I Have a Luck Altar

Chapter 897: curtain down!

   "Please let the immortal go on the road!"

  A faint voice resounded from the starry sky, revealing a sense of ease and confidence. When the voice fell, the five elements of Chen Yuan's body came out together, turning into bone-penetrating chains, directly nailing Immortal Taihao to the starry sky.

   This scene was completely frozen.

  Everyone stared wide-eyed, quietly watching this incredible scene.

   All the immortals in the Immortal Realm, their eyes were about to split open, and their eyes were filled with horror and a deep fear.

Too strong!

How can this be!

   Even Immortal Venerable Taihao is no match for this Chen Yuan, so how should they deal with it.

  At this time, the hearts of all of them are dim, and they no longer have the previous arrogance, no longer the previous self-confident posture, and look down on the people in the world.

  Because it is precisely the person in the world that they did not pay attention to, and successfully smashed the myth of invincibility in their hearts.

  Who is Taihao Immortal Venerable?

  That is the founder of the Immortal Domain, possessing supreme power, controlling the stage of life and death, and controlling their life and death. At the beginning, he was so powerful that he uttered wild words to destroy the Immortal Domain. Chu Taizu.

   It was suppressed by Taihao Xianzun.

   As a result, now... but such a thing happened.

  How much they hope that this is just an illusory scene, but the fact is that no one can change it, everyone is silent, and they don't know what they are thinking.

  In comparison, Moluo Jianghe and the others were almost ecstatic.

  From the despair before to the madness now, Chen Yuan can be said to have mobilized their minds in a very short period of time, and a sense of heroism suddenly appeared in their hearts.

  The past events are like the wind, and they are constantly showing up in front of their eyes.

  After years of hard work and accumulation, I finally achieved my goal today.

   They won? !

  Lu Chengfeng was in tears. Watching that scene, the tears in his eyes seemed to be unstoppable, and then he laughed.


  Lu Chengfeng thought about the original Chu Taizu, the hatred he had accumulated for thousands of years, the sentient beings in the world, and what he would get after he won.

  I couldn't help the smile on my face.

  Chen Yuan won!

   They won!

  His bet was not wrong, not only not wrong, but also very right, very right!

  Ye Xiangnan, Lao Tianshi, and Patriarch Su Ming were also overjoyed. After all, before the battle, they were already prepared to fail, but if they could win.

  Nature is the best.

  Ye Xiangnan has the same expectation as his master Lu Chengfeng, which is to completely overthrow the fairyland.

  The old Tianshi boarded the ship too early, and he was very dissatisfied with the superiority of the Immortal Domain. His title of old lunatic was never false, but relied on his own strength to fight step by step.

  As for Patriarch Su Ming

  In fact, he didn't have much feeling. Although he was tempted by profit, he knew that if he refused Chen Yuan, it would bring disaster to the Temple of Heavenly Demon.

   So, he had to.

   Of course, he also hopes to win.

  Because this is the hope of survival.

"so far so good"

  The old man Shen Teng kept meditating in his heart, and he became more and more glad that he did not make a wrong choice.

  If he really ran away, the consequences would be disastrous.

   What Jiang He and the immortals in the Immortal Domain see is a very long distance. As for the short distance, Chen Yuan and Taihao Immortal Venerable only see each other in their eyes. To them.

   There is no possibility of comparison with other immortals.

  The chain of martial arts principles runs through the starry sky, and also through the Taihao Immortal Venerable, locking it firmly. The Human Emperor Saber is constantly dissipating its own power, obliterating the vitality of Taihao Immortal Venerable.

   "I'm in the world. Waiting for you" Taihao Xianzun grinned, showing a slight smile, as if he didn't pay attention to his injuries and current disadvantages at all.

  His body collapsed inch by inch, but his eyes were always fixed on Chen Yuan.

  The starry sky returned to silence.

  There is only a vague portal, and the voice of Taihao Xianzun comes from inside:

   "If you want to kill me, come on."


  A cold snort exploded the starry sky, and Chen Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly. He knew that if he went in this time, he might encounter some dangers, but he also knew that now is the time when Immortal Venerable Taihao is at his weakest.

  Don't look at his calm appearance, as for the real situation, no one knows.

  If he could regain his current strength, he would not hide himself in the world.

Therefore, Chen Yuan did not hesitate at all, and directly rushed in with the Human Emperor Knife in his hand. However, before stepping into the portal, his eyes calmly glanced at the fairyland far away. All the immortals.

  It gave them a chill from the bottom of their hearts.

  The fear of Chen Yuan in his heart became deeper and deeper.

  The place Chen Yuan stepped out of was not a fairyland, but a gray space with no end in sight, only a sense of chaos and an indifferent vertical eye.

   Eye of Heaven!

  Here, is another space in the human world?

  Chen Yuan looked directly at Shuyan, and Shuyan was also looking directly at him.

   "I'm coming"

  Chen Yuan said softly.

  The Eye of the Dao of Heaven suddenly began to emit colorful rays of light, and chains of regular chains enveloped the entire space. Then, as the world changed, Immortal Venerable Taihao, dressed in white, stepped out of the space.

  Compared to before, his expression at this time is more indifferent, with a vertical eye carved between his brows, which is exactly the same as the Eye of Heaven, and there is not much hostility in his eyes.

  In other words, from the beginning to the end, he didn't actually have much hostility.

  Everything is done only from the heart.

  He thinks that Chen Yuan is not from the same road, not a like-minded fellow Taoist, so it is understandable to send him on the road.

  He was not hostile, but Chen Yuan couldn't help it. With a wave of his hand, the laws of the five elements of heaven and earth came out and rushed towards Taihao Immortal Venerable at the same time, but all the power of the laws stopped at the same time before he was three feet around his body.

  He said lightly:

   "You won this battle, can you talk about it?"

   "What's there to talk about?"

   "I have already said before, unless you destroy the way of heaven, you will never be able to kill me, and if you destroy the way of heaven, the whole world will be destroyed.

  So. I want to talk to you. Your strength is enough to beat me, but you can't kill me yet. "

   "This statement is too absolute. To kill you, you need to destroy the way of heaven?" Chen Yuan said in a condensed voice.

   "I have been fused with Heaven for thousands of years, and I have no distinction between you and me. What you killed before is my last hope. If the real body is not destroyed, I can still leave.

  As for now, unless you give me another few thousand years, correspondingly, you can't really kill me. Of course, if you insist on doing it, I can take the initiative to ask for death later.

   But I want you to let me finish. "

  Taihao Immortal Venerable said while waving his hands to form an illusory **** table, and then slowly sat on it.

  Chen Yuan remained focused and did not follow what the other party said.

   "After your breakthrough, your strength is not weak. The original Martial Emperor can kill that real body, which is normal. Now you are stronger than me, and you can be the ultimate winner.

   It's up to you to deal with extraterrestrial demons. "

   "Isn't this your attitude before?"

  Chen Yuan's eyes flickered, and he didn't believe the words of Taihao Xianzun at all.

   "Before was before, you were indeed not my opponent at that time, you fell into the starry sky, and I got that altar, which is the most suitable choice, so I will kill you.

  But now you surpass me in strength and potential, and you have that altar to recognize the Lord, so now I change my mind, I die. You survive! "

   Taihao Xianzun continued.

   "The power of the extraterrestrial demons is too powerful, beyond what you and I imagined. With someone who is transcendent, with a wave of his hand, the starry sky is overturned, and the sun and the moon are darkened.

   Emperor Wu had already realized this point.

   It is precisely because of this that I don’t think you are capable of protecting the human world, but now, you can, the soul and body are united, and you have embarked on the same path as Emperor Wu.

  The same invincible Lu, if he can reach the peak of his cultivation, he has a great chance of winning. "Taihao Xianzun looked directly at Chen Yuan, as if speaking from the bottom of his heart.

  His eyes are clear and full of charm.


  Chen Yuan didn't answer, but just smiled.

   "This is the elixir of immortality left behind by the Emperor Wu, and it is also the most valuable thing I can offer. If you still don't believe me, there is nothing I can do."

  Taihao Immortal Venerable raised his hand, his sleeves swayed, and a celestial medicine radiating divine light condensed in front of Chen Yuan. The celestial medicine had flowers, but it was a flower bone that had not yet bloomed.

  The thin leaves are like long swords, showing their sharpness.

  Taihao Xianzun's eyes were somewhat reminiscent, and he said softly:

   "At the beginning, Emperor Wu knew that there was no hope of breaking through, so he left this magical medicine for future generations, but I was in harmony with the way of heaven, so I couldn't enjoy this thing at all. Maybe you are the destined person that Emperor Wu said.

   This thing was born from the origin of the heaven and the earth, and in a hundred years, it will be able to bloom. At that time, if you swallow it, the power will definitely reach a terrifying level. "

   "As you said before, swallowing this thing will affect the mind, Xu Fu is like this, so Emperor Wu is not willing to swallow it so as not to cause the catastrophe to advance." Chen Yuan squinted his eyes.

  I only feel that the other party's words are not right.

   "If this thing is immature, it will indeed affect the mind. This is why the Emperor Wu is unwilling to swallow it. But if the immortal medicine is mature and blooms, those things that affect the mind will naturally disappear without a trace."

   "Where is Changsheng Terrace?"

  Chen Yuan didn't continue to ask, but asked another thing.

   "Eternal Life Terrace" Taihao Immortal Venerable was stunned for a moment, then waved his sleeves again, revealing a faintly radiant altar, saying:

   "The Changsheng Terrace is not a real longevity platform, and it is not suitable for you, because once the soul is integrated into the Changsheng Platform, it will be subject to this thing in this life, and there will be no improvement in this life.

  It is impossible to get rid of them, but you can still control those immortals. "

   "You took out everything, are you really asking for death?"

   "Whether you want to die or not depends on you, because I will not die, even if you kill my incarnation, after thousands of years, I will still come back in another form.

  Of course, if you really want me to die, that's fine too. "

   There is no fear in the eyes of Immortal Venerable Taihao.

   It seems to be just saying a trivial thing.

   "You pay so much, what do you want?"

   "To protect the world and this realm, you have the strength and the heart. After all, if the realm is immortal, I will never die, which is also a kind of eternal life."

"It's that simple?"

   "How complicated do you think it is?"

   Chen Yuan nodded, and understood the other party's thoughts in his heart. He killed the other party's real body, and it would be difficult for the other party to break through. Now even with the help of heaven, he is not his opponent.

   And once the foreign demons arrive, once the origin of heaven and earth is wiped out, then he will undoubtedly die.

  So, he threw everything out very freely.


   What makes Chen Yuan suspicious is, is the other party really so free and easy?

  You must know that the way of heaven has no form. If Immortal Venerable Taihao dies now, after thousands of years, what will be condensed is probably another person. Does he really not miss it at all?

  Chen Yuan had a deep suspicion in his heart.

  The atmosphere between the two parties became frozen again. Immortal Taihao kept staring at Chen Yuan. Seeing his pensive face, he basically guessed what he was thinking, and immediately continued:

   "I know you are suspicious and don't trust someone who was an enemy just now. It doesn't matter if you kill me. After I die, you will naturally believe what I say.

  After living for thousands of years, I can see it through. Death is actually not terrible. "

   After finishing speaking, Immortal Venerable Taihao opened his arms, no longer resisting Chen Yuan, but faced him with the attitude of seeking death.

  Chen Yuan looked at the other party quietly, and seeing that he was really in such a posture, he nodded thoughtfully. Then, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and the Human Emperor Knife burst out suddenly.

   Next, the five elements rule, all run through.


  Taihao Immortal Venerable could not help but open his eyes, but his face did not change. He just looked at Chen Yuan with a smile, nodded, and said softly:

   "Now. Believe it?"

   "I agreed to what you said, but the grievances between you and me cannot be wiped out. The accounts of Chu Taizu, the world, and me must be settled."

  Chen Yuan condensed his voice.

   "It's okay. It's okay"

  Taihao Immortal Venerable smiled, as if a gust of wind had blown by and disappeared into nothingness.

it's over.

  The curtain is over.

  So easy, so simple, Chen Yuan's heart is always a little unreal, but this is precisely the fact, at the moment when Taihao Xianzun, the incarnation of heaven, fell.

   Huge luck began to rush towards him.

  The Luck Altar also showed a desire to devour it at this moment, as if it couldn't wait.

  Chen Yuan opened his arms and let his luck flow, but there was some melancholy in his eyes.

  The outcome of this battle is really hard to say.

  I still have more ideas


  Old author new book, title.

  The capital of the emperor is like this.


   Can Xuephaeng Pill activate blood vessels? Entering the alchemy furnace can be cultivated into sharp eyes? Ordinary martial arts can palm a golden dragon? Qi Sea Realm can create supernatural powers?

   You're kidding me!

  I never joke, believe it or not, that's how the emperor's capital is.

  Favorites who like it can take a look, there is a portal below.

  Fantasy flow, easy flow, blood

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