.

   Fortunately, the demon clan gathered several times before and created a large area of ​​flat land, otherwise, they could only implement beheading tactics, and could not completely wipe out the monster clan.

   Tens of thousands of civilians, coupled with the martial arts masters who opened mountains and cracked ground to open the way for the army, overall, they are quite stable. Although the speed is not fast, Chen Yuan is not prepared to pursue excessive speed.

   This battle is to break the backbone of the entire demon clan, not just a few demon gods.

   Just push it across.

  Of course, such a smooth speed is also inseparable from Chu Changfeng's previous preparations. For example, the route has already been planned, and the mountains along the way can be continued.

   Among them, the one with the greatest effect is none other than the giant turtle from Biyou Palace. His huge size also brought him extremely huge strength.

   In the next few months, the Yan army marched thousands of miles, making many preparations along the way, cutting down mountains, cutting down trees, burning forests, and destroying everything in sight.

   In this battle, Chen Yuan actually had another very important thing to do, that is to expand the land for the people of the Central Plains to open tens of thousands of miles, and rebuild several southern states and Shu states, so as to gradually allow the people to prosper.

  Without the oppression of war, the rate of population explosion is very fast, and if there is not enough territory and resources to feed these people, then they will be forced to rebel.

   Therefore, from now on, he must make all the preparations.

  The deserts of the Western Regions, the northern barbarian grasslands, and the East China Sea are not suitable for human habitation. Only the vast land of southern Xinjiang is suitable, provided that those mountains are destroyed.

  The poisonous miasma was removed, the trees were burned, and a livable place was artificially created.

  Southern Xinjiang, somewhere.

  Chen Yuan, dressed in a black dragon robe, slowly appeared in the void, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. He and Mo Luo were the first to open the way, looking for traces of the monster race.

  After all, if we had waited for the slow progress of the army, the Yaozu would have already disappeared.

   Beheading is a must. This is what Mo Luo, Lao Tianshi, and Su Ming ancestors did. They searched for traces of demon gods, wiped them out in one fell swoop, and then let the army go.

  In this way, it is possible to avoid killing evil and affecting the practice.

   As for their departure, only a few people such as Chu Changfeng and Jiang He knew. Ordinary soldiers and warriors may still think that their Emperor Shengwu is sitting in the center.

  Compared to Moro and others, Chen Yuan's route is different from theirs, because he still has one very important thing to do, which is to find the trace of the demon emperor Fentian.

   Kill it!

  Early before, he had already left some means, and he could faintly perceive where his tracks stayed, which was to prepare for the present.

  He is not important, but his luck is still very important to Chen Yuan.

   And here is where he feels the strongest.

  The Demon Emperor Fentian must be hiding in this secret realm in the void.

  Chen Yuan had a slight smile on his face, and with a move of his mind, a powerful power of rules quickly surged out, sweeping the world. After about a moment, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes:

"Got you!"

  In the realm, endless fire crows spawned and shattered, turning into flames, endlessly.

   This is a world with only flames, which is the Fentian Demon Territory. After the Star Wars, the Fentian Demon Emperor has returned to his lair, planning to hide him for a thousand years.

   Let's recover from the injuries on his body first.

  Chen Yuan is not going to fight anymore, he is not an opponent at all, if he is in his heyday, if he gathers the luck of the monster clan, he may still have a chance of winning, but unfortunately, who made him underestimate the enemy?

  Going to find Chen Yuan alone, he was seriously injured. With his current strength, even if he condenses the luck of the monster clan, he cannot recover to the fighting power of the heyday.

  Suppressing and killing Chen Yuan is even more nonsense.

  Of course, he can't be blamed for this, who would have thought that a demon emperor powerhouse at the level of a celestial being would have nothing to do with a human immortal? It is completely impossible to say it.

  However, no matter how impossible it is, the truth is still in front of us.

  Amidst the faint flames, a figure slowly condensed, with a strange face and deep-set eyes, it was the Fentian Demon Emperor. He opened his eyes and frowned.

  In the process of recovering, for some reason, he felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart, as if some danger was approaching.

  Before the change, he might not have taken it to heart, but only half a year had passed since the previous battle, so he couldn't help being nervous.

   "Could it be that Chen Yuan is eyeing this emperor?"

  Yaodi Fentian muttered to himself, his eyes serious.

  After returning to the Fentian Demon Realm, he lost contact with the outside world. He didn't know what happened outside at all, and only wanted to recover from his injuries.

   Therefore, it is not clear that Chen Yuan has led an army of human races to the southern border, especially since he was the first to follow him.

   "I'm afraid he won't be able to find this Emperor." He still has some confidence in the Fentian Demon Territory, unless Chen Yuan is looking for it inch by inch in the southern border with his spiritual thoughts.

   Otherwise, it is impossible to find.

   Otherwise, the original Demon Temple would not have been delayed for so long.

  But even though he thought so, he was still a little restless. At his level, "whim" is already a very important means of spying.


  Before Fentian Yaodi's words fell, suddenly, the entire secret territory was rumbling, as if someone was bombarding it, and his expression changed instantly.

"not good!"

  However, Chen Yuan had already found him, but he couldn't react at all. A huge hole was blasted out of the fiery red sky, and a figure slowly gathered.

   It was Chen Yuan. He sensed the atmosphere around him and said with a soft smile:

   "Fen Tian, ​​I found you!"

   "Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could you find the Fentian Demon Realm!" The Fentian Demon Emperor condensed his figure, staring at Chen Yuan in front of him solemnly and even with horror.

How can this be!

  He has already hidden the Fentian Demon Realm, and it is impossible for him to be seen.

   "I am omnipotent!"

  Looking at the terrified Fentian Demon Emperor, Chen Yuan smiled faintly, not only was he in a different position with the Yaozu, but he was also in a different position with the Demon Emperor who was pressing him to the brink of death.

  Before in the starry sky, it was the best and last chance for Fentian Yaodi to kill him. If he missed that time, after that, it would be time for him to take revenge.

   "I, you proclaim yourself emperor?"

  Yaodi Fentian stared at Chen Yuan closely, and his heart sank even more.

  Combined with the luck of the country, coupled with his previous combat power, he wants to fight against him with his current posture of being severely injured. Not to mention the chance of winning, even the chance of surviving is not high.

   "That's right, after the battle with your starry sky, I proclaimed myself emperor not long ago. The first thing I did when I became emperor was to hunt down demons in the south and look for your traces."

   "You really want to fight this emperor forever. If you retreat now, this emperor can promise that you will never be your opponent if you don't leave the Demon Realm within a thousand years."

  Fen Tian Yaodi said in a deep voice.

   "Then how do we settle the accounts before? I have always been someone who would destroy me if anyone offends me." Chen Yuan said.

  "You" Fen Tian Yaodi's face was gloomy and uncertain, he was silent for a moment, and continued:

   "Okay, this emperor is willing to surrender to you, and will be driven by you from then on, and can also help you calm down the demon clan and help you gather real luck in the world.

how? "

   "It's not like that. In addition to killing you, I have come here to eliminate the big trouble of the monster race. There is no need for you to submit."

   "You want to destroy the Yaozu?" The Yaodi Fentian stared at Chen Yuan in a daze.


   "Hmph, the existence of two races of human and demon in the world is based on the principle of one yin and one yang, which coincides with the principle of heaven. Even the Emperor Wu never did such a thing.

  You. This is against the law of heaven. "

  Fen Tian Yaodi said in a deep voice.

   "I have my own way, how could you be able to understand it."

  Chen Yuan condensed his voice.

   "Do you really think that this emperor has withstood the previous battle, so he has no power to fight? Burning the remaining source, and being in the demon realm, the power of this emperor is beyond your imagination.

  Killing the emperor, you will be seriously injured if you don't die, why bother? Besides, the Immortal Realm is coming soon, if you have the help of this Emperor, you may not have no chance of winning in the future. "

  Unless it is absolutely necessary, the Demon Emperor Fentian is not willing to go all out. If he is really so strong, he will not retreat again and again in the face of Immortal Domain.

   "You don't need to worry about the matter of the fairyland. I know that this secret realm is closely related to you. It should be created by you, but I still come. Guess why?"

  Chen Yuan said casually.

   "You are so conceited!"

   "It's confidence!"

  Yaodi Fentian stared at Chen Yuan, took a deep breath, realized that there was nothing to be done, and with a thought, the endless fire crows turned into flames, poured into his body, and turned into nourishment.

  In a short period of time, only in this way can he have the strength to fight Chen Yuan.

   "Okay, then I will test your confidence!"

   "Do it."

  Chen Yuan was indifferent to the behavior of the demon emperor Fentian.

  In just an instant, the Demon Emperor Fentian devoured all the fire crows in the demon domain, and the aura around him rose steadily, the compressed void was somewhat distorted, and even the surrounding realms were converging towards him.

   Fight to the death!

  (end of this chapter)

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