I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 880: Invincible!

  As early as the beginning of the fight, the old man Shenteng felt that there was an extremely huge gap between Chen Yuan's cultivation base and strength. Although his cultivation base was only at the level of an earthly immortal, his combat power was comparable to the existence of the peak of a heavenly immortal.

   What he relies on is his extremely terrifying power of rules, not even inferior to his power of laws!

   Now, Chen Yuan's five elements are born together, and his strength must have reached an extremely terrifying level. If they fight again, the end may be even worse than before.

   At the bottom of the blue lake, the body that had not moved for a long time slowly opened his eyes, let out a long breath of foul air, and the corners of his mouth curled up.


   Finally broke through!

  After six years of retreat, he first comprehended the rules of water, then the rules of wood, and then pushed the power of the five elements to its peak, truly reaching the peak level of the earth immortal.

  At the same time, the five elements in the heaven and earth in the physical body are also complete, and the rotation is endless, which will bring Chen Yuan great power.

  Before reaching the peak of the Earth Immortal, Chen Yuan relied on the fortune of the Great Yan Kingdom, and was able to barely possess the strength of the peak of the Celestial Immortal, and killed the extraterritorial evil Luo Tian Demon God.

   Now, his strength has taken another big step forward. According to the previous speculation, he already possesses the power of a peerless Martial God, plus the fortune of the Great Yan Dynasty.

  The current him is only stronger than the original Chu Taizu.

   However, this is not enough.

According to what Chu Taizu said, there are dozens of immortals in the fairyland, and the three major immortals sit in command. Their strength is unfathomable, and the Taiyin is not a concern. However, the sun and the last immortal are not so easy to deal with. .

  Especially the last Immortal Venerable, the original Chu Taizu fell into his hands. Although he was severely injured, he was obviously not his opponent, otherwise he could push him horizontally.

   Therefore, Chen Yuan did not take it lightly.

  Originally, he wanted to take advantage of the rules of the Five Elements to get together and take the last step below the Sixth Realm, the Heavenly Immortal Realm. However, he fell into a huge predicament.

  Because there is no way forward

  The original Chu Taizu was just a gathering of the five elements, and he didn't get through the last step. Chen Yuan believed that it was the only one in the world who could get through.

   I'm afraid there is only the legendary Emperor Wu.

  Chen Yuan’s practice is different from that of ordinary people. Ordinary people only take one path, that is, the physical body or the soul. Both paths can be passed, but if the two paths are combined, some will not work.

   Above the rules is the law. This is something that Chen Yuan explored step by step. It is more powerful than the rules, but it exceeds the existence of the five elements, and there is a huge gap.

  However, how to turn the rules into rules has troubled Chen Yuan, and it is precisely because of this that he has been in seclusion for several years, otherwise, a year ago would have been enough to leave the seclusion.

   Now that the Heavenly Immortal Realm has no clue, Chen Yuan can only find ways to increase his combat power.

   Ascended Emperor!

   Gather the luck of the emperor!

   Only in this way can Chen Yuan increase his chances of winning.

  He raised his head and looked towards the void, his gaze narrowed slightly.

  Fairy Domain

   "Your Majesty, I wish you great progress in cultivation and a long life." After Chen Yuan walked out of Bibo Lake, the old man Shenteng quickly bowed and saluted with a very humble attitude.

  Even the title was changed to Your Majesty.

  During these years of Chen Yuan's retreat, in addition to protecting the Dharma, he also separated an avatar to leave this place to find out about Chen Yuan, and then he knew his great achievements.

  Ping the Western Regions, suppressing the northern barbarians, destroying Dongying, and suppressing southern borders. He is revered by the Central Plains people as the Emperor of Shengwu.

   "Jianmu is a big matter, so you can continue to practice here and wait for the order to be summoned." Chen Yuan said softly.

  The combat power of the old man Shenvine is at the level of the demon emperor, comparable to that of the Taiyin Immortal Venerable. It is naturally impossible for Chen Yuan not to use it all the time, but it is not needed for the time being.

   Jianmu, a sacred tree, also needs to be guarded by him.

  Because Chen Yuan didn't figure out the way ahead, but the year of contemplation was not in vain. He already had some ideas, since there was no reference for the way forward.

   Then he will practice according to his own ideas.

  The road to practice is gradual, and to Chen Yuan's level, and he has been a martial **** for many years, he naturally understands the mystery of it, no matter which road he takes.

   seems to be the way to open up the world.

   Inner Heaven and Earth, Outer Heaven and Earth,

  In the final analysis, it is likely to open up a real world.

   It's just that he hasn't fully decided on this idea, and it's even more impossible to try it directly. After all, the danger involved is very unpredictable, once it fails.

The consequences could be disastrous.

  Chen Yuan is likely to die.

   Coupled with the coming of the Immortal Realm, it is even more impossible for him to cut off his own arm.

  The really safe way, in Chen Yuan's view, is to rely on the guidance of the luck altar. If he can get the next luck, maybe all the problems can be solved easily.

   "The subordinate obeys the order."

  The old man Shenteng heaved a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that Chen Yuanzhi would make him do various things, and he couldn't refuse, so he might as well continue to practice here safely.


   Chen Yuan ordered some things, then tore open the void, and left Bibo Lake. He has been away from the Central Plains for nearly seven years, and it is time to go back and have a look.

  Shenjing City, within the harem.

  Empress Su Ziyue, imperial concubine Princess Pingyang, Shen Yanshu, Bei Mingxue, Yu Qingyan, Zhang Erjie and others gathered together talking and laughing about many things.

  After Chen Yuan left, gatherings like this rarely happened. Yu Qingyan and Shen Yanshu were devoted to practice, and Princess Pingyang and others did not slack off in practice.

   After all, when a person has a poor life, no one can change it when the time limit comes. They all want to stay by Chen Yuan's side for a longer period of time, so they naturally try their best to improve their cultivation.

   And then improve longevity.

   Concubine Yang Guifei is just a few exceptions. She has no talent for cultivation, and even with the accumulation of resources, she can't overcome the demons in the alchemy state, so she simply smashed it.

   Merry day is a day.

  It's a pity that it took several years for Chen Yuan to leave, and she missed her very much.

   "My Lady, I don't know why I called my concubine and others today?" Concubine Yang bowed her head and saluted. She dared not have the slightest airs of a concubine in front of Su Ziyue.

   Not only because of the other party's queen status and powerful cultivation, but also because she is only a concubine of the former dynasty, relying on Chen Yuan's favor, she can reluctantly stay in the palace.

  If Su Ziyue was really offended, not to mention her, even her daughter Pingyang would not be able to fight against it.

   "Your Majesty hasn't returned for a long time. Today, the palace is holding a family banquet. My sister doesn't need to be cautious." Su Ziyue sat at the head, graceful and luxurious, and said softly.

   In terms of age, she, Su Ziyue, is indeed older than Concubine Yang, but she is still very young in terms of cultivation.

   "Xie Niang Niang"

   Concubine Yang breathed a sigh of relief, found a seat next to Pingyang, and knelt down.

   "Ma'am, what did His Majesty go to do?" Shen Yanshu heard Su Ziyue say that it was a family banquet, so she boldly asked, with a look of hope in her eyes.

  The moment she spoke, all the concubines present also looked up with burning eyes, wanting to know an answer.

  During the years when Chen Yuan disappeared, although there were rumors in the world that the emperor had realized something and practiced in seclusion, there were still other rumors.

  Although they were Chen Yuan's bedside people, they were indeed not as clear as Su Ziyue, and they all asked in private, but the answers they got were all closed-door practice.

  Exit is undecided.

  But it has been like this, it is inevitable that it is worrying, guessing whether something happened to Chen Yuan.

   "Didn't I tell you that? Your Majesty is practicing in seclusion, and no one should disturb you." Su Ziyue frowned slightly, and glanced at everyone in the hall.

   "Your Majesty, it seems, has never been closed for such a long time." Mrs. Xu hesitated for a moment and said.

   "Then what do you think His Majesty is going to do?"

   "The concubine is just worried." Seeing that Su Ziyue seemed a little displeased, Mrs. Xu quickly confessed.

   "Do you think this Palace will still deceive you? If something happened to His Majesty, how could this Palace order someone to supervise the construction of the Emperor's Altar? Your Majesty is the strongest in the world, who can hurt His Majesty?"

  Su Ziyue said in a deep voice.

  As a queen, she still possesses majesty, but the moment she speaks, the atmosphere in the palace gradually decreases.

   "Okay, you guys" Su Ziyue's tone softened, and when she was about to say something to comfort these women, all of them looked at her with disbelief and surprise in their eyes.

  It seemed that she had changed suddenly.

  Su Ziyue understood the situation with a movement of her eyes, and said lightly:

   "Your Majesty left the customs without notifying me in advance, but made me a villain."

  After her words fell, a pair of big hands covered her slender waist. Chen Yuan sat down slowly, and said with a light smile:

   "The queen is still so smart."

   What he said was not joking or praising, but what he really wanted to say from the bottom of his heart. Su Ziyue was definitely the most perfect woman she had ever seen, with talent, intelligence, excellent aptitude, and ever-changing personality.

   She can still control the situation, and she is also the most suitable candidate around him to be a queen.

  If he was a man, he would definitely not be inferior to Jiang He.

   "You can guess everything by looking at their expressions." Su Ziyue gave Chen Yuan a white look.


   "Why did Your Majesty retreat for so long this time?" Su Ziyue asked softly.

   "In some cases, it has to be like this, but it makes you worry." Chen Yuan didn't want to say more, and they couldn't understand it.

   "Forget it, Your Majesty has been away for so long this time, has he ever missed us?"

  Su Ziyue's beautiful eyes moved.

   "It's natural."

  Chen Yuan nodded. It's not that he's not good at women, otherwise there wouldn't be so many stunningly talented women in the harem. It's just that he doesn't want to divert his attention when his cultivation is weak.

   "Then what are you waiting for, Your Majesty? You don't know, the hooves in this temple, you can't sleep at night like you think," Su Ziyue gave Chen Yuan a smile that was not a smile.

   Then, with a wave of his hand, he directly grabbed Princess Yu Qingyan and Pingyang Princess who wanted to escape, and directly closed the door of the main hall, and pink curtains floated in the void.

   "Sister, it can't be like this."

   "Your Majesty, this. How did this happen?"

   "Hey, you guys."

   During the few days when Chen Yuan returned to the palace and indulged himself, the news of his departure was also intentionally arranged and gradually spread, causing shock in the capital.

  In fact, when Chen Yuan didn't show up for a long time, there was an undercurrent surging in the world, but because the power of the dynasty was too strong, no one dared to have real thoughts.

   Now that Chen Yuan appeared, he quickly reversed everyone's thoughts.

   This is also Chen Yuan's purpose, to appease the people.

  He is the emperor, so it is naturally impossible not to show up all the time.

   After he showed up, he also quickly issued an order to summon the important officials of the vassal kings from all over the country to come to Beijing to have an audience and feast the officials, and some people expected something.

   responded one after another, preparing to go to the capital.

  But before the big banquet, there was actually a small banquet held in the palace, mainly because Chen Yuan invited Jiang He, Yang Huatian, Li Suqing and some more important officials.

  For example, his cheap apprentice, who is now number one on the Qianlong list, Shi Yi.

  In addition, there are Su Ziyue Pingyang and others, and the former Jin Jianye Emperor who was named An Le Gong, Sima Ke. As for other women, they don't like this kind of occasion.

  Chen Yuan didn't force it.

   "Not bad, not bad" Chen Yuan looked at the white-clothed sword fairy, and nodded slightly. Jiang He did not live up to his expectations. Dayan was the first to break through the six realms after the founding of the country.

   Even walked ahead of the headmasters of the Immortals, and was revered as the Sword Saint.

   "Your Majesty's strength is even stronger." With outsiders around, Jiang He still called Chen Yuan His Majesty.


   There was constant laughter in the hall, talking about the past and the present, Chen Yuan did not put on the emperor's airs, but chatted with all the courtiers in the hall with a smile from time to time.

  It makes people feel like spring breeze.

  There was only one person who seemed out of place, and that was Sima Ke who was kneeling in the corner. He looked at the graceful figures dancing in the hall with a dazed look in his eyes.

  After Dayan established his country, he, the subjugated king, was actually useless, as if he lost his focus in an instant, and no one would pay attention to a useless person.

  Since then, he seldom left the mansion of Mr. An Le. He has always been sensual and indulgent in singing and music. His body is also getting worse day by day. Up to now, he is much more haggard than before.

  After all, his own cultivation is not high, and if he doesn't restrain himself, it is natural that his original source has passed away, and his face is old. Now, looking at those women, it is sad that he can no longer look up.

   looked a little frustrated.

   His expression was also noticed by Chen Yuan, and he suddenly smiled and said:

   "Mr. An Le, do you feel happy here?"

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